My Entire Family’s Gone Haywire!

Chapter 2264 I know everyone who turned into ashes

"If it weren't for this orchid, it could be said that the three channels from the south of the Yangtze River flowed in. But it was this orchid that made me confirm that this is the one from Zhenbao Pavilion!" Fatty Wang added.

"Then do you remember who the man who robbed you was? What did he look like?" Gu Xin asked.

"That one is definitely not as good-looking as me. It's like a clothes pole, white and..." Under the threat of Gu Xin's eyes, Fatty Wang shut up.

"If you don't behave, be careful when you return to Beijing. I will throw you to the Royal Academy. After I tell my father, my father doesn't care whether you are the right age or not!" Gu Xin threatened.

"No, no, no, I was wrong. Third girl, I was wrong. To be honest, that man looked like a scholar, tall, thin, and fair. He took out a stack of banknotes casually. He should be at home. Be rich!" said Fatty Wang.

"Didn't you say that your uncle has been the prefect of Taizhou for several years and that you know all the rich and powerful people here? Don't you know this one?" Gu Xin asked again.

"I don't know. I dare say I can recognize most young men of this age. I have a good memory. But I really don't recognize this one." Fatty Wang shook his head.

"Do you recognize Yulang Qi?" Gu Xin thought for a while and asked.

"Qi Moyu's grandson! Why don't you recognize him? I recognized him even when he turned into ashes." Fatty Wang was stunned for a moment, then said angrily.

He didn't know that Chen Pengyuan had just recognized the corpse as Qi Yulang.

"Really? I knew I would have asked you to identify the body. What hatred do you two have? You can recognize him when he turns to ashes." Gu Xin asked with a smile.

"He caused me to be punished by my uncle. Isn't it because I am better at studying? What's so great about being able to be as good as Mr. Gu?" Fatty Wang sneered, paused, and widened his mung bean eyes, "What? ? Princess, what do you mean by identifying the body? Is the body found in the cave just now the grandson of Qi Moyu? "

"I didn't recognize it anyway. Capt. Chen said so. The face of the corpse had been slashed many times and was all bloody. Capt. Chen recognized it based on the wounds on the back of his neck. But I still asked someone to Go to Qi's house and call someone to identify the body. Otherwise, you can go to Xiaoqiu's place later. It's easier to identify it if it's bloody than if it turns into ashes. It will definitely be faster for you to return to the temple than if the Qi family comes." Gu Xin said.

"No, no, no." Fatty Wang waved his hand and shook his head, "It's all bloody and bloody, I won't look at it! I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep for a while. But, why did I die? I still want him to see my glorious body. What time! Why did he die?"

Gu Xin rolled her eyes and handed him a torch: "Okay, let's go. Now that we know where this thing comes from, there's no need to look for it. However, pay attention on the way to see if there are any other things." "

Fatty Wang took the torch, put the beads and locks into Gu Xin's bag, and then opened the way ahead with the torch.

As he walked, he asked, "Third Miss, are you really sure that Chen Pengyuan is Qi Moyu's grandson?"

Gu Xin nodded: "Well, he said that the injury on Qi Yulang's back neck was caused by him, and he recognized it."

"Then it's probably true. I really know about this. I heard about what Mr. Chen did three years ago from my aunt and uncle, and I was very happy." Fatty Wang said and sighed again, " This grandson is a little annoying, but he doesn’t deserve to die! Who is the murderer? Kill him and the two girls at once. "

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