Shi Feixuan and Huan Huan had a dispute. Both women looked at Song Yu eagerly, as if waiting for his decision.

This wasn't the first time they had argued.

After all, a demonic witch and a decent fairy have always had different ideas.

Song Yu stared at these two stunning faces, half-smiling but not smiling:"You really want me to tell you?"


Shi Feixuan and Huan Huan both bowed their heads and waited for Song Yu's comment.

Song Yu said:"In my opinion, there are many scum in the devil's path, but there are also people who are kind, righteous, and strong-willed. Although there are many heroes among the decent, there are also hypocrites."

"The demonic path and the righteous path are just different names, there is no difference in essence."

Song Yu will not look down on the devil, nor will he succumb to the aura of a famous and upright family. In Song Yu's opinion, there is no essential difference between the two.

Huanhua smiled sweetly:"You are indeed your husband. They are different from those hypocritical nuns who claim to be righteous.

Concubine Xuan disagreed:"Concubine Xuan disagrees with what the young master said. How can we generalize between the evil way and the decent sect?"

Song Yu said,"Since you are the successor of Cihang Jingzhai, you should know the origin of the Demon Sect." The Demon Sect was created by a generation of extraordinary genius"Cang Gu". This person was very arrogant, cynical and could not tolerate orthodoxy, so he founded the Demon Sect."

"Then the Demon Sect split into two factions and six paths, during which they were suppressed by the decent faction."

"In fact, the so-called devil is just a decent term."

Song Yu said calmly.

Huanwan was quite surprised:"My husband knows the history of my holy sect very well."

Shi Feixuan didn't expect Song Yu to say such words, she said softly:"People in the devil's path cause harm to all living beings, shouldn't they be suppressed?"

Song Yu stared at Shi Fei Xuan's clear eyes.

Shi Fei Xuan looked at her calmly, her eyes as clear as a stream, like shining stars.

Song Yu said:"I can understand Cihang Jingzhai suppressing the Demon Sect. After all, there are two factions. The disputes over ideas are different, but suppressing the demon sect while raising the banner of justice seems hypocritical and ridiculous."

"Young Master, are you saying that I, Cihang Jingzhai, am hypocritical?"Master Fei Xuan bit her lip.

Song Yu smiled:"Of course Cihang Jingzhai is hypocritical. Fei Xuan, since you think Cihang Jingzhai is aboveboard, how do you explain Cihang Jingzhai's treatment of Shi Zhixuan?"

"Shi Zhixuan?"

When they heard the word Shi Zhixuan, Shi Fei Xuan and Huan Huan's expressions changed.

Shi Zhixuan, the top master of the Demon Sect, was extremely powerful and was known as the Evil King.

Song Yu said:"Although Shi Zhixuan is a master of the Demon Sect, he has never abused it. He killed innocent people, never harming the common people, but he was plotted by you, Cihang Jingzhai, and allowed Bi Xiuxin to feed the devil with his body, which ultimately caused Shi Zhixuan to suffer from schizophrenia and ended tragically."

"Cihang Jingzhai's role in this matter was not glorious."

Song Yu sneered.

He really didn't like Cihang Jingzhai. It was too hypocritical.

If you suppress the Demon Sect, you will suppress the Demon Sect, but you have to use the banner of justice. To put it bluntly, it is just to stabilize your own position.

Fortunately, today's Master

Concubine Xuan was not led astray by Cihang Jingzhai.

She knew that Song Yu was right.

Not only did the evil king Shi Zhixuan never harm the people, on the contrary, he had served as an official and offered advice to the Sui Dynasty. The royal family single-handedly divided the grassland Turks into two, which can be said to have contributed to the country.

However, Shi Zhixuan was plotted by Cihang Jingzhai.

The reason was also very simple. Cihang Jingzhai was worried that Shi Zhixuan was too powerful and worried about his unification. The Demon Sect was an enemy of Cihang Jingzhai.

Therefore, Cihang Jingzhai simply used a beauty trick to kill Shi Zhixuan by feeding the demon with his own body.

Not only that, Bi Xiuxin ended up miserable. Nominally she was harmed by the"Immortal Seal", but in fact the reason for her death has always been a mystery.

In Song Yu's opinion, the most likely thing was that Cihang Jingzhai deliberately caused Bi Xiu's physical and mental death. , which caused Shi Zhixuan to be severely hit, his temperament changed drastically, and he was completely depressed from then on.

Shi Zhixuan said softly:"The matter between Shi Zhixuan and Senior Bi Xiuxin is a top secret of our sect, and I don't know much about it. How did you know about it, Master?" ?"

Song Yu avoided answering. He naturally knew the original work of"Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty" very well.

Song Yu added:"Cihang Jingzhai was the leader of the righteous martial arts community in the Sui Dynasty. In troubled times, he would send his descendants to visit and find his true destiny. The Emperor, well, it sounds nice to say that he cares about the common people of the world, but in fact, how much is it for the people, and how much is it to consolidate the status of the martial arts?"

In Song Yu's view, what Cihang Jingzhai did may not be much nobler than that of the Demon Sect.

Song Yu was disgusted with evil people like You Niaojuan and Bian Fulai in the Demon Sect, but towards Cihang Jingzhai His impression was not much better.

To put it bluntly, it was all for his own benefit.

Of course , Song Yu still showed respect to the truly noble and heroic figures.

Huan Xing's eyes were bright, and Song Yu immediately made Master Nun speechless.

Song Yu said what Huan Huan had always wanted to say.

Master Fei Xuan lowered her head slightly, and the breeze ruffled her silky hair.

After a while, she said:"Fei Xuan only acts based on her own heart.

She has never thought about saving the world, but she only wants to have a clear conscience.



"Really? I'm afraid I won't be able to help you from now on. People will change."Song Yu said lightly.

Although at this time, Shi Fei Xuan has not been led astray by Cihang Jingzhai, but what about in the future?

Shi Fei Xuan raised her head, her beautiful willow-like eyebrows slightly frowned:"Could it be that in the young master's heart, Is Fei Xuan also a righteous hypocrite?

Song Yu said:"Fairy Master, if one day in the future, the elders in your master's sect ask you to feed demons with your body to deal with people in the devil's way, for the sake of the common people in the world, what will you do?""

Hearing Song Yu call herself Master Fairy instead of Lady or Concubine, this distant title made Shi Feixuan feel an inexplicable pain in her heart.

Shi Feixuan endured the discomfort in her heart and replied softly:"I……"

Song Yu said:"If this is really the case, then you still���Is the current master concubine Xuan?"

"If you lose your original intention and the sword's heart becomes dusty, how can you keep your sword's heart clear?"

Song Yu's words were like swords, and Shi Feixuan couldn't answer for a moment. She broke her guard.

Shi Feixuan recalled all the things about Cihang Jingzhai's disciples, and then thought about the deeds Song Yu said. She lowered her head and said nothing, and she was completely silent.

Her bright eyes revealed a hint of confusion. What would she do then?


"Young Master, I am a little tired from the conversation, please allow me to rest for a while and then I will reply to Young Master."

Shi Feixuan dropped these words and hurried to the house.

The debate over the good and evil of the demons and Buddhas ended with Shi Feixuan running away.

Only Huan Huan and Song Yu were left in the same place.

Huan Huan She touched her palms and smiled, her red lips slightly parted:"This is the first time I have seen Master Nun running away. What my husband said is really pleasing to my heart!"

Song Yu smiled.

His words made Shi Fei Xuan's heart confused, and he really hit the key point of Cihang Jingzhai.

And if others said this, it might not have such a big impact on Shi Fei Xuan.

But Song Yu was different. , he was regarded by Shi Fei Xuan as her savior, and they even married her.

It can be said that he was the man with whom Shi Fei Xuan had the closest relationship in her life.

Therefore, Song Yu's words were very important in Shi Fei Xuan's heart.

Huan Huan took Song Yu's arm and said softly:"Husband, thank you for speaking for me."

Song Yu shook his head. He was just telling the facts.

But Song Yu's words fell into Hanhan's heart. She was regarded as a witch by countless people in the world, and the people she met were either afraid of her identity as a saint of the magic sect. , or he is greedy for her beauty, only Song Yu is so special...

Hanhan's heartstrings can't help but be touched................................................................................

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