Proud Farm Girl With A Space

Chapter 92 Don't Like Me

Chapter 92 Don't Like Me

I thought that it would be enough for everyone to have a sachet, so I didn't make another one for myself.

Mainly because she was sleepy.

On the second day, Jiang Xiaoxiao immediately delivered the sachets made of jasmine to their respective owners.

After receiving the sachet, everyone had different expressions, but their eyes were full of surprise.

Zhou Qiuju couldn't help but put the sachet under her nose, took a deep breath, her eyes were full of intoxication, "What's in the sachet? It smells so good!"

Jiang Xiaoxiao had a naive look on his face, looking cute and harmless.

"It's the flower I found in the mountains that time. I learned from the book that the name of this flower is jasmine. I thought it was fragrant, so I picked it up and dried it to make a sachet.

I didn't reveal anything because I wanted to surprise everyone. "

Everyone believed it and didn't doubt anything, and then began to praise Jiang Xiaoxiao for his dexterity, cleverness and so on.

Jiang Xiaoxiao's face was almost frozen with laughter, and he dragged his sister-in-law out to tell everyone that it didn't work because of her part.

Even the person who taught her to be a female star praised her very much. Everyone almost praised Jiang Xiaoxiao as a flower.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was quite distressed, and felt that it was too troublesome to have such a group of supportive family members.

If you praise her again, she feels that she is almost floating on the clouds, which will make her swell.

Jiang Xiaoxiao hurriedly stopped: "Stop it, stop it, stop boasting, it's just a sachet..."

After everyone gave up, Jiang Xiaoxiao let out a long sigh of relief.

Among them, Jiang Xiaoyue was the happiest. The moment she got the sachet, she couldn't wait to take off the pendant at her waist, replace it with a sachet and hang it on.

The corners of Jiang He's eyes twitched. Yueyue, a girl, had a gift from her little aunt, so she put the gift away?

I don’t know who was able to sleep by touching this pendant all day long...

As a father, he is not as important as Xiaoxiao in the girl's heart. Speaking of it is full of bitter tears.

On one side is the sister, on the other is the daughter. The palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh, what can he do?

It can only be pampered.

Qin Wanrou also liked this sachet very much.

The fragrance in the sachet is not strong at all, it smells very elegant, she likes this sachet very much.

To express her gratitude, Qin Wanrou specially gave Xiaoxiao a soft sword.

Jiang Xiaoxiao followed her to learn some simple boxing skills, but he didn't have any extra money to buy convenient weapons.

To be honest, she was actually very excited about this soft sword.

He simply followed his inner thoughts and accepted the soft sword directly without being polite to her.


In a blink of an eye, it was the day when Jiang Xiaoxiao and Lin Yan, the store owner of Lin Cifang, agreed to pick up the porcelain vase.

As soon as Jiang Xiaoxiao arrived at the calligraphy class today, he immediately asked Mr. Mo Xian and Qin Wanrou for leave. Fortunately, the two didn't ask much, and just said it was okay.

After school, she didn't even have time to eat, so she went straight to Lin Cifang.

Lin Yan was sitting bored behind the counter counting the account books at this time, and as soon as he turned over a page of the account book, Jiang Xiaoxiao was caught in his eyes by mistake.

Lin Yan was very impressed with this young girl, and immediately put down the account book in his hand, with a smile on his face, "Girl, are you here?"

Perhaps it was because a sum of money would be credited to the account immediately, Lin Yan was much more enthusiastic this time compared to the dull last time.

Jiang Xiaoxiao thought that after getting the porcelain vases, he would be able to earn money, and his face was full of joy, "Shopkeeper, are the batches of porcelain vases I ordered here seven days ago ready?"

Seeing this, Lin Yan couldn't help but look at her more, seeing how this little girl's expression was more joyful than that of the cashier?

"Store? Store..."

Seeing him in a daze, Jiang Xiaoxiao yelled twice for fear that the porcelain bottle might not be ready.

"Huh? Oh, oh, it's done, the girl comes with me."

Jiang Xiaoxiao stepped up to follow Lin Yan, he took her to a wooden box and stopped, then lifted the lid of the wooden box, turned and looked at her, "Please check carefully for any mistakes, girl. No, please pay here."

The porcelain vase presented in front of Jiang Xiaoxiao's eyes was exactly what she had imagined in both its appearance and material.

Reaching out to pick up a porcelain bottle and inspecting it carefully, she found that there was no flaw in the porcelain bottle from head to toe, and the big stone in her heart fell to the ground.

But she didn't rush to pay. Instead, she took out each porcelain bottle and looked at it. After confirming that there were no defects, she carefully put the porcelain bottles into the wooden box.

The wooden box can be carried by hand. Jiang Xiaoxiao thought it would be more convenient to have a box to hold the porcelain bottle, so he asked Lin Yan directly:

"Shop, can you give me the box for the porcelain bottle?"

Lin Yan smiled heartily, "This wooden box is not worth a lot of money, even if the girl doesn't mention it, it will be given to the girl."

Jiang Xiaoxiao nodded, "Then thank the store."

After paying the final payment for the porcelain vase, he carefully carried the box and walked out.

After finding a hidden corner, he sent the wooden box containing the porcelain bottle into the space.

After returning to the restaurant and notifying everyone, Jiang Pingfu drove her home in a bullock cart.

Before leaving, Jiang Xiaoyue stood at the door, looking at her with an aggrieved face, "Does little aunt not like Yueyue anymore?"

Jiang Xiaoxiao called out her innocence, how could she not like her cute little niece!

Because the flowers in the yard haven't bloomed yet, I can't tell you about the fragrance yet, so I can only carry it on my back.

"How is it possible? I like Yueyue the most!"

Jiang Xiaoyue complained all over her face, "Although my aunt always said that she didn't take me back because she was afraid that I would suffer from sunstroke. But Yueyue knew that my aunt didn't take me on purpose!"

"How can there be? Auntie is not such a person," Jiang Xiaoxiao straightened his chest, with great momentum.

Of course you can't feel guilty at this time, otherwise, if you let your niece mistakenly think that you really don't like her, wouldn't she be wronged?

Seeing her determined face, Jiang Xiaoyue hesitated again, raised her head and asked, "Really?"

"Really! If Yueyue is not afraid of the heat, can I go home with my aunt tomorrow?"

"Okay," she happily jumped three feet high, and immediately forgot what she had just thought.

Jiang Xiaoxiao heaved a sigh of relief and waved goodbye to her.

With the signature dishes launched by Qingfeng Xulai, coupled with the restaurant's promotional activities, the restaurant became more and more famous day by day, and even attracted old foodies from other counties.

The elder brother has recently recruited a lot of people, and after learning for a while, the jobs are gradually getting started.

Parents don't need to come to help every day, it's mostly for these two days, when Jie Yueyue stays at home, with father and mother taking care of her, so don't worry too much about her safety.

Jiang Pingfu sent the man home and left in a hurry.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was afraid that her father would stay at home, in case her father would come to her as soon as she entered the space... It is safer to have someone at home than to have no one at home.

As soon as the people left, Jiang Xiaoxiao couldn't wait to enter the space, and divided up the prepared perfume until seventeen porcelain bottles were filled.

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