After Bella sang "When You Are Old", the concert at the Arthur Music Hall was basically over, and Bella returned to the backstage of the stage under the escort of the staff.

The audience in the audience also reluctantly walked out of the door of the music hall at this time. Kevin and Alva are both guests, so they followed the staff to the backstage. Of course, if Kevin wants, he can leave here. But he wanted to see Bella backstage.

"Bella, you are amazing today. Do you know? Just now, the entire Arthur Music Hall, they all cheered for you and screamed for you. Especially the song "When You Are Old", the audience The chorus of more than 20,000 people is simply a miracle." Arva said excitedly to Bella after she came backstage.

"I also feel that music is so attractive. No wonder you always said that music is your life and your soul. Now I also feel this way." Bella's face was also full of excitement.

Bella didn't expect that her first concert in her life would be so successful, which was completely unexpected for her. Therefore, at this time, she was full of happiness in her heart.

"I think only you, the voices of nature, can achieve such an effect. It's great. Thank you for bringing good music to the UK." Kevin spoke at this time.

"Kevin, I thought you went back. Thank you for staying to see me." Bella said to Kevin.

"It's okay, I'm just as reluctant to part with you as the audience. So I went backstage to take a look." Kevin said humorously.

In fact, Kevin has another purpose for coming here this time, which is also the request of the two elders. That is to ask Bella if she is free to come to the house again. But now that Alva was by his side, he couldn't ask directly. So after chatting with everyone for a few words, they also left.

After Kevin got home, he chose to use his mobile phone to send a text message to Bella, and explained that he wanted to invite her to his house as a guest.

Not long after the message was sent, Bella returned. According to the procedure, Bella has to fly to Liverpool to prepare for the next concert after tonight. So she had no choice but to decline Kevin's invitation.

"Sorry, Kevin, please forgive my refusal. I have to fly to Liverpool tomorrow morning. So, I can only disappoint you and your parents. But don't worry, when I'm done with my work for a while , will definitely come to see you and your parents. Knowing that this is a beautiful city and how warm you are.”

Even Bella is busy with the concert now, and Kevin has nothing to say. After putting down his phone, he turned on his computer, intending to check Twitter news.

But when he opened Twitter, he was surprised to find that his followers had increased by another 100,000. This speed simply surprised him.

These new fans only paid attention to Kevin after they knew that the lyrics of the song "When You Are Old" were written by Kevin. They knew about Kevin because they liked Bella's song, and it was a chain effect. Therefore, it was the right thing to ask Bella to promote "Wuthering Heights".

The "Time Magazine" people also heard the news that Kevin was at Bella's concert, so they made a decisive decision and planned to release this issue of "Time Magazine" in advance. Originally, according to the rules, they only started publishing on Tuesdays every week. But this time they chose to release it on Monday.

This is because "Time Magazine" saw that Kevin was at the concert, so they wanted to take advantage of this upsurge to publish "Ode to a Nightingale" written by Kevin, so as to generate greater sales.

So, on Monday, this issue of "Time Magazine" appeared in major bookstores and newsstands. Those old readers of "Time" are also very curious, why is this a day earlier?

"Strange, isn't it usually released on Tuesdays? Why is it released on Monday this time?"

"Could it be that the time has been changed? But we haven't seen any explanation."

"Maybe there are special circumstances? Whatever it is, just look at it."

"Wait, this time Kevin actually wrote poetry again. That's great, since he wrote "When You're Old", he rarely writes poetry in this column."

"Really? My God, Kevin really wrote poetry. "Ode to a Nightingale"? Is it about a nightingale?"

These old readers of "Time Magazine" couldn't wait to open the newspaper, and then turned to the column "Kevin Talks". At this time, they saw the three black bold titles of "Ode to a Nightingale".

So, they began to read it seriously, after all, poetry needs to be read seriously in order to experience its proper artistic conception as quickly as possible.

My heart aches and I feel lethargic and numb,

It's like drinking poison.

And as if you just swallowed **,

Began to sink into the river of forgetfulness in the underworld.

It is not that I envy your blessings,

But your joy overjoys me—

You, winged dryad,

Among the leaves and shadows of the beeches,

Where the singing is melodious,

You stretch your throat and sing about summer.

When these old readers finished reading the whole poem, they couldn't help closing their eyes, imitating the world imagined by the poet in the wonderful nightingale singer.

"That's great, another beautiful poem. Kevin's imagination can only be described as genius."

"Yeah, after reading the first few sentences, I still couldn't imagine what he wanted to express. But when the last few sentences appeared, I realized that he was intoxicated by the beautiful singing of the nightingale, and then was overwhelmed by this kind of Drawn by the singing, a world is imagined in my mind."

Not only the old readers of "Times", but those who are curious about Kevin's poems at this time also chose to buy a copy when they saw "Times". After all, "Time" tweeted last week that there would be a poem by Kevin in this issue.

Especially after Kevin went to Bella's concert, the reputation of Kevin, a romantic poet, became bigger and bigger. Those who have already despaired of the British poetry world also bought a copy of "Times" at this time, just to read Kevin's latest poems.

When they saw "Ode to a Nightingale," they undoubtedly had the same reaction as the old Time readers. It's an imaginative poem, and it's a beautiful poem.

But why is this poem so short? It seems that something is not clear. So, they tried to find the answer in the column "Kevin Says Things". Then, they saw the explanation: "Ode to a Nightingale" has a total of eight verses, and each issue chooses to publish one verse. Thank you for your support.

After seeing this explanation, they suddenly came to their senses. It turns out that Kevin didn't finish everything about "Nightingale". He and "Nightingale" have different stories. But what would he say?

Therefore, they were full of curiosity about the poems behind this "Ode to a Nightingale", and they also looked forward to the publication of the next issue of Time Magazine as soon as possible. Especially the readers of Kevin, they can't wait to know the content of the poems in the following chapters

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