Restart the Gaming Era

Chapter 49 Upload tracks

Soon, "Pacific Rim" was played. Zhong Ming listened to it himself and was very satisfied!

The fruit of music is indeed very magical. Zhong Ming now has a very strange feeling when listening to this piece of music that he played. He clearly knows every detail of this piece of music, even how each note is played, but he also knows how to play it. I feel excited and excited because of this song.

Zhong Ming couldn't wait to share his joy with others.

The first thing is to upload the song.

There is a huge online music library in this world, which contains almost all songs from the past to the present. All music companies upload music to this library.

The music library has an intelligent algorithm. Based on the algorithm, it can calculate whether a newly uploaded song is suspected of plagiarism. If so, it will automatically be submitted to authoritative musicians for joint evaluation. If plagiarism is confirmed, the relevant music will be reviewed. People and music companies are punished.

Various music software on the Internet also obtain the digital versions of these songs directly from the music library.

Regarding the copyright issue of music, this is relatively complicated.

If ordinary people want to listen to a certain song, they can spend money to buy it. The purchase price is not necessarily certain. The cheaper ones may cost a few cents or one yuan, and the expensive ones may be sold in albums, with an album costing dozens of yuan.

Many music software also spend money to purchase song copyrights, which can be listened to by their users for free, or require users to pay to become monthly subscription users. There are many marketing methods such as this.

Of course, there are also some game companies that want to completely buy out the copyright of a certain song and use it as background music or theme song in the game. Such a deal requires negotiation with the original author, and often the price is sky-high.

Therefore, for an original musician to write a tune or a song, the first thing is to upload the song to the online music library. Once the online music library determines that there is no plagiarism, it can confirm that the uploader is responsible for the plagiarism. Copyright of this piece.

As for what if someone steals the creator's simplified music score in advance, then creates and uploads it himself? In this case, we can only call the police, file a case, or apply for arbitration, which is more troublesome. However, this situation generally rarely occurs. Most creators are not stupid. How can they just show others the music they have written with so much effort?

Zhong Ming linked Weibo to the real Q\u0026A account, and then uploaded "Pacfic Rim" to Weibo's music channel. After detection, it was automatically uploaded to the online music library.

Many social networking sites in this world have interrelated functions. After the association, ordinary fans can directly follow Zhong Ming's Weibo to find his Q\u0026A account, or find his Weibo through the answers on real Q\u0026A. Moreover, some related updates will be automatically synchronized, so there is no need to post them everywhere.

The Weibo of this world has its own music channel, through which it can be uploaded to the online music library.

Soon, the upload was completed and a line of prompts appeared on the screen.

"It has been detected that this track does not appear in the online music library. It has very little overlap with all existing tracks and is an original work. Are you the author of this track? Do you own all the copyrights of this work?..."

This is the normal process after the detection program of the Internet music library discovers a new song. Just like when many websites upload their own works, the website will first confirm whether it is an original work and whether the author has the copyright.

When confirming the copyright, there will also be a series of clauses. If you are not original but grab the copyright, it is equivalent to lying. These clauses will not be supported. Once discovered, the copyright will be revoked.

Soon, the confirmation is completed and the track is uploaded!

Zhong Ming searched the music channel on Weibo and found the song "Pacific Rim". The author was listed as Zhong Ming, but the playback volume was 0. If you want to listen to it, you need to pay 1 yuan.

This price is Zhong Ming's own price, and it is a price for all ordinary people. If there are some music software that wants to buy the right to use it, or a game company wants to buy the copyright, it needs to be negotiated separately. This 1 yuan price is a normal price. Basically, other new singers and songwriters also sell at this price, which makes them cheaper.

After all, it is still in the stage of gathering popularity. If the song is too expensive, it will not become popular, which is a bit more gain than loss.

After uploading it, Zhong Ming returned to the Q\u0026A and added a sentence.

"Thank you for your support! Many enthusiastic people helped to crowdfund the folding keyboard, and the song has been uploaded. The address is here [click to jump]. In addition, the money will be returned to everyone when wages are paid next month. The crowdfunding list is as follows :"

Zhong Ming made a list of all those who had made private transfers and praised them on Weibo. Of course, Jiang Wanna was the first, and she paid the most.

This news was also posted to Weibo simultaneously, along with a link to the song.

Soon, on Weibo, many people left messages under the answers to the real questions and answers.

“Wow! It’s actually been crowdfunded! Sure enough, there is great power in numbers!”

"I contributed 1 yuan, and my name is on the list, so proud!"

"This familiar melody! Ahhhhh, I finally heard it again, so exciting!"

"Purchase - single loop - open the game and start having fun, I have something to do this afternoon!"

"I also want to do a single loop and try to do ten more sets of bench presses today!"

Soon, this group of people found the song "Pacific Rim" through the link to the music section of Weibo, and started buying and downloading it!

The comment area for the song was quickly occupied by "Weibo Tour Group" and "Real Q\u0026A Tour Group". Those who had listened to the concert for a long time and could not forget it finally heard this exciting song again. !

Within an hour, this song was included in many playlists. Although they were all small playlists created by some users, with these playlists, the spread should be faster.

Zhong Ming was very satisfied, and felt more at ease since the song was uploaded successfully.

Strictly speaking, he still owes more than 10,000 yuan in foreign debt. He can be said to be very poor now, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, this song should be able to generate continuous profits soon. It's not much for one dollar, but if it's several thousand If tens of thousands of people each pay one dollar, the income will be considerable.

the next day.

Zhong Ming worked hard all night last night and finally uploaded "Pacific Rim". Then he checked the progress of the original painting of the Pandaren. It should be almost completed in the next two days.

When I came to the company, I started working as usual.

But not long after I sat down in my seat, I was called over by Liu Yuxin.

"Zhong Ming, come and sit down. How are you feeling at work recently?" Liu Yuxin seemed very approachable and considerate to his subordinates.

Zhong Ming smiled: "It's all good."

Liu Yuxin nodded: "That's good. I called you here today because I want to give you a new task. During the last version planning, I remember cutting off many functions of Xinghai Battlefield. Now this version of Xinghai Battlefield is successful. Those Functions should be added as soon as possible.”

Zhong Ming thought for a while: "This week's work plan is to optimize the program and art versions. I'm afraid I don't have time to do it."

Liu Yuxin: "I know that. I mean you write out the design document in advance. As for when you have time to develop it, we'll talk about that later."

Zhong Ming nodded: "Okay."

Liu Yuxin was very happy and patted Zhong Ming on the shoulder: "Okay, then as soon as possible. If you work hard, your future is limitless!"

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