Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 728: Different nightingales for everyone

The bloated Maitreya master, who spent the night in the middle of the night, had been thinking for a long time, and in the cool breeze of the summer night, the whole person froze.

So he was tragedy. The mouth is skewed and the hands and feet are pumped straight.


His body size and age are inherently high-risk groups, not to mention the sudden shocks between them.

how is this possible? I was actually cheated by the female thinker again? !

When Master Maitreya fell, his mind was sober.

He already understands that pomegranate is a pit.

In the words of Wu Hao, pomegranate is a high imitation goods.

"Master, Maitreya!" The guards and family members around, as well as the call of the big prince, kept ringing in the ear, but Maitreya Master turned a deaf ear. He only thought about two women.

Pomegranate and Zhou Ruruo, is it true that one is a big fool, and one is a big fool?

Why don’t you send me white, don’t want to white... Don’t think about the words that these pomegranates say, in the mind of Maitreya’s master.

A lawsuit in the clan's mansion, the big prince is willing to pay the silver for the pomegranate without any rebuttal. What is it for? Of course it is a think tank!

Can such a vulgar woman be recognized as a think tank by me? I am a fool!

The key is that this high imitation a goods actually worth three million two silver. Master Maitreya spit out when he thought about it.

"Ah! The master spit out! On the carriage, go to the nearest medical hall! No, don't look for the best medical officer!" The voice of the great prince.

Like a crab, the hands and feet are pumping straight, and the young man who is still foaming in his mouth thinks of the girl who is smiling.

Dazhi Ruoyu... Sweet voice, charming smile, seems to have just appeared in front of his own eyes.

But she is the mastermind of everything.

No, don't change the name of the mastermind, but the culprit of everything!

She is the real think tank next to the ink prince! Female think tank! Beauty think tank! A super think tank that understands people's minds, strategizes, and reaches the level of foresight!

I want to tell the big prince, I will go to Zhou Ruruo immediately and start fighting for the real brain.

Don't try to conflict with her, because this think tank is terrible, the big prince is not an opponent at all. Even me, I have completely fallen into her trap without knowing it. Even after being reminded by her, she suddenly became awake, but she has been pitted with three million dollars!

Such a think tank, how does the big prince fight her? Only winning is the best policy!

Master Maitre wants to tell the Grand Prince, but his consciousness is getting more and more heavy and more and more confused.

But Master Maitreya is also a determined person. He has not seen Wu Hao’s plan. He is deeply embarrassed and struggles to let himself wake up and tell the big prince about the key issues.

However, he couldn't open his eyes for a long time. He faintly heard someone talking in his ear: "His Royal Highness Prince, diagnosed with the experience of the medical officer for more than 50 years... The sergeant is wide and fat and has a stubborn illness. When I was attacking my heart, I was attacked by evil winds. I was blinded and I could only slowly adjust my life."

"When, when can the master wake up?"

"It is hard to say. If you hang on ginseng, you will have a natural life without worry. But if you want to wake up, you have to look at his luck."

The medical officer gave a speech and preached the voice of the prescription.

"So, I may only rely on pomegranate to make a plan?" The big prince whispered to himself.

The great prince can have no brains like the master, and there is no such thing as Wu Yu’s words. So he hasn't reacted yet that pomegranate is not really a think tank.

what? The teacher heard the words of the great prince, and suddenly he was in a hurry. He couldn’t wait to open his eyes and sit up and ask him to never believe in pomegranate.

However, he was so anxious, and even more like the medical officer said, the fire attacked the heart and the condition worsened. It is the blood circulation on Western medicine is too fast, blood pressure makes the vulnerable blood vessels more acceptable, and the bleeding in the brain is even more tragic.

"Medical officer! The master is cramped!" The great prince exclaimed.

There is chaos in the Grand Prince's House.

"Ha ha ha ha! I finally jumped on the branch and turned into a phoenix!" Pomegranate ran around in excitement in her luxurious room, and quickly and sighed with a sigh of relief: "Oh, those pieces of jewelry were not taken back, but unfortunately It’s a pity! Let the big prince make more compensation for me!”

The pomegranate was still smug in front of a fine copper mirror, facing the mirror itself: "Three million and two silver, someone will give me three million and two silver to buy me. So, let's talk about charm, I Pomegranate is the best in the world!"

"Zhou girl is really the best in the world!" Leopard old double-handedly praised: "Operational strategy, when no one can come out to the right of the girl."

Their group of people have already returned to the mansion and are temporarily resting in the lobby.

"Zhou girl, this time I am relying on you to strategize, the big prince really wants to save the pomegranate." Du Gumo said: "Especially when the price of the big prince finally, you dare to let me shout out the price of 10 million two, If you really look at it, it will raise the psychology of the other person. Otherwise, he will not be forced to agree to the price of three million two."

"Oh?" The leopard was surprised and said: "I didn't pay attention. Zhou girl reminded His Highness about your offer?"

"Yes, by the time of tea offering and the timing behind me, Zhou gave me a hint of a finger." Du Gumo smiled: "So **** are extended, and the price is turned from one million to two. It’s three million two.”

"Ah, that is, one finger is one million!" Leopard boss praised, and also joked: "The finger of Zhou girl is really not ordinary, it can be described as a golden finger."

"Oh..." Wu Hao smiled. Goldfinger, are you cheating passwords for playing games?

Can I say that it is a coincidence? It’s just that you misunderstood the meaning of your fingers. I think one million is almost the same.

"The son, these three million two you will get it in the morning, it is best to hurry to avoid night long dreams. I go to sleep first." Wu Hao also prepared for the basaltic woman ceremony during the day.

"Right, Zhou girl is going to go to the Xuanwu women's ceremony and hurry to rest." The ink prince and the leopard old at the same time slammed their brains to think of big things.

"When the money of three million two is coming back, the guest of the Qing Dynasty thinks that the son will not use him for the time being, but after listening to my suggestion, he will decide again." Wu Hao said this sentence and he got up and went back to the house.

Ink murmur curiously asked: "How is Zhou girl prepared?"

Wu Hao turned back and smiled: "Temporarily confidential."

Du Gu Mo was shocked by her smile and stunned for a long while.

The leopard is always scolding and scolding, and his heart is laughing at such a gimmick. Even the ink prince who has never been close to the female color is afraid that he can’t hold it.

Or, do you knock at the door in the middle of the night? Or jump windows? Leopard old wants to say this to the ink prince.

But he and Du Gumo know that Zhou Ruruo still can't figure out his character, and if it arouses resentment, then the big thing is not good.

If she really has the talent to rely on others, it may be worth considering the raw rice to make a mature meal to force to stay, even if it is a forbidden room to adjust the baby... cough...

But now she is helping the Prince of Mexico with one heart, and there is no such concern for the time being. If you take inappropriate actions, you will not be saved. It is better to let the innate charm of the ink prince, let the Zhou dynasty ecstasy, so that each has its own perfection.

This night, Wu Hao does not need to mention it, and sleeps very sweetly.

After the excitement of the ink prince and the leopard, they also fell asleep.

The Grand Prince House is full of fun.

The interior staff is responsible for mobilizing the silver two to prepare three million two. After all, it is not a hasty to prepare for such a large sum of money.

This is not to say that there is not so much cash in the Great Prince's House, but that the two silver branches must have their own channels. Naturally, there are not so many accounts that can be used at will, and they need to be retrieved from various platforms.

There is also a wide variety of business lines in the Grand Prince's House. It is a matter of learning from which line. Therefore, Mr. Accountant and financial management are too busy.

As for the big prince himself, after waiting for a while in the hospital bed of Maitreya, I found that there was nothing to do, and I left to find the pomegranate.

To his surprise, the pomegranate seems to be very sticky and full of some kind of deliberate seduce.

So... cough, blow the light, pull the bill...

The great prince is full of confidence, and feels that the female think tank can be taken completely, not afraid that she will run with others.

However, when he later discovered that the night was worth three million two, he promised that he would never see the pomegranate again...

As for the poor Master Maitreya, he was also medicated on the sickbed, almost forgotten by the great prince...

On the second day, the Prince of Merg arranged for the rut to personally send Wu Hao to participate in the ceremonial ceremony of Xuanwu Women's Qualifications, and on the other hand, let his accountant go to the Prince's Mansion to raise money.

The Xuanwu Temple is a direct setting of the Royal Family and does not belong to the Three Holy Family. There is also the Wuguo Yuanhe Temple also belongs to the royal family.

This is different from Qi. The Xuanwu Temple of Qi State belongs to the royal family of Qi Wang, but the temple of Qi Guoyuan is in the system of Jian Jian.

When you arrive at the place, you will be allowed to show your belongings. The ink prince and the leopard personally accompanied Wu Hao to the Xuanwu Temple.

"How come this ceremony is really very few people, like the old dragon said." Out of the ink Prince and the leopard, only a dozen young women are waiting.

Until the time when the ceremony began, was only the 20 invited women.

"Oh, Zhou girl." Long Lao, who has always been too concerned about the common things, has come, and he is coming over Wu Hao.

He turned out to be greeting with Wu Hao first, and then to the Prince of India and the Leopard.

Du Gu Mo believes that Zhou Yiru is the protagonist today, but he is not in the heart.

Among the women who came, only Wu Hao was escorted by the prince, and with the help of the old dragon, it was inevitable that there was a kind of standing out.

Many guards and Sansheng sects who watched under the Xuanwu Temple Hall quietly discussed.

"Did you see? The girl was sent by the Prince of Mexico."


"The most beautiful is that."

When you say the most beautiful, there is no objection. R1152

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