Du Jingyi also understands this very well.

So he didn't turn around, he just took Shang Ji's hand, held it, and said firmly.

"I don't feel that I am an upright person. I didn't care about the three and five houses in the past because I felt that they didn't touch my roots. But now, since I want to return the Duke's mansion to Ping'er, these are an eyesore. The excess should be eliminated.”

Her statement made Shang Ji tighten his embrace even more, and then he spoke in a sincere tone.

"Just go ahead and do it. If anything happens, I'll take the responsibility. As for Mrs. Wei, Shiro is useless. You don't need to deal with it. But for Qilang, be careful. My intuition from many years in the military tells me, He is not as cool as he seems."

Shang Qilang?

Du Jingyi was not very impressed, but she had never cared about these people in the business before, so naturally she knew very little about them.

If you want to clean up completely, you must first understand your opponent.

As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

Therefore, Du Jingyi felt that it was time to go outside and meet people.

So he said to his husband Shang Ji.

"General, I wonder how much the housekeeper and Aunt Dou know about the affairs of the back house of the Duke's mansion?"

"Why do you ask so suddenly?"

"You must first know the opponent's weaknesses before you know how to remove them."

Hearing this, Shang Ji also felt that it was very reasonable.

After thinking for a while, he replied.

"Both of them were married with their mother, so they have been in the house for more than thirty years. I guess they know about 70% to 80% of the things."

Then he added another sentence.

"If you want to know anything else, I'm afraid you have to ask my sister-in-law. After all, she has also been in charge of a house, so she knows something about it."

"Well, I know this, so I will bother my sister-in-law when I find an opportunity."

When Shang Ji heard what she said, he suddenly interrupted.

"It will be later. I haven't made it clear to my sister-in-law yet."

Du Jingyi raised his eyebrows and wanted to turn around, but Shang Ji's chin locked his shoulders, making it difficult to turn around.

It is hard to see that even a majestic general who is approaching thirty years old will have his moments of decline.

Thinking of this, Du Jingyi smiled slightly.

But he didn't say much.

The two of them talked and chatted, and they didn't know when they finally fell asleep.

But that night, Du Jingyi slept on Shang Ji's arm.

So much so that when he woke up the next day, he even thought he had lost feeling in his hands.

There were two people sitting at the Liu Ji Wonton stall.

Judging from the luxurious appearance of their clothes, you can tell that they are noble people who are not easy to mess with.

Therefore, Mr. and Mrs. Liu both smiled and served two bowls of steaming wontons.

The skin is thin and the filling is small, which is different from the usual wontons.

But the small one is easy to get in.

When Du Jingyi saw the food on the table, he was not polite. With a little excitement in his eyes, he took the chopsticks and prepared to use them.

After taking a sip, it is indeed the same nostalgic taste as before.

I was feeling emotional while eating.

"Their wontons must be eaten fresh, otherwise the wontons won't taste right if people take them back."

Having said this, he also said to his husband Shang Ji.

"My husband, please try it too. It's delicious."

Shang Ji did not move his chopsticks, but looked at Du Jingyi seriously, and then said something.

"In the past, everyone in my family called me Shaoyu. If you want, you can do the same."


Shang Shaoyu?

Seeing that Du Jingyi didn't speak, Shang Jifu explained.

"My grandfather gave it to me, hoping that I would have a worry-free life and experience less guesswork and worries."

I see.

Hearing this, Du Jingyi smiled, like a flower bud that had just bloomed in March, full of touching vitality.

"His old man must love you very much."


When Shang Ji talks about his grandfather's family, there is always a touch of tenderness in his body.

Du Jingyi could see that his affection for the Gu family was hundreds of times better than that of the merchants.

After all, that's where he recognized his true home.

A wonton went into Shang Ji's mouth, and it tasted really good.

However, judging from Danruo's craftsmanship, he would definitely be able to make his wife still miss him.

Therefore, he followed and used it a lot.

After three bowls of food, Shang Ji was full.

Du Jingyi originally thought that her husband was too good at eating, but when she turned to look at Luo Yuan at another table with five empty bowls placed in front of her, she felt that it was natural for a man to be able to eat.

It was a bitter cherry. Seeing Luo Yuan's heroic way of eating, he couldn't help but frown tightly again.

After eating and drinking, it was natural to find something to do.

After finally resting for a few days, Shang Ji would not be trapped in the Duke's Mansion every day.

So the two did not go back, but walked side by side on the street.

When he was in Cezhou, he also liked to walk around in his free time, feeling the life in the city and the people's hope for a stable life, so that he could have more strength when defending his territory.

Thinking of this, his pace also slowed down.

Du Jingyi didn't have the same lofty thoughts about shopping as Shang Ji, but more wanted to see what everyone liked now.

Is there any chance for her to participate or do something?

All in all, the word making money cannot be avoided.

The couple just walked up and down the street, with only Luo Yuan and the maids Yingying and Lizhu behind them.

So it didn't attract many people's attention.

Others would just think it was a rich man and his wife who were out shopping, and didn't think much about it.

After all, Sui'an City was the capital of the Daxing Dynasty. If you slap your hand casually, you will probably hit some princes and princes.

It's quite common.

While wandering around, what surprised Shang Ji was probably Du Jingyi's eyesight.

Whether it is jade, treasures, rouge and gouache, fine wines and delicacies, cloth and silk, tea, porcelain, or even some imported goods, she can keep track of them all.

Tell them bit by bit where they come from, what raw materials are used, how the craftsmanship is performed, and even the market price is clear.

Such ability made Shang Ji look at him with admiration.

But then I thought about it, the Du family is so wealthy, and Du Jingyi is always smart, so he always knows more than ordinary people.

But what he didn't know was that 60% of these shops were owned by Du Jingyi, and even if they weren't, they still had close business ties with the Du family.

Therefore, saying these words is indeed as simple as commonplace for Du Jingyi.

Of course there is shopping and eating.

The two of them stopped in front of a restaurant.

"This is Zuixian Tower, the largest restaurant in the city. I wonder if Madam has dined here before?"

Du Jingyi paused and didn't know whether he should say that the Du family owned a large share of this restaurant, so it shouldn't be too much to exaggerate and say that it was his own restaurant.

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