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Chapter 304: The flames of war

"This is the power of the ultimate body? More than twice as strong as the full body!" On the ground, Liu Yan found that she had just crossed a few hundred meters with a simple physical force, and there was indeed armor in the middle. The glide function extended the dead time, but he did not activate the flight system. If you are in a state of complete body, you will have to spread your wings to fly even if you are halfway there.

   Looking not far ahead, a city was burning with flames, and the sound of explosions sounded. Liu Yan jumped up the city wall and looked into the city. I saw an orc, Garuru, leading a group of mature Digimons in front of three mature Death Digimons.

   "A virus species? It's so arrogant!" Liu Yan jumped to the middle of the battlefield of both sides, struck off with a sword, and instantly killed a Death Flame Beast.

   The sudden appearance of Liu Yan shocked the virus species very much, and the remaining two Death Flame Beasts retreated "Who the **** are you!"

"Caesar Tyrannosaurus, you warriors who are the source of the scourge of the digital world!" Liu Yan said that the weapon in the other hand spewed out a fire bomb, and in the blink of an eye, there were only two viruses left standing. Grim Reaper Flame Beast.

"Okay, it's amazing!" A group of vaccine-type Digimons was also shocked to see this scene. Even a full-scale Digimon like the Orc Garuru could not have so many mature Digimons so easily Kill.

   "Now, it's your turn!" Liu Yan said as one sprinted past two Death Flame Beasts, one of them died instantly and the other fell to the ground seriously.

   "You are not perfect!" said Liu Yan, looking at the flame beast of death.

   "Is this the last testament?" Liu Yan said with a sword through the body of the flame beast of death. "Dark soul, be purified in the flames!" The lines on the long sword light up, and the red light of the flames envelops the body of the virus-like Digimon around it.

  In the light of the red light, all the dark materials on these viral digital monsters were purified by flames, and the rest flew away with pure digital cores.

   "Caesar Tyrannosaurus, thank you for saving us." Orc Garuru came forward and reached out to Liu Yan.

   "You have done a good job. In the face of these evil Digimons, you will not compromise or surrender. You have upheld justice." Liu Yan said. "Can I know the detailed process of what happened before here?" The virus-type Digimon just said that there must be more than 30, and it does not seem to come here casually.

Orc Garulu "is like this. We originally belonged to the management of Spirit Fox. The previous time was almost the day when Spirit Fox inspected, but we did not wait for Spirit Fox. The virus-type Digimons that lined up were completely different in peacetime. They attacked us directly without giving them any chance to talk. Because they had no preparation at all, all the villages outside were broken by them. Even Our city was also broken under the attack of three complete bodies."

"Ling Fox did not appear on time. Instead, the virus Digimon took advantage of this opportunity to launch a large-scale attack. This matter may not be so simple!" Liu Yan thought about it. "Hurry up and leave here! If you can contact other people. If Digimon does, find a place to stay as soon as possible to ensure your safety." Liu Yan decided to go to Linghu to see, maybe here can get the answer he wanted.

   flew directly into the sky and moved towards the direction of Linghu's temple. The beasts Garrulu and other digital beasts watched Liu Yan leave and left the city in the other direction.

Outside the shrine of the Spirit Fox Knight Beast, the Shagu Tooth Beast looked at the three complete Digimons in front of him, waved the Zen stick in his hand, "Guan Fox!" Three rays of light hit the three Digimons, but they were all easily blocked. .

"Shagu Tooth Beast, you don't have to guard here, as long as you are willing to let go, we won't hurt you." Sage Beast looked at Sha Gu Tooth Beast, Baal Beast was a little impatient "We were She has been dragging here for a while, and I have been impatient, and now her strength is just barely reaching the ultimate body. The three of us worked together to solve her, how to divide the contents inside?"

   "I have no opinion." The Magister Beast said that the crystal "Core Dart!" appeared on his hand.

   "God hit!", "Pandora dialogue!"

The three attacks attacked the Shagu Tooth Beast together. The Sha Gu Tooth Beast held its body with a Zen stick. "Vajra Mandala Enchantment!" The golden enchantment strength spread out and blocked the three attacks, but it was originally She was injured more seriously this time.

   "Core dart!" The Magister Beast hit another dart, and the Shagu Tooth Beast failed to escape this time and was hit directly. He leaned on the stick to support his body, barely letting himself not fall. "I'm here, don't you want to get the things in the temple!" Shagu Tooth Beast looked at the Magister Beast three loudly. Before, she was attacked by a magician beast disguised as her own mount, and completed the ultimate evolution in a hurry. However, neither her strength nor her skills were mastered.

   "Then you have to send you on the road! God beat!" Baal beast released lightning, shooting at Shagu tooth beast like a sharp arrow.

  Looking at the lightning, Shagu Tooth Beast supported her body and straightened her waist. She wanted to use her last power to guard here.

   "Nine Dragon Head Array!" The flame dragon blocked the Shagu tooth beast and easily blocked this lightning. The flames dispersed, and Liu Yan appeared in front of Shagu Tooth Beast.

   "Another ultimate body!" Baal Beast frowned. "It seems that we can't get the things inside today." After talking about his body for a period of illusion, he disappeared in an instant. Sage Beast and Magister Beast glanced at each other and also disappeared.

  Liu Yan turned to look at the Shagu Tooth Beast. "Are you okay!" He said he reached out and pulled the Shagu Tooth Beast. "I didn't expect you to have completed the evolution, but it seems that the route I chose is not the same as mine.

   "You gave up your status as a knight and chose freedom?" Sha Guya looked at Liu Yan as if it had returned to normal. "Why choose this path? According to your strength, those guys in the dark field should not have succeeded in sneak attacks!"

"In fact, I have already solved a king called over there, but I don’t want to continue to take responsibility as a knight. Do you have no idea of ​​what happened before? Anyway, I think that as long as it can maintain the digital world Peace is the most important, and the method I choose now is in line with my thoughts." Liu Yan said, looking in the direction of the seat in the temple. "There are also new forces there! You don’t send them out. ?"

"Now in this situation, the entire digital world has fallen into the flames of war, and the Warhawks have lost contact, and the situation is very optimistic. If it were not for you to come I am afraid I have returned to the founding village now." Shagu Tooth Beast said that he came to his seat, a zen stick in his hand knocked, and a ray of light floated up from under the seat. Shagu Tooth Beast chanted a spell, a small channel appeared in front of her, and the light group flew into it and disappeared.

"I have sent this thing out. If it is really time to start it, it will naturally find someone who is interested." Sha Guya beast looked at Liu Yan. "What are your plans next?" Since Liu Yan still plans to maintain the digital The peace in the world is the same as her purpose, and they can fight side by side as before.

"After I finished the evolution, I was sent directly to your neighborhood, and then I saw the virus Digimons united to attack the ordinary Digimons. After solving them, I came to you." Liu Yan is also confused about the situation in the digital world, but what is certain is that under the conspiracy of the dark field, the virus-type digital beasts on the mainland have united.

"Everyone else is out of touch. According to what I have encountered, they may also be more and more fierce, but although they let the war spread all over the continent, the ultimate goal is to connect the dark field with the digital world. As long as we Constantly destroying their offensive, you can always find clues." Sagu Tooth Beast said.

  Liu Yan "That's just right, now ordinary Digimons also need leaders like us to stand up."

   "According to the information I received before, there are dark Digimons gathering in this direction." Saguya said.

   Then, the two flew out of the temple together.

  :. :

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