My Daoist Life

Chapter 188: Peach Wood Sword

Sure enough, I can bring things out of my dreams. Then it shows that the dream is not illusory, but real! Although I don't understand what is going on. I didn't want to figure it out, I knew that one thing was the most important, I was developed. I have a world that no one else can enter! There are endless resources that cannot be obtained on earth. Such as this peach wood. I have never seen such a big peach tree when I grew up. I have never heard of such a big peach tree near Jincheng. If in reality, if I had cut down such a big peach tree, I'm afraid it would become a target.

Thinking of this, I quickly entered the dreamland again. Fortunately, the peach tree has not disappeared. Dreamland has a very strange function, that is, whether it is an object or the corpse of a spirit beast we killed, as long as it is left for a period of time, it will be swallowed by the dreamland. In the past, Huang Shulang and their weapons were all carved with runes by me, so that they could be preserved in space. But once there is no protection, the items will soon be swallowed by the dream. I have cut down such a big peach tree. If I don't move it out in time, I'm afraid it will be swallowed.

I shuttled back and forth many times, and finally moved out the trunk and some thick branches of the peach tree. After all the transportation was finished, I actually felt dizzy. It seems that moving things out of dreams is a matter of mental energy consumption.

Such a big peach tree can do a lot of things, and the raw peach tree can be preserved for storage. You can also make a batch of wooden swords, which will always be used in the future. Those leftovers can be used to make peach wood vitality charm. With this batch of peach wood material, the quality of the peach wood vitality talisman will be upgraded to a new level. But I do not intend to sell such vitality charms. The peach wood charm of this quality falls into the hands of ordinary people, it is simply a violent thing. Anyway, the ordinary peach wood amulet is completely enough for ordinary people. It is enough to resist some of the dangers that can be encountered in life.

When Hu Zhenbo, Lin Yi and others walked into my yard, they were also taken aback.

"Coach. Where did you cut such a big tree?" Hu Zhenbo and others couldn't recognize the peach tree. If it bears peaches, they may still recognize it, but the tree I looked at was obviously a peach tree that had already picked peaches. Although the leaves are still green. It's easy to recognize. But for the children who grew up in cities like Hu Zhenbo, it is still unrecognizable.

Fortunately, the tree trunks have long been piled up in the yard by me. Only a few tree trunks still have green leaves.

"It's used to make some things. Someone just sent it. What are you doing today?" I asked with a smile.

"Aren't you coming home for the New Year in a few days? My family asked me to bring you something." Hu Zhenbo lit a large gift box in his hand. It was a pair of famous wines and some other items.

I just noticed that each of them had something on their hands.

"What are you doing? I'm anxious to get the things back, I can't ask for them. Besides, I can't get this many things. I will bring them back later." I quickly refused.

Cheng Cheng quickly said: "Coach, I was going to go to the Fifty Middle School with you. Who knew that my parents changed to the attached middle school. Actually, I really don't want to go to the attached middle school. Who would let them operate behind the scenes. You got out of the attached middle school."

"I didn't want it either. I was already assigned to the coach, but my father temporarily found a relationship and moved away." Li Hong also said depressed.

Wang Guixin had also made up his mind, but he had to go to the attached high school under the strong request of his parents. "Coach, my parents strongly opposed it. I really couldn't help it, so I went to the attached high school."

Looking at them as if they were criticizing and self-criticizing one by one, I couldn't help but laughed, "I didn't want you to follow me to the Fifty Middle School. I want to have a cleaner ear. It's best if you go to the attached middle school. If you take the initiative I will not object to quitting the martial arts class."

"No. Coach. If you drive me away, I won't quit." Hu Zhenbo said quickly.

"Yes. Coach, I was born in a martial arts class. Death is the ghost of martial arts class." Lin Yi smiled.

Cheng Cheng and others were also afraid that I would really disband the martial arts class.

"Forget it, don't show loyalty. I'm most afraid of seeing this. Lu Yao knows that horsepower has seen people's hearts for a long time. It is useless to show loyalty. The most important thing is to see what you do in the future. The core of the previous Did some members withdraw halfway? If you can hold on, let you go further. If you are willing, you will be outer disciples starting today." I announced a question that I have been thinking about for a long time.

"Really? Great!" Hu Zhenbo said ecstatically.

Cheng Cheng also said excitedly: "It would be great if Master let us become core disciples in one step."

"I'm content. I have already taken a big step forward to become an outer disciple. Master is right. Lu Yao knows that Ma Li will see people's hearts over time, and I will become a core disciple one day." Lin Yi said firmly.

"You go in and sit for a while. I'll give you a token of an outer disciple." The token I said is naturally a freshly baked peach wood sword.

But I haven't learned woodworking, all relying on the sharpness of the seven-star sword. It is easy to cut the millennium peach wood cut tofu into a sword style, and then process it carefully. Don't underestimate the thousand-year peach wood. After several decades, the trees grow very slowly. But the year is long, don't be white. After a few decades, its growth seems to be slower, but the wood is getting denser. The weight of wood of the same size keeps increasing. This thousand-year-old mahogany wood is dense and extremely tough. The mahogany sword made is as strong as steel even if it is not carved with runes. If you didn't own the Seven-Star Sword, it would be extremely difficult to split these peach trees into the shape of the Seven-Star Sword.

Hu Zhenbo and others did not go to the house at my word, but stood in the yard and watched me make a mahogany sword. Of course they don't know what I am doing. I don’t know that I’m actually making martial art tokens for them.

When the mahogany sword is slowly taking shape, and then after I have meticulously refined, and then engraved with runes, the appearance of the mahogany sword will be completely different. Compared to those sold in tourist attractions, those sold are "the world's first sword", which is naturally better. I don't know thousands of times. Although everyone is already a junior high school student, they are still teenagers, and they still have a playful nature.

However, when a batch of fresh mahogany swords were delivered to everyone, it still made them a little complicated. In their minds, although my "master" is younger than their age, it is not a child-like relationship between teacher and student. Is a wooden sword for one person a bit too trivial?

"Why? Don't you like it? If you don't like it, just let me here. I will give it to you in the future. In fact, this mahogany sword is given to you now, and you can't use it." I looked at their expressions and smiled.

"No, no, I like everything Master gives me." Cheng Cheng quickly grabbed the Taomu sword in his hand. The others were also very clever, and one by one quickly grabbed a mahogany sword.

"Don't use my batch of peach wood for experimentation. Thousand-year peach wood is very rare." Actually, I don't know if these peach trees are thousand-year peach wood. But I'm sure that Dreamland produces extraordinary products.

Lin Yi saw a withered plum tree in the corner of the yard. It had long been dead, but it had not been cleaned up. He walked over and raised the peach-wood sword and slashed directly towards the trunk without much effort. He was also worried about cutting off the peach wood sword he had just acquired. That is disrespect to me as a master. But what happened left everyone stunned.

The peach wood sword was cut deeply into the dry tree trunk, and the peach wood sword was stuck in it. Lin Yi pulled it out hard, but couldn't pull it out. Lin Yi was stunned. He turned his head and said to Hu Zhenbo and the others, "This mahogany sword is so sharp, I didn't use much effort. As a result, I almost cut the trunk with a single sword. Come and help me. This sword can't be drawn."

"Really?" Wang Guixin walked over suspiciously, and pulled the peach wood sword hard, only to find that the peach wood sword was really stuck inside. With great effort, the peach wood sword could not be pulled out. This is also easy to understand. It shows that this plum tree is still very tough, cut down in half, no matter how sharp the sword is, it will get stuck in the middle. I dare not pull it with brute force, who knows if the mahogany sword will be let me try. "Hu Zhenbo walked over. After Lin Yi and Wang Guixin stepped aside, Hu Zhenbo slammed his mahogany sword and slashed across the tree trunk under Lin Yi's mahogany sword. As a result, the mahogany sword seemed to have no resistance. Normally, I went straight through the plum tree. Only a fine line was left on the plum tree. Everyone thought that Hu Zhenbo hadn't hit the plum tree trunk with this sword. But then they heard the dry plum tree clashed, and suddenly fell over. Come down.

Hu Zhenbo ran away, but he was still a little slower. Before he escaped from the area where the plum tree fell, the plum tree fell, and a large number of small dead branches hit Hu Zhenbo's head directly. At the moment of crisis, Hu Zhenbo rolled on the spot, and his fat body escaped from the dead branches like a ball. The wooden sword in his hand did not know where it was thrown.

"No?" Lin Yi and the others widened their eyes. Wang Guixin and Lin Yi also ran out in a panic. Fortunately, they stood farther away at the beginning, so they were not as embarrassed as Hu Zhenbo.

"Where is the peach wood sword? This is simply a divine weapon!" Wang Guixin muttered.

Li Hong smiled and said: "Whatever I said, the thing that Master gave away, even if it is a stone, I will treasure it. Maybe it is a piece of He Choi." (To be continued.)

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