Soul of Negary

Chapter 81 Retreat and Negotiation


Negri has become more and more silent these years. Because of the war, Reastmia is not satisfied with the prosperity of the past. The people here are mostly deserters and mercenaries.

Although there are still some demented smugglers, there are not many.

"I thought that in the face of Nora's appearance, Eldridge would fight back, but it is strange that he chose to remain indifferent." Negri's voice came out slowly, but he was not seen on the throne: "Mother Siew, your prophecy seems to have failed."

"Lord Negri, the old man's prophecy has not failed. Eldridge will definitely conflict with Nora. This is their fate." Granny Siew stood beside the throne as usual and said confidently.

"I have seen it, the fire is about to go out, and Eldridge Andre has made a choice. He rose because of the last god, and he must be bound by the last god. He did not choose to fight against Nora, which shows that he backed off."

"Eldridge..." Negri said with a sigh. Although he had never met, this opponent and food he had coveted for a long time was a little disappointed: "So he chose to fulfill Nora."

"That's right, he retreated. He had no choice before. Everything in the Last God was binding him. Now with the appearance of Nora, the most powerful king in the history of Royas has retreated. He chose to hand over the responsibilities that belonged to him to Nora."

"It's almost time." Negri asked. It has been the 21st year since he appeared in this world. In these 21 years, he has changed from an ignorant remnant to the one standing in the world today. The existence at the top, he died in this world, died in this world, changed in this world, grew up in this world, and now, he has finally made a break with this world.

"That's right, my lord, the Black Abyss is approaching, and everything will end, but no matter what they choose, we will win!!" Granny Siew said excitedly.

"Then recall the three troops." Negri's voice was still calm. The three troops in his mouth were the integration of all the forces he had developed over the years, the reorganized arakkoa troops, and the elite ghost troops. As well as the hidden dragon army.


Nora sat on the side seat of the main hall as a princess.

Beside her, it was Seth I with a fake smile on his face. A few years later, his body was slightly fatter and he looked extremely kind.

Nora moved her arms uncomfortably. The damn lady's skirt restricted her range of movement. With a little force, the clothes would collapse. I really don't know what such clothes are used for.

"Everyone, the counterattack is finally over. Marshal Rice will soon return with victory and the messenger of Royas. After Royas completes the post-war negotiations, all those who have made contributions will receive the rewards they deserve. ." Seus I still raised his glass with a smile, and said this exciting news to the noble ministers gathered around.

It is true that the war can no longer be fought. One is the population issue. In the final analysis, war is a game of population. In these years of war, a large number of young people have been conscripted into the army. If the war continues, the country will be abolished.

Now it is just right, a group of nobles died, a group of nobles rose up, the country could be stable for at least a few decades, and everything seemed so beautiful.

Luen Donner was also wearing a gorgeous priest's robe and sat on the seat on the right with a smile on his face.

He is thirty years old this year. In a poor family, this age is already old, but for those who have mastered the gift of God, he is still young, and it is at this age that he has become a god. The youngest Pope of Grace.

There are many factors in it. It is undeniable that his own efforts, but his identity also brings great advantages.

His teacher was Osgoodin, who was very popular in the Divine Grace, which led to many people on his side during the election.

On the other hand, it is the reason for war. War is indeed the best means for the renewal of power. For example, his competitor, the bishop who was older than him, died in the war.

In addition to his noble status, he can better coordinate the relationship between Divine Grace and the nobility. Finally, with some "luck", he finally realized his ambition and became the Pope of Divine Grace.

"The next step is to take the opportunity to expand the Divine Grace Cult." Luen glanced at Nora and Seth I over there. The reason why the Divine Grace Cult agreed to withdraw Nora was precisely because of him and Seth and The domestic aristocracy reached an agreement.

In the peace talks with Royas, he cooperated to press the messengers of Royas, and in the defeat agreement, let Royas agree to the mission of God's Favor.

That's how people are. Luen's initial goal was just a bishop. After becoming a bishop, his eyes were set on the Pope, and after becoming a Pope, he wanted to become the greatest Pope of the Divine Grace Religion. , complete the ambition to spread the Divine Faith to the entire continent!

"God's light should shine on more people, so as to prevent the coming of Heiyuan." Luen thought to himself.

After becoming the Pope, he gained access to various secrets hidden within the Divine Grace Cult, the most important of which was about the disaster of the entire continent, Heiyuan.

In the records of Divine Grace, God's rays of light cut through the black abyss, burning a holy flame, purifying a corner of the black abyss, but the gods did not stay for long, and the battle with the black abyss continued.

The First Empire left because the false gods and giant dragons betrayed the gods, and Heiyuan was revived again. During the Second Empire, people prayed again for the attention of the gods, and then Heiyuan was restored.

It's just that this corner is too small, so God soon stopped watching. With the demise of the Second Empire, belief in God gradually disappeared. During the Fourth Empire period, it was even changed by the group of Cauchy people. Faith in spirits.

Fortunately, after the collapse of the Fourth Empire, the first Pope found God's original gift from the remains of the Second Empire. Only when God's light shines on the earth can Heiyuan be completely purified and the world become normal. .

"The more people believe in, the more they can attract the attention of God." Luen's heart was full of calculations about expanding Divine Grace.

And soon Rice returned to the capital with many noble knights. Of course, there were also several envoys from the Kingdom of Royas. The next few days were all about the negotiations on the post-war agreement, about compensation rights and so on. debate.

For many points of interest, the messenger of Royas has made concessions, but there is one point, the messenger of Royas has never retreated, that is, Nora, as the representative of the Interka Secret Party, went to the border to sign the final agreement. agreement.

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