In this way, Su Chen's side and Jing Lei Lord God's side happened to be facing each other. after one day.

The two sides met halfway!

Because there were reports from gods and demons along the way, Lord Jinglei had always been aware of Su Chen's whereabouts.

The key is that the latter has no intention of hiding his whereabouts.

Along the way, they met gods and killed gods, met demons and killed demons, and were bombarded indiscriminately.

It’s not easy for the Thunder God and the others to know.

"Owner! There are millions of gods and demons blocking the way ahead!"

Yingying sat in the center of the fortress and said to Su Chen excitedly.

Even Li Weidan's eyes lit up.

"Grandma is a bitch! Finally I found one that I can knead twice.……"

After more than ten days of boredom, Ji Mengli and the other girls felt refreshed when they saw millions of gods and demons arrayed in the void, looking eager to try.

"It’s agreed! Of the six main gods, I want the strongest five, and the rest belong to you!"

Li Weidan stood in the fortress and said to Ji Mengli and others.

The reason why he stayed in the fortress's flame world was mainly because he was afraid that his own strength would frighten the opponent away.

After all, after so many days, it was not easy to meet several people of the same level. Opponent, no matter what, you have to have fun!

In response to this, Ji Mengli and the other girls just smiled:"Whoever steals it wins!"

Even the twelve ancient behemoths who have been staying in the Dragon City want to go out and have applied to Su Chen to fight.

If the Thunder God and the Dark God on the other side knew about this, they would probably not even think about forming an array to show off. No, I just turned around and ran away.

"today! Let's kill the thief of Junlin together!"

The main god of thunder stood behind the army, holding a [Thunder Whip] composed of thousands of thunder and lightning, and shouted.

The main gods such as Diablo and Jade Dragon next to him just looked on with cold eyes.

"The Thunder God is really powerful, why not take the lead and lead an army of millions of gods and demons to attack the enemy?"The Great God of Light sneered.

The Lord of Thunder pretended not to understand the sarcasm, and laughed and said:"It's just to boost morale. Do you want to come and roar a few times to boost morale?"

The five main gods rolled their eyes crazily.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides was close to two hundred kilometers.

At that moment, the main god Jing Lei swung [Thunder Whip] in the air, and countless dark cracks were immediately cut in the void.



Millions of gods and demons, led by a hundred general-level gods and demons, launched an all-out attack on the time and space fortress where Su Chen was.

The momentum was so huge that it sent terrifying ripples throughout the void, attacking Su Chen. The side swept over.

However, Li Weidan, Ji Mengli and others who were originally preparing to take action curled their lips when they saw this.

"what the hell! To actually let the soldiers charge into the battle first, these six main gods are too cowardly!"

Ji Mengli complained

"well! I hope sister Yingying will be a little gentler, otherwise, she will scare away the six main gods and we will be bored for many days."Yun Feiyan on the side, also holding a magic ax, sighed.

Soon, millions of gods and demons entered the fifty-kilometer shooting range of the time and space fortress.

Even the slowest gods and demons were still in the God-killing Tower 150 Within a thousand-meter shooting range.

Yingying, who was currently sitting in the center, smiled slightly.

Activate all 20,000 God-killing Towers!

Aim at millions of gods and demons, and launch a shocking blow!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

I saw streaks of red. The bloody stream of tail flames, like a rain of arrows in the sky, shoots towards the millions of gods and demons on the opposite side.

To the millions of gods and demons on the opposite side, these bloody streams of light are like a huge bloody rainbow bridge with a width of tens of kilometers, spanning across It spanned hundreds of kilometers and enveloped them all. And it was continuous like a waterfall!

When the semi-god-level gods and demons encountered these bloody streams of light, they didn’t even make a sound, and they exploded into blood mist. Even the true god-level gods and demons, Under the attack of such a terrifying bloody waterfall, they cannot survive for a second.

Only those gods and demons who have reached the general level can quickly turn around and run away when the attack is approaching and they find something wrong.

But Su Chen's God-killing Tower, the rate of fire has reached 15 to 22 rounds per second.

The farthest range can cover 225 kilometers.

Where can they escape if they want to?

In just ten seconds.

Millions of people struck across the tower. All the gods and demons that came were slaughtered by the 20,000 God-killing Towers.

From the perspective of Jing Lei and the other six main gods who were sitting at the back, it was almost a face-to-face meeting, without even touching a hair on the other side, and millions of gods and demons were wiped out.!

The six major gods looked at each other, and they all saw incredible horror in each other's eyes.

Even millions of gods and demons couldn't hold this bloody waterfall for ten seconds.

How many more seconds could they, the six major gods, hold on? ?

With their main god-level eyesight, they can clearly see clearly.

Each of these blood-colored streams of light actually has real damage-level attacks!

God-demonic level defenses have no effect at all under such attacks.

What's more, in the space-time fortress, There is also an even more terrifying man-eating demon king - King's Landing!

At that moment, the six main gods screamed, and they all turned around and ran away!

Each one escaped faster than the other!

Although the Thunder God is the weakest among the six, he is worthy of being a major. The main god of the thunder element.

A thunder exploded, and his figure flashed in front of everyone. He was so angry that the five main gods behind him yelled:"Male Gobi!" You are not good at fighting, but you are the best at cheating and escaping!"

"When I catch you, if I don’t destroy half of your body, I, the Dark God, will write my name upside down!"

"Jing Lei, I am your ancestor!"

Millions of gods and demons were cleared.

The six main gods fled.

This scene was both expected by Li Weidan and others, but also unexpected by them.

The main reason was...these main gods ran too fast!

Li Weidan shouted angrily at the moment With a sound.

After rushing out of the fortress, the thousands-mile-long true body of [Ocean Overlord Leviathan] immediately appeared.

Ten thousand-mile-long tentacles suddenly flicked. The void immediately collapsed for thousands of miles.

And its huge body also disappeared. He disappeared.

All he heard was an extremely furious roar coming from the void:"You son of a bitch, the Lord God of the Six Realms, I'm going to run away from your sister!" Die for me!"

On the other side, among the women, the fastest Mecha Ji condensed into silver water droplets and turned into a flash of light, and also pursued the six main gods.

In the fortress,

Ji Mengli stamped her little feet and shouted angrily:"Coward , liar, coward!"

Yun Feiyan consoled him from the side:"Forget it, these gods and demons should be here as bait, and they are not fighting sincerely at all. Judging from the direction they are escaping from, it should be [Well of Gods and Demons]. When we get there, there will be a fight. Ji

Mengli said bitterly:"When we get to the [Well of Gods and Demons], I will roast them all thoroughly!""

Su Chen just smiled at this scene. At that moment, he ordered Yingying to control the time and space fortress, use the teleportation method, follow the six escaping gods, and rush towards the [Well of Gods and Demons].

At the same time, twelve ancient behemoths , Liu Yuanzong, Gatling Bodhisattva and others issued orders to prepare for battle.

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