Rebirth of the Father of Anime

End of this testimonial

It's finally finished.

When I typed the last three words "The whole book is finished", I felt that the whole person was suddenly empty, a kind of letting go, a kind of emptiness, and a kind of faint sense of satisfaction.

From April 22, 2014, when the first chapter was uploaded, to the finale on August 6, 2015, one year, three months and fourteen days, 2.72 million words.

Gai pouring code words are very slow, although it can't explode, but it is also stable. From the time the book was issued to the present, occasionally due to accidents, it is impossible to update, and most of them can be made up the next day. Those who did not make up and asked for leave, there are only two days in total, and one of them is Chinese New Year.

Here, I have to say sorry to the leader of this book, "Who said I read pirated copies". I didn't expect that I would also have the support of the cute leader one day, but I couldn't make an update to give back to everyone.

Of course, there are countless friends who support me by donating and subscribing.

It is everyone's support that allows me to keep writing and to keep this book up to now.

Gai pouring here to say "thank you" to everyone!

Gai Yao is a newcomer at Dianniang's place. He doesn't understand anything. At the beginning, he didn't even think about being able to sign a contract. From the name, it should be obvious that Gai Yao was following the trend. At that time, he was only thinking about writing a book. such a story. No other, because I like these, and I am also familiar with them.

There wasn't even an outline—at the beginning, the outline consisted of only a few sentences, less than two hundred words. To sum it up, the protagonist went to a world without anime, and then copied all those classic anime works, and brought his previous touch to the new world.

At the beginning, I stumbled and stumbled, I didn’t understand a lot of things, the writing was full of loopholes, and the story even deviated from the original gist... Everyone who followed me from the very beginning should know the dark history I deleted. The writing is too bad, or that style does not match my idea. At that time, I was thinking, what is an interesting story... Then I looked at the outline, recalled the original intention of writing the book, and readjusted After a while, the story was pulled back and the main tone of the book was established.

Later, when it was put on the shelves, the book was not forced to be put on the shelves, but made up after it was put on the shelves, because the original results were not good. Whether it is pouring or a book, they are all unknown.

Here I would like to thank my editor, thank him for signing me, and thank him for giving me pointers when I was confused.

However, it was not all smooth sailing after that, just like countless web articles, the writing collapsed. Because the golden fingers opened in the early days... No, it should be considered as the golden elephant legs are too thick, He Chen's status climbed too fast,

Not long after it was put on the shelves, that is, when it was around 70w words, it seemed that there was nothing to write about. The speed of development had exceeded the control of Gaijiao, and it could not be suppressed.

Gai Yao didn't know what rhythm is, so he committed the most common mistake of novices. This is also a common problem of not having a detailed outline. Gai Yao only has a rough outline, which basically only determines the beginning and end of the book.

At that time, I was under a lot of pressure, and I insisted on updating every day, because someone said that once I stopped, I am afraid that I will never be able to code again.

At that time, I met Teacher Tuanzi on the Internet by chance. Yes, he was the author of "The Leader's Cultivation Plan" and chatted with him a lot.

After that, when it comes to comics, it means that the painting style has changed. If you are a reader who has followed along, you should be able to clearly feel the changes in style before and after.

With everyone's support and encouragement, the grades of the book have been rising all the way, and I have been recommended by the website and the client. In my eyes, these are the recommendations of "great gods". I may one day stay on it. next footprint.

Thank you everyone!

Without your support, this book would not exist!

At the very beginning, I thought I could only write 600,000 to 700,000 words, and only a million words at the top. I never thought that I could write a novel with 2 million words, and it was still 2.72 million words.

This is a word count that I never even thought about.

Ah, it's over, the moment I stopped my fingers, there was a subtle feeling in my heart, and I closed my eyes and smiled.

From the ignorant beginning to the final ending, although everyone has different opinions on the final ending, there are still many, many things I want to write that have not been written, but for me, for the world of "Father of Rebirth Anime" , for He Chen, for the countless characters in the story, this is the time to end.

In the graduation ceremony of life, the story in the book also graduates.

Thank you for your continuous support, and at the same time, I hope you can continue to support!

This story is over, but Gadou will not stop.

For the new story, Gai Tiao is going to write an infinite stream. As for which aspect it is, you know.

When a new book is released, it will be notified in this book.

I hope everyone can continue to support Gai Diao in the next story!

Finally, once again, the end of Sahua! (to be continued)

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