Overlord Wizard

Chapter 26 The Improvement Brought by Knowledge

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inside the laboratory.

Li Luo looked at the experimental handbook in front of him, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

This experimental notebook is nothing but the experimental data absorbed by the sub-dragon bloodline.

And Hawkins didn't break his promise, and within two weeks, Lunk brought back the corpse of a Velociraptor.

On the laboratory bench, Li Luo held an alloy knife, pierced the Velociraptor's skin forcefully, and poured the blood into several wooden barrels.

According to the blood knowledge obtained, the dragon blood has a strong assimilation and aggressiveness, so Li Luo plans to use these sub-dragon blood first to create a group of dragon blood warriors with sub-dragon blood. These fighters can be selected from among the elite soldiers. After the toxin resistance optimization experiment, Li Luo deduces that these soldiers will have a high chance of successfully evolving, and their physical potential will skyrocket. After hard training, they will be able to have nearly Based on a knight-like body, it will become an extremely powerful army.

Three months later, Li Luo stood quietly in front of the spacious laboratory.

Compared with the ordinary drug experiment, according to the handbook in the blood experiment, a lot of new equipment and instruments for blood experiment were purchased.

Similarly, compared to those plant experiments that only reacted with potions, bloodline experiments were much bloodier and crueler.

Even though Li Luo has high-end genetic knowledge as a basis, the experiment before him is really scary.

In the spacious laboratory, there are some elderly people lying there covered in blood. Most of these old people have lost the ability to work, and lost their children under the attack of monsters. Body. Blood holes burst open one after another on their bodies, and their internal organs were damaged to varying degrees. Li Luo took an experiment note, compared their previous body data, and began to keep recording.

Groups of elderly people who are willing to sacrifice have brought rich data references to the experiment. After Li Luo felt that the time was almost right, he began the experiment on the slaves. There were more than 300 slaves in Baishi Town, and with a letter from Luo Li, Rand sent them all to him.

Most of these slaves were young and middle-aged. Referring to the previous experimental data, Li Luo drew out a needle filled with ice cubes of dragon's blood and medicine, and injected them into these young and middle-aged slaves.

Soon, three days passed. There were varying degrees of howling sounds in the laboratory.

In different parts of the laboratory, Li Luo saw many corpses with extremely distorted expressions on their faces and bulging eyeballs all over their bodies. It seemed that he suffered great pain before his death.

After cutting open the stomachs of the corpses, looking at the blood overflowing but no broken internal organs, Li Luo compared the previous experiments one by one, and deduced an experiment data that was close to success.

Feeling that the experimental data has been perfected, on this day, he started experimenting with elite soldiers.

Three days passed like this, and the elite soldiers kept howling, and were continuously injected by Li Luo. Although their stomachs were also swollen, with the injection of the medicine and the passage of time, most of them began to reduce the swelling and quickly returned to their original appearance. There were also a small number of elite soldiers who did not make it through, and died tragically in the laboratory just like the slaves before.

However, the soldiers who have recovered, after training again and again, have gradually grown a layer of cuticle on their skin, and their stature has grown by more than a foot, and their muscles have become as firm and powerful as watered by gold and iron. If you look carefully , There seemed to be a vertical pupil in their pupils, and everything around them seemed to be unable to escape their eyes. The weapons in his hands were also replaced with thirty-kilogram epees, and it seemed effortless to swing them.

Luo Li and Rand stood side by side in the school grounds, looking at these soldiers who had evolved into dragon blood warriors, they were happy but worried.

Under the training of these dragon blood warriors, the speed of progress is too fast. Although they can no longer activate their fighting spirit, but with their physical strength alone, they may not be weaker than a city lord like Rand soon. Ordering them all became a big problem when the time came.

"I see that Merlin has the formula for the energy-gathering potion, let him try to refine it, so that you can speed up your promotion to the knight level." Li Luo seemed to see that Rand was worried, and proposed a Proposals to improve his strength.

Rand nodded, glanced at the extremely powerful dragon blood soldiers in the distance, his expression tightened, and then he ran to the training ground and started the long-lost weight-bearing training.

After Li Luo handed over the work of improving Rand's strength to Merlin, he returned to the laboratory and took out the velociraptor meat and the entire spine from the black interspatial bag.

Recalling the experimental steps of assisting the doctor in the cell activity in his previous life, combined with the data on the response of the velociraptor blood to invade the human body for more than three months, he tightly closed his eyes and began to think carefully.

The activation of cells involves the integration of some active genes. In the previous life, they were some ferocious beasts. The strength of their blood vessels is basically the same as that of humans, so there is no phenomenon of being transformed into beasts. But in this other world, the blood of many monsters is extremely domineering, such as the blood of the Velociraptor, which can turn an elite soldier into a dragon.

Therefore, after using this velociraptor to make an active factor potion, precise calculations and a special ability are required when using it, that is, to control the mana to purify and eliminate the negative genetic mutations brought to the body by the dragon blood. Or dilute it to a very weak point and slowly absorb evolution. But either way, it's too slow.

But after studying several books for a long time, Li Luo came up with a quick and effective method.

That is to absorb the active factor of the dragon, that is, the blood, sit the body in a purification rune circle, purify the inferior genes that have evolved, and then go through a series of training to stabilize the active genes.

But to activate this rune circle, a material called magic stone is needed as fuel, and Li Luo was at a loss for a while. Thinking of the magic stone, Li Luo had a flash of inspiration, and continued to rummage through the black space bag. It was found that in the corner, a pile of black stones was shining brightly.

With the mentality of giving it a try, he used mana to engrave the circle of purification runes, and then put black stones into the eyes of the circle.


The magic circle turned on automatically, and these black stones were really magic stones! At this moment, Li Luo felt that he was lucky, so he couldn't wait to start experimenting.

Through a series of dissolving reactions of velociraptor meat and spinal cord by a series of medicaments, and through a series of filtration and screening experiments of medicaments on the dissolved dragon meat liquid and spinal cord fluid. In the end, Li Luo got two large barrels of Velociraptor's active factor liquid.

Stretching out his right arm, he injected the medicine prepared in advance into his arm. Because this world already had infusion equipment, there was still the trouble of Li Luo's self-made. After sending the active gene liquid into his body in the form of an infusion, he started weight-bearing training with the help of medicine to quickly absorb the active gene liquid. After absorbing the active gene liquid, he sat in the pre-prepared rune purification circle and began to eliminate the inferior genes evolved after the absorption and the violent blood factors that promoted the dragon humanization. Although the dragon blood was expected to be overbearing in advance and did not directly use dragon blood as the experimental material, even the small amount of dragon blood contained in the flesh and blood was too much for Li Luo, who was in the rune purification circle. I saw traces of purifying lightning from the magic circle constantly moving on Li Luo's body, constantly suppressing and purifying those violent blood genes. Sensing the spiritual power into the depths of the blood in his body, Li Luo discovered something that surprised him at this moment. I saw that the originally aggressive and thin velociraptor blood factors calmed down under the suppression of the purification thunder and Li Luo's own mana, and began to blend into Li Luo's blood, disappearing deep in his blood.

If I want to use a metaphor, it is that the fish met the turtle and was chased and bitten. Now the turtle is hacked to death, and the fish starts to eat the turtle's meat in turn. The fish is like Li Luo's blood, and the turtle is the violent and thin Velociraptor blood factor. As the fish devoured the turtle's meat, it gradually grew up and became stronger.

The experiment was very successful. In the continuous experiments, not only the active genes of the Velociraptor were continuously integrated into Li Luo's body, but even a small part of the aggressive violent blood factor was purified and suppressed by the magic circle and Li Luo's mana. After calming down, he surrendered to Li Luo, and began to be slowly absorbed by him for his own use.

Three months later, all the active factor liquid medicines were completely consumed.

Li Luo came to the training field. He drank a bottle of energy-gathering potion he got from Merlin, and directly carried a weight of 8000 kilograms. He breathed out the knight breathing method and started running around the school field.

He was sweating profusely, and soon a swirling air flow kept turning in his lower abdomen. Immediately afterwards, he ran more and more vigorously, and his speed became faster and faster. After a while, Li Luo fell to the ground with his eyes darkened. The airflow in his lower abdomen turned faster and faster, and soon turned into a small cyclone and stopped there slowly, sending out bursts of warm and unusual energy to his limbs. The skeleton rushed over.

Immediately, layers of gray greasy matter were expelled from his skin, and a stench emanated from the gray greasy matter. When Li Luo woke up, he sniffed it, and returned to it after a few flashes. In the bathroom of his bluestone house, he began to rinse vigorously. Seeing that he was about to vomit, he was obviously disgusted by his appearance and the gray and greasy smell.

It took him nearly a bag of soda to wash away the smell, and then he lay cross-legged on the bed and observed the cyclone in his lower abdomen.

At this time, the fighting energy seeds had completely disappeared, only a fist-sized cyclone was constantly spinning in the lower abdomen.

Although the fighting qi seeds disappeared, the fighting qi that this cyclone continuously emitted was even more powerful and astonishing. Obviously at this moment Li Luo has been promoted to a formal knight.

Now Li Luo even had an illusion that his own physical strength was strong enough to fight against it, and it was a powerful fireball.

But he, who has a deep understanding of the power of a wizard, is so stupid that his body can block the fireball. But the skyrocketing melee strength is also a good thing. And when the cells are activated, his progress will be very fast. I believe it won't be long before he can advance again and become a middle-ranked knight, or even a high-ranked knight.

The transformation of the body that lasted for more than a year has finally yielded results. At this moment, he finally realized a truth, knowledge is power!

On the outskirts of the Demonic Beast Forest, a first-level Demonic Beast mountain bear was pierced by an epee.

The epee was drawn, and a figure covered in blood slowly put away the epee. From nowhere, he took out an iron pot, cut off pieces of bear meat, and started cooking.

After eating a pot of bear meat, the figure stood up, revealing a slightly dark but handsome face.

This person is Li Luo, and now he has been practicing alone in the outskirts of the Warcraft Mountains for more than three months. After countless life-and-death battles, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has become a real mid-level knight. But he was still not satisfied, and after eating another pot of meat, leaving behind a pile of broken corpses of mountain bears, he plundered towards the central area of ​​the Demonic Beast Forest.

The monsters in the central area are more ferocious. They are all powerful monsters from the middle of the first level to the peak of the first level, and even some with good talents know one or two kinds of innate spells.

Luo Li was hunted down and fought by these monsters here for another nine months. He himself even forgot Rand's recommendation for his wizard seed, and still wandered around in the middle of the monster forest, which was inaccessible.

Before you know it, another year has passed.

On this day, after fighting a fire-breathing cow outside the central area, he hid in a cave, and fell asleep with his eyes darkened.

At this moment, the cyclone in his body started to rotate rapidly again, and after a while of rotation, it expanded more than three times after a long absence.

Finally, after two years of painstaking training in the Demonic Beast Forest, Li Luo successfully cultivated the knight level to a height that even the nobles could hardly reach, and became a veritable high-ranking knight.

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