Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 554: The final thing four

Whether it is a spun pituitary machine that is accelerating or the actual flying speed of the airship, it is actually quite fast. In less than ten seconds, the pituitary machine seemed to hit the air and made a loud popping sound, and I could feel that the shell on which I stepped on shivered slightly. The speed of the pituitary machine doubled again after this, and I could clearly see a hood-shaped cloud surrounding the shell.

The speed of the pituitary machine finally broke through the sound barrier and synchronized with its speed, but the prosthesis without any protection began to withstand more powerful pressure, and the friction caused the surface temperature data to rise. The temperature phenomenon in the category produces an over-reaction. To make me feel uncomfortable with changes in this world, it must be to the extent that the actual body has an effect. In terms of this world, it is "mystery".

After the ascent speed broke through the sound barrier, we finally temporarily abandoned the shells chasing from below. Those fireworks-like explosion effects, even fragments and shock waves, seem to be tired during this short pursuit, exhausting kinetic energy weakly, or dissipating, or falling down under the influence of gravity, those clearly visible trajectories form a high The high parabola, but the apex can no longer hook the pituitary machine.

The acceleration of the pituitary machine began to become obvious. As the rocket was equipped with boosters one after another, the ignition and drop of each booster would make the speed of the pituitary machine suddenly increase. After the self-spinning pituitary machine fell from the temporary data hedging space, to the time when the magic array hanging over Las Vegas City formed and resonated with it. There is a considerable distance between the spinning pituitary machine and the overhanging Las Vegas City, but the Las Vegas City is too large, so that this distance can not be felt from the pure vision. However, when the pituitary machine enters the speed of sound, the perception of this distance becomes particularly clear.

At this time, we are definitely rising much faster than the speed of free fall. The city of Las Vegas directly above is also huge and clear at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, but there may be errors in the feeling itself, or some kind of mystery It works, but it does make people feel that this speed is not as expected. You can reach the end point within ten seconds.

The Nazi airships couldn't seem to accelerate anymore. They were getting farther away from the pituitary machine. I stayed in the middle and lower part of the pituitary machine, holding the shell of the pituitary machine and looking at them. Touch. Although I have tried to detect it, I am quite sure that Alienated Youjiang is in this huge machine, but she can't feel her presence at all. The outer shell of the pituitary machine isolates all the detection methods I have. The retina screen was also unable to find any holes that could be peeped at the top, and even the reaction of the existence of the fragments of the spiritual integration device disappeared.

In addition to rising at a rapid rate. The pituitary machine seemed to be completely silent. The shelling has stopped like rain, but the Nazis have not given up chasing. The number of airships has exceeded 100. There are no more new airships in the sea of ​​clouds below. In one moment, the turmoil of the entire scene entered a relatively mild period.

The Nazi military song stopped, and all artificial sounds disappeared, in this stormy weather. There was a repressive silence brewing. Facing the unusual and wild scenery of different spaces, staring at the heavy military power of the Nazis, and the magic array and spinning pituitary machines operating according to the established process, I suddenly felt so lonely. All I can feel is myself, in this upside-down world, at least for now. I have only one person.

The prosthesis, which had already been soaked, kept dripping, and the water stains trickled down from the hair, and occasionally fell into the hollow left eye socket, although it was not painful. But it feels a bit uncomfortable. I tore off the remaining piece of cloth in my coat and tied it to my head to cover my left eye. At this time, I really wanted to smoke a cigarette. I touched my body pocket and finally found a crushed cigarette case. I remember that this was found on the first floor of the hotel building before entering the temporary hedge space where the pituitary machine was located. Fortunately, he did n’t soak in the water, and the waterproofness of the pocket finally worked.

I re-rounded the flat and twisted cigarettes and lit them with a lighter. At this time, the scenery of Las Vegas City was magnified sharply, and the pituitary machine finally entered the final journey. I suddenly felt that this was not as important as smoking, so I didn't look at those things anymore and took a deep breath with the filter.

Just after the smoke was sprayed out, the spinning pituitary machine underneath suddenly shook, and the huge reaction force was transmitted to the prosthesis. This large block like a lift was finally starting to slow down. Even so, the ground scene was still very fast. The speed is close. The retina screen lists the data again, prompting me to prepare for landing-it is not only the speed of the pituitary machine that will affect it, and, according to this speed trend, when the pituitary machine is stuck into the core of the established magic circle, I am The location will once again enter the attack range of the airship group.

Even though the spun pituitary machine has begun to decelerate and fell below the speed of sound in a very short time, its speed into the core of the magic circle is still extremely large, destroyed by the black mud, leaving only a piece of burning, flowing from time to time. The scene of the ruins restored their original size at once. The greater vibration came, and the pituitary machine penetrated into the hole at the core. The range of this hole was several times larger than the volume of the pituitary machine. The inside was dark and nothing could be detected. It felt like It is the same as a black hole, but it is not completely empty, and it has a sense of impact when it touches a dark surface.

There is an invisible barrier preventing the entry of the pituitary machine. However, under the impact of the pituitary machine, the barrier collapsed in less than one breath. During this period, there was a huge current rushing against the dark surface, which also produced a phenomenon like a thin mirror fragmentation. I know that in the face of this unknown darkness, my best option is to stay away from it temporarily, but the area of ​​this hole is too large, and the pituitary machine hits the center without bias. Even if I want to jump off the pituitary machine, I can't reach the edge.

The strong vibration did n’t throw me off the pituitary gland machine, but I could n’t control the balance. I had to lie on the shell, and I swallowed the cigarette with a big mouth. Light and heat. At the moment of breaking into the black hole at the core of the magic circle together with the spinning pituitary machine, darkness became the most color in the field of view. The firelight of the cigarette **** could not play the role of lighting and warming at all, just for comfort.

Although the light of the cigarette **** can't see anything substantial. However, in the retina screen, a spatially distorted scene still appears.

This is a very obscure phenomenon, rather than seeing with eyes, it is better to use perception to experience the phenomenon. This dark world is like a huge vortex, the flat space is twisted like a twist, folds and cracks are everywhere, and the sense of time seems to be crumpled into a mess, in this distorted dark world. I feel that the spinning pituitary machine and myself have also been distorted. I can't imagine what I look like in external observations. However, there is a feeling of holding the wood and drifting with the waves in the huge wind and waves.

The sea is icy. In the storm, a gloomy piece of water suddenly surfaced and submerged in water, however, even under the water. I had to bear the violent sense of flow, for fear that I would never be able to surface again in the next moment. Today, this is how I feel.

Where will I drift? do not know. When will you be overthrown? do not know either. At least the spun pituitary machine was not overturned by this huge wave of space and time, nor was it washed away from the spun pituitary machine by this huge wave. This seems to be the best news.

However, this good luck does not last long, no. Time cannot be used to describe it. At this time, the sense of time has been completely confused. It can only be said that at some moment when it entered the core black hole, the tactile sense of the pituitary machine under the foot suddenly disappeared. It's not a feeling of being left alone. Instead, it moves like an instant and suddenly loses the sense of being down to earth. At the next moment, the field of vision is suddenly bright and generous, and the sky, clouds, bright sunlight, normal sense of time and space, gravity acceleration, layered colors and more refreshing air, etc., swept into the field of vision at once. Without ease, the bright and rich senses that came suddenly made people dizzy.

The color of the sky is very bright, and even makes people feel a little transparent. There are not many clouds, and most of them are wavy. This makes me feel that I was lifted by the waves of those clouds. I opened my mouth, and only the last small piece of cigarette fell, but I ignored it. Although the prosthesis was not needed, I was instinctive, just like a suffocating person, breathing in and out of the mouth. Very different air. The retina screen maintains a self-test warning box, and the degree of prosthetic damage is not known when it has exceeded 50%. The feedback is that it feels like the limbs are rusted, as if moving it will give a bitter acid the sound of. However, these things do not seem to matter.

I opened my limbs and looked up at the sky, and the wind rang loudly in my ears. Even without the prompt of the retina screen, I could clearly feel that gravity is acting on myself-the moment when the world in the field of vision regained its light, I was already in the sky, and nothing could stop my whereabouts. However, this is not important.

The important thing is that when I breathe this very different breath, I have left the night of Valpus and returned to the normal world. It turns out that the core black hole is actually a channel to return to the normal world? I didn't continue to think, just greedily embraced this exceptionally bright sky.

It is true that falling at this speed will certainly damage the prosthesis again, but it will never be killed. Moreover, there is no choice, is it? There is no parachute in my personal belongings. It's been a while before it fell to the ground. I seemed to lie in the wind, waiting quietly, observing. This is a very different view from the night of Valpus.

A passenger plane glanced slowly from a higher place, the sun shining on the chassis, reflecting the dazzling metal light, when its shadow covered me, there was a more above the trajectory it will travel Huge silhouette. As if squeezed out of that space, there was a wrinkle phenomenon in that area, and then a hazy appearance appeared, like the outline of frosted glass. The blurry outline of the spinning vertical shape awakened my sense of crisis in an instant. People on the passenger plane seemed to be aware of its existence. I observed a slight swing in the flight attitude of the passenger plane-panic was spreading.

The spun pituitary machine that once separated me from the core black hole. The figure reappeared within the distance that I could observe, and quickly became real. When it fell, the airliner whose flight trajectory was just below it finally made a clear avoidance move, but in the end, it failed to completely avoid it, and the tail was wiped off by a huge pituitary machine, which was like a sugar paper. Too. This disintegration has even been spreading forward along the fuselage. As the fuselage blocked the waist into two sections, the passenger plane turned into a ball of fire in my gaze.

The wreckage of the passenger plane splashing around was mostly blocked by the falling pituitary machine, but some of it was still shooting. I swing my body, and I can't escape all the splashes. A broken hatch hit me and suddenly hit me a dozen meters away. Although the door carries great momentum, it did not cause much harm to me, but after losing the initial balance, the strong airflow was like an irresistible big hand, constantly pushing my body and letting I seemed to be sitting in a roller coaster, jumping up and down. After continuously rolling, readjusting the landing posture. I opened my limbs like a skydiver, overlooking the ground below. Although in a free-fall state, I still feel that the buoyancy from the air is supporting my body.

I am at least a few hundred meters away from the pituitary machine. However, in this empty sky, except for the wreckage of the passenger plane that fell from the fire and rain, looking out, only me and the pituitary machine are left. Its shape and rigidity And intact. Let its sense of existence be so strong that I do n’t feel that the distance between me and it is as far as the data shows. The retina screen presents every detail of it, which is no different than before we entered the black hole at the core of the magic array. In the channel where the sense of space and time is distorted, my prosthetic body has been hit hard unconsciously, and The pituitary gland machine looked harmless, it was enough to show. The material it uses is far superior to my prosthesis in terms of sturdiness. If this pituitary machine is a Nazi masterpiece, if the Nazi has more of this material, then. In my assessment of strength, the Nazi power has to be raised by one level.

Are the Nazis so powerful? If all the airships are made of this mysterious material beyond the prosthetic body, or further applied to individual units, then my current combat effectiveness becomes insufficient. A large part of my strength comes from this prosthetic body. I, who has lost his human posture, has lost the power of humanity. If the strength of the prosthetic body is pulled into the combat level, then I will no longer have an advantage.

Although I was a bit worried, this emotion was quickly deleted by the brain hardware. At this time, the brain hardware finally recovered this very useful effect. Although it is possible to prepare for the worst, there is no evidence to prove that the facts are so bad. I set aside this negative thinking and set my sights on the earth.

Below the **** is a distant view of the city. The buildings are staggered like matchboxes, the road is narrow like a matchstick, and the crowd is even more indistinguishable. From the outline point of view, it should be Las Vegas City. If there is no decisive factor, the pituitary machine and I will fall into the wilderness on the outskirts of the city. There are gentle roads in the rolling mountains spread into the city, but we probably won't fall on the edges of these roads.

The crash of the passenger plane is bound to have been returned to the airport, and such a conspicuous explosion will also be noticed by people. The relevant departments of Las Vegas City will respond quickly to the current situation ~ ~ Maybe At this time, the spinning pituitary machine and I have been observed by satellites. When we landed, we were greeted by a large number of local military police. The pituitary machine and I are so conspicuous. Without mentioning the unique appearance of the pituitary machine, it is impossible for anyone to believe that I am just passing by soy sauce.

Moreover, the unique appearance of the pituitary machine is likely to be noticed by some mysterious organizations and take more drastic actions with the help of the government. The explosion of the passenger plane turned the originally relatively calm return into a storm. The situation is becoming serious. Of course, I am not worried about the spinning pituitary machine and the alienated Youjiang who may still be in it at this time. No one knows her origin. There is enough power to protect yourself, and the pituitary machine may also have enough power to hide the blockade line that has been unfolded at this time. I have no doubt that I have the ability to break through the blockade and temporarily guarantee my own safety.

However, once there is a conflict, I will become the most conspicuous party, as long as there is a satellite photo, I can turn out the details of my bottom, thus causing the entire whisperer to be exposed to the attention of many interested people, and the whisperer truly becomes mysterious The organization time is too short, there is not enough time to accumulate their own strength. This storm is likely to be unexpectedly violent. I have clearly felt the acceleration of the "script".

I tore off the scraps of my coat again and used a triangle scarf to cover my face. Maybe it was too late to do so at this time, but it might be too late.

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