My Talents Have Exploded

Chapter 77 See me blast you with one hammer!

Seeing the sudden change in front of him, Jiang Yuan was not surprised at all. From the beginning of the wing, he felt that all these things seemed to be specially arranged behind the scenes. Jiang Yuan was like this at the beginning. It doesn’t feel particularly strong yet, but as the ancient voice in the dark continues to turn, and I directly hope that everyone can directly explode all the creatures in the island chain, and only in this way can they be prepared. People feel that this incident seems to reveal a certain taste of conspiracy. At the beginning, it did not affect such a complicated relationship, but now when he sees all the gods, the demons are directly arranged in a formation, And at this moment in this formation, countless magma continuously bubbling blood, and the blood began to circulate behind them. There is a very large and illusory nine-clawed golden dragon, this nine-clawed golden dragon. Stretching out the own dragon claws and pointing the own dragon claws towards them, all the gods and demons stretched over. At the beginning, did you want to absorb it easily from them so you can clearly see the golden strips that are easy to continue from? The gods and demons flew in the direction of the nine-clawed golden dragon, and as this illusory nine-clawed golden dragon began to continuously absorb, it was easy to clearly see that its body became more and more condensed.

At this moment, the moods of the gods and demons have become very strange. Before that, they would naturally not have such complicated thoughts, but now when they see that they should be constantly beheading the island on the missile. Some of the sounds inside, but now I don’t know why they suddenly appeared in this formation, and they can clearly feel that when they are in this formation, their minds suddenly become vigilant, not only Only in this way, even some of their equipment artifacts have more than just started to protect the Lord, which means that when they are in this formation, it is not the slightest benefit for them, but it may directly threaten them. Because of this, this makes them feel very bad now. It should have started to attack those forests on the island and snatch equipment and dragon seals, but now I don’t know why they suddenly Will run into this formation, and when they stay in this formation, they always feel that behind the owner’s body, someone is spying on them so that there is no way to make good use of their own skills, and they have already Feeling a kind of existential crisis, which comes from the origin of their lives, that is to say, they have reached such a level. Once they encounter danger, they can already roughly predict it, and at this moment when they are in During this formation, not only did not relax at all, but became passionate all at once, which means that in this formation it is possible to directly threaten their lives at any time, and at some point they finally reacted, it seems Entering into this god gate this time, it is estimated that from the beginning, someone was constantly planning, and the planning must be related to the dragon clan, because someone has clearly seen a nine claw appear behind them. Great Golden Dragon, if this matter has nothing to do with Dragon Pearl, no one would believe it!

"Start the blood sacrifice plan!"At this moment in the darkness, in the hearts of countless gods and demons, they are still flustered not knowing what happened. At this moment, their minds are suddenly attracted by all the things in all directions. The man is at this time. , Their ears suddenly rang a voice, and they directly said to prepare a plan, and when the plan was about to start poetry, their minds suddenly became very bad, and when they heard the blood stains, they felt this This event is definitely not what a good thing looks like, which directly leads to their minds being affected at this moment. If there is no wrong guess, there will be no good things like this kind of study plan. Therefore, their minds became very vigilant, and began to secretly operate secretly, once something happened, they would immediately resist, and they also took out all their own treasures, and Putting it around the owner like this, as long as something happens, they can help each other as soon as possible. Their eyes start to pry out in all directions. Once something bad happens, they can do it right away. The reaction, in fact, some gods and demons are thinking in this formation, but there have been countless powerful gods and demons. If the saying goes well, it must be a high top, so they are relatively stressed. It is not particularly big, but it is undeniable that their eyes are very cautious, and they dare not relax at all. From the current situation, once they relax, they may directly threaten their lives!

At this moment, Jiang Yuan was originally standing above the Ninth Stage and watching this scene, especially when he saw countless gods and demons appearing a nine-clawed golden dragon, coldly smiled in his heart, it seems this time It has a great relationship with this nine-clawed golden dragon, but the next moment when he looked at Jinzhi Dapeng, he couldn't help but froze for a while, his face became a little ugly, and he looked directly at the Golden Wing Tower and shouted angrily. Said: "I told you that you can't directly kill the creatures in the dragon world, and you can't snatch honor, and you can only snatch the treasures that burst out. Why didn't you do what I said?"

Golden-winged Great Peng was a little embarrassed at once. In fact, he did follow Jiang Min’s words at the beginning, and did not kill some of the statements on the island or snatch those honors, but when he saw When some gods and demons were able to snatch honor and obtain the moves of the dragon clan, his mind was immediately attracted. You must know that the moves among the dragon clan are very powerful, and if they have the tactics of the ancient clan, then there is nothing. The doubt will become more severe, and it is precisely because of this that Golden-winged Great Peng could not resist the temptation, and it was easier to grab it directly, but now when he saw the proof that he had discovered it, he suddenly became a little embarrassed. , Scratched his head and said: "Unexpectedly, you would still be discovered by the master."

Jiang Yuan’s face became very ugly, but he did not expect that Golden-winged Great Peng would also be taken down this year, and as far as the current situation is concerned, it’s easy to grab more shares, so at this moment. The riverside can see the illusory nine-clawed golden dragon directly from the back of the Golden Wing Tower. The eyes of the nine-clawed golden dragon became very gloomy, bloodthirsty and violence seemed to be full of powerful aura, and when he noticed When Jiang Yuan was looking at him at this moment, the corners of the nine-clawed golden dragon's mouth showed a coldly smile. It seemed that he had noticed that Jiang Yuan had found the wipe, but Jiang Yuan had discovered that he had caused this situation, but he Without the slightest influence, on the contrary, it was very proud. With a wave of the dragon's claw, a golden chain suddenly appeared behind the economic market, and a golden chain was directly connected to the back of the Golden-winged Great Peng. The other end penetrates directly into the blood-colored lava underneath. It is not only refined roc, but also the other gods and demons on their bodies. Everyone is tightly locked by a chain behind them. The chains continued to deepen toward the magma, and during this process, there suddenly seemed to be a giant beast in the speech, and began to pull these chains with force, making the gods and demons feel that the own body was invisible. The pressure of the constant traction directly wants to pull them into the speech. Some Cultivation Bases are relatively powerful and can be resisted. However, they are relatively weak and can only be directly affected by this bracelet. Pulled into the blood-colored magma, when they fell directly into the blood-colored magma, they suddenly screamed upright, the magma kept bubbling with blood, and the calmness was restored without doubt, but the gods and demons saw this scene. At the time, one by one was issued, and I had to say that the cry of surprise was, judging from the current situation, it was completely beyond their expectations!"No, we must cut off this chain, otherwise, once it is included in the speech, we will definitely not survive. This effect is too weird. I waited for the body of Transcendent to enter the holy. I did not expect to fall into it. In this magma, it was immediately swallowed up. It seems that this formation must not be underestimated this time, but now if we don’t resist, we may be directly drawn into the speech, so at this time we will not It can disperse everyone's fighting power, but requires everyone to gather together. If this is the case, it will definitely be able to withstand this chain!"

Countless gods and demons began to scream desperately, because the heavens began to continue to pull them, and directly drag them into the bloody speech, they originally wanted to struggle, but in this process of struggle Among them, they were surprised to find that they could not break away from this chain at all, so they began to use their abilities to actually have magical powers, but despite their strong magical powers, they still couldn't cut this bracelet directly, and when they were about to cut it off. In the process of judgment, it was directly incorporated into the lectures of the academy. As countless large numbers of gods and demons were directly drawn into the lectures of the bachelor, the behemoths in the lake seemed to have become more powerful. The pulling force becomes even greater. Even some Cultivation Bases are relatively powerful, which can be resisted at the beginning, but now they can no longer resist the pulling of the chain and are directly pulled. Into the magma!

At this moment, Taiyi Emperor Sanqing, as well as powerful gods such as Queen Mother of the West, are also trapped by the golden chains. At this moment, they are constantly struggling, but it makes them feel that their scalp is numb. , I didn’t expect this golden chain to be so powerful. No matter how hard they struggle, they really didn’t get rid of this chain directly. At this moment, their minds suddenly felt hairy. You must know that they are very powerful. Between this world, it belongs to the self-improvement, but now when they face this chain, they are full of powerlessness. If they had been before, they would naturally not have such an idea, but at this time At this moment such thoughts are constantly coming out of their minds. Originally they wanted to struggle hard, but they thought that how they struggled is that there is no way to cut this chain directly. From this moment on. They naturally noticed the breath of Death.

Dapeng also wants to use his own magical powers, and the deep chains are directly cut off, but what makes everyone feel very strange is that although this body is very temporary, even if it is illusory, generally no matter how they use their magical powers, but But they were not able to cut this chain directly, that is, at this moment, everyone's thoughts were raised at once. If they had been before, they felt that there would be no danger at all, but now they see their bodies. Not only can they not be cut, but also when they are directly pulled into the blood-colored magma, they can be said to be very angry, and they have already sensed the danger of Death, which means that if they can’t remove it. If a chain is cut directly, it means that they may be directly thrown into the blood-colored speech. If they are thrown into the blood-colored magma at that time, they may be swallowed directly, and his gods and demons They can clearly perceive that there seems to be some very powerful and terrifying behemoth in this blood-colored magma. Once they fall directly into the blood-colored magma, this terrible behemoth will directly They have swallowed them, and there is no bones left. In other words, they are about to face a critical juncture of life and death, but at this moment, no matter how hard they struggle, they are really powerless, even though they have paid a very high price and put themselves All the treasures on their bodies have been used, but no matter how they want to cut this chain directly, they are still powerless. At some point, the Golden Roc finally understood why Jiang Yuan didn’t let him snatch this. Honor, he can be said to regret very much in his heart now. If he knew it a long time ago, he would obey the command of his master. This way, he would not have such consequences, making him now facing a critical juncture of life and death. For the Golden-winged Great For Peng, it is still difficult to resist the temptation to become stronger in this way, so now I can say that I regret it very much. If there is no reminder, I can only acquiesce next to the Golden Wing Pagoda, but now He thought that just now, when Jiang Yuan told him that he could not snatch these honors, he snatched them privately. After regretting it in his heart, he was about to fall into the bloody speech next to the Golden Wing Tower. , Finally very helpless, raised his head and looked at Jiang Yuan and said, "Master, help me!"Jiang Yuan was planning to fly over to save the Golden-winged Great Peng. At this moment, a huge dragon chain suddenly appeared in the void, and he looked at the Golden Dapeng with a sneer on his face and laughed out loudly: "Now who is right? Can’t save you, you have already been led by the dragon shadow of the dragon clan, this directly penetrates into your soul, which means that none of you these gods and demons can escape now, since you want to snatch my dragon’s secret treasure , Then you have to understand that you have entered the dragon world of my dragon clan, and you have to pay a painful price. My dragon world has always been Sacred inviolable, and it has always been a place where no one can dare to step in, but I did not expect you today These gods and demons dared to come directly to my dragon realm and overflow. Now that they have come here, don’t even think about going out easily, and I’m going to tell the whole gods and demons to enter into my dragon realm, and to be with my dragon realm. The enemy will end up just like yours. I don’t think that you can directly snatch the secret treasure if you enter the Dragon’s family now. Don’t you think that is too whimsical. Now that you have come to the Dragon’s family, you will have to pay a lot of pain. And I also let you know how powerful my dragon clan is. It’s definitely not what you say can be cleaned, and I want you to clearly understand that in this formation, you will all be sacrificed directly. My dragon ancestor, and this is your supreme glory. At this moment, you should also clearly understand that since you can’t obtain the corresponding treasure, then you have to obediently grab it and be sacrificed directly by my dragon. For you Isn't this a supreme honor? Just be obediently and directly entered into the speech. There is no need to make any resistance, and there is no way for you to resist!"

When Jiang Yuan saw this moment, he raised his eyebrows slightly. He had to say that this old Dragon King had to spend a lot of time in order to be able to sacrifice the entire gods and demons, but he did not expect to be still in this dragon. Placed in the world, such a big formation, but if you think about it carefully, all the logic of Jiang Yuan can be completely reasonable. Judging from the current situation, it does exist in the dragon world. There are a large number of dragons’ secret treasures, but how can these dragons’ secret treasures, the old Dragon King, be so simple and straightforward to let the whole gods and demons come over to snatch it. This is the best thing among their dragons, and it’s been kept here for many years. In a dragon family, Sacred is inviolable, and it is impossible for anyone to obtain it. But now, the old Dragon King not only gives these treasures directly to everyone for snatching, but now also allows them to enter the dragon world directly. Among them, whether it is based on logic or from the interests of the dragon clan, this is absolutely impossible. From another perspective, there must be something that can lead the dragon clan to directly lead to the Dragon King. Willing to agree to this matter, and at this moment, when people see the gods and demons being directly unknown to this formation and being thrown by giant beasts, he smiled and said in his heart: "So you dragons The world is preparing to carry out the blood sacrifice of the entire gods and demons..."When the Dragon King heard what Jiang Yuan said, he had to say, but he showed a slightly admiring look. At least in the current situation, the only god and demon among the heavens was not seduced by the countless geniuses in the entire world, and There was no one who snatched Dragon Yin, only Jiang Yuan. I have to say that Dragon King’s heart is relatively complicated at this moment. If Jiang Yuan can also be bound by the chain, then things will change. It's easier!

Dragon King's mind at this moment has become very complicated. I have to say that when he looked at Jiang Yuan, he sighed slightly in his heart, but he did not expect that the dragon head would actually fall like this, a relatively complicated one. Existence, the Dragon King had never heard of Jiang Yuan before, and he didn’t understand who the motorcycle boy who was suddenly killed was, but it must be said that Jiang Yuan’s existence really attracted the Dragon King this time. Note that before this, the Dragon King has always been cultivation in the Dragon Palace, so naturally I don’t know that there is such a powerful blue thread hand between the world and the earth, but it is undeniable that this time Jiang Yuan’s Existence did affect various things of the dragon family, and it made the old Dragon King feel very headache. It was unexpected that the general was not bound by the golden chain, which directly led to the fact that things are not like what he had in the beginning. It went smoothly and smoothly as I thought, but it is undeniable that based on the current situation, if the old Dragon King can naturally hope to solve the problem of the general directly, Jiang Yuan directly took his Dragon Pearl More than half of the directors gave it to annihilation. If the old Dragon King didn’t hold a car, he would definitely not be able to make it in his heart. It is precisely because of this that when he saw Jiang Yuan, he was naturally I hope that Jiang Yuan will definitely be resolved. With such dependence, things will become easier.

But now Dragon King feels that his mind is relatively complicated. Jiang Yuan doesn’t have it at all. According to what he said at the beginning, he was like him. He originally thought that the gods and demons who snatched the secret treasure Jiang Yuan would definitely go there to join in the fun, but when he was far away When I watched all this, I was surprised to find that from the beginning to the end, I was not tempted by these secret treasures at all. Moreover, these genius subsistence allowances are like Spirit Stones that I have. Generally, they actually took the initiative to fly to Jiangyuan. By your side, this also directly caused the disease to come. There is no need to snatch these treasures, countless spirit treasures will naturally fly to Jiang Ren's side, so Jiang Ren does not need to go to grab these genius treasures like the gods and demons. If you grab these genius treasures in the middle, you will definitely have some thoughts about the inheritance of the dragon clan. If this is the case, as long as the mark of the dragon clan is directly printed on the soul of Jiangyuan, then it will be able to produce Jiangyuan. The damage was very huge, and Jiang Yuan could not destroy this golden chain lock. When that time, Jiang Yuan could be directly drawn into the speech and be introduced directly to the city, but the patient often forgets that Jiang Yuan Lian was not tempted by these temptations at all, and maintained a relatively calm mood from beginning to end. The Dragon King sighed lightly. Judging from the current situation, their dragons are indeed provoking. It is a relatively troublesome existence, and this existence absolutely cannot make it continue to become stronger, otherwise it will be a very huge threat to the dragon race!

Dragon King raised his head and looked at Jiang Yuan and said, “I didn’t expect that I planned the layout of this scene specially. You could see through it at a glance. If you think about it carefully, some of your behaviors were when you first entered the Dragon Gate. In fact, it has already been expressed that you have already seen through this situation, but it is undeniable that this king’s goal is the heavens. Even if the gods and demons cannot sacrifice you in the end, as long as these protagonists, the gods and demons can carry on In the case of blood sacrifices, this can also resurrect my dragon ancestors, and from the current situation, once the dragon ancestors are resurrected, you will be able to be the top floor of my dragons. This is also your good fortune, you You should feel very happy, at least in the current situation, you are indeed very strong and powerful, and very attractive. It is undeniable that, in the current situation, whether it is you among the gods and monsters Spiritual Roots is still your physique and Cultivation Base, even your great good fortune baby, all are loved by my dragon ancestors, and can receive the favor of my dragon ancestors, you can say that you are supreme. Glory, and now my dragon boat mouse wants you as the top floor, you should feel very happy, and you choose to agree! And you should feel that your main attack is lucky, if it weren’t for the ancestors of the dragon race, it’s just you. Such a killing, I am tens of thousands of dragons, this king should have broken your body into pieces, instead of waiting for you to prepare to come over now, the devil begs me to let me let you go! If it is not the case, please stop blaming my king for the action. Time will definitely break your corpse directly into pieces, leaving you unrecoverable!"

When the Dragon King said this sentence, it can be said to be very confident, but Jiang Yuan snorted, and directly smashed the face of Dragon King with a punch. Suddenly a voice full of resentment, in the endless The void sounded, and the Dragon King could be clearly felt. Now, at this moment, he could not restrain his anger and want, Jiang Yuan torn to pieces!

The Dragon King can be said to be very angry at this moment. You must know that their Dragon Pearl has always been in the East China Sea. They have been obediently and have not had any conflicts. They have not even found any trouble at all. They have been in the East China Sea for seven years. It can be said that they are reserving energy and have never taken the initiative to provoke anyone in these immortal cultivating worlds, but what makes them feel inexplicable is that the general directly broke into the East China Sea and snatched the key to the gods of their dragon clan. When the people in Longcun wanted to withdraw Jiang Yuan’s money directly, we didn’t expect that the person who was directly killed would be killed. For this, it can be said that Dragon King feels very embarrassed and angry. You must know before that. They have never suffered such great damage. After all, their dragon clan was also a hegemon before Taigu, but they did not expect to be so miserable now, not only by a Cultivation that has never been repaired. Base’s cultivator was directly defeated. I didn’t expect that even the countless treasures of their Dragon Clan’s Secret Treasure identity would be robbed in such a positive way. This has never happened before, and the Dragon King definitely can’t imagine it. This kind of poetry happened, but this kind of thing happened directly in front of his eyes, which directly caused the heart of Dragon King to explode at this moment. If it hadn’t happened before, poetry. , Then they can directly choose to develop in the East China Sea in peace of mind, it will not have any impact on them at all, but now when they see countless immortal cultivators all directly ran into the gods, and If you want to snatch treasures, how can Dragon King be able to endure this moment? That's why such a plan was devised!

At this moment, countless powerful gods and demons farther away are beginning to resist this powerful chain force, and at this moment, Jiang Yuan has no influence at all. Anyway, he has not been braceleted anyway. If you control it, and if you personally Dapeng, Jiang Yuan has already used his own Magic power and prevented the Golden-winged Great Peng from being drawn into the magma. Therefore, the general can directly choose to open one eye and close one. Eyes, anyway, if these gods and demons are defeated, it will not affect him at all. Is the next moment Jiang Yuan surprised to find that Emperor Taiyi hopes that they will directly hand over the own Magical Item and directly bombard them The hand in that speech was raised, but Jiang Yuan sneered in his heart when he saw it. Sure enough, all these bigwigs chose to hide. If they pointed out their rights at the beginning, they would be able to break free from this chain, but Seeing that Jiangling didn’t intend to make the first move for them, so it summoned the own treasure at the first time. If you don’t use the own hole card at this time, then it may bring you a disaster, but in fact, from one At the beginning, they were thinking like this in their hearts. For them, if they are not guaranteed to survive directly, then everything is empty, so they will choose this way now. In fact, For them, there is no impact at all. Instead of making things more complicated, if the responsibilities are taken into the speech, it may bring them annihilation, so they choose such a way to ensure They can at least survive, but if they don’t choose this way, they will be drawn directly into the speech. If they are sacrificed directly at that time, then they will lose their souls and even cultivation. At that time, it can be said to be one hundred and one hundred, for them this is the biggest loss.In fact, when they saw the Dragon King confronting Jiang Yuan from the beginning, they thought that the general would take action directly, so instead of offending the Dragon King, they chose to stay obediently in the speech at this time and pretend to be Locked and controlled. In this way, they would not be affected in any way, but what I never expected was that Dragon King would not play cards according to the routine at all. I originally thought that it would have a big breakthrough with Jiang Yuan, but I didn't expect Dragon King to directly. Sacrifice them. Therefore, when they notice that the situation is not right, they will point out the own baby at the first time, so that it will not have much impact on them, otherwise once their meeting will not be sacrificed. , Then the chain will be pulled directly into the magma at that time. If it is pulled directly into the magma, it will be rejected and swallowed. At that time, for them, there may be no hobbies for them. There may be no mistake. If they will be directly refined by the spoilers in their speeches and will be swallowed up later, they may have a huge effect, and the biggest effect is that they will be destroyed directly, which is undoubtedly the biggest for them. Because of the damage they have now, they have to take out all their own babies. When Jiang Yuan saw this moment, they had to say what they were destined to be better than a DJ, if not because of this In the case of Zi, it is estimated that they are not willing to take out such a baby directly. For them, instead of letting own cards directly exposed in front of everyone, it is better to see if Jiang Yuan can directly play against Long Er. Then the Dragon King doesn't care about them, and they can watch the fire directly!

Jiang Yuan stood calmly on the spot. At this moment, he suddenly felt a powerful force. At this moment, the old Dragon King, who should have been in the dark, suddenly ran out and ran directly to Jiang. Yuan said with a sneer in front of you, I didn’t expect that there was no chain on your body. I underestimated you, but it is undeniable that this time, since you have come to this god realm, then you must treat yourself obediently. In the God Realm, it becomes the sacrifice of my dragon ancestors, otherwise, no matter who it is, don't want to leave this place!

When Zhang Jiangyuan heard the words of the old Dragon King, he sneered in his heart, but the old Dragon King was reluctant, and the Cultivation Base that was about to win the middle stage broke out in an instant. Such a powerful Cultivation Base directly moved the entire dragon sword. , It can be said to be lightning and thunder. At this moment, a golden long knife suddenly appeared in the hand of the Dragon King. This long knife can be said to be covered with mysterious lines, and the ancient aura came to your face. It was a Xiantian Zhibao Jiangren who saw it, his eyes brightened, and he was cruel to this old guy. Xiantian Zhibao, the general had to say that he was immediately moved when he saw it. For him, Xiantian Zhibao was able to attract His attention!

At this moment, the Dragon King directly shook the heavens and the earth in the God Realm, and struck countless lightning directly towards Jiang Yuan. He was about to directly suppress the general's actions, and when he looked at the general, he was full of disdain, and With a swipe of the long knife in his hand, it suddenly slashed. The big knife swung out the golden light and directly displayed the radiant light. In all this light, there was also the power of the gods. XCMG smashed it, and slashed directly towards Jiang Yuan!It’s too easy to stand farther away, Jing Sanqing and other powerful gods and demons have just broken out of the chains in the magma. People want to escape outside to see what happened. When they see the old Dragon King He had already made a big deal with Jiang Yuan, and when he used his own powerful move, the expressions of several gods and demons suddenly changed, and they looked at each other, it turned out that the ghosts and gods came closer to the place of magma. Step, in this case, at this time, I still stay here obediently and pretend to be trapped, lest there is no benefit to them if they fight with the old Dragon King now. Thirty-six strategies are still the best strategy. Besides, for them now, they only need to wait for the god gate to open and take it out directly. Anyway, they have robbed too many treasures this time, and it is enough for them!

Golden-winged Great Peng's complexion changed drastically. I have to say that when he saw Jiang Yuan fighting with Dragon King, he suddenly raised his heart. Judging from the current situation, Lao Long’s Cultivation Base But with the standards, Jiang Yuan had never encountered such a strong opponent before the Shengzong period. Therefore, the Golden-winged Great Peng was naturally worried about Jiang Yuan’s safety, otherwise it would naturally not be so nervous, so when He saw the old dragon, I used such a powerful skill, he hurriedly shouted loudly to make Jiang Yuan more, be careful!

In fact, when other gods and demons are relatively powerful, seeing the old Dragon King relying on the treasure of Xiantian and the power of the world in the dragon sword, this knife can be said to have this quasi-sage late stage. The majestic destructive power of his powerful skills will be present now, but it is just a Cultivation Base of the big Luo Jinxian. It must be difficult to resist such a powerful one. There is no doubt that Mr. Zhao, this time Jiangnan must be given by the old Dragon King. They were defeated, but in fact what they said now can be said to be very gloat. They can finally see that Jiang Yuan has been defeated, and they are naturally very happy in their hearts. Now, they are naturally thinking about what they can do if they wait for a while. If the gate is opened, they can directly choose to escape at the first time, and let Jiang Yuan and the Dragon King fight against each other. This is the biggest advantage for them. Anyway, now they are thinking of this gate in their hearts. Among them, they snatched enough treasures, and judging from the current situation, they have already offended the dragons, so in the next step, they have to consider how to unite the gods and demons to suppress these dragons, but All this has to be explained to Sage after going out, but now they choose to stay directly in the magma. Anyway, let Jiang Yuan fight against the old Dragon King. If they lose both sides, they can just take them out. My heart is like this!

Jiang Yuan stood calmly on the spot. When he saw that the old Dragon King’s skill organization was strong and rushing towards his face, his eyes were full of disdain, and he thought that it was just a long worm, and he had no To. Put in one's eyes, besides, the old Dragon King thinks that he can put pressure on the future with such powerful skills, but for Jiang Yuan, I did not feel the slightest pressure at all. I originally thought that the old Dragon King could do very Powerful skills, but if you think about it carefully, Jiang Yuan feels a little disappointed occasionally!

Jiang Yuan’s sledgehammer waved his big hand, and in his hand, a huge hammer appeared immediately. The countless wind and thunder power on the hammer began to flow, and when the old Dragon King saw Jiang Ling’s sledgehammer, his face became very ugly. Through the memories of some dragons, he knew that half of the dragons were dead. In Jiangling's hammer, this has made the old Dragon King's mood more exposed, and he can't wait to improve Jiang Yuan's ten-year-old. Judging from the current situation, Jiang Yuan is their dragon's biggest enemy!

Jiang Yuan snorted coldly, looked at the old Dragon King, and suddenly looked at him and said loudly, watching me blow you up!

With a bang, the entire void suddenly collapsed. The power of the sledgehammer was too great, and a huge gap was directly smashed in the void. When the sledgehammer and the Dragon King’s golden sword collided, the whole world suddenly A terrifying force of destruction appeared. When the force of destruction directly blasted the Dragon King once again, the whole body of the Dragon King was directly shattered, and countless blood flew out directly. His eyes were shocked and gazes. It's full of incredible!



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