The fame of Tekka and Shisui spread at an astonishing speed, spreading like wildfire across the prairie fire. Not only did it spread back to Konohagakure from the distant border of Fire Country, it also spread throughout Kumogakure Village and even the entire ninja world.

With their outstanding strength and extraordinary performance, they won their own ninja titles, "Fire Sword and Iron Fire" and "Shunshen Shisui".

These two nicknames seem to have become synonymous with them, accurately outlining their unique fighting styles and characteristics.

The so-called "Fire Sword and Iron Fire", this nickname perfectly explains Tie Huo's best fire escape technique and his unparalleled powerful sword.

The flames are burning, hot and violent, symbolizing Tie Huo's powerful attack power and domineering personality, while "Shisui Shisui" highlights Shisui's unparalleled teleportation technique, which is as fast as lightning and moves erratically. Uncertain, elusive like a ghost.

It can be said that they are "worthy of their name". There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames. These nicknames are by no means random, but an accurate summary of their true abilities.

Each nickname contains a profound meaning, vividly demonstrating the outstanding achievements of Tetsuka and Shisui in the field of ninjutsu. Whether it is the fire escape or the teleportation technique, they are the stunts on which they are famous, and they are also the capital of their prestige.

The two men's fame caused an uproar in the ninja world, but they had very different meanings to all parties.

Every ninja village except Konoha felt extremely complicated after hearing the news.

Konoha suddenly has two young and powerful men who are famous all over the world. How can they not make them feel envious and resentful?

Unfortunately, Konoha always seems to be able to produce such outstanding talents. This phenomenon has existed since the time of the first Hokage.

I think back then, the god of ninja Senju Hashirama was born, followed closely by the world's fastest Senju Tobirama, ninjutsu master Sarutobi Hiruzen, the legendary Sannin, Konoha White Fang and the yellow flashing wave Feng Minato. Masters have emerged one after another.

It can be said that in every era of Konoha, a group of powerful ninjas are born, and their achievements are beyond the reach of other major ninja villages.

But now, when Konoha seems to be in decline after experiencing the Ninja World War and the Nine-Tails Rebellion, a new generation of strong men such as the White-haired Demon Eye, the Flame Sword, the Iron Fire, and Shunshen Shisui have emerged.


Uchiha Shisui, a character in the Japanese manga "Naruto" and its derivative works. A genius ninja from the Uchiha clan in the Hidden Leaf Village of the Land of Fire. When he was young, he was close friends with Itachi Uchiha, and he had an even better talent in eye magic than Itachi. He is good at using the Mangekyou Sharingan and the phantom teleportation technique, and is famous in the ninja world with the name of "Shisui Shisui".

Shisui possesses the genjutsu Betsutenjin. On the eve of the Uchiha clan's plan to launch a coup, Shisui planned to use other gods to prevent the Uchiha's coup. However, before the plan was implemented, he was attacked by Danzo Shimura and lost his right eye. In order to prevent others from fighting for his left eye, and also to help Uchiha Itachi open the Mangekyō Sharingan. He connected his eyes with "other gods"

Shisui is a descendant of Uchiha Mirror. He is not only Uchiha Itachi's mentor, but also Uchiha Itachi's best friend. Uchiha Itachi respected Shisui like his own brother.

Appearance and clothing

Shisui has a "dumpling nose" and usually wears black turtleneck short-sleeves and black trousers. He wears brown armor on his right shoulder, white cloth strips wrapped around his legs, and the Uchiha clan emblem embroidered on the back of his clothes. Carrying a small sword on his back. When Shisui joined the Konoha Police Force, he wore a tight-fitting black combat uniform with green jounin mail on the outside. The Uchiha clan emblem is embroidered on both shoulders.

Character traits

Shisui has an upright character and values ​​emotions.


The unique blood inheritance limit of the Uchiha clan has powerful abilities such as observation eye, copying eye, and hypnotic eye. The owner has extraordinary insight and can observe the flow of chakra, and can cast and see through illusions, copy physical techniques and non-blood limited ninjutsu.


Kaleidoscope Sharingan

The evolution of the Sharingan. It is triggered by the death of a close relative that stimulates great negative emotions. The pattern of the eyes changes, taking on a blade-like shape.

The pupil power of this kind of Sharingan will be higher than that of ordinary Sharingan.

Not only will the original ability be enhanced to the maximum, but it will also house a unique and powerful pupil technique. Its pupil technique will be developed according to the field in which the original owner is good at it. Shisui's unique pupil technique is the other god's. However, its use carries great risks and side effects, and excessive use can lead to blindness.

Shisui is proficient in genjutsu. In Chapter 578 of "Naruto", Uchiha Shisui launched genjutsu from a long distance, instantly causing two of Kirigakure Ninja Ao's subordinates to fall to the ground in the distance.

Other gods

Shisui's "Mangekyō Sharingan" unique genjutsu. It can directly invade the opponent's brain without being noticed, and permanently and completely modify the opponent's will. Officially, this technique is called "the eye that controls the will, turning everyone the user sees into his puppet." The disadvantage is that the cooling time is too long. Without the chakra of Senju Hashirama, the cooling time will be as long as more than ten years.

Art fire escape ho fireball

Chakra gathers behind the throat and spits out huge fireballs from the mouth, blasting enemies into the air. (Animation Chapter 578)

Shisui used this technique on Danzo's root tissue.

Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique

Three fire dragons spit out from its mouth to attack the enemy.

Uchiha Shisui used the fire escape and dragon fire jutsu when he fought against Sasuke in Tsunade's infinite Tsukuyomi dream, but Sasuke used the Chidori style to counteract it.

phantom teleportation

The hand seal uses the Sharingan to separate multiple phantoms. The phantoms will attack the opponent together with Shisui's body. Moreover, Shisui's phantom will not disappear after being attacked. (Animation Chapter 674)

Shisui became famous in the ninja world for his phantom teleportation technique, and was known as "Shisui Shisui".


It can be activated just by looking at each other, allowing the other person to see a momentary horrific fantasy to deprive him of his physical freedom.

In "Naruto" Chapter 578, Uchiha Shisui used genjutsu twice.

When fighting Kirigakure Ninja Ao, Shisui launched a genjutsu from a distance, instantly causing two of Kirigakure Ninja Ao's subordinates to fall to the ground in the distance. [6]

Used for the second time on Danzo.


A dagger-shaped weapon that can be used in either melee or distance combat.

When he was young, Shisui was proficient in shuriken technique and taught Itachi shuriken technique.


Samurai sword

Shisui joins the weapons used by the Konoha Police Force.

Game original ninjutsu

In the game "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution", Uchiha Shisui appears as a DLC character. Comic author Masashi Kishimoto personally designed Susanoo for Uchiha Shisui, and also launched the Ninja drama " "Two Uchiha", tells the story of Shisui's past

Fire Release · Impatiens Flower Claw Red

Jump into the air and throw a kunai combined with fire escape towards the ground.

This is a derivative technique of "Fire Release: Phoenix Fire Technique". The flames of Phoenix Fire wrap around the shuriken to form a new Fire Release Technique. When it hits, it will cause double damage to the enemy, both Fire Release and Shuriken. At the same time It will also have a great interference effect on the enemy's line of sight.

Shisui can attach flames to kunai, and it will explode when it hits; it can also be used in conjunction with Fuuma Shuriken and Shadow Windmill to make it more powerful.

Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique

A huge fire dragon spits out from its mouth to attack the enemy. It is used together with Itachi as the starting move in the joint secret "Messy Snow and Flowers" in the "Ultimate Storm" series.

Other Gods·Light

Use his right eye to release a wide range of golden light, pulling the enemy's spirit into the illusion space and instantly turning his spirit to ashes. (Jutsu in Ultra Storm 4 and Naruto mobile games)

Shisui described this illusion as "I can control everything in the illusion space" and "no power can compete with this illusion."

Other Gods·Light

Susanoo (second form)

The third power that resides in the Mangekyou Sharingan is the ultimate ninjutsu that integrates offense and defense. It can grow in stages with the use of eye power and chakra. It has absolute defense and unparalleled attack power.

Shisui's Susanoo is green, and there is an orange magatama when the breastplate is opened. The weapon is a single-handed spiral sword (Caladbolg), which can rotate at high speed to attack enemies, and can also be combined with Shisui's fire escape to increase its power.

It first appeared in the game "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Storm Revolution" that was released in September 2014. The image and skills were designed by Masashi Kishimoto himself.

Susanoo (second form)

Susanoo ninety-nine

Open Susanoo's breastplate and fire countless green chakra arrows from the center for long-range attacks. The full Susanoo is now fired from the spiral sword.

Susanoo ninety-nine

Complete Susanoo

The ultimate pupil technique can only be used by one who has trained his pupil power to the extreme and possesses huge chakra. Susanoo's true form is larger than the size of a mountain, taking on the posture of a warrior god, with wings transforming from the armor on his back. Equipped with dual swords, it can soar into the sky. The complete Susanoo can use the ninjutsu that the caster is good at, and his long sword can easily split mountains and meteorites.

It is called the "Power of God", and everyone in the world says: if you see it, you will die. Shisui can use it after the "pupil power is released" in "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Storm Series". The weapon is a spiral sword (Caladbolg) similar to the original but larger, and there are two long knives hidden in the wings.

Magatama of Yasaka

Shisui can be used in the "Complete Susanoo" state in "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Storm Series". Throwing a magatama with the same pattern as the "Sharingan" is a long-range ultimate move like throwing a shuriken. It can be used only if you are in "Susanoh Second Form" or above. Messy Snow Moon Flower

Appearing in the game "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Storm Series" released in September 2014, it is the secret of the fusion of Shisui and Itachi.

Shisui Uchiha teleported and appeared to assist. Shisui and Itachi moved forward together to release the Dragon Fire Technique. Then Shisui and Itachi continuously teleported and changed their positions to cause damage to the enemy. In the end, the two of them stabbed the enemy together to finish.

Messy Snow Moon Flower

Uchiha power

In "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Storm Series", Uchiha Shisui awakens (complete Susanoo) and two other characters who can also use the complete Susanoo (Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Uchi) Bo Itachi, Uchiha Sasuke, Hatake Kaka

Ancestor: Uchiha mirror

A jounin of the Uchiha clan, a member of the elite guard force of the Second Hokage, and the ancestor of Uchiha Shisui. He passed on the "Will of Fire" to some members of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha mirror

Clan leader: Fugaku Uchiha

The patriarch of the Uchiha clan and captain of the Konoha police force died at the hands of his eldest son Uchiha Itachi for planning a rebellion.

Uchiha Fugaku

Superior: Sarutobi Hiruzen

The third-generation Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village in the Land of Fire, the direct disciple of the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, cultivated the powerful "Sannin" in the ninja world. Hiruzen Sarutobi, who is proficient in the five chakra attributes, is the Hokage who has held the highest power in Konoha Hidden Village for the longest time, and is also the longest-lived Hokage, creating the heyday of Konoha Hidden Village.

The Third Hokage

Hostile: Danzo Shimura

When he was young, he served as a member of the elite guard force of the Second Hokage. He had a deep bond with Hiruzen Sarutobi, who later became the Third Hokage. The two regarded each other as competitors and always competed with each other.

After Hiruzen Sarutobi succeeded as Hokage, Danzo established his own independent organization "Root" in the name of the Anbu Training Department, and was active in the dark as a leader. He deeply inherited the cold thoughts of the second generation Hokage, and his belief was to strictly abide by the rules. Because Hiruzen failed to continue the basic policy of the second generation Hokage in governing the Uchiha clan, Danzo was burdened with the darkness of the village. .

Shisui was born into the Uchiha clan and grew up with Itachi Uchiha. He is a descendant of the second generation Hokage's subordinate Uchiha Mirror, and has accepted the "Will of Fire" passed down from the first generation Hokage and Uchiha Mirror. Therefore, since childhood, Shisui has been free from narrow-minded nationalism like his ancestor Uchiha Kagami, and at the same time, he has deeply influenced his friend Uchiha Itachi.

During the Third Ninja War, Shisui relied on the Mangekyō Sharingan and the Phantom Shuttle Technique to gallop on the battlefield, and was known as "Shisui Shisui". Almost everyone in the ninja world knows Shisui's name. Even Kirabi, who has not been out of Yunlei Gorge for many years, knows Shisui's name. Shisui's outstanding performance in the battle was praised by the Uchiha clan members "Uchiha Yashiro" and "Uchiha Inari". The Third Hokage also spoke highly of Shisui: "When I see you, I think of my former friend Uchiha Mirror."

In the TV original drama "Kakashi ANBU Arc", when Konoha and Kirigakure were fighting, Shisui Uchiha launched a genjutsu from a distance, instantly causing two subordinates of Kirigakure Jounin Ao to fall to the ground in the distance. Qing knew that he was no match for Shisui, so he led his men to retreat quickly.

Uchiha coup

The Nine-Tails Rebellion that occurred during the Namikaze Minato period caused Konoha's top brass to point their fingers at Uchiha (because the only ones who can control the Nine-Tails are the Uchiha clan's Sharingan and Senju power). The situation is very dissatisfied and the conflicts are increasingly intensifying. Uchiha Fugaku led his tribe to attempt a coup. At that time, Uchiha Itachi was no longer trusted by the tribe, so Uchiha Shisui was asked to monitor Uchiha Itachi.

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