Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 788: Strong intruder

The giant tiger was kicked on the iron plate, and it was almost not burned into a roasted tiger.

With a scream of pain and scream, the giant tiger turned around and rushed back to the ice cave nest.

It is not Ye Tian's opponent at all.


At this moment, a terrifying wolf roar came from the depths of the small world, and a horrible wave swept out of the depths of the small world. The colorful Huaguang Mountain screamed like a tsunami, and the entire small world As if boiling, shouting and killing sounded loud.

A fierce battle is starting in the depths of the small world.

King Arthur and the King of Pantheon brought a group of powerful masters to chase down the Nordic devil wolf to the deepest part of the small world, and finally forced the devil wolf king out.

King Arthur was tall and majestic, and looked like a middle-aged and elderly man. In fact, he was more than a hundred years old, his blond hair was scattered, his eyes were covered with golden electric flashes, and even his pupils were golden.

He wore golden chain mail, a golden sword, and a golden shield, all of which were extraordinary.

As I saw, the golden chain mail overflowed with golden light, and the runes dangled him. This is a rare magic weapon to protect against various attack methods. Heavy artillery is not resistant, let alone ordinary swords.

The golden sword in his hand has drank too much blood from the soul, and the original golden sword has been stained with blood, and a wave of murderous gas can be swallowed. He used this sword to cut several SS-level powers, and even more S-level powers were cut.

Golden shield and golden sword are a combination, one main defense and one main attack.

This is an old-fashioned master of SS-class Wonderland. It is so powerful that the Nordic Devil Wolf, who is as strong as a dragon, can only persist for a few rounds in his hands and will be killed.

Along the way, he killed a dozen Nordic devil wolves.

"Devil wolf king, I know you're inside, get out and die! There should be a break between your devil wolf and my people."

King Arthur rebuked loudly, with a thunderous sound, and shook the wild.

He stood there, looking into the depths of the small world, and two golden beams in his eyes emptied his eyes a few feet, just like two magic lamps, terrifying.

Several S-level abilities next to him were struggling a little, their eardrums were buzzing and there was an urge to spit blood.

"Devil wolf king, your devil wolf tribe has unscrupulously slaughtered in my tribe, and even several cities have been slaughtered by you overnight. You have committed heinous crimes. It is time to bear the consequences and pay the price for your cruelty. Will we not find you in the Arctic Small World? "

The **** king of the Pantheon also spoke, the sound of dragons and tigers roaring, letting the void burst into excitement.

This is also an amazing powerhouse, an old-fashioned divine realm, a master of SS-level powers, and has a record that is enough to shine in history.

I saw him blond, tall and erect, wearing green gold armor, exuding a blazing divine spirit, standing there motionless, like a mountain, giving people an endless sense of oppression.

His eyes are like an abyss, forming two terrible vortexes, as if they can devour human souls, making people dare not look directly.

He was holding a trident trident with a halberd, pointing far away, and the end of the halberd swallowed endless cold mansions.

Regarding the grudges between the devil wolf and the human race, it was a dark history, a scar on humans.

This resentment is coupled with another protagonist, the Dark Blood Clan, also known as the Vampire Clan.

In the dark Middle Ages, the blood race was the most powerful. It had been out of human control and integrated into human society. It was sly, fickle, and unscrupulous.

Human beings could not defeat the blood race by their own power, so they found the Nordic devil wolf race.

The demon wolf is also cruel and bloodthirsty, not much more merciful than the blood.

This is an act of drawing wolves into the room, but humans have no way.

Humans promised the devil wolf to enter human life, and let the devil wolf help humans deal with the vampire tribe.

At that time, the devil wolf had always been at the North Pole, occasionally offending human territory, and there had been several fierce battles.

The devil wolf agreed to the human request, helped the human race to eliminate the blood race, and paid a heavy price for itself.

But humans, of course, do not refer to all human beings, but to the rulers of the high society of Europe. In the end, they not only tore the treaty, but also attacked the devil wolves.

Compared to human conspiracy and deception, the devil wolf is just a kindergarten kid. In the end, they were beaten to lose their helmets and armor, and almost killed. The old devil wolf king almost died.

Similarly, human beings have made great sacrifices.

History is written by the victors, and of course this disgraceful past cannot appear in human textbooks.

"If you surrender the meta-magnetic **** stone, I human beings will never blame it." King Arthur then said, and finally stated his purpose, very sinister.

The Nordic Devil's Elemental Magnetism is a great light in the battle against humans in conjunction with humans, and it is better than the Holy Light of the Holy See.

Humans have long been stunned by this great killing of the Nordic Devil Wolf.

Metamagnetism is not a gifted supernatural power. The Nordic devil wolf is not born with this magical power. It can only be awakened by refining the metamagnetism of the metamagic stone ~

In the depths of the small world, colorful clouds dazzle, as if there is a small colored sun shining, pulsating out of terror.

There must be strange treasures there, most likely the magnetism **** stone.

However, there is the deepest part of the devil wolf's lair. If you want to enter there, you have to pass a large battle line under the cloth of the devil wolf.

This is a divine killing, and King Arthur and the King did not dare to try their own lives.

Puff puff!

Blood mist splattered in the killing array.

Several more unlucky ghosts died.

In order to crack this killing formation, King Arthur caught a few casual repairs and asked them to get involved in the killing formation in order to see the clue of the formation from the moment the formation was opened.

But it's useless. This is a divine killing battle. It was the old wolf god, the father of the devil wolf king, who poured out all his magic power before death.

"Devil Wolf, you think you can't shrink, so I can't help you? Look at who this is?" King Arthur suddenly smiled grimly and said to the four round table knights behind him, "Push up!"


The wolf roar was completely shocked, and a wolf-headed monster was taken up.

Its body is too big, four meters tall, like a giant, covered with snow-white hair, eyes as large as a copper bell, all with explosive muscles, brute force can open the mountains and cracks, full of sharp mouth Teeth bloomed coldly, tearing steel.

This is a half-deformed devil wolf, no doubt, his combat effectiveness is very strong. However, now he was captured, his hands and feet were put on shackles blessed with divine power, and he couldn't escape, and became a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Go in!"

The golden sword in King Arthur's hand pointed at the divine realm in front of him, and let the semi-transformed devil wolf enter. This is no different than letting him commit suicide.

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