Reverend Insanity

Chapter 64: Secret things are easy to do, clear things are difficult to achieve

The temperature is getting higher and higher these days.

At noon, the scorching sun is shining, and the enthusiasm is unrestrained.

The caravan left, and the business in the inn was deserted again.

Fang Yuan stepped into the dining hall and immediately attracted the attention of the guys.

A familiar face immediately ran over, with a flattering smile on his face: "Hey, son, you're here! Please sit inside."

"Give me a jar of wine, cut a pound of beef, and a few side dishes." Fang Yuan walked into the dining hall and walked to the old window.

The man's face showed embarrassment: "Sir, I'm sorry, the last time the caravan came over, the shopkeeper sold the green bamboo wine. Now we don't have this wine here."

Fang Yuan nodded, not surprised: "Then bring me a jar of rice bar, and tell the shopkeeper by the way, to make more green bamboo wine this year, I want to book hundreds of altars. As for the deposit, you can calculate first. Report back to me."

Now that the wine bug has been exposed, and there is no suspicion, there is no need to worry about buying wine.

"Okay, I'll bring it to you if you're young! Young Master, just relax." The man patted his chest, his tone stern.

Soon, the food and drink came up.

Fang Yuan looked out the window while eating and drinking.

In the hot weather and when it was time to eat, there were few pedestrians on the street.

The sun shines on the ground and on the green stilted bamboo building.

Some mortal farmers with bare feet and muddy water, either carrying shovels or carrying poles, walked in front. Apparently he just finished his farm work and is heading home now.

Two little children, holding a small windmill with a bamboo frame in front of them, sprinted with their calves. The ones behind chased and cried. It seemed that the urchin in front had stolen the windmill.

At this time, the two young Gu Masters, wrapped in cyan belts, walked hurriedly, acting in a hurry.

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way!" A Gu Master suddenly pushed the farmer in front of him away.

The peasants gave in in a hurry.

"Humph." The two young Gu Masters walked over with a cold and arrogant expression.

Fang Yuan looked at it, his eyes were slightly lost, and part of his mind had been divided into the empty aperture.

In the empty aperture, the water film flows silently, and the waves on the sea surface of the bronze true essence come and go.

The wine bugs floated and sank in the Yuanhai, sometimes rolling comfortably, and sometimes completely forming a round ball.

Spring Autumn Cicada fell into a deep sleep, hiding her figure.

The round-shaped White Boar Gu fluttered its wings and hovered in the sky.

White Boar Gu and Black Boar Gu are equally famous, and they are both rare rank 1 Gu insects. Their price in the market is even higher than that of wine worms.

However, although they have the same function and similar appearance, their future promotion routes are different.

Black Boar Gu and Blue Silk Gu are combined into a rank 2 black mane gu, and then promoted to a rank 3 steel mane gu.

As for the White Boar Gu, the best promotion route is to train with the Jade Skin Gu to become a Rank 2 White Jade Gu, and then be promoted to a Rank 3 Canopy Gu.

Bristle Gu can make the Gu Master's hair as hard as steel needles, integrating attack and defense. The canopy Gu made the skin of the Gu Master's whole body as hard as white jade, and at the same time reduced the effects of attacks like the Moon Blade.

Fang Yuan's heart was filled with a touch of joy.

Getting the White Boar Gu is only one aspect. What really makes him happy is the inheritance of the Flower Wine Walker's power.

"The white boar gu can increase the strength, and the flower wine walker has set up a boulder to block the road. It seems that I will refine this white boar gu. In the future, I will have the strength to push the boulder away and move on. This should be the first test. already."

"Following the intentions of Flower Wine Walker to arrange this level, it can be inferred that in the next inheritance, there must be a second and a third level. The most important thing is to be sure that the inheritance of power he set up is not A giant pit trap, but very sincere."

"With the help of this inheritance, I can reach Rank 3 faster, leave this Qingmao Mountain, go out and take the lead!"

What is the most important thing for a Gu Master to cultivate?

The answer is only two words - resources.

If Fang Yuan wants to practice, he needs resources. But the family's resources are limited, and if you want resources, you have to compete.

It is not only necessary to fight, but also to win the fight.

For him, the more competition and the more victories, the more his hole cards are exposed, and the more people are afraid.

When the fear accumulates to a certain level, it will form a suppression and block his progress.

Fang Yuan killed the family slave, why didn't Momai hold him accountable? Robbed all their peers, why didn't those elders ask for guilt? Fang Yuan rebelled against the family and did not join the system, why did the patriarch choose to be tolerant?

It's all because he is weak and he is a C-class aptitude.

They pride themselves on being strong and disdain to kill the weak. Under the family system, arguing with the weak Fang Yuan is not only humiliating, but also makes people feel ruthless and destroys their social network.

Weakness is Fang Yuan's current layer of protection.

But with the constant competition for resources, Fang Yuan will become more and more powerful. This will attract attention, fear, and attract people. No matter which faction Fang Yuan chooses, he will be suppressed and restrained by the other faction.

Containment and suppression will slow down his growth.

Fang Yuan is very clear about his current situation. His current situation is very mysterious. He seems to have offended everyone, but in fact he has offended no one.

But over time, with the improvement of cultivation, this contradiction will arise and intensify.

Fang Yuan knew that this conflict would intensify sooner or later, but the later it intensified, the better it would be for his growth.

Therefore, the inheritance of the power of this flower and wine walker is really wonderful!

With this power inheritance, he has invisible resources. With this resource, he can stay outside the system, take his own route, cultivate calmly, and secretly accumulate strength.

Once you enter the system, you have to stand in line. Even if you don’t have a fight, you will definitely be implicated in politics and party disputes.

Those who enter the system are chess pieces. You first have to become a qualified pawn before others can use you with confidence. Don't worry, you will have the opportunity to climb up. You have to be careful when you climb, and don't be regarded as an abandoned child.

Fang Yuan knew this process too well. Even with all kinds of wisdom, it can't help this pattern. This is the rule!

The most important thing is that he only has C-level qualifications, and for the family, there is no desire to invest in him at all. It is often possible to be treated as an outcast.

Therefore, the best development route is to develop independently, in this way, most of the competition can be avoided. In the minds of the high-level shanzhai, the image that was carefully created before can also be maintained.

"Things in this world are easy to do in secret, but hard to achieve. With the help of the power of the Flower Wine Walker, I can secretly cultivate and accumulate strength without attracting attention or being suppressed. However, robbery and extortion still have to be done. Continuing, suddenly interrupted, will arouse suspicion, and at the same time I also need primeval stones." Fang Yuan thought about his future plans.

He does need primeval stones.

Others of the same age started refining and feeding the second Gu worm. On the other hand, he refined Little Light Gu and obtained White Boar Gu. There are four Gu worms.

In the past, he fed Moonlight Gu and Wine Insect, nearly one primeval stone a day. Now that he feeds Gu worms, the consumption of primeval stones is a little more than two per day!

Taking into account what he needed for his cultivation and living expenses, he would need at least five primeval stones in a day!

Five primeval stones are enough for a mortal family of three to live on for five months.

Although he had hundreds of primeval stones on hand, he couldn't help spending such a long time.

More importantly, the more you get to the later stage, the greater the cost of Gu Masters. Especially after rising to rank two, every time Gu worms train together, it is a lot of money.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan was very worried.

The primeval stone is a problem. Simply robbing and extorting classmates and saving money can only delay the outbreak of this problem.

In addition, he has another trouble, and that is the feeding of the white hog.

The food of white hoggu is pork.

The word hog means pig. The food in the Boar Gu series is all pork.

Black and white hoggu eat a lot, one meal every five days, and each meal has to eat the meat of an entire adult pig.

The price of pork in this world is not cheap, and mortals will only slaughter a pig during the New Year, and it will be slightly meaty. Without the large-scale farming technology on earth, the price of pork, beef, etc., is unaffordable for mortals. At the same time, the terrain of Qingmao Mountain is steep and the living area is small. How much space can there be for raising livestock?

Backers eat mountains and water and drink water. Most of the pork that mountain people can eat occasionally are wild wild boars hunted and killed by hunters.

"It seems that from now on, I have to hunt and kill pigs to get meat." Fang Yuan's eyes flashed.

Buying pork from a cottage alone will cost primeval stones first, and will attract suspicious eyes. Even if you love pork, you won’t eat it so often, right?

If you hunt by yourself, not only will this trouble be solved, but also the economic pressure will be relieved to a greater extent.

"Dude, check out!" Thinking of this, Fang Yuan didn't hesitate any longer. After checking out, he walked out of the inn.

The school has been on vacation for the past few days, the purpose is to allow the students to refine the second Gu worm. Fang Yuan decided that he just took advantage of this time to go out to the cottage to find out the situation, and then kill the pig to get the meat.

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