Bang! !

A loud bang exploded in the basement, and Yi Shaowen flew out and hit the wall on one side hard. The force was so strong that the entire underground secret room shook uncontrollably.

Severe pain came, and Yi Shaowen felt a sweet sensation in his throat. He spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his face instantly turned pale.

But no amount of pain could compete with the shock and panic that suddenly surged in his heart.

He raised his head and stared at Xie Xihe in the distance, while frantically activating the power of Gu blood, trying to control Xie Xihe.

Xie Xihe's expression was stagnant for a moment, and there was a faint feeling of powerlessness deep in his body, but only for the next moment, the contract mark hidden between his eyebrows suddenly lit up, and the warm and soft breath spread, and in just a few breaths, Spread throughout the body.

The feeling of stagnation and powerlessness disappeared instantly without a trace. Xie Xihe raised his eyes, his eyes were filled with coldness.

Yi Shaowen's eyes suddenly opened wide. He looked at the girl walking towards him step by step, and his heart sank.

how so?

He clearly felt that the Gu blood had taken effect, but why did it disappear in the blink of an eye? What was the mark between her eyebrows, and why could the Gu blood be restrained?

Countless questions ran through his mind, but there was no more time for him to think about it.

Xie Xihe stood in front of him, and the shadow fell, giving people a strong sense of oppression. Yi Shaowen felt that it was difficult to even breathe.

He couldn't help but retreated, only to find that there was a cold wall behind him, and he had no way to retreat.

Xie Xihe knelt down in front of him and suddenly talked about an unrelated topic: "You said before that you wanted to learn the thirteen deadly swords?"

Yi Shaowen's heart skipped a beat: "What do you want to do?"

Xie Xihe didn't answer. As soon as he thought about it, a silver scalpel appeared in his hand, and he cut with his wrist.

It was really shaking, as shaking as the hands of the aunt in the cafeteria when serving dishes, but the effect was completely different.

The aunt shaking her hands when serving food will at most make you eat less, but Xie Xihe holding a scalpel and shaking her hands will save your life.

It hurt like hell.

Yi Shaowen only felt that his skin was cut open layer by layer, and his muscles and bones were severed section by section. The torture of the dull knife grinding the flesh made the person want to scream and go crazy.

Even Yi Shaowen, who thought he was immune to pain, turned pale and gritted his teeth to prevent himself from screaming.

The gesture is indeed the gesture of the Thirteen Deadly Knives, but it is completely different from the Thirteen Deadly Knives that Yi Shaowen knows can reduce pain and damage to the greatest extent!

Or should I say it's the complete opposite.

Each of Xie Xihe's cuts went against the texture of the skin, muscles, and bones, maximizing the pain.

In addition, she was using the back of the knife, which made the pain increase exponentially!

Another knife fell, and Xie Xihe separated the artery and skin of Yi Shaowen's biceps with the back of the knife, which was difficult even for chopping vegetables.

When Yi Shaowen tilted his head, he could see the thick brachial artery and the bright red blood flowing in it, and he could not control his heartbeat.

Xie Xihe finally stopped what he was doing. She turned the scalpel in her hand. No emotion could be seen on her face. She said calmly: "Have you learned? These are the real thirteen fatal blows."

Yi Shaowen's throat was dry and he couldn't say a word.

Xie Xihe didn't need his answer, and she didn't even take the next step. She just stood up and stepped aside.

Yi Shaowen intuitively felt that she could not let him go so easily, so he couldn't help but frowned. When he was on guard, a rustling sound came into his ears.

His heart moved, and he immediately looked in the direction of the sound.

When he saw the scene in front of him clearly, his pupils suddenly contracted to the extreme!

As far as the eye can see is a bright red color.

Nearly a hundred blood voodoo worms gathered together and rushed towards him like a wave. Although he couldn't see their expressions, his sense as the owner told him that the blood voodoo worms at this time were very excited and extremely excited. excited!

I was so excited that I lost control!

I kept giving orders in my heart, but it only slowed down the blood voodoos and showed no intention of stopping!

Ten meters, nine meters, eight meters, seven meters...

A gloomy coldness hit his face, and Yi Shaowen clearly felt the desire and greed emanating from the blood voodoos. He finally couldn't help it anymore!

"You can't kill me!" Yi Shaowen shouted.

Xie Xihe turned a deaf ear and continued to use his mental power to control the blood voodoo insects to rush towards him.

Yi Shaowen suddenly calmed down, stared at her and said, "You have a way to avoid being affected by the Gu blood, but as for Mo Huaizhi and other people who also bought those medicinal materials from the Chinese Medical Association, they also Can I be like you?"

"After being infected by my Gu blood, they are my appendages. As long as I activate the Gu blood, they will be in agony. If I die, they will die with me!"

"How many people can you save by then?"

"Especially Mo Huaizhi," Yi Shaowen sneered: "He has been drinking health tea for several years longer than you, and the amount of Gu blood in his body is many times richer than yours. If I die, I will die within two days." Minutes later, he will definitely die!"

"Are you sure you can save him in time?"

"There are also hundreds of members of the National Medical Association who must die!"

"Those are the figures who stand at the top of China's medical community. Once they die, China's medicine will stagnate for at least ten years. Can you afford such consequences?"

The speed of the blood Gu worm's forward movement gradually slowed down until it completely stopped.

As soon as Yi Shaowen raised his head, he saw Xie Xihe's frown. Not only did he not feel happy, but his face turned even uglier: "When I begged you to take me away from that place, you didn't even show any emotion. Now it's just for A bunch of ants, you actually hesitated?"


He can't compare to Mo Huaizhi, he can't compare to Sheng Shijing, why can't he even compare to a group of ordinary people who don't matter?

How could she hesitate?

Xie Xihe finally couldn't control the anger on his face, and said impatiently: "If you are sick, just go to see him. Why are you crazy?"

"If you beg me, I have to take you away. If I don't take you away, I will be sorry for you. Who do you think you are? Do I know you well?"

Her expression was cold and emotionless: "Don't say that I just refuse to take you away, even if you die in front of me, it has nothing to do with me."

Xie Xihe has tolerated him for a long time, and now he doesn't want to tolerate it anymore.

With a flick of his hand, he threw out a few silver needles to control him in place. At the same time, he looked coldly towards the entrance of the secret room: "When do you want to watch the show again?"

There was a heavy sound of movement, and the door to the secret room opened. Several figures appeared in Yi Shaowen's sight, making his pupils shrink.

There is no time to make up for it today, good night.

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