Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 567 The Master of the Magic Temple (Part 1)

Opening the scroll, Li Zhengzheng looked at it very carefully for several minutes. Moreover, his expression was constantly changing as he read the scroll.

After closing the scroll, Li Zhengzheng closed his eyes, seeming to be thinking about something. After a while, he said to Tan Wan beside him: "You go out first, the Holy Knight Commander and I have something to say."

Tan Wan was stunned. She was Li Zhengzheng's direct disciple and the only one. Although Li Zhengzheng looked chubby and always had a gentle smile on his face, she knew very well that her teacher was arrogant at heart. He is extremely talented and has been hailed as the number one genius in the Magic Temple for thousands of years. The teacher is only in his sixties this year, but he has already surpassed the powerful predecessors of the Magic Temple in the past generations. In terms of cultivation, even the three sacred knights of the Knights Temple may not be the teacher's opponent. The reason why there is only one disciple is because among the younger generation of the Magic Temple, she is the only one whose talent has been recognized by the teacher, and she also has the same wind attribute as the teacher.

Seeing the solemn look on the teacher's face at this time, Tan Wan immediately understood that the acting paladin leader of the Knights Temple in front of him was by no means that simple, otherwise how could the teacher take him so seriously.

Tan Wan also inherited Li Zhengzheng's arrogance, but because she was still young, she didn't hide her arrogance very well and often showed it to the surface. However, this did not mean that she was not smart. On the contrary, her intelligence and Even Li Zhengzheng often praises his talent. After listening to the teacher's words, she just glanced at Long Haocen in surprise, then immediately obediently agreed and walked to the side, disappearing silently into the air amid a wave of distorted light patterns.

The apprentice left, and Li Zhengzheng put that harmless smile on his face again, "Now you can take off your mask and let me see your true face, Son of Light of the Knights Temple."

The golden light flowed, and the liquid-like fine-gold base armor flowed down Long Haochen's body, condensing into a fine-gold base and appearing behind Long Haochen. Long Haochen crossed his right fist across his chest and said respectfully: "Knight Long Haochen of the temple has met the master of the temple."

Looking at Long Haochen's overly young and handsome face, Li Zhengzheng was slightly startled. Although he concealed his emotions very well, the shock in his heart was still extremely strong.

Long Tianyin wrote very clearly in the letter that Long Haochen was his direct grandson, and he was indeed officially appointed as the Holy Knight Commander of the Knights Temple. At the same time, the Knights Temple has agreed with him to reorganize the Demon Hunting Group, hoping to get help from the Magic Temple. If Jialing Pass is in need, he can also fight for Jialing Pass for a period of time, but not more than three months.

Although Long Tianyin did not mention Long Haochen's cultivation in the letter, based on Li Zhengzheng's understanding of Long Tianyin, he understood that with Old Man Long's stubborn personality, even his own grandson, if he was not strong enough, There is absolutely no way he can wear this fine gold base armor. Coupled with his previous testing, he could clearly feel that Long Haochen's cultivation level was indeed above the eighth level.

The young man in front of him exudes a light element that is as pure as Li Zhengzheng has ever seen in his life. He has inner aura. Although he looks handsome, his eyes are very peaceful, like a professional who has been practicing for forty or fifty years. Generally speaking, that kind of temperament cannot be matched by one's precious apprentice.

Sighing slightly, a wry smile appeared on Li Zhengzheng's face, "I thought that it would be possible for the Magic Temple to replace it in the near future, but it seems that it is still impossible. The luck of the Knight Temple is really unmatched by us. !”

What he said was meaningless, but Long Haochen could understand its meaning. The Palace Master Li in front of him was regarded as the biggest competitor by the Knights Temple, and was also known as the strongest pure cultivation in the alliance. of one. Their cultivation is so profound that it even surpasses those members of the veteran title-level demon hunting group who have cultivated for hundreds of years. In terms of pure cultivation, none of the three divine seal knights in the Knights Temple can compare with him.

Before Long Haochen, the hope of the Knights Temple was Long Xingyu, but the Knights Temple also understood that in terms of talent, Long Xingyu was even worse than Li Zhengyi, and after all, Long Xingyu was much younger. , it is almost impossible to catch up with Li Zhengyi in this life.

But who would have thought that another Long Haochen would appear in the Knights Temple? From the beginning of his training to the present, Long Haochen has become an eighth-level paladin in just over ten years. This speed of improvement coupled with his talent as the Son of Light, God's Favorite, will surpass this person in the future. The possibility of being the master of the Magic Temple is extremely high.

Faced with Li Zhengzheng's emotion, Long Haochen did not say a word, but looked at the Master of the Magic Temple in front of him with clear eyes.

Li Zhengzheng put away the scroll in his hand, pulled it inward, and said, "Sit down, let's talk."

As he spoke, he led Long Haochen into the hall behind him and sat down on the sofa.

Li Zhengzheng's office decoration is not complicated, but it gives people a heavy feeling. All the furniture is made of jet black wood. This kind of wood was unfamiliar to Long Haochen, and it exuded a faint aroma. Smelling this aroma, Long Haochen could clearly feel that his mental power seemed to become more concentrated.

The most distinctive feature of the office is the bookshelf that stretches along one wall. There are probably tens of thousands of books on it. Many of the books exude a sense of simplicity and simplicity. Moreover, there are a few books that even made Long Haochen feel the spirituality on them. It seems that these books are alive.

Li Zhengzheng smiled and said: "Long Haochen, you are here to find Lin Xin, right? Do you know? More than a year ago, before the Demon God Emperor launched the Holy War, I was the leader in the alliance who agreed to hand you over. . Do you know why?"

Long Haochen was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the master of the Magic Temple would speak so directly.

"It's because the alliance is not ready for this holy war. There is still a gap in strength between us and the demons, and it will take time." Long Haochen replied calmly, as if what Li Zhengzheng said was not to ask him to die.

Li Zhengzheng said with some surprise: "It's rare that you can look at it with a normal mind. Many people think that I am trying to attack the Knights Temple and compete with the Knights Temple for the number one position in the Temple. You are right, The accumulation of the alliance is not enough, but there is another reason why I proposed to hand you over, because I am not ready yet."

"Huh?" Long Haochen looked at the fat old man in front of him, and suddenly a special feeling arose in his heart. From Li Zhengzheng, he felt a kind of confidence that he had never felt before. The belief was so strong that even It is comparable to the Demon God Emperor who controls the demon clan.

Li Zhengzheng leaned on the back of the sofa and said leisurely: "Yes, I'm not ready yet. For six thousand years, the Temple Alliance has been working hard to build strength. Although the six temples inevitably have conflicts with each other, In the face of the great enemy of the Demons, everyone is absolutely united. If we want to launch a counterattack against the Demons, regain lost territory, or even wipe them out of the mainland forever, then we must face the most important one. The problem. That is the Demon God Emperor."

"Demon God Emperor Fengxiu, it is said that his spiritual power has reached one million, and he has entered another level. If no one in the alliance can defeat him, then what if the strength of the alliance has overwhelmed the demons? In the end, failure will still be inevitable. fate. So I said, I am not ready yet. To be arrogant, before I met you, I always thought that I was the most likely person to challenge him and pull him to death."

Having said this, the confidence exuded by Li Zhengzheng became even stronger.

"I am sixty-seven years old this year. If I can be given another hundred years, maybe I will have that chance. However, if the alliance collapses, the final outcome will definitely be tragic. Therefore, I cannot die because of you alone. This is a great situation. Unfortunately, the influence of the Knights Temple on the alliance over the years is beyond my comparison, and in the end my proposal failed."

"However, now it seems that Yang Haohan and Long Tianyin are indeed right. You are worthy of the alliance's investment." When he said this, Li Zhengzheng suddenly looked a little tired, but also a little relaxed, as if there was something wrong. It was like a huge pressure was lifted from him.

"The mental fluctuations of magicians are the most sensitive. What surprises me about you is not your youth or your cultivation, but your determination. Your eyes are calm and restrained, and your aura is retracted. This is a sign of extremely firm determination. But your eyes are unpretentious, without any frivolity or pride. The mixture of these two qualities allows me to see your future. Very good, you are really good. However, you still have a long way to go. I hope that you can take over the important task of challenging the Demon God Emperor from me."

"I know that you, the Knights Temple, have always hoped to completely unite the six temples with your own initiative, so as to integrate the power of the alliance, truly exert its full strength, and establish a unified country to fight against the demons. This proposal I am not opposed to it, but I hope that the Magic Temple will take the lead. Several other major temples also have their own ideas. Therefore, this proposal has been for many years, but it has always been stranded. If, one day, you can defeat me, then, On behalf of the Magic Temple, I agree to your Knight Temple’s proposal, and at the same time, I will also give you the qualification to challenge the Demon God Emperor.”

Long Haochen listened quietly to Li Zhengzheng's words without saying a word from beginning to end. He found that he already liked the master of the Magic Temple. He confessed without any reservations, although his words may not be true. It sounds nice, but it clearly expresses recognition of Long Haochen and expectations for the future of the alliance.


The weather is too hot, be careful of heatstroke. I have been showing signs of heat stroke recently. I can't eat and I have diarrhea... It's really depressing.

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The health comes first. On hot days, everyone should eat more vegetables and drink more water.

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