Rebirth of the Industrial Tycoon

Chapter 729: Point to point technology tree

For the financial company's affairs, Li Weidong wrote a detailed plan and planned to seek policy support from the state.

In front of the conference room of the National Development and Reform Commission, Li Weidong stopped, straightened his collar and cuffs, and then stepped in.

In addition to several leaders in the conference room, people from the Macroeconomic Research Institute, the National Investment Project Review Center, and the Innovation-Driven Development Center were also present. In addition, official media such as the Economic Herald and Reform News also sent reporters. The scene had the atmosphere of a think tank seminar.

"Chairman Li, let me introduce to you..."

After the introduction, just as Li Weidong was about to take a seat, a secretary-looking person hurriedly walked in and whispered a few words in the ear of the leader.

The leader's expression changed slightly. He looked at his watch first, and then said, "Go and make arrangements right away."

The secretary left in a hurry, and the leader walked up to Li Weidong again and said, "Chairman Li, something has happened. The superior leaders are also very interested in this briefing. However, he has many things to do and does not have time to come in person, so he plans to We will attend this briefing via video conference. We immediately sent people to prepare the video equipment, and the briefing will have to be delayed for a few minutes."

Thinking about it, there were only a few senior leaders of the National Development and Reform Commission, so Li Weidong asked: "I wonder which leader is attending the meeting?" Li Weidong asked immediately.

The other party said a name, and Li Weidong nodded silently, thinking quickly in his mind.

When a superior leader comes, the previously prepared explanations must be overturned and completely streamlined. The leader's time is precious, but he doesn't have that much time to listen to you. You have to select the important content and impress the leader as much as possible.

In the next few minutes, Li Weidong quickly reorganized the reporting language.

The video equipment was ready, and after a few more minutes, the briefing officially began.

"Dear leaders, let me briefly introduce my plan. After investigation, our Puppy Group found that there are many small and medium-sized enterprises in the upstream supply chain. Their development is restricted due to lack of funds. As small and medium-sized enterprises, bank loans are relatively cumbersome.

So we plan to set up a financial company to raise funds from financial institutions, and then invest the funds in these small and medium-sized enterprises in the form of loans to provide them with assistance, thereby promoting the development of the entire supply chain..."

Li Weidong made a quick introduction, and someone in the audience immediately started asking questions: "Chairman Li, I have read your report in detail. I have a question. The problem of complicated loans for small and medium-sized enterprises does exist, but financial companies Financial institutions can also do things like lending. And financial institutions are also more experienced in risk assessment and capital supervision."

The implication of this person is that for things like lending, there are professional financial institutions with more relevant experience and more controllable risks. Even if the policy is given, it should be left to them. Why should it be left to you, a non-professional?

Li Weidong immediately replied: "What we do is completely different from what financial institutions do. Financial institutions issue loans for the purpose of making profits. Everything is based on profit first. If they can't make money or have high risks, they may not be willing to do it. .

We, the Puppy Group, are engaged in industry. For our upstream supply chain, our primary goal is not to make profits, but to build a larger and more stable supply chain system. What we seek is the development of the entire industry. Of course, from another perspective, the development of the industry will also bring us profits. "

Someone else asked: "Chairman Li, you just mentioned risks. My question is about risks. Our country's financial industry started late and the regulatory system is not sound. Even large financial institutions have many regulatory deficiencies." Wherever you go, there will be many risks. You are in the manufacturing industry, how do you view potential financial risks?"

The subtext of the other party is that large financial institutions cannot avoid risks, so why should you, a manufacturing company, avoid risks?

Li Weidong had long expected that someone would ask about financial risks, so he immediately replied: "My view on risk is different from that of financial institutions. Financial institutions consider risks at the monetary level, and everything is based on money." measure.

I view risk from the perspective of the supply chain. As long as the supply chain is stable enough, then the risk of any link in the entire supply chain is controllable. Therefore, what we want to maintain is the resilience of the entire supply chain, not monetary gains and losses. "

Li Weidong briefly answered a few more questions, but he knew that these answers to questions could not impress the leader in the video call. If you want to convince others, you have to start from the national development level.

So Li Weidong took the initiative and said, "In recent years, the domestic economy has developed rapidly, and people's wages have also increased, which has caused the labor costs of enterprises to continue to increase. I, who work in the manufacturing industry, can feel this most.

The increase in labor costs has also caused many foreign-funded enterprises to move their factories to countries with lower labor costs. This is not a kind of industrial transfer. I think all leaders must have noticed this, right?

Japanese scholar Akamatsu Kaname proposed the flying geese theory thirty years ago, and the industrial transfer after World War II has been confirming this theory. According to this theory, the next industrial transfer will be from China to countries with cheap labor such as Vietnam, Cambodia, and India.

But we have not become as wealthy as Japan and South Korea. We are still in the developing stage. If industries really move overseas, it will be equivalent to handing over our jobs to others, and we ourselves will be hungry! So how should we solve the problem of industrial relocation?

Some people say that we should develop science and technology industries, improve productivity levels, increase the added value of manufacturing, and use higher profits to make up for the profits lost by the relocation of industries. But don’t forget that we have 1.4 billion people. Our population is larger than that of all developed countries. All the high-tech industries in the world combined may not be able to feed our 1.4 billion people! "

These words of Li Weidong immediately aroused the interest of the video leader.

Li Weidong continued: "We Chinese cannot always trade socks for airplanes, our workers cannot always receive low wages, and our manufacturing industry cannot remain labor-intensive.

Wage increases are irreversible and an inevitable result of economic development. Our labor costs will only get higher and higher, which will indeed make our manufacturing industry lose its international competitiveness. After all, capital pursues profits.

But labor cost is not the only factor in manufacturing costs. If workers' wages were low enough to bring about manufacturing, then Africa would already be the largest manufacturing continent! Whose turn will it be for us, China, to eat the manufacturing industry?

We are able to develop the manufacturing industry because we have other advantages, such as efficient systems, complete infrastructure, sufficient energy supply, hard-working people, etc. But we have these things, and other countries can also have them.

We can improve administrative efficiency, and other countries can do the same through scientific management and learning from us; we have complete infrastructure, and other countries can also build infrastructure as long as they are willing to invest funds;

We have sufficient energy supply, and other countries can also buy oil and natural gas from the Middle East. We Chinese are very hard-working, but people in other countries may not all be lazy. There will always be people who are willing to fight for a better life.

But there is one thing that is unique to us, and that is huge size! We have a population of more than one billion, which not only provides sufficient labor for the manufacturing industry, but has also developed into a huge market. I think this is our core advantage.

Manufacturing has always been an area where quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. For example, if we want to produce a certain product, we in China can produce 1,000K because we have huge production capacity. And when the product is produced, even if it cannot be sold in the end, it can be digested through its own market, at least without losing money.

Other countries dare not produce the same quantity because they are not big enough and they do not have such huge production capacity, so they dare not bet too much. Their market is not big enough. Once they produce too much, they will not be able to sell it. If we get out, the entire industry will be doomed. So they only dare to produce 50K, or even less quantity.

If one side is producing 1000K, and the other side is producing 50K, then the production costs must be different, and the R\u0026D funds shared equally for each product are also different. The purchase of raw materials, large-scale production, and every link will produce a cost difference. Adding up all the items, The final result is the price advantage.

In other words, for the same product, because our output is larger, the cost will be lower, and it will have a price advantage in the international market. And what if this advantage extends to a supply chain, an industry, or even the entire industrial system?

That will mean that our manufacturing industry will always be in a price advantageous position. No matter what industrial product it is, as long as our Chinese manufacturing is involved, we will be able to occupy a dominant position, even a monopoly! It is also for this reason that I have been talking about supply chain just now. "

"Chairman Li, listen to what you say, as long as we have manufacturing in China, other countries will not have to develop manufacturing!" Someone continued in a slightly mocking tone; "But in recent years, South Korea's manufacturing industry has developed rapidly. The manufacturing industry in Southeast Asia has also been on the rise in recent years!"

Li Weidong sighed lightly and replied: "If it continues to develop, the development of China's manufacturing industry has indeed blocked the way for backward countries. The flying geese theory proposed by the Japanese has become invalid when it comes to manufacturing in China. Because the flying geese travel The basis of the theory is that all participants must be wild geese.

If there is a giant dragon mixed into the wild geese, then all the wild geese will be eaten, and naturally there will be no theory of flying geese. This is what is going to happen. Globalization has gathered all the wild geese, but a newborn dragon has been mixed in. This dragon is not as big as the wild geese, but now, this dragon has grown up!

Unless there is another industrial revolution, which allows productivity to jump exponentially, it will be possible for backward countries to complete the process of industrialization. Otherwise, they can only become vassals of Made in China. This will be the fate of new manufacturing countries.

As for South Korea's manufacturing industry, they are really lucky. In the past thirty years, they have made almost every step right, so they can take advantage of advanced manufacturing to create short-term high profits. But once this kind of advanced manufacturing The advantage cannot be sustained. Can they still have such an efficient manufacturing industry?

The road South Korea has taken is not an easy one. It is full of uncertainties. They must not make a wrong step in their investment in advanced manufacturing. With South Korea's size, once they make a mistake, there will be no chance to start over. "

Li Weidong's words made everyone present fall into deep thought. Everyone understood the truth, not to mention it was even more convincing when said from the mouth of a successful entrepreneur.

A few seconds later, someone else said, "Chairman Li, I agree with your point of view. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and large enough volume is indeed an innate advantage in developing manufacturing. But apart from us, India It also has the same advantages!”

Li Weidong smiled disdainfully, and then asked: "It's not that I look down on India. Does India have a complete basic industry? If it can't even build the most basic industry, how can it take the path of manufacturing?"

Small countries have few resources and are small in size. If they want to enter advanced manufacturing, they can only rely on all-or-nothing. Therefore, they must not make a wrong step. Once they take the wrong path, they will not only miss the best time, but also not have so many resources to invest.

Even in the 1980s, Japan had a population of hundreds of millions and a per capita GDP several times that of the United States. However, after Japan selected the wrong technology tree several times, it fell into a lost thirty years and its manufacturing industry shrank across the board.

As for those countries whose size and foundation are far inferior to Japan's, once they go astray, the result will inevitably be the collapse of the entire industry.

In the past fifty years, many developed countries in Europe have lost some of their advantageous industries, and it is precisely for this reason.

In contrast, South Korea's luck is better. They have never chosen the wrong path. The right technology tree has ensured that South Korea will develop into a developed country in just a few decades.

For example, many companies in Japan were betting on plasma TVs, while South Korea was betting on LCD screens. As we all know, Japan's plasma industry has cooled down, while South Korea has successfully developed a panel industry.

In the early 21st century, it was generally believed around the world that Japan and South Korea were highly overlapping in industry. South Korea gradually developed after taking over Japan's industrial chain. People also regarded South Korea and Japan as competitors.

However, around 2020, academic circles gradually realized that the industrial chains of China and South Korea are really highly overlapping. In other words, South Korea's advantageous industrial chain is gradually being overtaken by China, and the market is also being eroded by China.

South Korea's traditional areas of advantage mainly include semiconductors, electronic products, home appliances, shipbuilding, automobiles, panels, etc. These are also rapidly rising industries in China.

Moreover, China's industrial rise is so fast that South Korea cannot react. South Korea's sudden trade deficit in 2022 directly stunned South Korea.

In contrast, when large countries engage in advanced manufacturing, their error tolerance is much higher. If you go the wrong way, you will at most lose some time and money. If you start over, even if you can't get ahead, you can still be above the average.

In the past few decades, the United States has produced the most useless technological products. The United States also has many products that are short-lived and quickly replaced. However, the United States is still the largest country in science and technology, and their huge size is indispensable. without.

You can click wrong on the technology tree, but as long as you click enough, there will always be one right.

As for India, although it has a population of 1.4 billion, it does not even have a complete basic industry, let alone a manufacturing power. What's more, India is not friendly to the manufacturing industry and has set up various obstacles. Indians' personality of saying more and doing less makes them more suitable to work as waiters in Western countries.

Li Weidong got the policy and established a financial company. In a few months, billions of funds flowed into the upstream industrial chain of the home appliance industry, and a large group of small and medium-sized enterprises were able to upgrade their technology.

Home appliances are an industry with relatively mature technology. It is not difficult for upstream industries to upgrade their technology. Sometimes, just introducing more advanced equipment can make better products.

However, the introduction of equipment requires funds, and small and medium-sized enterprises are the most difficult group to obtain funds.

Bank loans have never been friendly to small and medium-sized enterprises, which is the same in all countries. This is the choice of capital.

When looking for investment, the conditions offered by investors will also be relatively harsh. There is a tendency to swallow up the company in one go, and small and medium-sized enterprises will not dare to seek skin from the tiger.

Now that there are financial companies willing to lend money, everyone naturally wants it. There has never been any conflict with settling payments when running a business, and many small businesses will even borrow some high-interest loans during their development journey. After all, Puppy Finance is a formal company. Although the interest rate on loans is higher, it is still much lower than loan sharks.

Billions of funds were lent out in just a few months, and many people who didn't know the truth thought Li Weidong was doing charity. If you have this money, what can you invest in that won’t earn more than interest? The risks and benefits are not worth it!

However, when Li Weidong began to use asset-backed securities as collateral to obtain loans from banks, everyone realized that it was still his own sales pattern. Puppy Financial invested one billion in capital and issued tens of billions of loans. The interest earned was extremely cost-effective.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on interest, and no one realized that Li Weidong's real purpose was to control the entire upstream industry chain of the home appliance industry.

It was not until a few years later, when the United States launched a trade war and wanted to decouple its industrial chain from China, that it was discovered that the entire upstream supply chain of the home appliance industry was more or less related to Li Weidong.

At that time, a total of more than 200 billion in accounts payable and receivable were in the hands of Puppy Financial. Li Weidong established an upstream supply chain strategic alliance in one sentence, making the decoupling of the industrial chain a joke.

In the laboratory, there is an electric car that has been completely dismantled into parts. The Tesla "T" logo is still on the hood of the car.

Li Weidong and Mr. Wang of BYD stood side by side, staring at the pile of car parts in front of them.

"The battery technology used by Tesla is not more advanced than ours, but it is much better than us in terms of software. If you give me another two years, we will definitely surpass Tesla!" Mr. Wang showed a confident expression.

"We are making progress, and Tesla is making progress too. He can't stand still and wait for us. Don't underestimate Musk. This guy's thinking is so wild that he never knows when he will come up with something for you." A revolutionary new technology." Li Weidong reminded.

"I know, but I am still confident that we can surpass Tesla in the near future!" Mr. Wang continued: "Speaking of new technologies, as far as I know, Tesla has recently been developing a technology related to aluminum alloy die-casting, which should be Something to do with body casting.”

"It is an integrated die-casting technology for the body. The body is cast in one go through a large die-casting machine. This can save hundreds of parts and eliminate the sheet metal stamping and welding processes. This can improve production efficiency and greatly Drastically reduce costs." Li Weidong replied.

"You have more information than I do!" Mr. Wang was very interested and did not ask the source of the information in detail. After thinking for a moment, he said: "This technology sounds feasible, but there is a technical difficulty, that is, the parts are in When heat-treated, it easily deforms.”

"So we need to overcome the difficulty of high-strength and toughness heat-treated die-casting new materials. Once this hurdle is overcome, body integrated die-casting will be solved." Li Weidong paused and then said;

"I have already begun to make plans in this area. There have long been no technical barriers to the downstream production of integrated die-casting machines. The problem is new materials in the upstream. I have invested in several scientific research institutes, among which Shanghai Jiao Tong University has made phased progress. results."

Mr. Wang rolled his eyes at Li Weidong, and then said with a smile: "I understand, other scientific research institutes come to you with their results to ask for funds, so you come to me and share the scientific research funds equally!"

Li Weidong nodded: "How about it, can you pay this money?"

"I will definitely do it! If we can make an integrated body, it will also be a revolution for the automobile industry. I can't lag behind others." Mr. Wang paused and then said: "But since we want to make an integrated body If we don’t want to change it, then we need to do a thorough one. Not only do we need to build an integrated body, it’s better to integrate the battery and the body into a battery-body integration!”

After hearing these words, Li Weidong's eyes flashed with surprise. Isn't what Mr. Wang said exactly the CTB technology that BYD will do in the future?

"As expected of the Battery Fairy, he really knows how to draw inferences from one instance. Before this one-piece die-casting technology was developed, I thought of CTB technology!" Li Weidong thought to himself.

Mr. Wang, who was on the opposite side, went on to say: "When I think about it carefully, this integrated body also has a big shortcoming, which may not be very friendly to consumers."

"You mean the maintenance fee is expensive?" Li Weidong said.

"You have thought of it too!" Mr. Wang nodded with deep approval, and then continued; "Although the integrated body can save parts, it will also significantly increase the cost of repairs. Originally, only parts need to be replaced, which may If you need to replace the car body, it will eventually be passed on to consumers.”

"Let the insurance company increase the premium for car damage insurance!" Li Weidong smiled and continued: "Actually, there is a solution to this. First, we can make the car stronger. Second, we can use technology to increase Some assisted driving technologies can reduce the incidence of traffic accidents, thus reducing maintenance, which naturally reduces maintenance costs."

"Assisted driving and software are Tesla's strengths!" Mr. Wang sighed.

Li Weidong nodded in agreement: "The sense of technology is Tesla's strongest point, but the sense of luxury is what Tesla lacks. Ordinary consumers spend so much money to buy a car, and they always want a little luxury. Sensational.

There should be some leather interior or something. It would be terrible if all you see is a pile of plastic! We can work hard in this area. As long as the sense of technology is similar to that of Tesla and the sense of luxury is better, there is no need to worry about being able to defeat Tesla! "

The production of automobiles has roughly gone through five stages. The first stage was before 1913, a manual workshop-style production model, where workers could knock out a car with a sledgehammer and wrench.

It was not until 1913 that Ford invented assembly line production, which greatly improved the production efficiency of automobiles, and automobile production also entered its second stage.

However, with the improvement of people's living standards, there is also a demand for quality cars. American rough assembly line production can no longer meet market demand. At this time, Japan's lean management model began to emerge.

Japanese companies, led by Toyota, adopt a "multi-variety, small-batch" production model, improve quality and reduce costs through management, and quickly seize the market. This is the third stage of automobile production.

After entering the 1980s, German Volkswagen began to promote modularization and platformization. The so-called modularization means that parts are common. For example, many parts of Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche can be common, which reduces production costs.

The so-called platformization is to use the same platform to produce different styles of cars. For example, the Audi Q 5 production platform was used by Volkswagen to produce the Touareg, and for Porsche, the MA was produced. Such a platform can produce multiple types of cars, which reduces research and development costs.

This move by Volkswagen has brought the evolution of automobile production to the fourth stage. In order to reflect the advantages of modularization and platformization, automobile companies have developed towards multi-brand development. Most of the mergers and reorganizations of some big brands occurred at this stage.

After entering the 21st century, Tesla entered the automobile industry. Although Tesla is an energy vehicle, it still cannot escape from the traditional automobile production process, which is the four major links of stamping, welding, painting and final assembly.

When it comes to traditional production processes, Tesla is far inferior to traditional car companies. Traditional car companies have been making cars for decades, and the accumulated production and management experience cannot be learned in a short time.

Therefore, Tesla in the early days had been suffering from insufficient production capacity. At that time, many people said that Tesla was starving for marketing. In fact, it really could not produce that many cars.

Fortunately, Musk has a wild mind. He has developed an integrated die-casting technology, which has brought revolutionary changes to automobile production. This technology has greatly improved the efficiency of automobile production. It takes Volkswagen to produce a car. , Tesla can produce three vehicles, and car production has entered the fifth stage.

New technology has greatly reduced Tesla's production costs. Back then, wealthy people spent more than 800,000 yuan to buy a Tesla with a battery life of 300 yuan. Looking at the same model now selling for more than 200,000 yuan, I have a profound understanding of what " The feeling of being wronged.

But don’t feel like you’re making a profit if you buy a car worth over 200,000 yuan. With Tesla’s production costs, there’s still a lot of room for price cuts in the future. There’s no chance for a big bastard, but a small bastard is inevitable.

Tesla's early integrated die-casting only integrated dozens of parts of the car body together. This was considered version 1.0 of integrated die-casting technology.

The CTP technology developed on this basis is now the mainstream of new energy vehicle production and can be regarded as the integrated die-casting version 2.0.

The full name of CTP technology is Cell To Pack, which means that the battery module is reduced or removed, and the battery cells and battery shells are directly integrated and hung into the body chassis, which is commonly known as the "battery sandwich" in the media. In this way, a car can save 300 to 500 parts.

BYD has taken a step further in CTP technology and developed CTB technology, which is the concept of "battery body integration", which can be regarded as the 3.0 version of integrated die-casting technology.

This achieves high torsional stiffness of the motor and also allows part of the body to participate in force transmission and energy absorption. In general, it makes the car more powerful and safer.

Mr. Wang took Li Weidong to another laboratory.

"This is the hydrogen energy battery we developed!" Mr. Wang paused and then said; "The research and development is easier than we thought. From a technical perspective, mass production should not be a problem."

"What about patent restrictions? Japan almost has a patent monopoly in this area. If mass production is carried out, I am afraid that Japan's patents will not be bypassed." Li Weidong asked.

"Patents are not a problem. Japanese companies have already invited us to cooperate. They are willing to share their patents in hydrogen energy." Mr. Wang said.

"Are the Japanese's conditions harsh?" Li Weidong asked immediately.

"With the number of patents held by Japan, if they are really willing to open to us, then their requirements are still within the acceptable range." Mr. Wang replied.

"The patented technology that the Japanese are willing to provide should not include the production, transportation and storage of hydrogen, right?" Li Weidong asked again.

"Japan does not hold many patents on hydrogen production. As for transportation and storage, it does have some. However, in our early contacts, the other party was unwilling to disclose too much. However, in terms of hydrogen energy battery applications, Japan is more Those who are willing to share technology." Mr. Wang said.

Li Weidong thought for a moment and asked; "In other words, in terms of hydrogen energy application, Japan's technology is relatively mature and willing to share it. But in terms of hydrogen transportation and storage, Japan has most likely mastered the core technology, but it still I want to be alone. As for the technology of hydrogen production, the Japanese are only half-matched and not much ahead."

"Our strategy department also conducts this kind of research and judgment." Mr. Wang nodded.

"Haha, it seems that we still need to click on the right technology tree!" Li Weidong smiled and sighed.

"Technology tree?" Mr. Wang hesitated for a moment, and then said, "This is what the game says! Do you mean that the Japanese took the wrong path?"

"It is too early to say that Japan's bet on hydrogen energy is to point to the wrong technology tree. But the lithium battery we are developing now is definitely correct. Lithium batteries still have great potential that can be tapped, and the development direction of solid-state batteries is We can see and touch the goal!”

Li Weidong continued: "As for hydrogen energy, I think it will be difficult to become a mainstream energy source in a short time. Our research and development on the application of hydrogen energy can continue. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, we must first apply for all the patents we can apply for. In case something happens, If there is a breakthrough in the production of hydrogen today, let’s eat what’s available!”

Since the 2010s, the topic of hydrogen energy has never stopped being hyped. Compared with traditional fossil energy, hydrogen energy does have advantages such as ideal calorific value, good combustibility, high utilization rate, low consumption, and environmental protection.

Japan is the first country to start large-scale research on hydrogen energy. Japan's research on hydrogen energy began with the oil crisis in the 1970s. As an energy importing country, Japan was greatly harmed by the oil crisis at that time. Japan was also a country with a particularly strong sense of crisis, so at that time Japan We began to lay out the non-petrochemical energy industry.

In addition to petrochemical energy, other energy sources that can provide energy on a large scale are hydropower, wind energy, nuclear energy, solar energy, and hydrogen energy.

Japan does not have large rivers, so hydroelectric power generation is hopeless, and solar power generation is unstable and unsuitable for large-scale industrial use. Both of these are excluded by Japan.

Wind power has high hopes in Japan, and Japan was once leading the world in research in this area. However, Japan soon discovered that their development of wind power had a fatal flaw, that is, there was no place to install wind power equipment.

Compared with European countries, Japan's land area is actually not small. But the places in Japan suitable for installing wind turbines are precisely places suitable for people to live.

The wind power generation process is very noisy, so China's wind turbines are installed in uninhabited areas in the west, and then use ultra-high voltage transmission technology to transmit the power to the east. If wind turbines are installed in residential areas, ordinary people will not have to sleep.

Later, Japan also tried to build offshore wind power stations, but the cost of building this thing offshore was too high. An investment of 10 billion yen in the construction of equipment was enough to power 10,000 households, not including maintenance costs. , it is even more impossible to use it in industry.

Japan has the technology for wind power generation but lacks the conditions, so it can only focus on nuclear energy and hydrogen energy. Japan once led the world in nuclear energy research.

Then came the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, which aroused anti-nuclear voices among Japanese people, and nuclear energy became a product of political incorrectness. In the end, Japan could only bet on hydrogen energy, and the Abe government even made the development of hydrogen energy a Japanese national policy.

Hydrogen is a secondary energy source. Unlike petrochemical energy, it is not stored in nature. If you want to apply hydrogen energy, you need to produce hydrogen first.

The method of producing hydrogen is not an industrial problem. It is nothing more than the electrolysis of water method, the water gas method, the thermal cracking synthesis method of oil and natural gas, and the coke oven gas freezing method. These methods can produce hydrogen, but they cannot be used in the field of hydrogen energy.

For example, electrolyzing water to produce hydrogen requires consuming electricity, so why not use electricity directly? Why do we have to decompose hydrogen to generate electricity?

In the same way, the water-gas method must use coal, and the thermal synthesis method must use oil or natural gas. If you really want to obtain energy, then just burn coal, oil and natural gas!

So as long as there is no revolutionary breakthrough in hydrogen production, the application of hydrogen energy is to take off your pants and fart!

The transportation and storage of hydrogen is also a problem. Hydrogen is flammable after all, and a small spark can cause a big explosion. This will cause great safety concerns in terms of transportation and storage.

Turning hydrogen into a liquid state makes storage and transportation easier. However, the liquefaction of hydrogen requires a large amount of electricity, which is equivalent to consuming more energy to transport energy, which returns to the cost issue.

In terms of hydrogen storage and transportation, Japan has done a lot of research and holds a large number of patents, and can even form patent monopoly barriers. At the same time, Japan is also leading the world in the application of hydrogen energy. Not only hydrogen energy batteries, but also has a large number of patents in other applications.

At the beginning, Japan planned to monopolize the hydrogen energy pie. Japanese companies also clung to patents, and Toyota Motor Corporation made a heavy bet on hydrogen energy batteries.

So other countries stopped playing with Japan and let Japan make its own hydrogen energy batteries while we made lithium batteries.

When lithium battery technology developed, Japan realized the problem and began to open up hydrogen energy battery technology. I hope everyone will join Japan in developing hydrogen energy batteries.

Japan's goal is to popularize hydrogen energy, and the best way to popularize a new energy source is transportation.

Humans installed steam engines on trains and ships, making coal the main energy source; humans installed internal combustion engines on cars and airplanes, making oil the main energy source.

Once all cars use hydrogen energy, the application of hydrogen energy in other aspects will be a matter of course. That’s why Japan is willing to share hydrogen energy application technology.

And when the whole world is using hydrogen energy on a large scale, the storage and transportation technology mastered by Japan will be an extremely huge market. Just imagine, a mainstream energy storage and transportation technology, all mastered by Japan, is enough to return Japan to its most glorious era.

However, the level of hydrogen production is always an insurmountable threshold. On the other hand, the performance of lithium batteries is getting better and better, and solid-state batteries are also beginning to be used.

In the entire battery supply chain, Chinese companies have almost a monopoly on rare earth smelting and firmly control the upstream of the supply chain; CATL and BYD have the technology and production capacity, and have absolute say in the midstream industrial chain; Toyota, Honda and other Japanese car companies It has been focusing on hybrid vehicles, lagging behind in the field of pure electric vehicles, and has no advantages in the downstream industry chain.

At this time, it is too late for Japan to turn around. The same principle applies. Japan is not big enough. Once it chooses the wrong path, it will have no capital to turn back.

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