Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 503: Quiet state

w There are no May Reiko and Mary in the replicas I have observed so far. Does this mean that "I will save them both" is in the "future" observed by Val Pugets Night? Because the "undead future" is observed, the "replicas" cannot be produced, and the twin mercenaries under Long Aotian will surely die at some point in the future?

If you can sweat, if you can be driven by sensibility, I might be sweating for such speculation. br />

It should be true that Valpus Night is a "God" level, but, in that case, is there any way to solve a "God"?

No, the current intelligence is not sufficient, and it is simply not enough to support such speculation. "Every life in the night of Valpuss will be seen through the future, affect the past, and make fate." Such thoughts may be just because of the mysterious phenomenon that leads to the confusion of logic. It's not enough to rely on logical thinking, I already knew this. The existence of brain hardware has indeed prevented me from being invaded by many mysterious forces, but this does not mean that it is omnipotent.

The only thing that can be confirmed today is the fact that all of us are in the night of Valpuss. The magic girls did not die in the battle against the Valpuss night, they just continued the annihilation of the witch, and, This seemingly impossible way to solve the problem, but it can really make people leave Valpus night. From this point of view, the night of Valpuss does not have a very strong idea of ​​killing all people. otherwise. With its power, unless the same level of mystery is used for resistance, there is no possibility of victory at all. Conversely, even if the night of Valpus is a mysterious power of the "God" level, as long as it continues to release water for a certain purpose, then its level of "God" is also for everyone here Becomes meaningless.

Although I feel that Qiubi's actions certainly have other purposes, it is definitely not as bright and grand as it looks on the surface. This may even be understood by the magic girl himself. At least, from Xiaomei's eyes, it made me think she understood this. Then again, Chubby's posture, expression and tone. It is innocent and lovely to say that it is a mask that is innocent and lovely, full of strong suspicious smells. However, everything it does is very targeted and can be said to be the best method at present. Therefore, even if it is suspicious, it can only be accepted, even if it feels cruel. It must also be faced, and even if people scold, they must not hesitate. In the face of incomprehensible phenomena, irresistible enemies must have sufficient intelligence, strong power, effective methods and strong convictions to protect themselves and the people they like-all of this, Chubby can provide .

So, accepting the gift of Qiubi's power and becoming a magical girl, this is a choice made by Xiaomei himself, which must also be undertaken by herself.

Ruthless appearance. It's just armor for fighting.

I think so, maybe I am just passionate, but if the relationship between these magical girls and Chubby makes me really guess one or two, I will definitely feel comfortable about it. There is no denying it. Become a magical girl and fight against enemies that cannot be defeated. Many painful things must happen during this process, but the things reflected in these pains and choices must be the most precious.

"Because, you are all going to die." I said to myself that the flowers blooming in the painful battle must be more vivid than the withering away.

So, I look forward to the growth of these magical girls.

"Is there anything pleasant happening? Mr. Gao Chuan." Reiko May said beside her.

"No ..." I said.

"But you are laughing, it's very rare." Mary also said.

"Is it?" I replied, "Actually, I really like to laugh." After this sentence was finished, I felt that my skin was cold with goose bumps, a kind of "speaking wrong, I want to find a hole The awkwardness and embarrassment of "drilling down" are born, and there is simply no way to continue talking eye-to-eye with the two women.

I quickly turned my head, continued to turn my backs on them, excluded their words, and continued to observe the situation on the other side of the team.

The magical girl Xiaomei saved the seeds of the holy stone and transmitted the power of hands and feet. Although I do n’t know how to do it, but Chubby ’s confidence, the performance of the magical girls and the past facts are enough to prove that this is not Wrong talk. Similarly, being able to do this kind of thing further reveals the close relationship between Chubby and Valpus Night. It was Long Aotian himself. Although he was called similar by Qubei, he also said something like "Here is Long Aotian's home field", but to be honest, there is still no phenomenon that can prove this sentence.

Today, the last two ordinary people of the team were also killed in an unexpected attack. In this accident, they had no chance of struggling. Long Aotian still did not show its special features. As he said before, Chubby and the magical girls have really become the protagonists so far.

Facing the strange red girl who appeared and disappeared, Long Aotian once again said to the magical girls that the layman's tone: "Is that guy the witch?"

"No, it shouldn't be." Xiaomei, a magical girl, leaned on the wall and gasped for a while, forcing the transmission of power to an unknown place was obviously a very laborious practice, which made her react faster when an accident happened It is much lower than the previous performance.

At the moment when the screams of the black security guard came, her eyes were a little hazy.

"But ..." The magical girl Xiaomei looked at Qiubi and said, "So far, we have never seen the witch being a humanoid. Isn't it accidental?"

"Well ... who knows?" Qiubi said ambiguously: "I haven't seen it yet, doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

"It's the same thing." Xiaomei lowered her eyelids and bit her lower lip slightly in the dark. "Surely it's not that simple? However, that replica existed before the birth of the witch, remember? We have seen below. Have been to her body. "

It seemed to be noticed only after being reminded by the magic girl. Long Aotian nodded suddenly. Say: "Yes, I remembered that at that time, everyone felt that there was nothing wrong with the corpse, did they?"

"I also neglected, although it is also the power of Val Pugets Night, but it is slightly different from London in the form of expression ..." Xiao Mei once again glanced at the body of a middle-aged male not far away, coldly The voice could not hide the unwillingness in her eyes, but it should be possible to hide others other than me through the darkness. "I didn't notice the fact that she was a replica at the first time."

"The replica is also a living thing." The secretary beside Long Aotian pushed his glasses and said, "No one can pretend to be a corpse, which is enough to explain its anomaly. In the case of being deceived, it is a matter of course. However, I am very concerned about why it appeared in our vision as a corpse at that time, or that she was indeed a corpse at that time? "

"Don't look into the details." Long Aotian interrupted everyone's thinking and said firmly: "I have experienced many inexplicable things. These things have taught me a little, that is, don't always look at these things with self-righteous logic. , If it can be logically parsed and understood, then these things are not 'mysterious'. "

"Mysterious?" Chubby suddenly said, "So it is. Is your definition of these things mysterious? It's a general term."

"How could it be that the name of a Valpuss night was specially named, don't you think it is too narrow?" Long Aotian sarcastically said, "This world is far broader than you know. I admit you Have some magical powers, and have enough experience in the current situation. However, the anomalies of this world can not be summed up simply by the night of Valpus. I think, patronizing you who chase Valpuls Have you never encountered a mystery that is completely different from yours? "

When his voice fell, it seemed that in order to increase the credibility of this sentence, a terrible momentum rose from him and the six female subordinates like a tornado. The sense of oppression it brings is not from the decisive difference in status, power and money in normal society, but a more direct and pure difference from the ability to fight and hunt. Although the seven have no major movements, they feel as if a giant predator stood up from the grass hiding the body.

Full of spiritual oppression, it even makes people feel that the wind blowing in the corridor seems to be stirred by this momentum. The magic girls are facing the wind. Struck by this sense of oppression, he could not help raising his arms. It seems to want to cover the rushing airflow.

"What's this, this is ..." Even the school sister who always treated others gracefully could not help showing a surprised expression.

"Sure enough, the power that the six girls possess is not the same as ours." Qiubi, who sat firmly on Madoka's shoulder, was the only one that was not suppressed by the sudden rise of oppression. Although the innocent smile in the corner of his mouth is like a mask that will never be damaged, it is difficult to guess the true thoughts in his heart, but I still feel intuitively that the wind blowing against him is just a normal breeze Only, does not have a unique meaning.

Of course, it ’s the same for me, but because I ’m on the periphery, it ’s impossible to judge just how strong the oppression felt by those magical girls is by observation alone.

"It's really cool, should there be a limit to being handsome?" I stared at the people in the center of the vortex, and I couldn't help but have a bad idea in my heart. At this time, if I launch an overwhelming attack on them, I will definitely Very interesting. Moreover, when the protagonist upgrades his own power, give him a blow, doesn't he have the style of a villain?

"Strange ... what does it feel ..." Reiko May tightened her body sensitively, and Mary turned her gaze to the direction of the team. Although there was nothing across the walls, she couldn't see anything at all. The spiritual power of Li is like rain silk, and it winds into the place where we hide.

"What happened?" Mary stared at her shaking hands. "Although I don't understand, this body gives a good warning."

"Well, two second-level Mageweave messengers, two first-level Mageweave messengers, two graystone fortifiers, and one mentally abnormal person." Even though there are brain hardware to delete excess emotions, I still have to work hard. Only then did the idea of ​​kicking the field grow like weeds. "It's a really luxurious lineup. It's already possible to work with the file team, and it's really a bit of trouble if you want to solve them in one go."

"Mageweave Messenger? What's that?" Those technical terms in May Reiko's conversation were quite sensitive, and Mary focused on the other side and asked me with some surprise: "Are you going to fight with them here? We're not going to be Carduelis ?"

"Before I thought I had a bad job, I didn't collect enough information. If I wanted to be a Siskin in this place, I had to ask the owner if they agreed." I took a deep breath, pulled out the cigarette and lit it, and turned towards the back Asked in the darkness: "Is that true? Madam."

"Who?" May Reiko and Mary finally realized the anomaly floating in the air. He turned around and shouted in silence.

Half of the outline can be seen faintly in the dark, but the light there seems to be dimmer than before, so it is impossible to distinguish the true appearance of this floating and floating outline with the naked eye. Wind and rain and thunder and lightning failed to disperse the sense of death brought by this extraordinary darkness, in an atmosphere where even the air gave a heavy illusion. Neither I nor the two women could make the other voice sound a little.

Although Reiko May and Mary could not see it, the situation there was clear in my chain judgment. The comer was the girl in red who had just killed the black security guard. When it suddenly appeared behind us without warning, the chain of vision without a dead end locked it immediately. The retina screen refers to the shape of the girl in red previously observed, and outlines the body hidden in the dark with red lines.

The presence, abilities and actions of this girl in red are difficult to measure. The only thing I have observed is this kind of haunting ability like a jump in space. However, if I want to be an enemy, I have nothing to be afraid of. The body with the body of the body is the most powerful protection. Now, I do n’t have the weaknesses of normal people. If I deal with humans in the same way, I am very happy.

"I heard that you are not a witch." I said to her, "However, could you please tell me what you are?"

The other party did not answer. It was just in the thick darkness that a crescent-shaped arc emerged quietly. I know that it was the woman who was smiling, but it looked to the naked eye. More like the smile of darkness itself, because. According to common sense, how can you see the other person's smile so clearly in the darkness where you can't even see the outline? The smile was full of madness and joy, giving a hearty feeling, seemingly tangible and tangible, but in fact, the face of the woman covered by long hair outlined in the retina screen had no smile at all.

I knew at the first time that the smile seen by the naked eye was just an illusion-in the darkness, the existence of a ghost was made with madness strong enough to affect the spirit of the viewer. reply.

"It seems that there is no way to communicate. If you can, I would like to ask you to watch the wall." I said this, quickly reached out to grab the two women in front of me, and turned on the pseudo-swift ability to move further away from the team. go with. The lady in red did not escape from the darkness, but I was full of feeling being pursued. Actually, I do n’t quite know why the other party will shoot me. Is it because of her special status? Or after Long Aotian and others showed their strength, Valpuss Night compared me with the methods I showed before. Judging as weak and picking up soft persimmons to eat?

Anyway, I don't want to meet Long Aotian and others now. If you are asked to join the team by the other party, it is difficult to tell if you refuse, but after joining the team, it will be very difficult to get back at some point in the future. Of course, I do n’t mind the betrayal of their good intentions, nor do they believe that they really have good intentions, but rebellion is rebellion, even if you do n’t change your mind, it will still make you feel uncomfortable, plus May Reiko and Mary around me The two are likely to be weak in that situation, so the ideal situation is better from strangers who are irrelevant from the beginning ~ ~ Even if they become enemies, they are well prepared.

When I passed a whole corridor, the red lady's body fell lightly from the front, like a dragonfly, and stood on tiptoe in front of her. The light posture and the red dress blown by the wind made people think she In fact, it is generally suspended in mid-air. Even without a chain of judgment vision, the naked eye can penetrate her body to see the things behind-this woman is really like a ghost, losing the texture she had before.

I didn't stop because she was in front. This weird existence made it clear that to attack me, two pointed and blunt-tailed kitchen knives appeared after blinking in both hands. This was the first time I saw her use weapons, and it was used in my On my body, I feel that I have nothing to say. When I passed her, she still maintained the posture of holding the knife, and it seemed that there was no reaction at all. However, the next time her posture changed, my body came stabbed by the pointed end of the kitchen knife a feeling of. Her movements seem to be able to keep up with my speed, but this does not mean that she is "fast", but abnormal. The change of posture is a process. The process of stabbing an object with a kitchen knife should also require a process. However, this process is just It disappeared so naturally.

I can see clearly that the chain judgement vision has not been closed. The movement of this lady in red is definitely an anomaly or mystery. (To be continued ...) m

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