Reincarnation Immortal Path

Chapter 17 Substantially increased control!

From stillness to movement, this is not just a matter of quick practice.

Being able to gather body energy while walking also represents a further step in Gu Luosheng's control.

The internal energy flows faster and the moves are more powerful. This is an all-round increase in strength!

His attainments in the Qi Nourishing Technique also allowed him to naturally break through to the level of Xiaocheng, and his cultivation speed increased significantly.

Now he eats meat every time, and his cultivation speed is about 2.5 lines of silk inner energy.

After achieving a small level of attainment, this practice speed directly becomes 3.5 lines of silk inner energy per day.

Approximately 40% increase in practice speed!

The same number as the skill increase!

Including the 40% increase in skill level 4, Gu Luosheng's practice speed has increased to about 4.3 steps.

This kind of cultivation speed is actually amazing. If you have enough meat, you can advance to the third level of Qi Nourishing Technique in five months...

Of course, it will actually take longer, and the speed of practice will gradually slow down as you advance.

But even so, it is amazing enough, because no matter how slow it is, it will not take a year.

Gu Luosheng is only fourteen years old this year. If he can advance to the third level of Qi Nourishing Technique at only fifteen years old, he is definitely a genius who is expected to break through the fourth level and awaken his spiritual roots!

Is this kind of talent waiting for him to be enthusiastically recruited or suppressed?

Half and half, it's hard for Gu Luosheng to judge. He knows too few senior people in Zhucun, and he can't guess whether Zhucun is suppressing the bottom class or not caring about the bottom class.

At least Zhucun has a small room for improvement, and the village chiefs have not squeezed ordinary people too hard.

"Is it related to resentment?"

Gu Luosheng still remembers what his father mentioned, evil spirits come from the yin energy of heaven and earth and the resentment of people.

This evil threat requires Zhucun to hold a purification ceremony every three years, which is extremely serious.

Squeezing ordinary people too much and letting them die with resentment is very likely to strengthen evil spirits.

After all, this is an extraordinary world, and perhaps ordinary people rely on this method to check and balance the powerful to survive.

"These have nothing to do with me. I'd better practice quietly. Otherwise, I can only look forward to grieving after death without knowing whether it will be useful!"

Gu Luosheng closed his eyes.

After he gained some mastery in Qi Nourishing Technique, his control ability has been greatly improved. Areas that were previously inaccessible can now be gradually accessed, such as the internal organs, or very tiny cells and tissues.

This is a qualitative change, the result of the Qi Nourishing Technique superimposed on the reincarnation technique. Most people only have half the effect, and may not be able to change so obviously.

Some of the previous ideas are now possible, such as "digestion".

In the first year after joining the Hunter Hall, he could eat freely, which was the golden period to improve his strength. He had no conditions for risky experiments.

Now it seems that this choice is correct. If you want to practice digestion skills, I am afraid that it will only be possible if you have a small degree of Qi nourishing skills and a great increase in control.

In the past, he wanted to practice digestive techniques, but his physical body was not up to par. It was a complete waste of time!

"Practicing the Digestion Technique can not only speed up digestion, but also extract more life force from food, which greatly enhances the practice of Qi Nourishing Technique. This is a very promising technique!"

According to his perception, when the intestines and stomach digest food, most of the life force is actually dissipated during the digestion process and is not absorbed by the body.

If the digestion speed is accelerated, more of the dissipated life force can actually be retained.

For the same food, if you don't practice digestion, you can only get 10% or 15% of the life force, but if you practice digestion, you can get 30%, 40% or even more.

If the level of digestion is high enough, Gu Luosheng is very likely to use grain to achieve the effect of meat.

There is a six-fold price gap between grain and meat. When you are short of money, digestion is of great significance...

For these reasons, Gu Luosheng has begun to study the movement of internal qi these days, so that the internal qi can penetrate deeply into the internal organs, especially the intestines and stomach.



There was heavy rain, lightning and thunder, and the snowless winter was over, but the air-conditioning still lingered.

"This rain is really sudden..."

Gu Luosheng and Gu Yuanyuan sat around the stove, somewhat confused.


Suddenly, a wolf howl faintly spread throughout the bamboo village, but it was hidden under the thick rainy night.

If Gu Luosheng hadn't become more sensitive after practicing, he might not have been able to notice the howling of the wolf.

His expression changed, he walked to the window and looked out.

Unfortunately, except for the thunder and lightning that flashed from time to time, the outside world was dark and there was no way to know what was going on.

He pondered for a moment, didn't say he was curious, and went out to take a look. Instead, he put on his leather armor, hung up his sword, and then moved some heavy objects to the door and blocked it.

His residence has a courtyard wall, but there is only a front door, but there are two front and back doors in the house.

He only blocked the front door, not the back door, so that if something went wrong he could escape in time instead of being trapped in the house.

As for the windows, they are designed to be very narrow and people cannot get out.

"Second brother, what happened outside?"

Seeing Gu Luosheng's unusual behavior, Gu Yuanyuan also sensed the danger outside and trembled a little.

She is not a cultivator, has no strength to restrain a chicken, and does not have any confidence to face danger.

"It's okay, it was probably just a false alarm."

Gu Luosheng consoled him.

He didn't plan to sleep tonight, so he kept an eye on the back door to avoid any accidents.

Gu Yuanyuan felt a little relieved, but she was still very scared, so she kept holding Gu Luosheng and didn't dare to leave.

Just like that, she soon couldn't hold it any longer and fell into a deep sleep.

Gu Luosheng didn't sleep, and heard wolf howls and... screams many times in a row.

The strange thing is that there are obviously wild beasts, even monsters, that have invaded around the village, but the village chief did not summon hunters to hunt. Instead, he sent people to beat gongs and drums to notify everyone to stay put.

Gu Luosheng thinks this is a good thing. The spirit wolf may be valuable, but it must be taken with a life.

The village chief doesn't want them to interfere, and he doesn't want to be the cannon fodder. It's great, a perfect win-win situation.

Until daytime, the street gradually gained popularity and there were no accidents. Gu Luosheng was finally sure that the danger should have been resolved.

He immediately went out and asked around. As a result, almost no one knew the situation. He only knew that several family members died tragically at the mouth of the monster, and the village chief killed the attacking monster.

Is it really the truth?

No one dares to say.

Gu Luosheng couldn't guess or confirm it. He shook his head and went back to continue his practice.

The way to cope with all changes is to remain unchanged, no matter what he does, improving yourself is the way to go.

"Second brother, I thought of a new way to cook, come and try it out!"

"I'm coming!"

Gu Luosheng had rice in one hand and barbecue in the other, eating with gusto.

Still eating rice?

Yes, his appetite has increased!

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