Material Empire

Chapter 318 Frogs in the Field

The northern suburb of Hongze, Meiling.

The sound of rumbling machines broke the usual silence, and bulldozers rolled back and forth on the red soil, leaving patches of flat land behind their tracks. The pile driver was panting heavily, and smashed the steel piles deeply into the foundation. Several cement mixing towers have been erected, with bags of cement piled up beside them like hills. There are marking lines sprinkled with white ash everywhere, and there are busy workers everywhere, which is a scene of boiling.

Compared with the construction sites of later generations, the construction machinery here is slightly less, especially the large tower cranes called "Chinese cranes", but the scale of the site is not inferior at all.

After receiving Qin Hai's formal application for the establishment of Anhe Materials College, the provincial government completed all the approval procedures as quickly as possible, and assigned the more than 5,000 mu of land in Meiling Mountain to Qin Hai, and only charged some tokens. Sexual usage fees. For the provincial government, the benefits that the Materials Academy can bring to Anhe Province are far greater than the value of the 5,000 acres of land. In this era, the number of people who can spend hundreds of millions of dollars to build a college Qin Hai is probably the only one in the whole country.

Qin Hai sent invitations to several construction companies in the province, and immediately received positive responses. Due to the sluggish domestic economy as a whole, the infrastructure has been greatly affected. The project of the School of Materials is like a timely aid to major construction companies. Several major construction companies have drawn out the most elite engineering teams and came to the site with various construction machinery. Prior to this, Qin Hai had asked experts from the Provincial Planning and Design Institute to assist in completing the overall design of the entire college. As soon as the construction company was in place, they immediately set aside a block and started intense construction.

Of course, Qin Hai would not build the entire college at one time. He divided the construction work into several phases. In the first phase, apart from the construction of the walls and main roads of the entire college, the rest was to build less than 500 acres of land. All kinds of buildings, including office buildings, laboratory buildings, laboratory workshops, dormitory buildings, boiler rooms, canteens, etc., even so, the total investment has reached a scale of 60 to 70 million.

Qin Hai's request to the bosses of several construction companies is to ensure quality, quantity, and time. He requires them to complete the construction tasks as quickly as possible without compromising quality, so that the School of Materials can complete the construction tasks as quickly as possible. operate within the time.

During this period of time, the material experts invited by Qin Hai from all over the country have already started to go through the resignation procedures with their units. Now that the idea of ​​leaving has already begun, they will not delay any longer. After all, Qin Hai promised them a high salary, and if he arrives one day earlier, he will receive the money earlier. Who is willing to wait for such a thing.

The land assigned to Qin Hai includes a youth cadre college, an office building, two teaching buildings, and more than a dozen dormitories for students and staff, as well as a cafeteria, library, bathrooms, etc. . After completing the handover procedures, all the teachers and students of the Youth Cadre Academy moved out, and the vacated space was just right for Qin Hai to accept the scholars who came in a hurry.

"Teacher Sun, you are here! Welcome!"

Seeing Sun Yuzhi's family getting off the big car, Qin Hai hurried forward to meet him and stretched out his hand to help Sun Yuzhi pick up the luggage.

Sun Yuzhi had the nerve to ask Qin Hai to help, he grabbed the luggage and refused to let go, saying repeatedly: "It's not heavy, I can carry it myself."

"Mr. Sun, please give me your luggage..." Heizi came up with several young workers, one for each of you, and took all the luggage of Sun Yuzhi's family.

"Little Fu, where is Teacher Sun's house arrangement?" Qin Hai asked Heizi with his hands empty.

Heizi shook the key in his hand and said, "I just got the key from Principal Long. Teacher Sun lives in Room 301, Unit 2, Building 3."

"Let's go, let's go home first." Qin Hai pointed to Sun Yuzhi.

The word "home" made Sun Yuzhi and his wife Wang Jin feel a little dazed for a while. When they lived in the tube building, they imagined countless times what it would be like if they could move into the unit building. Now, the unit building is in front of them, and it is difficult for them to accept this change.

The 10-year-old son, Sun Ze, is not as melancholy as his parents. He feels a sense of joy when he first arrives from the cold spring in the north to the warm spring in the south. Just now the college's sedan car picked them up from the train station, and when they entered the Meiling mountain area, he saw large patches of azalea on the hills and slopes on both sides, which he had never seen before as a child born in the city. Everything seemed so fresh to him.

Before leaving the capital, his parents told him that when they arrived in the new place, their family would have a big house, and then he would be able to have a separate room. Hearing that the uncle in front of him said that he was going home, he was the first to rush forward.

"Dad, Mom, look, this is Building No. 3, and it's written on the wall!"

After running for a short distance, Sun Ze seemed to have discovered some new continent, happily pointing to a small blue sign on the side of a residential building to report to his parents.

It was a three-story brick-and-concrete unit building. It looked about 70% to 80% new, and it was estimated that the building was less than ten years ago. The plaster on the walls has been newly painted, the doors and windows have also been painted with new paint, and there is still a faint smell of paint in the air.

"This is the original staff dormitory building of the Youth Cadres College. It is a bit dilapidated. After we took it over, we repaired it a little bit. Teacher Sun and Teacher Wang, you can live in it first. When our new campus is built, I will give it to you. Get a new house." Qin Hai said in an apologetic tone.

"No need, no need, I think this house is very good." Sun Yuzhi said excitedly. Although the relevant treatment has been agreed in advance, actually seeing the house that belongs to him is different from seeing the coldness in the contract. The content, the feeling is completely different.

A group of people entered the unit door and came to the door of 301. Heizi opened the door with the key, and then passed the key to Wang Jin. Wang Jin took the key and held it tightly, as if afraid of losing it. Qin Hai smiled and said: "Mr. Sun, Mr. Wang, this is your home, please come in."

"Everyone, come in!" Wang Jin immediately felt like the hostess. She stepped into the door and waved to everyone.

"Wow, what a big house!" Sun Ze ran into the house in a hurry, looked at the two bedrooms, a living room, the kitchen and the bathroom in the shortest time, and then recognized the house that belonged to him extremely cleverly. In that room, I plunged into it, lying on my back on a single bed with only a bed board, pretending to be sound asleep.

"This child!" Sun Yuzhi cursed with a smile, his voice choked up.

"The house is not too big, with a construction area of ​​only 62 square meters, which was the standard for middle-level cadres in the original school. There is also a room type for ordinary employees, which is 47 square meters, and it is also a two-bedroom, but each room is smaller." Qin Qin Hai explained.

"It's so good... so good." Sun Yuzhi didn't know what to say. A house of 62 square meters is the standard for professors in industrial universities, and it's only a theoretical standard. More than half of the professors can't distinguish such a standard. house. Now as soon as I arrived in Anhe, I lived in such a house. Although Hongze was completely incomparable with the capital, but there was no house in the capital, so what good was the city?

The main furniture in the house has been matched, and the kitchen also has a gas tank and a gas stove, which were considered high-end in those days. Wang Jin directed Heizi and the others to put down the luggage, and then began to pack it up busily, while Heizi and the others held hands for her.

Sun Yuzhi and Qin Hai walked to the balcony, Sun Yuzhi took out a cigarette case from his pocket, and signaled to Qin Hai, after seeing Qin Hai waved his hand to indicate that he would not smoke, he took out one himself, lit it up and took a puff. Then he said: "Boss Qin, now that I'm here, you can tell me what you need to do. I've already thought about it, and I'll leave it to you for the rest of my life."

Qin Hai smiled and said: "Mr. Sun is serious. I may just be your inn here. In a few years, when the country's economic situation improves and the school's salary improves, if you want to go back to the capital, go to a big research institution. , I will never stop it."

"No, since I'm here, I'll be safe. I won't leave here." Sun Yuzhi said.

Qin Hai didn't argue about this topic. In fact, it's too early to say anything. Who can guarantee what will happen in ten or twenty years? He said: "Since you are here, the working hours are still long, so don't rush this moment. You can rest for a few days first, and when your body recovers, we will discuss how to start work."

Sun Yuzhi said: "It's nothing to slow down. I just took the train for about 30 hours. In the past when we went to the factory, we took longer trains. Mr. Qin, just tell me, what I should do what?"

Qin Haidao: "Mr. Sun is really impatient. How about this? In the next few days, some experts will arrive one after another. After everyone is here, let's hold a meeting to discuss the work in detail. What about you these days, Think about the things in your field first, including your research plan, the required research conditions, such as experimental equipment, books and materials, etc., and make a list, and then we will solve it together, what do you think?"

Sun Yuzhi nodded and said, "No problem, I will start working on this right away."

At this point, there was only a sound of heavy footsteps coming from the stairs outside the door, as if someone was running down the stairs quickly. Everyone followed the sound and saw a head protruding from the door. It was clearly a fat man around 10 years old. The little fat man glanced at everyone, and asked loudly: "Are you new here? My family is also new here. My dad said that your family also has a child. Where is it?"

Hearing the voice of a child, Sun Zeteng, who was lying in the back room, ran out at once, staring straight at the little fat man. Seeing Sun Ze, the little fat man shouted joyfully: "Child, come and play with me, there are frogs in the field behind our building!"

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