Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 23 Preheating on Twitter

The day after Kevin returned to Edinburgh, Ennie called him again and told him that "Jane Eyre" would be sold in major libraries tomorrow morning.

When Kevin heard that, he was very happy. After rushing to the street for so long, I can finally experience the feeling of being able to publish a book. He deeply believes that when those British people, no matter they are men, women, old or young, poor or noble, when they see the story in "Jane Eyre", they will definitely fall in love with this work, until they step by step read it through.

Kevin couldn't sleep that night. He turned on the new computer he bought in London and took to Twitter. Unexpectedly, Twitter also passed the real-name authentication.

Kevin's authentication information is "Champion of the 7th London Literary Contest". With this real-name authentication, Kevin's fans have also increased a lot in a short time.

Tomorrow is the day when "Jane Eyre" goes on sale, so do you have to write something? So Kevin wrote the second tweet in his life: I'm so happy, my first novel "Jane Eyre" will be on sale tomorrow. I hope everyone can buy a copy and support it.

As soon as the tweet was sent out, Curry and Ennie first retweeted it. Although Curry is not famous for writing romance novels, as a leading figure in the British literary world, what he said is still authoritative. The quality of the book he said is good, so there won't be many people doubting it.

"Wow, even Mr. Curry praised "Jane Eyre". Is this work really a classic? I'm looking forward to it."

"Is this the Kevin who wrote a champion-level article in less than ten minutes? His novel was put on sale so quickly? Did he also finish it within a few days? What a genius."

"Yeah, the speed is too fast. Not long after I won the championship, the new book is about to be published and sold. No matter what, I must buy a copy and have a look."

"I'm looking forward to his work so much. I really want to see how a person who can write a champion-level article in ten minutes will write a long article."

For a while, Twitter once again set off a discussion about Kevin's new book. Yes, who wouldn't be curious about an author who can write a champion-level novel in less than ten minutes, what would happen if he wrote a novel?

Kevin was excitedly scrolling through these people's comments on his new book, and smiled slightly in his heart. He knew very well that the hotter the discussion, the better the sales of "Jane Eyre".

In order to add fuel to the flames, Kevin sent a private message to several other judges and asked them to help forward his **. These judges were very optimistic about Kevin, and after seeing the private message, they forwarded and commented on Kevin's Twitter without hesitation.

Especially Santos, Kevin's "Meditation on a Broom" was reviewed by him. He is still deeply intoxicated by the genius of that article. So he also has no doubts about Kevin's new book. Also recommended to his circle of friends.

The forwarding and recommendation of these literary celebrities, coupled with the packaging and promotion of the publishing house, overnight, the discussion about Kevin's "Jane Eyre" became crazy. Because of this, Kevin's twitter has a lot of fans.

This is a master in the literary world, recommended by many famous experts, regardless of the quality of the work, at least the sales will not be bad. Therefore, when Enni saw this scene, she felt relieved a lot. At least this proves that my original vision was correct—"Jane Eyre" will be a classic work, and it will definitely inspire those people with low self-esteem to bravely pursue the life they want, love, and encounter rather than the unattainable.

After Ze**Lu Twitter saw all the news about "Jane Eyre" on Twitter, the expression on his face was very ugly. This is a work that she threw into the trash can, and this is a work that she rejected mercilessly. Is it really that good? Will it really sell well when it goes on sale tomorrow?

In fact, she knew very well in her heart that with the recommendation of so many famous writers and the title of champion of the London Literature Contest, even if "Jane Eyre" is not well written, the results will not be bad after it goes on sale tomorrow. This is also the reason why her face is so ugly.

Zela now only hopes that Augustine's new work will surpass Kevin's "Jane Eyre" at that time, and then prove that her vision is so unique, and prove that she gave up "Jane Eyre" in order to discover more outstanding novels. s work.

Kevin saw so many people guessing his "Jane Eyre", in order to attract more fans, he posted another tweet: "Jane Eyre" will bring you unprecedented The story, it will tell you what it means to live in this world.

The discussion about "Jane Eyre" on Twitter hadn't disappeared. After seeing Kevin tweet again, they fell into the discussion about the plot of "Jane Eyre".

"The meaning of living in this world? Isn't that to prove yourself? Does "Jane Eyre" have other insights?"

"God, for the first time I saw a discussion about literature on twitter. This is a step forward for British literature, allowing more people to participate in the discussion of literature, thus discovering more literary talents. Anyway So, tomorrow, I will definitely buy a copy of "Jane Eyre."

"I think "Jane Eyre" must be a love story? Does Kevin want to tell us that the meaning of life is to have an unforgettable love? Then thank God, I already have the meaning of life."

"Needless to say, I will buy three books tomorrow, one for my girlfriend and one for my dad. I hope the author won't let us down."

"Upstairs is really a bastard sent by God. People who can write a champion-level work in ten minutes can write so badly. Buy it, and I will buy a copy after school tomorrow."

Enni hadn't slept all the time, she was trying to scroll through the comments on "Jane Eyre" on Twitter. When she saw "Jane Eyre" constantly being refreshed and reposted, she was completely excited in her ultra-short pajamas.

"The popularity of "Jane Eyre" is so high, tomorrow will definitely be a good sales volume. Thank God, I can sleep soundly." Enni said to herself.

When Kevin saw the constant addition of fans on Twitter, he also understood something in his heart.

"Yes, this is the result I want. Maybe I should consider writing another work."

Yes, after Kevin got a new computer, it became much easier to write articles. Now that "Jane Eyre" was published, he also began to think about writing other works.

There are so many British literary works on earth, Kevin has to think about who should write about the next work.

(Everyone, who do you want Kevin to write about in his next work? "Harry Potter" or "Sherlock Holmes" or "Robinson Crusoe" or something else? Please support this book a lot, Papaya has been working hard with.)

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