Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 8 Me and My Family

"Mental pollution, mental mutation?"

Lu Xin sat honestly on the seat, with a somewhat surprised and confused expression on his face.

Growing up in this city since he was a child, he naturally knows that the world with the red moon in the sky is very different from before, and he often hears colleagues or other people talking about various mysterious events, or collisions. Ghosts or the demented lunatic outside the city, the vicious Wilderness Knights, etc., but in his view, those things are still mostly rumors, and life is always depressing, but stable.

Although he is accompanied by "family" by his side, it seems not very normal.

Although his sister often crawled around like a ghost and often brought some strange things to himself, he still never thought that the world has become abnormal to such an extent that even the spirit can be polluted and spread like a disease. ?

Looking at Lu Xin's expression, Chen Jing gave him some time to digest.

From the people I have met, the young man in front of me is undoubtedly the most calm and normal.

Although he has already seen the madness under his calm.

But she has seen many such people.

As long as you can maintain your sanity in normal communication and when facing mental monsters, it is good.

"In the previous test, although we have already evaluated you in advance, and we are sure that with your mental strength, it is difficult for the first-level pollution source to harm you, but we still prepare emergency response measures, when you can't support it. , someone will help you solve this problem, but you didn't wait for our people to take action, and you solved the pollution incident at the corner cafe yourself!"

"Your performance exceeded our expectations!"

"We need people like you now to help solve the pollution incident between the main city of Qinggang and the five satellite cities..."

After Chen Jing finished explaining, she leaned back slightly, stretched her chest, and looked at Lu Xin with a calm and appreciative attitude.

"And that's why I'm sitting here, ready to recruit you."


Her action made Lu Xin glance at him subconsciously, thinking in his heart, "Big breasts."

Chen Jing noticed the change in Lu Xin's eyes, and gave an assessment in her heart: "If there is a color heart, the risk index will be reduced by 10%."

"Just because I solved the monster in the cafe, so I decided to recruit me? Do they have other criteria? Besides, is the pollution she talked about the cause of the problems I am encountering now? So, they can Can't you help me?"

Thinking carefully in his heart, Lu Xin asked carefully, "What are your criteria for passing the assessment?"


Chen Jing didn't expect Lu Xin to have so many questions. She was a recruiter and didn't plan to talk to him so much.

But since he asked, she still replied: "It's to see if you will get out of control."

"It has been confirmed that there is a certain connection between the mental mutants, the spiritual monsters, and even those wandering lunatics outside the city, and it can be determined that the source of this connection is the red moon in the sky. Since If you have a connection, you need to be careful about the connection here, so our assessment is to see if you can control your ability and you can control it before recruiting!"

Lu Xin thought for a moment, and then asked quickly, "What if it gets out of control?"

Chen Jing was silent for a while, looked at Lu Xin and said, "Then you will become a new source of pollution!"

Lu Xin was a little frightened all of a sudden.

Chen Jing quietly observed the young man in front of him, and inadvertently captured every expression on his face.

This should be a very suitable recruit...

His initial potential is not the strongest, but judging from the results of the cafe incident, he is the one who uses his abilities the best. As a spider, he even solves the problem by himself without other help. A spiritual monster, although it seems a bit grotesque to seduce the spiritual monster when he is about to escape, but other people are not the same?

And most importantly, he seems interested in these things, which means it's easy to convince him.

"I'm curious about what you said..."

"And I really always wanted to find a part-time job to do it..."

At this moment, Lu Xin, who had been pondering for a long time, slowly shook his head and said, "But there is a problem, I want to tell you..."

"Actually, I'm incompetent..."


Chen Jing couldn't help frowning.

Having reached this point, and still denying it, shows that this person is not as honest as he seems, and is a bit difficult to deal with...

Then she heard Lu Xin continue: "Actually, my ability was lent to me by my sister."

Chen Jing's eyes were slightly condensed, she fell silent, tapped the table lightly, and said, "Who is your sister?"

Lu Xin also looked at Chen Jing and replied slowly, "The one who helped me escape just now was my younger sister. She has always been with me."

Chen Jing seemed to be choked slightly, and there was a hint of solemnity on her face.

"Not just my sister..."

Lu Xin said, and seriously added: "And father and mother, we have been living together!"

Chen Jing's hair stood up slightly.

At this time, in her left ear hole, inside a tiny metal silver piece, an anxious voice was making: "Colonel Chen, you must make a final assessment on him, if he really has severe symptoms of split personality, That means that he is likely to be on the verge of losing control, not only can we not absorb him, guide him, but also eliminate him as soon as possible, lest he cause too much disaster!"


Chen Jing's face did not show any expression for a long time.

It's just that no one knew that her muscles were tensed, and even her hands were subconsciously pressing on the gun.

She has long known that Lu Xin has many secrets.

In her satchel, there is also an old-fashioned digital camera that captures many pictures of subway stations.

Therefore, she has a deeper understanding of what kind of madness is hidden in this seemingly harmless young man...

What's more, even in the background, the assessment of this young man is not optimistic.

In the cafe incident, what he showed to the defiled was only the ability to control the body accurately, but not the "psychic power" that he had observed before. This may be that he is deliberately hiding it, but it is also possible that he has not yet mastered it. master.

The most important thing is that there was a very bizarre thing in Lu Xin's observation before.

Once a dream maker entered Lu Xin's dream, trying to make a reasonable assessment of his psychology.

But the dream maker never woke up.

He was directly in a deep sleep and turned into a dead corpse, and he could not detect any spiritual remnants at all. According to past experience, even if he was killed when he entered Lu Xin's dreamland, some spiritual remnants would still be detected. , but he disappeared so cleanly that even Professor Bai couldn't be sure whether the death of the dream maker was related to the innocent looking young man in front of him.

After all, today's research on the abilities of mental mutants is not deep enough, and accidents are also very common.

But in any case, because of these problems, the risk level of Lu Xin's assessment is very high.

What's more, he showed the tendency of multiple personality splits?


It was very easy to find such a potential "mental mutant". If she said that he would be eliminated immediately, Chen Jing couldn't bear it. However, she also understood that the greater the potential, the more out of control it would bring. The disaster will be greater.

So after being silent for a long time, she just adjusted her sitting position slightly.

At this time, his eyes seemed a little sharp.

Taking a deep breath, she suddenly looked at Lu Xin calmly, and said, "Then do you know that I have read your information and observed you. You have been living alone since the Moon Orphanage was destroyed. Your father, mother, and sister all don't exist, they are just imaginary by you, not only them, but even the old building where you live, only you live!"

When she finished speaking, she was a little nervous, her pupils were faintly red, and there was a tendency to turn into a red moon.

Directly piercing some of his delusions is likely to cause serious problems.

She knows that people who are at risk of losing control are the most dangerous when the truth is exposed, and 80% will lose control.

She is ready.

However, to her surprise, Lu Xin sat there quietly, without the slightest nervousness or surprise.

"I know."

Facing this question, Lu Xin just answered calmly: "I have long discovered that others can't see them."

Chen Jing's expression became a little weird.

But Lu Xin suddenly smiled and said, "But you can't see them, but I can see them. I can not only see, but also talk to them, communicate with them, and touch them. When I'm alone, We will eat together, watch TV together, and when we are in danger, they will also show up to protect me, so you can say that such a family does not exist?"

Chen Jing opened her mouth, as experienced as she was, she didn't know how to answer.

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