The time went back to 1 hour ago, that is, 7:20 pm on September 3, in the staff lounge of the coffee shop on the second floor of the cemetery building in Youkexin City.

An orange cafe employee uniform, an orange peaked cap, matte slightly rolled black bangs clasped on the forehead like a pot lid, and a pair of black glasses framed on the bridge of his nose, Heather walked into the lounge neatly with a plate.

After a while, Kurapika, wearing a lady's suit and ponytail wig, also walked in.

Heather looked at his watch: "The time is just right."

Even in the empty lounge except for the two of them, Kurapika still subconsciously lowered her voice: "They are not suspicious, right?"

"Don't worry, I was standing next to Kulolo and Nion half a minute before the power was off. I found the paper and pen for them personally to prevent errors in the ink and paper specifications of the pen."

Heather raised the neatly folded paper on the plate: "Your eldest lady’s handwritten fortune-telling poem has been dropped by me when the power was turned off. What Kulolo now reads is what I wrote for him. For the version], I hope he likes it."

Kurapika was a little puzzled: "Even if the power goes out, he should start [Circle] immediately. As the head of the brigade, he can't be mediocre."

"It's like when you suddenly fall into the dark now, you will see nothing. It takes a two-second delay to gradually see things in the dark. This is the structure of the human body and has nothing to do with ability. You can only close your eyes a few seconds in advance like the two of us. To adapt to the darkness the fastest."

Heather explained:

"At the moment of a power outage, Kulolo will probably first think [What's the situation?], then he will immediately think of [the hotel’s power outage accident], then [will someone deliberately cut off the power], and then he will think [ Will Nyon’s predictions be affected by this?] and [If someone deliberately cuts off the power, what is the purpose?], and finally [start the circle]. It takes about half a second for him to start thinking about the [circle] Time, and I’ll just drop the predictions written by Miss Nion and my [Special Edition] one step earlier than him, and then continue to posture with a slightly panicked expression."

"Moreover, I haven't had any murderous aura from beginning to end. I have been using [Absolute]. Even Kurolo can't notice the difference between me and ordinary people. In his eyes, I am an ordinary service. Sheng, here, this is the tip he gave me."

Heather flicked a stack of change in his hand, about two thousand jin:

"After you helped me get Nyung's autograph, I studied carefully for a while, and I can imitate her handwriting to a similarity of ninety-nine percent. Kulolo has never seen Nyung's handwriting before, and there is absolutely no flaw in it. ."

Heather pulled off the orange employee apron and peaked cap, walked to the other door and snapped his fingers. A man and a woman about the size of Heather and Kurapika walked in and greeted him, "Mr. Heather."

These two are from Roda Kindom, absolutely reliable. After they entered the door, they neatly changed into the same clothes as Heather Kurapika, and their hairstyles were exactly the same.

Heather stuffed the tip of the two thousand jinni into the shirt pocket of the stand-in man and patted him on the shoulder: "Karlslow, you are still in charge of the waiter work. As for Mu Shizi, you replace my friend as the foreman. Be careful, you both stay in the lounge and try not to speak loudly. Even if you want to go out, stay away from the customers on the left. Someone else will do the work for you."

"Understood Mr. Heather." The two bowed slightly.

Heather and Kurapika each put on a different style of casual clothes. After walking out of the cafe, they took the elevator to the ninth floor. There was a meeting room that had been reserved by Batra, which happened to be provided to Heather and the others as a temporary base for activities.

After entering the house, Heather spread the folded divination paper on the table and read it with Kurapika.

The divination poem for Kuroro is written like this-

[Unprecedented crisis is coming quietly, spiders will be in desperate situation of being preyed. 】

[Everything stems from that unknown variable, the sword of fire has cast its eyes on you. 】

[Only by finding the prosthesis in the spider's hands and feet can we get a glimmer of light in the dark. 】

[Brightly colored poker is falling from the sky, and the tide coming from all directions will drown you. 】

[The spider's arms and legs were all broken, and the bright red eyes bloomed with comforting colors. 】

[All the hands, feet, and brains advance and retreat together, and the hunter hiding in the dark will have nothing to do. 】

[Be careful of the villain from mythology, it will be your deepest nightmare. 】

[Spiders who commit homesickness will always get a respite, but after all, everything will come. 】

Heather smiled: "Fortunately, he didn't let him see this page of the real divination poem, otherwise he would be able to quickly guess the truth of the matter with Kurolo's mind."

"This divination poem... looks a bit obscure." Kurapika squeezed his chin and studied it with great effort.

Nyon Nosla’s divination poems have always been like this, obscure and difficult to understand, and only the person involved can deeply understand the meaning.

"It's actually easy to explain."

Heather picked up the divination poem and gave Kurapika a detailed interpretation:

"The poem shows that our trap is very effective for the Phantom Brigade, and it can even achieve the result of destroying them. Only when Hisoso exposes the identity of the traitor and kills them in advance, and then all of them act together, this will happen. A hint of the possibility of a comeback."

"This divination poem is highly respected for my [Light Egg] and [Absolute Kingship]. Well, their power is really not a blow. If you look at the content of the divination, the brigade has a way to go."

"Which way?"

"Start immediately and return to their hometown, [Meteor Street]."

Heather looked a little serious: "I believe you also know something about it. If they are allowed to escape to Meteor Street in advance, even if the two of us borrowed Roda Kindom and Batra's background connections, it would be difficult to get in again. . But it’s just a matter of time. I’m really going to kill them when the time comes. I’ll join V5 to take advantage of the situation. By the way, you did tell Nion that all of your bodyguards who belonged to her were all concentrated in the cemetery building. Participate in the auction, right?"

"Well, the lady lost her temper and refused to go with the new bodyguards assigned by the boss, and wanted to join us in the auction. But this is the order of the boss Wright Nosra, so she can't defy it on the face. , This took the opportunity to escape and was found by Kurolo. Brother, miss, she... won't die, right?"

"Hey, I have said it several times. As long as our plan goes well, Nyung will be attracted to a unilateral crush by Kuroro's face at best, and she has earned it."

"So, did they step into the trap according to your calculations step by step?"

Kurapika's expression is slightly excited, and he has been entangled and tortured with revenge ideas for five years. Is it finally achieved?

"Hmm~ it's almost there."

Heather took out two mobile phones, one of which was his own, and the other he found from Il fans. Before that, he had been pretending to be Il fans to communicate with Kulolo through text messages.

"Wait, at most an hour, Kurolo will definitely send a text message to the Irfan asking about [Is the ten old man's entrustment to beat the enemy guest true]."

"What if he did ask that?"

"Then the next step will be to see the live acting of our toilet war god Sissosang. Anyway, I have told him the script, and it depends on how he acts."

Heather sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs tilted, hands and fingers crossed on his knees:

"If everything is as I think, then Kurolo will inevitably leave three or four brigade members to stay at the base, and one or two of them will be logistics players who are not good at fighting, and then bring his, including Hisoso. All of you gathered together and aimed straight at the cemetery building. And this will be the perfect situation for us."

"Tonight, I will make the Mirage Brigade disappear completely."

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