Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 60 : The incarnation of the supreme rules, integrate and upgrade new talents! (Fifth, more c

[Mechanical enhancement (two-star talent): Derived from the talent of the high priest, able to temporarily strengthen the mechanical items created by oneself to a certain extent, and can randomly obtain a mechanical type buff bonus, such as increasing performance by 20% , High-speed operation, long-lasting blessing, it is also possible to add negative buffs.

But because the high priest's mechanical talent was not high, he could not create some slightly sophisticated mechanical items, and he could not exert his natural ability. 】

Fang Wen couldn't help but feel sympathy for the high priest when he saw this. "With the natural ability, but in the end there is no corresponding mechanical talent, this is too miserable.

This ability looks very ordinary, but in fact it is a magical skill, even no less than some three-star, four-star talent.

Because for some technology-type masters, it is entirely possible to create some extremely terrifying mechanical weapons, and then strengthen them.

If you are lucky and attach the armor-piercing attribute to a machine gun, then every bullet will carry the armor-piercing Spirit Power. Even some defensive monsters will not be able to fight through hundreds of armor-piercing bullets.

If it is overheating and cooling, it is even more powerful, which can increase the continuous combat time of the weapon and so on.

However, if you don't have the talent to make machinery, then this ability will become a burden, not only can't play its role, but it will even drag yourself down.

After all, this only talked about additional buffs, but did not say whether it was a positive buff or a negative buff.

If a negative buff of [Mechanical Rust] suddenly appears during the battle, everyone can be confused.

And the high priest is like this. Although he possesses mechanical destiny skills, his lack of talent and luck has become a fatal injury, and also laid the groundwork for his later distorted personality.

And this is not an exception, because innate talent is originally based on luck. Although some people have awakened their powerful abilities, they have various limitations, and even become a cumbersome, and finally confuse with everyone.

"But I am not the same. I can steal countless talents." Fang Wen is also somewhat fortunate that he can have countless talents with the system, and he can also integrate them to remove the limitations of these powerful abilities.

Thinking of this, Fang Wen asked:

"System, can I integrate all the mechanical talents?"

Although he can continuously steal talents, the same types of talents, such as mechanical [mechanical instinct] [mechanical crawler], etc., have some overlap in function.

Even the High Priest’s [Mechanical Enhancement] is somewhat similar to the five-star [Mechanical King], but it doesn’t have the ability of the High Priest’s talent to strengthen random additional buffs.

It can be said that a strong talent is similar to the general outline of a book, while a weak talent is the detail that can make up for a strong talent.

Three thousand avenues, different routes to the same end!

No matter which path you take, you are always searching for the root of the law, but the focus of the ability is different.

In this case, it is better to integrate a large type of talent with all the small talents, leaving all the advantages and eliminating the shortcomings.

This not only solves the mixed problem after too many talents, but also Ascension the power of talents!

And the system quickly responded, and a cold mechanical voice sounded:

"Five-star talent detected [Mechanical King], three-star [Mechanical Instinct], two-star [Mechanical Strengthening], a large number of low-level mechanical talents, and the integration conditions are met. Do you choose to upgrade?"

Fang Wen said decisively: "Fusion!"

As the order is issued, in the talent space

, Whether it is the [Mechanical King] that originated from the ancient mechanical emperor's parts or the [Mechanical Instinct] that helped Fang Wen complete the disguised attack, and hundreds of talent modules are instantly shattered at this moment!

Slap! slap! slap!

As if a firework exploded, countless splendid points of light were intertwined and quickly began to merge.

The power of the root began to diffuse, and the chaotic energy began to cover, it seemed that there was an invisible big hand wave, as if the great existence at the beginning of the creation of the world moved the original law, and it began to blend perfectly.

Among the new talents, a huge mechanical phantom gradually solidified, originally Fang Wen thought it was the phantom of the ancient mechanical emperor.

But after the unimaginable figure became clear, the red-bronze-colored mechanical figure was huge, and twelve pairs of huge, gear-built mechanical wings stretched out from behind, all constructed of ancient copper from the beginning of the world, exuding The breath of horror.

Although it is constructed in a mechanical posture, it is extremely beautiful, expounding the beauty of machinery and gears, which contains the laws of the world.

But at the moment when the talent module was about to take shape, the huge mechanical figure looked at Fang Wen and his face disappeared in a flash.

Then he threw himself into the fusion of that invisible hand and turned it into a dark golden brilliance talent module.

"This is "

A trace of confusion flashed in Fang Wen's eyes. Although it was only for a moment, Fang Wen still saw the face of the huge mechanical figure.

That is himself!

He is like a mechanical god!

"Does the rule manifest? Or does it reflect my future incarnation?"

Fang Wen was puzzled, but he didn't get too entangled. Instead, he directly checked the new talent, which has undergone tremendous changes.

[Machinery Master (five-star): The powerful talents born from the stolen mechanical king talent, combined with many mechanical talents.

All the abilities of the mechanical king’s talent are retained, and ten upgraded mechanical crawlers can be added to produce ten upgraded mechanical crawlers, which can control mechanical products and share perspectives.

At the same time, the mechanical products can be strengthened, and special mechanical type buffs can be added. In view of the host's golden rule lucky judgment, it is mandatory to recognize as a positive buff!

As a mechanical master, you can use mental energy as the price to make all mechanical products within a certain range paralyzed. The range depends on Mental Energy. 】

[Comment: You are the master of all weapons. 】

"Even if you upgrade from the mechanical king to the mechanical master, if you want to upgrade this ability, it seems that it won't be easy, unless you continue to steal the remaining fragments of the ancient mechanical emperor.

Fang Wen is quite satisfied with these abilities. After the integration, although it is still a five-star, the abilities have been upgraded in all aspects.

Not only will the only shortcoming of [Mechanical Strengthening] be removed, the rest of the abilities will be strengthened and upgraded, and even the mechanical products of a certain unit can be paralyzed.

It can be called a rule-based skill.

It can be said that as long as Fang Wen wants to, he can directly paralyze Xiaobanzuo Hangzhou, lose electric lights, cars, and communication capabilities, and cause people in this city to panic.

After all, after the development of science and technology, these products have long been closely related to everyone.

If you are able to Ascension in the future, you may be able to bring a technological civilization back to the original era in an instant!

Called the killer of technological civilization!

After all, how can anyone in modern times be separated from mobile phones and the Internet.

A treasure for people!

"System, fusion talent!"

Now that the talent upgrade is completed, Fang Wen no longer hesitates, and directly chooses the fusion talent, and the dark golden talent module is integrated into his body.

A large amount of insights about machinery, perception of machinery, and the way of making mechanical crawlers. The influx of a large amount of knowledge has all turned into his instinct.

At the same time, when Fang Wen merged, Fang Wen's foundation became stronger and stronger, and under his guidance, he began to take the initiative to absorb the free Spirit Power.

Originally, Fang Wen had gained enough insights because of the battle, coupled with the integration of talent, so that his own foundation was solid, the efficiency of absorbing Spirit Power was greatly increased, and the aura of his body also began to Ascension.

Transcendent sixth order!

Transcendent seventh order!

Transcendent eighth order!

Transcendent ninth order!

Even at the ninth level of Transcendent, Fang Wen didn't stop until 783 Ascension reached the true peak of Transcendent.

Today, he is only one step away from Breakthrough Earth Soul!

And Fang Wen has a feeling that if there is a top-level Killing intent at this time, he can even directly condense the soul seed and step into the first stage of the earth soul!

After all, his foundation combined with two high-star talents, it has surpassed most people, even the geniuses of the royal city may not be able to compare with him, so the speed of strength advancement will be extremely terrifying.

Genius, doesn't it mean to be far ahead?


He shook his fist, and his pure physical strength set off a terrifying gust of wind that raged.

And if you use Spirit Power, you can even shake the building where you are in.

Fang Wen felt the power in his body and roughly estimated:

"If I meet the high priest again, even if the opponent is not injured, I don't need to attack him, I can kill him head-on.

Of course, the premise is that the high priest loses the power conferred by the Immortal gear, only the strength of the Earth Soul Rank.

Although Fang Wen is only the pinnacle of Transcendent, it is enough to contend with the high rank of Earth Soul!

"If converted into combat power, there should be as many as five weeks.

Poor Zhou Chong has become a new unit of measurement.

However, Fang Wen did not underestimate the opponent, and only calculated the combat power shown by Zhou Chongming.

After all, this guy can escape from the ruins of the ancient king, and it is not as simple as it seems, maybe there are a lot of things hidden.

"If you have the opportunity, you can look for the location of the ancient king's relics and see if you can gain something."

Just as Fang Wen was thinking about how to find the ruins, the voice of the system also sounded:

"[Mission: Mechanical Falling of Gods] has been completed, does the host receive the task rewards and open the system lottery?"

PS: Fifth, more collection! Seek subscription! Seek monthly ticket! Seek flowers! Seek evaluation ticket!.

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