Online Games: Super God Mechanic!

Chapter 42: Dr. Satan and the Blood-faced Man. (45)

Ten minutes later.

Qin Feng came to the outside of the city smoothly.

After arriving outside the city, Qin Feng found that there were many imperial troops patrolling outside Stormwind.

And these troops seemed to be guarding against something like an enemy, Qin Feng frowned when he watched.

However, Qin Feng didn't waste time either. After he left the city, he ran directly towards a level 17 leveling location.


In less than ten minutes, Qin Feng successfully arrived at the place where the X organization base was located.

At this time, Qin Feng looked at a huge black cave not far away, his eyes flickering slightly.

The places selected by the X organization are generally very secret underground.

The cave is the entrance, and the underground of the cave has probably been completely hollowed out by the other party and built into an underground base.

At this time, after thinking of this, Qin Feng looked directly at Neal.

Neal saw Qin Feng staring at her, then turned his head and asked with some confusion: "What's the matter?"

"When you encounter any person or machine, don't hesitate to kill it directly, don't you know?" Qin Feng said directly.

Hearing what Qin Feng said, Neil nodded.

For her, Qin Feng's words are the highest order.

At this time, she directly drew out her long knife and giant cannon, and instantly entered a state of battle.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng directly led Neil towards the cave.

When they stepped into the cave, Qin Feng could no longer hide, because at this time, they had already stepped into the territory of the X organization base.

At this time, a system prompt sounded in Qin Feng's ear.

"Ding Dong~ You have entered the range of unknown forces, please be careful of players."

Hearing this, Qin Feng took Neil directly into the cave.


At the moment, inside the cave.

X organization underground base research center.

Here, countless people wearing armor and holding machine guns are patrolling around.

In addition to these heavily armed soldiers, the rest are researchers in white coats.

These people are basically scientific researchers secretly cultivated by the X organization, and each of them is extremely precious to the X organization.

At this time, in the passageway of the research center, a group of fighters wearing jet black and ink armor, following a man with a scarlet mask, was escorting a woman in.

The woman was wearing a white dress, covered in blood.

The long black hair dangled, completely covering her face.

Not only that, but the electronic shackles are worn on his neck and feet.

As long as she changes a little, the shackles can instantly turn into a bomb and take her life.

At this moment, the man with the scarlet mask escorted the woman out of a laboratory.

After arriving here, a man in a white coat smiled and walked out of it.

The man was extremely ugly, with a sarcoma growing on his neck, which looked like a monster.

This person is the supreme leader of this organization base.

No one knows his real name, everyone only knows that the codename given to him in the organization is Dr. Satan.

At this time, Dr. Satan showed an extremely ugly smile, and said to the blood-faced man: "Blood-faced lord, thank you for your hard work."

"This test subject is extremely dangerous, so...when the test is going on, I must be there to protect you." The man wearing the blood mask slowly said.

"Of course." Dr. Satan nodded, quickly turned his head and stared at the blood-covered woman with some fiery eyes.

This woman was taken from a certain nobleman after their organization spent countless manpower.

Satan needs this woman because of the power of God flowing through her body...

This is something that can make people crazy.

The mighty power of the gods has always been the goal pursued by all the strong in Era Continent.

And those who possess the power of gods, without exception, will become the most powerful beings in the continent.

This time, Dr. Satan was going to analyze the method of obtaining the power of God from this woman.

As long as a method can be obtained to create the power of the gods, then... Organization X may become the most terrifying force in the entire continent, not one of them.

Thinking of this, Dr. Satan rubbed his hands and said to the blood-faced lord on the side: "Bring it in."

Hearing this, the bloody face quickly took it into the laboratory.

But just when the two of them brought the woman into the laboratory, a man in battle armor trot over.

"Reported that an outsider was found at the entrance of A. Now you have entered the cave. Have you sent a Destroyer robot to kill it?" The soldier said directly to Dr. Satan.

Hearing this, the bloody face suddenly frowned.

In the next moment, he quickly looked at Satan, waiting for this one's decision.

At this time, Dr. Satan squinted his eyes, thought for a while and said: "If the opponent does not find the entrance, just ignore them. If the opponent finds the entrance, kill it."

"Yes, sir." The soldier agreed, and quickly retreated.

Recently, the X organization is laying out an extremely important thing, and all bases have entered a latent state.

In his thoughts... once the Destroyer robot is sent, it will increase the risk of exposing the base.

That's why Dr. Satan gave this extremely benevolent order.

At this time, after Dr. Satan made this decision, he directly walked into the laboratory with a bloody face and a group of soldiers.

As the door of the laboratory closed, everything inside was completely isolated.


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