Martial Arts: Start Stealing the Talent of the Undead Divine Phoenix

Chapter 48 : Three-star talent, underworld operation begins! (510 ask for full order! Customize!!)

Fang Wen did not hesitate, and directly checked the attributes of this new fusion talent.

[Mechanical instinct (three-star talent): It is derived from the fusion of mechanical crawler talents. It can have ordinary mechanical talents. Five mechanical crawlers can be born, respectively control five mechanical products, and form a shared perspective.

After merging your talents, you will have a very high mechanical affinity like a mechanical clan, and you will be able to easily use any mechanical product.

And can order a small number of mechanical crawlers, provided that there is no higher authority nearby. 】

[Note: The integration of more mechanical type talents, there is a chance that the integration will give birth to more powerful-talent abilities. 】

"Three-star mechanical instinct, more than a hundred can not be integrated into four-star? It seems that the more high-star ability, you need more similar talents to integrate, and I don’t know if I can harvest mechanical monsters this time. -To upgrade

Fang Wen also has some regrets, but thinking that the power of high-stars is indeed far more powerful than low-stars, it is normal that the integration is difficult, anyway, there is still a chance to harvest this time.

And he is quite satisfied with this ability.

After all, [Mechanical Instinct] not only can control more crawlers, but also can easily master all mechanical products.

As long as it is a mechanical life, it will have a very high affinity for him, which is simply full of the mechanical racial favorability point, and it can also order a small number of mechanical crawlers.

It is basically to give him the talent of the mechanical race, and he immediately began to dominate the host!

If you can extract the fusion of tens of millions of mechanical monsters' talents, can you have the talents that are close to the ancient mechanical emperor?

"The only downside is that I am still a flesh and blood life. If I go in, I will be easily spotted. Even if I have a high degree of affection, I will be easily attacked."

Fang Wen thought for a while, tried to use the mood of life to conceal the breath of own flesh and blood, and he was able to succeed.

Under the blessing of the life-heavy business environment, Fang Wen's breath of living beings quickly disappeared, as if it were an inanimate object, and the flesh and blood lost its vitality and turned into a stone.

"Sure enough!"

A hint of joy flashed in Fang Wen's eyes, and he directly chose the fusion talent, and the mechanical instinct turned into a light spot into the depths of his soul, and he was quickly mastered.

"Next is to try."

Fang Wen concealed his breath, and then tentatively stepped into the ancient copper Realm, stepping on the thick patina.

The rotten aura permeated, and the mechanical monsters were stunned when they saw Fang Wen's movements, but they did not launch an attack, and then continued to wander in the other directions, constantly muttering:

"The flesh and blood are bitter and weak, and the machine is eternal!"

It really succeeded!

Fang Wen was overjoyed, and then using the mimicry ability stolen from the lizard monster, he began to simulate mechanical monsters on his own face and limbs. With a large number of gears rotating, it looked like a newly born mechanical monster from a distance.

So Fang Wen continued to step on the thick patina and began to walk inside.

And the deeper he goes to the ancient copper Realm, the more shocked he is!

These patinas, called "Ancient Copper", have completely distorted everything into patina. Even the high-rise buildings made of cement and steel bars have cracked, and the patina is constantly falling into the earth.

All materials are corroded and transformed by ancient copper.


A small house did not resist the corrosion of ancient copper, and began to collapse, turning into a large amount of red patina spreading, expanding this Realm.

And here, Fang Wen also saw more mechanical monsters, thousands of them, and they are still gathering together. If everyone in the range is transformed, then there will be at least tens of thousands, or even tens of thousands. Tens of thousands of monsters.

He just killed more than a hundred, which is a drop in the bucket in comparison.

"What a terrifying speed of infection!"

Fang Wen was shocked, the mood of life fluctuated, and a breath of breath suddenly came to a halt for all the mechanical monsters.

"The breath of flesh and blood

"There is life "


"Swallow Flesh"

The scarlet light in the eyes of these mechanical monsters became more and more distorted, and they made a hoarse and low voice.They all looked at Fang Wen and stared directly at him!


Being stared at by thousands of pairs of monster eyes, even Fang Wen felt a little flustered. After all, once exposed, he might not be able to retreat in this Transcendent mechanical frenzy.

Thousands of Transcendent monsters can pile you up!

However, Fang Wen did not lose his calmness. Looking at these mechanical monsters, he also used [Mimicry] in his eyes and added red light special effects.

"The flesh and blood are bitter and weak, only the machine is eternal, and the filthy flesh and blood are sacrificed!"

The voice was hoarse, with distorted enthusiasm, causing the other mechanical monsters to be stunned, and then they began to murmur and shout together:

"The flesh and blood are bitter and weak, and the machine is eternal!"

"The flesh and blood are bitter and weak, and the machine is eternal!"

They fell into a kind of peculiar enthusiasm, and even forgot what happened just after the birth of Spiritual Qi.

This made Fang Wen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, secretly sighing that he still has a talent for being a actor.

"But... there seems to be room for manipulation.

Looking at these mechanical monsters that are controlled by machinery and have insufficient IQ, Fang Wen suddenly wondered.


He suddenly punched it, directly blasting the head of a mechanical monster and stole the talent of the mechanical crawler.


The mechanical monster fell down suddenly, and the other mechanical monsters also took advantage of the situation.

Fang Wen ignored these realizations and continued to operate his own underworld, shouting:

"The flesh and blood are bitter and weak, and the machine is eternal. This machine is greatly broken. Nothing, there is a problem!,


Although the rest of the mechanical monsters are somewhat confused, they do not have enough IQ, only simple logic.

So they didn't find any strangeness in Fang Wen, they just thought it was a stranger of the same kind.

Therefore, the remaining mechanical monsters also continued to move forward, muttering as they walked:

...For flowers...

"Altar Mechanical Angel"

Fang Wen determined the feasibility of this operation, so he began to steal the talent of mechanical monsters.

I wanted to keep a low profile and steal slowly, but not only was the speed slow, but the stealing failed.

So simply punch and get a headshot, and the suffocated mechanical monster will look at it, just say "there is a problem" and start harvesting, killing it for a long time or even giving it no reason.

After all, these are mobile talent modules, which can be used to upgrade the skill of mechanical instinct, and maybe they can merge into a four-star talent.

If you miss this opportunity, you may not be able to collect similar talent modules in the future.

Mechanical monsters are very rare!

Because of his extremely high mechanical affinity, and the authority similar to that of the mechanical clan, although the remaining mechanical monsters doubted his killing, they did not doubt him too much.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the continuous influx of mechanical monsters, even more than a dozen huge mechanical monsters appeared, standing five meters tall, each step would leave huge footprints, and the ground would tremble.

Their bodies have been completely covered by gears, and even the human skin that they propped up has been torn apart, and their terrifying and distorted appearance has not been concealed, like a deformed mechanical giant.

"Blood and weak"

"Mechanical Eternity"

"Meet the great mechanical angel"

There was a strange red light in their eyes, and they kept whispering strange words, just like other mechanical monsters, they walked to a deeper place.

"Why don't you try to kill this kind of big guy?"

Fang Wen, who was harvesting his talents, looked at these mechanical giants of the Earth Soul Rank, and a thought flashed in his mind.

But at the moment his killing intent appeared, a mechanical giant stopped unexpectedly, and his huge hollow eyes looked in his direction.

"Unexpectedly to find out!"

Fang Wen was shocked, and he directly curtailed his killing intent, and even the hand that harvested these ordinary mechanical monsters stopped.

"Uh "

And the mechanical giant just looked around, and when he found no source of danger, he turned his head and continued to walk forward, stepping on a passing mechanical monster while walking.

And Fang Wen watched this scene, while smashing the head of a mechanical monster, while feeling the evolution speed of these monsters.

The mechanical giant of the Earth Soul Stage appeared so soon, and the wisdom seemed to have improved a lot!

If they are allowed to continue to evolve, there will really be a big problem.

But haven't the special department and the military come back yet? There is no movement at all?

What exactly is the Special Division suppressing, even these monsters can't even deal with it?

However, Fang Wen was not prepared to rely on them. Just after he harvested more than a hundred mechanical monsters, and was still preparing to continue harvesting, a cold voice suddenly came from the front:

"What are you doing?" ト.

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