Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 537: Youjiang

The woman in the elevator was wearing a red suspender dress, which looked similar to the girl in red in the previous hotel building, but a closer look revealed that there were many differences in details in clothing and appearance. When she walked from behind me into the elevator, I never felt her breath. It was not as simple as walking without sound. The whole person looked like a ghost and had no sense of existence. However, at this time, the ghost-like impression that she looked at immediately disappeared. She stood there really, not a ghost or a phantom, whether from the senses or from the data on the retina screen , Can guess that she is a real human being.

Moreover, although the expression, temperament, taste, facial features and other details are slightly different from the woman in memory, in general, I almost mistake her for the one who should not be here.

"Omi?" I blurted out, but immediately realized that she was not Omi, but someone similar to her. However, this familiar feeling, if not the data on the retina screen, I almost thought she was just like Jiang Jiang after makeup.

The woman in the elevator looked at me with a puzzled expression, but seemed to understand that I was the wrong person and smiled and said: "Although my name also has the word" Jiang "in it, it is not called Jin Jiang. My name is right Jiang, what is your name? "

I recovered, and the brain hardware's ability to delete emotions apparently failed when I saw this woman. The amazed emotion has not disappeared until now. I said to her, "I am called Gao Chuan." After saying that "the woman in Youjiang talked with a stranger, she had a" happy to know you "expression. She was not very enthusiastic, but she was not interested in herself like Jinjiang. It doesn't mean to care about anything at all. Judging from her expression, she seems to have met me for the first time, and responded to strangers with a lukewarm attitude.

I don't know how to describe the mood at this time. Although I can't find an abnormality in her, her name and the familiarity that she gave me, and even her existence itself, is an abnormality. In this world, the name has "Jiang", which is similar to Jinjiang. The woman who gave me the feeling of getting acquainted appears in this unusual space in a way I have never felt. How can I not let her and Jiang "What about the relationship?

I can't help thinking, is she also a reflection of "Jiang" in this world? The abnormal condition inside the body caused by "Jiang" is still fresh in memory at this time. I pressed my left eye with my palm. After seeing Youjiang, this left eye did not produce a unique reaction. It seems that she is just an ordinary person. In general, however, it appears to be unusual at this moment to appear at this location. If she was the guest who stayed in the hotel when the hotel building was engulfed by the night of Val Pugets, how did she escape the black mud? If she is a special presence in this new hotel building now, what purpose does she appear in front of me with?

The self-proclaimed "Youjiang" woman is full of mystery, no matter its origin or purpose. I always felt that this elevator was abnormal and should not be entered, but after seeing Youjiang, I decided to act with her. I watched her step into the elevator as if I were watching it all the time, a little embarrassed, a trace of ruddy appeared on You Jiang's face. She didn't accuse me of being rude, and asked in a very ordinary tone: "How many floors are you going to? Mr. Gao Chuan."

"Just call me Gao Chuan." I paused and said, "How about you at the twelfth floor?"

"It's the same, it's a coincidence." You Jiang smiled and pressed the elevator button. The elevator slowly turned off the light on the roof in front of her eyes and flashed again a few times. I glanced at the lamp. The data on the retina screen showed that the lamp was indeed aging. This flicker is caused by aging ~ ~ I first saw the abnormal feeling when this elevator lamp flickered. No longer exists at this time.

However, I did not question the intuition at that time, because the "Youjiang" in front of me is not a proof of anomaly?

"You Jiang. Can you call you that directly?" I looked at her and asked, she nodded and looked away, not continuing to stare at me.

"Why are you here? You Jiang, this is not a place where ordinary people can come. What are you going to do on the twelfth floor?" I asked straight away. The tone is a little straightforward and stiff, which is probably because she seems to have inextricably related to "Jiang" and "Jianjiang", but because of the first meeting, and the time and place of the meeting are not normal, I can't help Keep me alert. Although it is familiar, it does not mean that it must be a friend. My instincts have not told me whether she is a friend or an enemy, as if she is a stranger who is very familiar.

"I am the reaper, come here to recover the ripe fruit." You Jiang answered my question in a metaphorical way, and then asked: "What about you? Mr. Gao Chuan, in your words, you should not Appears in this place. "

"I came to find some acquaintances and confirm something." I also used vague rhetoric. You Jiang smiled slightly and didn't ask. I don't know if I should be preconceived and regard Youjiang as the enemy. However, in the atmosphere of the elevator at this time, we are not confrontational, and we are not completely opposed to each other. We are like two ordinary strangers, because we met in the elevator by accident, we talked a few words, and we seemed familiar


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