Hearing Lu Bu's words, Xiaoyao King Zhou Qian's face was extremely ugly.

He expected that the emperor would give them an order, but he didn't expect that the emperor would give them such a decisive order.

"Commander Lu, the emperor is my brother. I don't believe that the emperor will treat us like this. He doesn't care about brotherhood at all." Xiaoyao Wang Zhouqian said in a deep voice.

Lu Bu shook his head; "My lord, why do you deceive yourself and others! If there is no emperor's will, do you think the last general would dare to say such a thing?"

As soon as this word came out.

Xiaoyao Wang Zhouqian fell silent for a while.


If there is no nod from the palace, even a small guard commander, even the emperor's confidant, would not dare to say 'kill without mercy' to their prince.

"I want to see the emperor." Xiaoyao Wang Zhouqian said suddenly.

"To see the emperor?" Lu Bu frowned; "The emperor has a lot of things to do every day, and he is just recovering from a serious illness. I'm afraid I don't have time to see you."

"My lord, don't waste time, get ready! The last general is still waiting to go back and report to the emperor!" Lu Bu urged.

Xiaoyao Wang Zhouqian was silent for a moment, then coughed; "This king said that this king is not feeling well recently and cannot walk a long distance. This king wants to see the emperor and petition in person."

Hearing this, Lu Bu's expression froze, he looked straight at Xiaoyao Wang Zhouqian and said, "So, the lord is going to resist the edict?"

Xiaoyao Wang Zhouqian shook his head; "This king is not resisting the order, but asking for it."

A coldness flashed across Lu Bu's face.

"It seems that the prince wants to toast and not eat and drink as a fine, so don't blame the general for being rude."

Lu Bu waved his hand.

"Come on."

"Please leave the palace, the two princes."


Zhou Qian, the King of Xiaoyao, was furious when he saw that Lu Bu was really daring to make a move; "Lu Bu, you have to know who you are. This is the Palace of Prince Xiaoyao, not a place where you can run wild."

"This king warns you, no matter how good this king is, he is still the noble prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the fourth son of the previous emperor, and the fourth brother of the current emperor. Anyone who wants to do it can't do it."

Happy King Zhou Qian glared at Lu Bu.

There is a posture of confrontation directly if there is a disagreement.

"Protect the prince."

"Don't worry, my lord, with us here, no one can touch a single hair of my lord."

"That's right, I don't believe it, there are really people who dare to attack the two princes."

"Damn Lu Bu, don't think that you are the commander of the emperor's guard and the emperor's confidant. You are just a watchdog by the emperor's side, and the two princes are the emperor's brothers. Do you think the emperor will Whose side are you on?"

The guards of the palace immediately stepped forward, blocked Xiaoyao Wang Zhouqian, and shouted at Lu Bu. As the guards of the palace, they are used to being arrogant. How have they ever been beaten like this?

"Lu Bu, right! Get your people out of the palace right away, this is not a place where you can run wild, otherwise, if something happens later, don't blame us for being merciless."

The guards of the royal residence spoke threateningly and stared at Lu Bu with malicious intent.

They can become the guards of the palace, and their strength is naturally extraordinary. None of them are inferior to the imperial guards in the palace, and even some of the leaders are rare masters among the commanders of the imperial guards.

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