Xi Yue lowered her voice: "There is only one side...this time it should happen by chance."

She calculated the time silently in her heart and added: "When we get ashore, he will leave."

Xiwen has the dullness of a literati, but he doesn't doubt Little Sister's meaning, but expresses deep regret: "Such a hero, Chi Cheng is too small, and I can't keep this General Lu."


Xi Yue supports the amount. When she thought that in the future, she might often fall into this quagmire of lying in all kinds of ways, and she felt darkness before her eyes.

During the day and night, Xi Wen was busy negotiating with the Wu family who came to pick up the boat, arranging carts and horses, and going round and round. He didn't even notice how the general friend next to Little Sister had quietly disappeared. The eyes of the generals were full of sight. Such a dazzling existence made the spring breeze no trace.

The envoy of the Wu family is a beautiful young man who speaks and behaves with a degree of advancement and retreat.

Even if there are thousands of iron knights from the Wu family who are defending him, you can see him first in the crowd.

This person's surname is Nangong, with a single name. He is one of the two most prestigious princes in the Four Regions of the Eight Continents. He is amazingly talented. At the same time, he is also a close friend of Wu Le, the head of the Wu family, with strong affection.

Wu Leken sent him on the horse himself, proving that the Xi family was still placed in a very important position.

The army is full of men inconvenience, and the careful Nangong Ci also let the post house female relatives come forward to serve Xi Yue to clean up.

Xi Yue was afraid that these women would make a fuss about her face, and only accepted the clean clothes and water they sent. Packed up by himself, and boarded the car with a hat. As for what was being discussed behind her back, she was too lazy and couldn't bother.

Father Wu Le was the prefect of Jiazhou, who died in battle on the way to annex Kangzhou.

At the age of weak crown, Wu Le inherited the will of his father and recruited the Magi. He has a handsome appearance, humorous talk, open-minded and open-minded personality, willing to accept opinions, and good use of people. Therefore, the soldiers and civilians treat him with all their heart and soul and are willing to die by him.

With the help of Nangong Ci and an outstanding civil and military team, it only took less than a year for Wu Le to dominate the Eastern Regions. The imperial court bestowed the title of General Anton.

On the way to Zhaoping, the main city of Jiazhou, Xi Yue saw only the local wealthy and the people live and work in peace and contentment. The Wu family's army is strictly disciplined and has never heard of any evil of plundering civilian property. Compared to the scene of The Underworld in Connecticut she had seen before, it was a world of difference.

She couldn't help but fall into contemplation: Wangjiacun is also within the jurisdiction of Chicheng. Is it father Xi Gui's bad governance? Or do counties and counties in turbulent times behave in their own way, and the power is against the yin?

If the Xi family is not as good as the Wu family's Qin and Jin dynasties, it will be easy to come to Wu Le to win Chicheng.

Xi Yue sighed slightly, relaxing her body crooked against the soft seat in the car.

In order to prevent shocks, her luxurious car was also covered with thick soft felt. Wu's family entertaining them can't say that they can't work hard, but she has no bottom in her heart.

All this is because of Xi Yan, the future Mrs. Wu.

Xi Yan's mother and daughter hate her so much, she is in the wolf's den, can she please?

I hope that Wu Leken will send troops to rescue Chicheng, Xi Gui is there, she still has an unreliable backer. In troubled times, human lives are like weeds. Thinking that she had escaped alone before, even beggars could deceive her and humiliate her wantonly. If she fell in love with Rivers and Lakes, most of her life would be better than death.

With this worry, Xi Yue shook the carriage, becoming sleepy. In a daze, she felt that the cushion under her body sank slightly, an overwhelming feeling of coldness.

She opened her eyes sharply, and saw a man with black hair like a waterfall and a red robe surviving blood with one hand propped up softly, leaning slightly to look at her——

That deathly pale skin and two scarlet eyes are not Gong Jiu!

Even if he quietly looked down at her and didn't say anything, he seemed to be an emperor and domineering.

Xi Yue almost stopped beating in shock, and sat up violently! Almost hitting Gong Jiu's face, she hurriedly shrank back and curled into the corner:

"You!...how did you get in?"

The carriage was still moving, and there were so many sergeants outside. How could this person appear in her carriage quietly in a red dress?

Gong Jiu stared at her straightly, licking his thin lips with the tip of his tongue, and slowly said, "I'm hungry..."


At that moment, Xi Yue's horror was extreme!

Gong Jiu raised his hand and gently hooked her chin, slowly approaching with a beautiful and even enchanting face. She didn't realize that the other party was a special color, and her heart was full of fear, and she was paralyzed and cold to the bones.

Gong Jiu's red eyes flashed, and his hand pressed her waist, just as she was wrapped in her arms, the carriage shook and stopped.

"Second sister! I'm in Jiaocheng County--"

Xiwen's gentle voice rang from outside the car: "General Nangong invited us to enter the county seat for a rest and a banquet. Come along!"

Called twice, but did not respond, lifted the curtain, Gongjiu in the car turned into a fine bat, sticking to the roof of the car. Xi Yue fell back on her seat, her limbs stiff, her pupils dilated, as if she was dead.

Xi Wen was taken aback, jumped into the car, and picked up Xi Yue: "Second sister? What's wrong with your second sister?"

Nangongci was also alarmed, and he quickly summoned the military doctor. Xi Yuefang Youyou returned to his position, and said weakly, "Dage...I'm fine...that's, I just had a nightmare, and the nightmare stopped. ."

Xiwen thought of her embarrassment when she met again, and he felt a little bit of suspicion, and touched her hair pity: "General Nangong has recruited a military doctor and let him show you."

Xi Yue covered her face: "No, Dage! I'm really fine... Let's get out of the car for dinner. I... I'm gluttonous..."

With a chuckle, an unfamiliar male laughter came, and Xi Yue completely returned to her senses. Turning around, she saw Nangongci and an old man in gray standing by the door of the carriage, both smiling. She blushed and struggled to get up. The ceiling bat stretched its wings and got into the sleeves of her robes before anyone was ready.

Xi Yue: "..."

Finally knew how Gong Jiu managed to enter her carriage calmly in full view.

However, she didn't dare to shout, let alone talk more, she could only let Shivin put on her a hat and get out of the car cautiously. Fortunately, Gong Jiu was very quiet inside her sleeve, and he didn't mean to give her a bite suddenly.

Nangong Ci Baoxia, the largest restaurant in the county seat, personally accompany the two brothers and sisters in the box on the second floor. The host and the guest had a great time.

For some reason, Xi Yue was full of various delicacies and meat dishes in front of her, but it was a pity that she was not used to this kind of occasion, and there was a time bomb Gongjiu hidden in her sleeve, and she could not eat much.

Watching Ren Bubi Xiyue stuffed chicken legs, beef, and dried fish into his sleeves several times, all of which fluttered out with his wings in disgust. She was angry and helpless: this monster is simply too picky! How can I live by drinking her blood?

Resting at the local inn in the evening, the harem Jiuyi appeared in the dark in the dead of night, her five fingers locked Xi Yue's fragile neck, her eyes full of brutality:

"What the hell do you mean, woman? Dare to give me the filth of ordinary people-what is it that you are the deity?!"

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