Pirates of the Dead

Chapter 179 Foil and Lei Qing

"'Foil' Bista, 'Lei Qing' Makugai!" Looking at the two figures standing on the bow not far away, Qin Ge's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Finally found by us, Blood Dragon Swordsman!" Bista blinked, and his eyes were slightly cold as he looked at the giant snail boat on the opposite side, which was exactly the same as the photo published in the news report.

Qin Ge seldom stayed in one place for too long, so that the two of Bista, who came from the New World very early, went underground for a long time, and it was only now that they intercepted him in Beihai.

Although Dad wouldn't blame it, but it took so long to intercept Qin Ge in Beihai, and Bista had obviously reached the limit of his patience.

After confirming that he was not looking for the wrong person, Bista exuded a strong chilling air, and then held the beloved knife with both hands, ready to shoot.

"Blood Dragon Swordsman, I will use your head to pay homage to my brother!"

A loud roar interrupted Bista's movements. Compared with him, Maku Gay next to him reacted more violently after seeing Qin Ge.

With a murderous roar, Maku Gay instantly turned into an afterimage and jumped out of the boat. Electric lights flickered on the western katana that had been drawn out, and with strong anger, a huge slashing wave burst out.

Although the appearance of Bista and Makugai surprised Qin Ge, when faced with the slashing attack, he immediately regained his composure, and his eyes were extremely sharp.

'Armed Color Week~! ’

With a shave under his feet, Qin Ge shot out from the giant snail boat at the same time as if shocked by lightning, and slashed out with a strong 'red blood' wave, which directly collided with the huge slashing wave for the second time. .


Maku Gay's thunder slash was directly torn into two halves, but was cut in half by Qin Ge, and without hesitation, he kicked a flaming slashing wave towards the opponent.

No less than the blade of the lantern foot that the opponent had slashed before, Makugai sobered up a lot from his anger, his face changed slightly, and he hurriedly swung the western sword out.


The flaming Lanjiao slashing wave collided with the western sword in Maku Gay's hand, causing a violent roar immediately, and at the same time, the rain within a radius of tens of meters was blown away, as if there was a storm around.

Makugai's body shook, and a strong force swept from his knife,

It made his arm go numb, and at the same time, he was in the air, and he didn't land on his feet.


The ship that Bista and the others were riding on shook, and the hull sank by half. At the same time, the deck where Makugay landed was severely cracked, and it was quickly covered with dense cracks.

"Maku Gay was actually repelled?!" There was a hint of surprise in Bista's eyes, but also a hint of solemnity, and the opponent's strength seemed to exceed expectations.

Stepping on the void like walking on the ground, stepping on the sky with 'walking in the air' is undoubtedly more light and stable than walking on the moon.

Qin Ge paid no attention to the rain falling on him, and looked down at the two people on the boat with a condescending coldness.

"Bista, captain of the fifth division of the Whitebeard, and Captain Makugay of the Whitebeard's subordinate, it seems that you are all trying to kill me, but just rely on the attack just now, so don't take it out for shame!" Staring for a while, Qin Ge suddenly said with a rebellious sneer.

"Bastard, what are you talking about!" Maku Gay, who was buffered over, was furious when he heard the words, and the electric current flowing through his hand became even stronger.

Bista's face also sank, and he said coldly: "I've seen too many people like you who kill some minor characters and become arrogant. People like you are only third-rate in the new world!"

"Really, then let me see how advanced you are who recognize your father at every turn!" Qin Ge grinned, but his eyes were full of ridicule.

'Lion Slash~! ’

A huge slash like the claws of the beastmaster tore through the rain curtain, and under the shaking of the surrounding void, it violently grabbed towards the ship where the two of Bista were.

"you wanna die!"

"Bastard, humiliating us!"

Hearing Qin Ge's contemptuous words, both Bista and Maku Gay were very angry.

It was originally agreed that Makugai would take the first shot, but at this time, Bista couldn't hold back his anger.

The same is true of Makugai, the powerful slashes like thunder suddenly burst out under the current of the blade.


With the loud noise, the lion slash was crushed by the slashes of Bista and Makugai in just an instant, and then swept across Qin Ge like a storm.

'Ring turn~! ’

At the critical moment, Qin Ge flickered and disappeared on the spot, causing the mad slash to fly high into the sky, blowing up the rain, forming a wide and continuous huge vacuum area.


Like a teleportation, Qin Ge had already come to the side of the ship where the two of Bista were when he reappeared. He stepped into the void, and he pointed it out with a cold expression.

'Virtual flash~! ’

The terrifying purple energy beam erupted instantly, like a pillar of the sky, shattering the hull in the blink of an eye, and then engulfed Bista and Makugai above.

"Not good!!!" Although Bista's domineering arrogance understood Qin Ge's actions, it was too late to block Qin Ge's attack.

The rose petals scattered and appeared, and the flaming slashes burst out in an instant, causing the virtual flashing energy waves to be torn apart, like blooming flowers, splashing messily around.

Boom boom boom ~ ~!

The aftershocks of energy like beams fell into the sea, frantically blasting high water columns like cannonballs, and it also caused the sea to churn violently all of a sudden.

The ship swayed violently. Although the destruction was avoided under the action of Bista, the hull was still shattered in half, and the seawater poured in frantically at the huge gap formed, and it was a matter of time before the ship sank.

'Thunder Cut~! ’

Makugai also reacted immediately, with anger on his face, he shot towards Qin Ge quickly, and the blade slashed down to form an extremely sharp lightning blade.

However, in the face of Maku Gay's full-strength slash, Qin Ge waved his red blood to block it.

Although the strong electric current continuously burst out from the western sword, it was dissipated by the domineering arrogance and mentality covered by the red blood, and could not cause any harm to Qin Ge at all.

Seeing that his slash was easily blocked by the opponent, Maku Gay's face changed suddenly, and he wanted to use the slash's anti-shock force to withdraw back to the ship.

"Leave me alone!"

How could Qin Ge, who saw through the opponent's intentions at once, let him go so easily, his eyes flashed coldly, his left hand grasped, and a powerful suction force immediately burst out.

Maku Gay, who didn't expect this situation, was immediately attacked, not to mention withdrawing, but his body quickly approached Qin Ge's left hand uncontrollably.

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