“Strange……monster! ?! ?”

When Perona dared to come, she couldn’t help but her face changed suddenly, with a little panic, and she almost went out of her body with fright.

In the open space in the middle of the woods, a huge”monster” launched an attack crazily.

It was covered with blood all over its body. The blue scales are closely arranged, reflecting the dazzling light in the sun, and it has a fierce face.

Even the skin on the face turns blue, and sharp and sharp fangs are exposed from the mouth. He came out with a pair of huge white horns on his head.

The key was that he was in an explosive state at this moment, and the veins on his body were bulging in the extremely angry dragon form.

However, after seeing Hill, Perona was filled with fear. He instantly calmed down and couldn’t help but mutter to himself:”Where did that monster come from?!”

It’s terrible.

Each blow has the power to break a mountain, and the movement is quite loud.

The air flow overflows, setting off a fierce wind, like a knife cutting, making her skin feel like being pricked by needles.

She didn’t know how to be armed and domineering, so she could only watch the battlefield from a distance, but this was not what attracted her.

Perona’s eyes were shining like stars,”Mr. Hill….So handsome!”

A heart seemed to be attracted by Hill’s elegant figure. If it were not blocked by the body, the heart would probably jump out of the chest directly.

Although I don’t know who the”monster” opposite Mr. Hill is, but She understood that it was definitely a more powerful being than the Qibukai, but no matter who he was, she believed that Lord Hill could defeat the enemy, and facing the attack of the”monster”, Lord Hill just dodged. He was able to easily avoid the monster’s attack.

In the battlefield,

Kaido’s huge heart contracted violently, and he had never felt such intense despair spreading in his heart. , slowly breaking down the defense line that he was extremely confident in his own strength. It seemed that it might break at any time in the next second. No matter how he attacked, the opponent could always block it easily, as if it was playing a trick on him.

This huge gap in strength made it impossible for him to cross it!

The face that transformed into a dragon was so ferocious that cold sweat broke out at this moment, and his golden vertical pupils were trembling with fear at this moment. stand up

“I’m Kaido the Beast!!!!!!”

The terrifying cry roared out from the mouth with sharp fangs, but there was a hint of despair in the voice, and a hint of heroism.

“Descend to the Third World·Introduce Naraku!”

Without the weapon, Kaido used his own body as a weapon, clasping the fingers of his hands together and holding them together.

It was like a huge hammer!

The wind in the sky was changing, black Amazing purple lightning flashed in the clouds!

He exerted all his strength, and even stimulated his own potential in anger.

The anger and fighting caused the blood in his body to flow at an extremely fast speed, bringing about terrifying effects. Power.

This is a life-threatening blow!

Kaido’s roar made Perona reach out her hands to cover her ears….terrible”

“Such a monster…Why did it suddenly appear on the island?!”

Her eardrums were almost shattered by Kaido’s roar.

Even though she was covering her ears at this moment, her ears still felt like they were buzzing, and she couldn’t hear any other sounds at all. She felt like she was deaf.

She reached out and took it out It hurt my ears, it was so loud, Hill said coldly,”It’s such a noisy sound, let’s end the farce here!””

The voice sounded like judgment.

He punched out!

With a domineering and invincible will.

The endless power in Hill’s body was released with this punch. He did not use all his strength.

But the power was enough to crush him. Overwhelming.

So invincible. Bang! Crack! Crack! Even the hard bones are shattered like crackers. Kaido suddenly felt a heartbreaking pain, as if his bones were being broken bit by bit with a hammer. It was a pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow.


The once fierce and intimidating face was twisted together due to the severe pain.

The majesty of the Four Emperors no longer existed at this moment.

The huge body flew out in an instant, and the dragon-like form was suddenly unable to maintain, retreating. Transformed back into human form.


A huge herringbone hole was created on the ground, and a large amount of smoke rose into the sky.

Perona also took this opportunity to float to Hill’s side and shouted excitedly:”This The beast is so powerful, its meat must be very delicious when made into food.”

She didn’t know at all that the beast was Kaido, one of the four emperors of the sea and the strongest creature.

Afterwards, he smoked a cigarette and felt as happy as a god.

Hill, who stretched his muscles, also took out a cigar from his pocket and wore it. Lorna lit a cigarette for Hill inertly.

Hill said calmly:”That’s not a beast, that’s Kaido.”

For Perona, those light words were no less than a muffled thunder exploding in her mind.

“Eh! ? Kai…many! ? That Yonko….Kaido! ?”

Perona’s eyes suddenly widened, her face opened in shock, her mouth wide open, her tongue straight out of her mouth like a spring being stretched straight.

Her little heart almost couldn’t bear such violent and shocking news, Thanks to Hill for giving him the courage and peace of mind.

Otherwise, she might have fainted on the spot. Unexpectedly

, the”monster” sent away by Hill was actually the legendary Yonko Kaido. The reputation of the strongest creature and the Four Emperors is very loud in the world of pirates, thanks to his powerful and helpless ability to seek death.

He is a monster that cannot be killed no matter what!


Exhaling a puff of smoke comfortably, the world’s top cigar is really enjoyable. Hill also understands why so many people in the world like cigars.

Of course it’s not just for show.

Really top-notch enjoyment.

The smoke gradually dispersed, and Kaido’s figure lying on the ground gradually emerged.

There was a slightly seductive smile on Hill’s lips.

“Now there is a guy who looks after the home!”

PS: I’m begging for data flowers!! Move your little finger and send some flowers, evaluation votes or something, thank you all!

The best source of motivation……………………………………….

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