My Phone Can Swipe Money

One hundred and seventy-seven, solution

"My phone can swipe money ()"

177. Resolve

The next day, after Tang Wen woke up with Tong Ya and Big Mi in his arms, the three of you looked at me, and I looked at you. In the end, no one said much, just put on their clothes in silence.

"I have everything." Tang Wen looked at the two women who were leaving, and kissed them on the lips. The two women looked at each other shyly and replied in a mosquito-like voice, "Yes."

Tang Wen wanted to break his head and didn't know why Dami wasn't angry? Even thinking of her weird performance yesterday, there is only one reason, and she had this plan when she came.

In fact, the truth is similar to what Tang Wen guessed. After all, this year's big girl is also a film professional. The most important point is that she doesn't have a boyfriend now, and Tang Wen doesn't have a girlfriend. Isn't it normal for them to be together?

And what if you take over? Well, that's not good. People still have dreams.

"How is it? How does a wife feel?" After seeing Tang Wen, Xiao Wang joked.

"I lost it. I reiterate that I only like pretty ones." Tang Wen despised her as if you were rare and strange.

"Cut, I believe you, you ghost." Qin Feng looked disdainful.

In the follow-up, Xiao Wang and Qin Feng can naturally help. Although it feels a bit like picking up the mess for Tang Wen, they must know that Tang Wen has given them billions of profits.

If that counts as pimping? That Xiao Wang and Qin Feng would rather hold him for ten and a half years. Just kidding, this kind of thing doesn't happen to you every day.

Regarding this incident in the entertainment industry, Tang Wen felt that it was not necessarily a bad thing. With the current deformity of the entertainment industry, artists will not give much thought to endorsement products.

Just take this opportunity to make everyone sober, and don't dare to endorse anything, so that in the end, the entertainment industry in the mainland will become as stagnant as Xiangjiang.

On the contrary, the United States has done a good job in this area, and they are particularly strict with the products endorsed by artists. If there is a problem with the product, not only will the manufacturer be fined and bankrupt, but the artist will not even think about appearing on the big screen.

Tang Wen thinks this is very funny. If an artist in the United States is exposed to a scandal, he can be turned into a prodigal son, but if there is a problem with the product you endorse, it will be cold.

This strange phenomenon, so many people do not understand. After Tang Wen came into contact with the top financial groups, he gradually understood why an artist with a scandal could be whitewashed.

The main reason is that although the artist has scandals, the consortium will choose to continue to support you if they do not harm the interests of the consortium.

But once there is a problem with the endorsement product, it means that you have damaged the interests of the consortium. Then I'm sorry, it's useless to say anything.

This kind of bizarre reason is very nonsense in Tang Wen's view.

Of course, this will not work in Huaxia. In Huaxia, you first need to have a correct attitude, then take the initiative to admit your mistakes, and then let a big company come out to help you clarify, and then reduce your holdings to do public welfare and slowly weaken yourself.

It’s just that this method can only be used once. A big company helps you clarify it is equivalent to giving you a chance. If you still knowingly commit a crime in the future, the first person to step on you will be your big company.

Under the "mediation" of Xiao Wang and Qin Feng, Da Mi and Tong Ya held a press conference successively, announcing that they have no interest contact with Mao Yun, and I am very sorry for causing trouble to the public.

When the reporter asked about Tong Ya and Zhang Cheng's "amour", Tong Ya vetoed: "I have someone I like, but not Zhang Cheng. Thank you."

When the reporter wanted to continue to ask questions, Tong Ya refused to say anything.

On Da Mi's side, Qin Feng's private company came forward to clarify: "Miss Mi was invited by a friend to record that video, and Da Mi herself and Maoyun have no cooperation relationship, which will bring inconvenience to the public this time. I'm very sorry. The company here at Dami resolutely obeys the punishment imposed by the China Securities Regulatory Commission."

As Qin Feng and Xiao Wang came out to endorse Da Mi and Tong Ya,

This has also given hope to many artists who are still on the banned list, and they have begun to contact the two of them.

But the two were just doing Tang Wen a favor, so how could they care about them.

As for Liu Shui and Luo Jie, it's even simpler. Liu Shui was mainly injured by the media. She never sent Maoyun's remarks. At best, she just went to a dinner party. Qin Feng and Xiao Wang joined forces. A statement was issued, and Liu Shui and Luo Jie were invited to participate in a new variety show that they invested in, and the matter was solved like that.

For Luo Jie, it was a matter of speech, but the "living expenses" given by Tang Wen were very generous, and she was too lazy to clarify.

People who didn't know the outside world began to speculate why Qin Feng and Xiao Wang specifically endorsed a few people, and the insider smiled silently. There must be a deal.

Finally, it's Qin Feng and Xiao Wang's turn to make the headlines this time, and Tang Wen also has a perfect backer this time. But this just increased their popularity.

In particular, the apartment rental business that the two recently engaged in in Modu and Kyoto can be said to be smooth sailing, because it helps solve the current problem of college students' difficulty in renting a house.

The market value of their newly established Lezu company also soared. Xiao Wang then rented out the vacant apartment in Wanda to his company at a low price, and then continued to invest in new properties after receiving a large amount of funds, and then continued to rent.

If it weren't for the wealth of Wan Da and Qin Feng, the capital chain would have been broken long ago. As the cash in the hands of the two people increased, the market value directly came to 500 million US dollars.

And at Tang Wen's suggestion, Qin Feng and Xiao Wang also brought Shenlong Bank in together. With the addition of Shenlong Bank, their rental loan was also launched.

For customers who have just graduated or have no money to pay for a year, Lezu will find Shenlong Bank to loan them, and Shenlong Bank will also approve low-interest loans for them.

Lezu continued to develop new apartments with the money given by Shenlong Bank. Shenlong Bank got users and interest, and residents got low-cost apartments, killing three birds with one stone.

Of course, if Wanda and Qin Feng's company were not involved, all this would be a bit difficult. After all, your own house and a house rented from others are two different things.

Even the always harsh Old Wang thinks that Tang Wen's hand is really beautiful. You must know that the vacant Wanda apartment also needs to be maintained. Now Tang Wen's hand is really beautiful.

In other words, even if it loses more than 20% of its profits, the huge cash flow is enough for Wanda to make more profits from other places.

The tenants are also happy. They have rented a house at a low price for a year, and the monthly loan repayment is also very low. How can they not be happy? Shenlong Bank seized the market and developed new users, naturally laughing from ear to ear.

Although many companies are also planning to end, but seeing the threshold created by Wan Da and Qin Feng, they all took a breath. Tang Wen had said before when he gave them two ideas to raise the threshold.

The two naturally remembered that, with the cooperation of Wanda and Qin Feng's family, the threshold for rental apartment chain companies became extremely strict. First, a deposit of 1 billion yuan or corresponding collateral was required.

This is to prevent the loss of users caused by the company's running away. Secondly, the contract between the house and the original owner of a chain apartment rental company must be more than 1 year.

In addition, when the apartment is rented out, the contract with the landlord must be presented to the tenant. If the period with the landlord is less than 1 year, it is not allowed to rent out.

These few points alone have crushed a large number of people. Most of them want to come in and cheat and leave. Where is the 1 billion capital collateral? Not to mention that the contract with the original landlord must be greater than one year?

Many people who are lucky can only change careers and go to intermediaries, but the masses are not fools. Who will go to an agent if there is a cheap apartment that is not rented?

So Qin Feng, Xiao Wang and Shenlong Bank won the biggest fat in the apartment rental, and other capital that wanted to enter was also hesitant.

After all, the mortgage of 1 billion yuan is not a trivial matter, and if the house is collected at a high price, how can it be rented at a low price? Why bother looking for you if you rent them out at high prices?

For a while, the venture capitalists were all confused, and Xu Ying saw that Wanda was playing like this.

The biggest benefit of apartment rental is that you can quickly accumulate funds and then develop the next one, which is like a snowball. When the snowball is big enough, they can sit there and collect the money.

But now they want to enter, they must muddy the water. Otherwise, their bad relationship with Wanda can only cheapen other people.

So Xu Ying started to contact several other real estate bigwigs.

Tang Wen didn't care about ambitious promises. After all, if you really play, Tang Wen's capital chain can completely crush Xu Ying, although the Sun family consortium is standing behind him.

Last time, Xiao Wang and Tang Wen revealed a lot of things they didn't know before. For example, the four major consortiums of Huaxia secretly supported a group, and the Sun family consortium was the person behind the promise.

On the other hand, Wanda has a good relationship with the Jiang family in Yunjun, and Xiao Wang's mother is also a sideline of the Jiang family. Therefore, Wanda can be like a duck in water in the north.

As for Xu Ying, it is said that he was originally a relative of the Sun family, and the first pot of gold in his business was also supported by the Sun family. Because he was robbing Wanda for business, Xiao Wang didn't have a good impression of him.

Xiao Wang didn't know too much about these family consortia. After all, his mother was only a sideline, and she couldn't get in touch with the real direct line.

When Xu Ying was sneakily planning to enter the rental apartment, Tang Wen's mind had already flown to the country of sticks. Tang Wen's income in the past few days can be said to be fruitful.

Not only did he succeed in cashing in gold at a high price, but Chang Kang, who was in charge of short selling, also brought him a lot of income.

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