Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 342: Skeleton vs Skeleton

Latest URL: "All soldiers, move the muzzle!"

Holding the miniature telescope in one hand to observe the little spider fighting with the fighter jet, the captain of the soldier model raised his hand and gave an order loudly.

"Yes, sir!"

Facing the command of the soldier model captain, the remaining model soldiers in the anti-aircraft chariot responded quickly.

They form an adult echelon squad one by one. A few model soldiers stand on the console of the chariot and control the direction of the chariot. The rest of the soldiers turn the muzzle through the device in the vehicle. down, slowly aiming it at the little spider in the air.

"Left, move direction, up, move direction..."

"Stop, the target is aimed, waiting for the order."

"Report sir, the target has been aimed!"

Through the soldier model standing outside the antiaircraft artillery battlefield, the message of the muzzle aiming soon reached the ears of the soldier model captain.

Reaching out and raising the plastic helmet on his head, the model captain put away the telescope in his hand, and immediately nodded and ordered.


"Yes, soldiers obey my orders, get ready, one, two, three, launch!"

After receiving the command from the gap at the top of the chariot, the soldiers standing in the chariot nodded immediately. With the solemn countdown, countless model soldiers began to act. They stepped on each other's shoulders and dragged them to launch. The shells were loaded into the launch muzzle of the chariot while shouting slogans.

Immediately afterwards, another group of model soldiers joined and pushed the missile into the loaded launcher.

Finally, in accordance with the command of the model soldier captain, he pressed the start button.

With the whistling sound of breaking through the air, a powerful anti-aircraft artillery shell immediately flew towards the little spider in mid-air under the huge push of the chariot.

Fortunately, the power of these soldier models has been significantly increased under the magic of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection]. Otherwise, it is impossible to carry heavy shells with their plastic arms and legs alone, let alone carry them out. fired.

"Sorry, man!"

In mid-air, Peter was using his dexterous evasion skills to evade the attack of the model fighters.

He has quickly adapted to the attack patterns of these fighters as the battle has dragged on. Using the spider silk ejection device in his hand, he launched a spider silk sticky bomb to hit one of the harassing model fighter planes. Looking at the fighter plane that was firmly stuck to the wall by the spider silk bullet, the little spider didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief. The spider sense began to issue an unprecedented strong warning.

Turning his head in the direction of his premonition, what caught Peter's eyes was a huge roaring shell.


Looking at this cannonball with all the dangers reported, the expression under the little spider's mask instantly paled.

He had no idea that such a dangerous weapon still existed in the museum.

Obviously, it was a group of miniature model soldiers who fought with him before, how come they turned into cannonballs and flew over in an instant.

Although his heart was shocked by the sudden cannonball, at the critical moment, the instinct from the mutant spider gene in Little Spider saved him.

He raised his hand and fired a tough spider silk that stuck to the head of the huge dinosaur skeleton that was chasing the clone [Uncle Long] not far away. The next moment, the little spider arched his body and looked like a huge curved bow. Dodge the incoming cannonball.


The cannonball fired from the anti-aircraft chariot rubbed the spider's body and landed on the open space in front of the museum. In the next second, a violent explosion and red light erupted, setting off the gravel and also on the ground. There was a deep hole left.

"Huh, it's dangerous!"

Looking at the huge pothole left by the cannonball on the ground, the little spider patted his chest with a startled expression on his face.

However, before he could calm his pounding heartbeat, the next second, the huge force from the other end of the spider silk suddenly pulled Peter and started flying around in the air.

"Oops, I forgot about that!"

Obviously, the little spider forgot that the other end of his spider silk was not stuck to the wall, but a dinosaur skeleton that was also resurrected.

"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky!"


Taking his eyes back from the huge pothole left by the cannonball, Dad looked at the raging flames from the explosion in front of the museum, and then shouted to the clone [Uncle Long] who was chased by the dinosaur skeleton not far away: "I think Aaron, we have to leave the museum first. With such a big movement, it is easy to attract some irrelevant people."

"I want to leave too, Dad, but obviously the guy behind me doesn't think so."

Hearing his father's reminder, the clone [Uncle Long] turned his head to look at the dinosaur skeleton that was still chasing after him, and replied with a panicked expression on his face.

He is actually very strange. It is clear that he is in the same group with these resurrected items.

Why, this dinosaur skeleton seems to have taken a fancy to itself, and keeps chasing after him.

"Spider boy, don't you have any way to stop this dinosaur's movements?"

"I want it too, Mr. Long."

In mid-air, the spider silk stuck to the dinosaur's head floated around, and Peter's expression was faintly pale under the mask.

"However, the spider silk launcher on my wrist seems to have been damaged during the drag, and there is no way to get the spider silk off."

Reaching out and grabbing the spider silk on the spider silk launcher, Little Spider shouted back with a depressed expression.

"What, what are you talking about, I can't hear you?"

Due to the rush and the drifting relationship, the clone [Uncle Long] did not hear Peter's answer clearly.

"I mean, I can't help it, Mr. Long."

In this situation, Peter's expression became even more depressed.

"You two guys, do you have to wait for my father to do it?"

Looking up, looking at the avatar and the little spider being played around by a dinosaur skeleton, the old man shook his head, sighed and took out the dried gecko that had been put away from his pocket.

If it was in this situation before, Dad might really have nothing to do.

After all, before Li Ran's recent opening of the [Silver Treasure Chest], he was just an ordinary clone without any magical abilities.

However, with the appearance of [Imorton], Li Ran was obviously able to make the old avatar, who was just an empty shelf, really have some decent magical powers through the power of the Black Book of the Undead.

Waving the dry gecko in his hand, Dad aimed at the conspicuous dinosaur skeleton not far away, and was about to perform a few hands to gain a wave of fame in front of the little spider.

Boom, boom, boom!

The next second, the huge and sharp roar from behind made him subconsciously stop the movements of his hands.

Having had the contact with Chang Amir, the old man quickly learned the identity of the visitor from the roar.

Obviously, just like what Dad said before, the huge explosion in front of the museum attracted the attention of the surrounding people.

Before, he originally thought that the police would be the first to arrive, but he did not expect that another guy driving a motorcycle would arrive ahead of time.

Of course, Dad, or Li Ran in the antique shop didn't think of it,

Johnny Blazer, or Ghost Rider, was lured by Mephistopheles and signed a contract again. At this moment, he was thinking of the contract, and New York was looking for Chang Emil.

When the museum exploded, he was collecting the souls of criminals not far away.

The ferocious ghost-faced Harley pulled a long line of fire on the ground and appeared at the entrance of the museum, stopped the fast-moving motorcycle, and the ghost rider lifted his skull head wrapped in hellfire to look at the explosion in front of the museum. Then, I was quickly attracted by the huge dinosaur skeleton in the museum.

Ghost Rider:"???"

Although because of the burning of hellfire, the entire face of the ghost knight was burned clean.

However, looking at the resurrected dinosaur skeleton in front of the museum, fierce flames still danced in the empty eye sockets of the Ghost Rider, showing the shocking emotions of this Hell Knight at this moment.

If it wasn't for the fact that he hadn't felt the slightest bit of demon power from the dinosaur, he would have even been surprised that the dinosaur skeleton in front of him had signed a contract with Mephisto and became the Ghost Rider.

"Resurrected dinosaur skeleton?"

He restrained the swaying flames in his eyes, although what happened in front of him was beyond the imagination of this newly acquired Ghost Rider.

However, the hideous appearance burned by the fire of **** well concealed his inner surprise.

Suppressing his inner emotions, Ghost Rider stretched out his hand and took off the chain wrapped around him.

In the next second, the chain wrapped around the fire of **** was like a flying bullet, and suddenly shot towards the dinosaur skeleton not far away.


The chain strengthened by hellfire has obviously gone beyond the scope of ordinary weapons. The chain is wrapped around the skeleton of the dinosaur as if it has life at the moment it hits the dinosaur. Immediately afterwards, the powerful fire of **** began to burst out and climbed the body of the dinosaur.


The chain wrapped around his body was already a fire of hell, forcibly stopping the galloping dinosaur from chasing.

Shaking his body too much, struggling violently.

However, compared to the little spider, the existence formed by Ghost Rider as a demon power is obviously several times stronger than the mutant Peter. Although on the outside, he is just a burning skeleton, but tightening the chain in his hand, even if the dinosaur in front of him struggled fiercely, the huge claws stepped on the ground, one after the other. The pothole, but still unable to break free from the chain wrapped around his body.

Even under the power of hellfire, the magical power originally exerted by the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] on the dinosaurs began to have problems. It was not the last layer of strength of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] that was used as a resistance. It may have been burned to coke as early as the moment the dinosaurs came into contact with the fire of hell.

Even so, under the constant erosion of hellfire, the scorched black on the dinosaurs also increased.

Feeling that the life that he had finally obtained was threatened again, the struggle of the dinosaurs under the chains became more violent.


On this side, the resurrected dinosaur skeleton struggled violently under the chains of the Ghost Rider. On the other side, he stopped his footsteps, and his clone [Uncle Long] gasped for a few times with a painful expression on his face. Peter on the dinosaur broke the spider silk, and fell to the side of the clone with a panting expression.

"Huh, Dad, who is this burning skeleton shelf? Could it be that the museum was resurrected by a spell?"

While making a gasping expression, he turned to look at the Ghost Rider at the entrance of the museum, and asked his father with a puzzled expression.

"How do I know, Dad just saw this guy just like you."

He raised his hand and patted the head of the clone [Uncle Long]. Dad looked at the Ghost Rider who subdued the dinosaurs alone, and then shook his head: "He was not resurrected by a spell, Dad can feel something from him. An evil force that seems to be associated with the demons of hell."

"Do **** and demons really exist in this world?"

Hearing his father's explanation, Little Spider asked subconsciously.

"Since there are even magic spells that revive the dead, what's so strange about **** and demons?" Turning his head and swiping at the little spider, the old man pushed his glasses and replied without hesitation.

"Father, since there are demons in the world, will there also be immortals in Chinese legends?" Following Father's answer, the clone [Uncle Long] immediately asked along with him.

"Of course immortals exist. In fact, Dad, I have seen immortals before."

Hearing the question from the clone, the old man threw out his answer.

"Back then, my father always wanted to learn the mysterious magic under the immortals. However, unfortunately, the immortals told me that there was no chance of becoming an immortal, so my father had to learn the power of magic instead."

"Immortal? Immortal?"

Aside, Peter listened to the conversation between Dad and [Uncle Long] The eyes under the mask flickered slightly.

He remembered that when he was in Chinatown, he seemed to have encountered the fairy that his father said.

"Dinosaurs are in danger!"

Here, the little spider changed his heart because of what his father said.

On the other side, the model soldiers in the antiaircraft artillery vehicle noticed the dinosaur skeleton in crisis. The expression on the face of the captain of the model soldier changed, and he quickly made a decision: "Soldier, follow the order, change the attack target, let's save the dinosaurs!"

"As ordered, sir."

After receiving the command of the model soldier captain, the soldiers in the chariot responded quickly. With the previous example of attacking the spider, they quickly adjusted the direction of the muzzle and aimed at the Ghost Rider standing at the entrance of the museum.


Immediately after, in the shouting of the model soldier captain, another cannonball was fired.

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