One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 377: Broken Sea

"Killing for life is justified."

As these words spit out from Bahn's expressionless and emotionless throat, the dark cloud that had been entrenched above his head began to rotate violently, and purple lights continuously shone from the black cloud. Accompanied by thunder and lightning, accompanied by roars of ferocious beasts that seemed to be hidden in the huge dark clouds, the coercion on Baan's body was also constantly rising!

The lightning seemed to break through his eyes and spread all over his body. At this moment, Bahn seemed to be a perfect conductor. Whether it was the eyeballs, skin, or even the top of the hair, it was full of restless lightning!

And the face of Akainu, who directly faced the coercion released by Barn, also became serious, and even a feeling of fear came from the bottom of his heart, and more and more cold sweat broke out from his forehead , even his throat squirmed unnaturally, looking at Bahn who looked like the god of thunder in front of him, he couldn't help but took a step back.

But after taking this step, Akainu realized his fear. He shook his head vigorously, and even stretched out a hand to beat his head vigorously, talking loudly to himself yelled at himself.

"No! The justice of the navy is absolute! There is no room for failure! You must not back down!"

Thinking of this, even though the cold sweat was still streaming down his face, Akainu clenched his teeth tightly and took a hard step forward, almost half of his body turned into that hot flowing liquid. The magma, accompanied by the billowing smoke behind him, had a pair of eyes full of fear written in the bottom of his eyes, but they were full of determination.


Seeing such a red dog, Bane was slightly surprised, and said playfully.

"Seeing your step backwards, I thought you were going to run away. What made you make this stupid decision to stay here?"

Bane asked aloud.

But after hearing Bahn's words, Akainu yelled loudly, tearing his throat.

"Justice is absolute! I will never back down from you dirty pirates!"

As he said that, the arm that had turned into hot magma swung vigorously, and three huge parts scattered in the air. Along with the billowing smoke from above, the three parts that fell on the ground As if given life by the red dog, it was distorted and deformed on the spot where it fell, and then, three mad dogs with magma-like saliva appeared in front of Bahn, and the two restless front The claws kept digging on the ground, but the teeth exposed from the torn mouth were emitting bursts of coldness!

"The ghost dog!"

The red dog roared in a low voice, and when he heard the sound of the red dog, the throats of the separated three vicious dogs also let out a low growl, and the front paws that had been ready to go out kicked hard on the ground, The three vicious dogs barked and rushed towards Bahn!

When Bahn saw the three mad dogs rushing towards him, the expression on his expressionless face was not because of the fear of being attacked, but because of a... weird smile .

Just listening to Bane as if he didn't see the three mad dogs rushing towards him, he smiled and said to the red dog in front of him.

"Justice? Is this what your navy believes in? But in my opinion, that is nothing more than a ridiculous joke!"

"But this is also good, so that I won't have any psychological burden when I kill you. Are you ready to sacrifice your life for your pious belief? Sakarsky!"

I saw Bahn's eyes flashing with lightning suddenly opened, and an invisible aura erupted from his body in an instant, and the strong coercion was directly exerted on the three heads rushing towards Bahn. On top of the dog, the three creatures released by Akainu as the killer's weapon were crushed and collapsed at that moment, turning into lava scattered all over the ground!


"Just relying on domineering look and arrogance..."

Akainu looked at the ghost dog who was defeated in an instant in astonishment, the face that was still looking at Ace and Luffy contemptuously twitched for a moment, and said this sentence in astonishment, But before he finished his sentence, he couldn't continue, and he would never have a chance to continue...

I saw that the dark cloud above Bahn's head was still spinning crazily. Unlike before, this time it wasn't the thunder beast that came out of the dark cloud, but the entire dark cloud was spinning and landed, accompanied by the terrifying thunder and roar. , slowly entwined on the knife that Bahn had raised earlier!

The huge dark cloud seemed to turn into a black tornado condensed with lightning, wrapped around the first-generation Onikiri in Bahn's hands, but slowly deformed until it turned into an even bigger sword. It's as if the first generation Onikiri in Bahn's hands has been magnified countless times!

But in the dark cloud that gathered into the blade body, the sound of lightning became more and more dense, and a ferocious roaring face could be vaguely seen, as if a wild lion was expressing his anger!

Bahn's face that was finally moved became expressionless again, but the lightning in his eyes became more and more manic!

Although Bahn is standing opposite Akainu like that, the current Akainu can no longer feel the breath of Bahn. To be precise, he can't feel the breath of Bahn alone. And the god of thunder hidden in the dark clouds wrapped around the knife, Indratian perfectly merged into one!

I saw Bahn's expressionless face facing Akainu, and said a word softly, and the lips that were shining with thunder lightly touched, but spit out a group of words that were also full of violent thunder.

"The Birth of the Thunder God! Shura Evil Light Slash!"

I saw that the huge dark cloud above the first-generation Onikiri that was peacefully entwined in Bahn's hands before suddenly became restless, and the thunder and roar in it became louder and louder, and with Bahn's hand vigorously waved , the dark cloud was also thrown out, but it deformed instantly in the air, the two ends bent inward, but the edge became like a blade, countless thunder and lightning appeared from the black cloud that turned into a slash, and the thunder god of a mad lion It also appeared on the cutting edge of that huge slash!


Facing the slash with a terrifying aura that was about to destroy the world, Akainu realized that he was inevitable, but bravely or recklessly chose to meet it!

His body was instantly covered with magma, as if he had turned into a humanoid volcano, a huge magma was crazily separated from his body, and rushed towards that slash!

However, even the bald man in the Five Old Stars was pierced through the chest by Bahn's Thunder God Shura Slash. How could it be possible that the Thunder God Shura Slash's slash would be scattered by Akainu?

I saw that all the lava separated from the red dog hit the slash, but it seemed that it just hit the dark cloud and was swallowed by the black cloud, but the slash did not collapse at all. The trend has not even slowed down at all!


That slash cut across Akainu's chest ferociously, and Akainu's tall and mighty body was also split into two from the chest by this slash!


This is the last sentence that Akainu said, maybe this can be regarded as his last words, accompanied by endless unwillingness, Akainu's body slowly fell to the ground...

But the slash released by Bahn didn't mean to stop at all. After passing through Akainu's body, the terrifying slash rushed directly to the square behind Akainu!

The huge sharp blade almost cut off the entire square, and countless marines who had no time to dodge lost their lives under this blow!

After doing all this, the slash released by Bahn charged towards the sea surface and finally dissipated in the air...

"General Sakasky!"

"The general was...killed instantly by that man?"

"What happened just now?"

"Is this a nightmare..."

"The sea... the sea was split open!"

"It's... too scary!"

It turned out that the sea that was swept by Bahn's slash was completely split, as if it had turned into two oceans, which could not heal for a long time!

Everyone looked at the split island in astonishment, with shock written all over their faces, the wide open mouth could even put an ostrich egg in!

But Hawkeye's eyes were full of blazing heat, looking at the split sea, he murmured.

"The strongest swordsman in the legend can even split a waterfall with a single sword. Did he actually split the sea..."

As he spoke, he focused his attention on the expressionless Bahn who did all this, his eyes were full of fighting spirit!

But at this time, the ground where the navies were on was shaken tremendously!

"What's going on? An earthquake?"

"Is that guy with the white beard doing it again?"

The navy felt the turmoil on the land under his feet, and they all looked in surprise at the white beard who stood still but did not move.

But this time they blamed Whitebeard by mistake. From just now, Whitebeard didn't make any moves! And at this moment, the entire Marie Gioia split apart along the crack that was cut by Bahn's slash! Turned into two separate islands!

"It's Barn!"

"It's that devil!"

"The island is divided!"

"Is that the slash?"

Just when everyone was shocked by the horrible facts that happened around them, they turned their attention to the man who did it all.

But Bahn didn't say anything, and didn't even linger on the red dog that was split in half by him, but slowly turned around, and walked slowly to the smiling, silent dog. Beside Ace...

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