Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 96 Kevin can only write romance novels?

Kevin was just surprised, not too disappointed. After all, he believes that a good work will not be buried.

"Thank you for your comfort. Dear Enni, I am not disappointed. I think if anyone can put this "Wuthering Heights" on the screen and let the audience see it, then this person must be happy."

Kevin still gave Enni a sense of confidence. Of course, this is also the character of the man Enni has always liked.

"Well, I believe "Wuthering Heights" will prove itself in the end. Come on, Kevin." Enni encouraged.

"Thanks, I think I will."

After talking for a few words, Kevin and Ennie hung up the phone with each other.

After Kevin put down his phone, he planned to browse the Internet to find inspiration for his next book. Of course, this inspiration refers to whose book should be copied, not the inspiration for writing the book.

But when Kevin entered the Twitter center, he saw someone sent him a URL. He clicked in, and found the title of an article --- "Kevin will write those love love love"

This article was written by Zela, and she really couldn't stand Kevin's prosperity. How could this person belittled him before, isn't his prosperity now just a slap in the face for himself? Therefore, she is always trying to find out Kevin's shortcomings, and then attack him to show everyone that her rejection was right.

The whole article roughly talks about Kevin's recently published "Jane Eyre" and "Wuthering Heights", although they are booming, they have also received certain praise. But they are all love novels. This is also a common problem among young people. It can be seen that Kevin is still in the thinking of young people. Apart from being able to write romantic novels, Kevin can't write other wonderful content.

In fact, this article is a bit nitpicking. After all, no matter who the writer is, as long as he can write well in one aspect, that's enough. Just like Curry, he wrote mystery novels, and then he wrote mystery novels all his life. Because that is his specialty, writing other words, he can't get popular.

But the article insisted on exaggerating this topic. The purpose is to tell everyone that Kevin has run out of talents, he can only write those romantic novels, maybe the next one, and the next one, will still be these romances.

Kevin's readers are not happy with this article. They commented and refuted at the bottom of the article.

"So what about writing about love? The world revolves around love, and love is a part of love. Besides, Kevin writes these things so penetratingly and wonderfully."

"If you have the ability, you can also write about love and love, and the writing is so wonderful. No matter what, I support Kevin."

"Yeah, this person is obviously jealous of the popularity of the book written by Kevin. If you look at Kevin's works carefully, you will find that the novel written by Kevin is not something everyone can write. It is like God The magic wand in your hand will make you fall into it."

After reading this article attacking himself, Kevin was not angry, on the contrary he became happy. Because this article gave him the inspiration for his next book.

"Well, I'll write you a novel that doesn't focus on love."

So, Kevin thought of Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe".

"Robinson Crusoe" is a novel written by the British writer Daniel Defoe. It mainly tells that the protagonist Robinson was killed at sea, drifted to an uninhabited island, and insisted on living on the island, and finally returned to his original place. The story of a living community.

The book When on Earth was first published on April 25, 1719. Many years after the novel was published, it was translated into many languages ​​and spread widely all over the world, and was adapted into the movie "Robinson Crusoe" and the TV series "Robinson Crusoe" many times.

"Robinson Crusoe", which was born in the great historical wave of the Enlightenment, is a work with the structure of a tramp novel. The Enlightenment Movement is such an important stroke in the history of the world. It is not only the continuation and deepening of the anti-feudal and anti-ecclesiastical struggles during the Renaissance, but also the theoretical preparation stage for the bourgeois political revolution. And "Robinson Crusoe", as the foundational work that opened the British realist novels in the 18th century, has also become a milestone that cannot be avoided in the study of world literature.

Not only that, "Robinson Crusoe" is considered to be the beginning of British realism, but it is also regarded as an early novel reflecting European colonialism's overseas expansion and colonial practice. Therefore, since its publication, on the earth, because of its unique literary charm and great research value, "Robinson Crusoe" has aroused extensive interest and research in the field of literary criticism.

Moreover, "Robinson Crusoe" is known as the first novel in the true sense in Britain and the foundation of realistic novels. After the novel was published, it has also attracted the attention of the academic circle. Scholars in different periods and countries have interpreted and reconstructed the novel from different dimensions and standpoints, some of which are criticized and praised.

"Robinson Crusoe" not only provides a channel for the communication and dissemination of colonial images and ideals, but also constructs the relationship between imperial culture and imperial authority, and affirms the expansion, aggression and colonization of the empire in a unique literary form.

Robinson Crusoe is an important cultural archive of European colonial narratives. The novel not only constructs the basic model of western patriarchal empire, but also makes a barbaric description of the "cannibals" in America. Therefore, on the one hand, it has become a classic through the misreading of European authoritative writers, and on the other hand, it is constantly being reconstructed by the intellectual elites after colonial times.

It is precisely because of the above reasons that this work has always been a bestseller in libraries all over the world. Therefore, Kevin has reason to believe that such a work will definitely cause a sensation in the literary world of this parallel world.

"Yes! Just write "Robinson Robinson Is Beautiful." Kevin said to himself.

So Kevin started to activate the literary memory system in his mind, and then typed "Robinson Crusoe" on the keyboard with his fingers back and forth.

But just after the first chapter was written, Mr. Collison called.

"Hey! Kevin, I read that article on the Internet, remember what I told you?"

"Of course, try to be yourself and don't care too much about other people's evaluation." Kevin replied.

Mr. Collison had read the article saying that Kevin could only write romantic novels ten minutes ago. As Kevin's teacher, he was worried that the young boy would be cranky, so he called to comfort him.

"Try to be yourself, don't care too much about other people's evaluation" This sentence was said by Collison to comfort Kevin after Linda rejected Kevin's confession. Therefore, Kevin has always kept it in mind.

"That's fine. Just be yourself and write all you want. You're a great writer, you know, and being too great alone always arouses envy," Collison encouraged again.

"Thank you, Mr. Collison, you told me some philosophies in life. You are like a philosopher, always using words to awaken people when they need it."

"Okay, the purpose of my call has been achieved. Come on. Bye."

The purpose of Collison's call was to comfort Kevin not to feel sad because of this article that belittled him. Now that Kevin's tone seemed to be full of open-mindedness, he felt relieved a lot. So, after chatting for a few words, they also hung up the phone. (Thanks again to "Wenren Naixiang" and "Changqing Wugui" and others for their rewards. I wish them all the best and a happy family. Thank you readers for supporting this book, my gods. Thank you)

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