Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 43 Saquon

Lu Zhiyu put a tube of serum into the slot on the top of the biological chamber, pressed it, and immediately injected it into the hippocampus. A day later, the memory and consciousness of the hippocampus were completely erased by Lu Zhiyu. Then Lu Zhiyu tried The soul of the tree of life was injected into the body of the seahorse, but it was strongly rejected, and the body of the seahorse died in an instant!

Moreover, the soul of the tree of life was also weakened a bit. Lu Zhiyu discovered that the originally pure soul body of the tree of life had become a little polluted. The soul body, which had no consciousness at first, was filled with chaotic thinking fluctuations!

Lu Zhiyu then tried a variety of sea creatures, and failed several times in a row. The pollution of the pure soul body had become more serious. Lu Zhiyu knew that if he failed a few more times, the soul body might be destroyed. It's going to crash!

"Oh, it's too wasteful, but there is no way, I can't figure out anything, and I don't have enough research on the soul, so it can only be regarded as paying tuition!"

"What is the reason? Why is there rejection? Both consciousness and memory have been erased!" Lu Zhiyu tried plants before, but it didn't work. Thinking about it now, it shouldn't just be a matter of consciousness rejection!

Lu Zhiyu stopped, didn't think clearly about this problem, even if he continued, it would be nothing but hard work. Lu Zhiyu wandered anxiously in the laboratory, thinking for a long time: "It may not only be the rejection of consciousness, but the genetics." It is also rejecting other consciousnesses to dominate itself, just like the first time I transformed a creature!"

"Why don't you try to create a deified creature from an embryo!"

Lu Zhiyu immediately started to act. The life model this time was a squid. Lu Zhiyu didn't put it in the biological warehouse, but started to cultivate the first generation of deified creatures in the aquarium.

After watching a squid laying eggs, Lu Zhiyu found what he wanted, an egg that had been integrated into the soul of the tree of life. Lu Zhiyu was extremely excited. As expected, the fusion was successful. How should I say it? , There is a wonderful feeling like reincarnation!

Lu Zhiyu activated its consciousness, and also opened the authority of the zero-dimensional channel to it, guiding it to extract the source quality of the zero-dimensional world. Sure enough, it has a strong soul, and it has surpassed the steps that Lu Zhiyu had taken for several years.

Lu Zhiyu immediately saw that he derived his own spiritual power from a simple soul body. The powerful structure of the soul allows him to stay longer in the zero-dimensional alien world and extract more source quality. Every day, it rises in a large span, and it rises by more than a dozen scales in one day!

In comparison, Lu Zhiyu is just a bucket full of water, and now he is thinking of ways to increase his volume all day long, but it is an empty bucket, as long as he works hard to find a way to fill himself up That's it!

Lu Zhiyu could feel that his originally simple soul body was transforming into spiritual power little by little, and finally all turned into spiritual power, reaching the 150 mark, which has already surpassed Lu Zhiyu!

When its mental power was transformed, Lu Zhiyu saw that the white squid egg was corroded by its mental power and turned into a divine cell. Lu Zhiyu saw that it was born from the squid egg immediately. .

A strange gray-black larva appeared in the bio-cage. Lu Zhiyu immediately saw that it was rapidly absorbing the nutrients in the bio-cage, growing rapidly, and finally increased in value within a minute. A black squid the size of a head.

So far, it has exhausted its mental power scale and reached its limit, but it is different from Lu Zhiyu, it is a complete deification of the whole body, although its size is much smaller, but its essence is different , it is a real deified creature!

The moment the transformation was completed, Lu Zhiyu looked at him outside the cabin, and found that he was extremely angry and confused, and kept hitting the wall of the warehouse, but the wall of the warehouse was very strong. Although the squid had deified himself body, but he doesn't know how to transform his genes, it just has the characteristics and plasticity of a deified creature's immortality.

Lu Zhiyu looked at it in the warehouse with interest: "Do you want to come out?



The moment Lu Zhiyu and Lu Zhiyu looked at each other, Lu Zhiyu saw that its appearance began to change. It even imitated Lu Zhiyu and evolved a sound organ, and shouted at Lu Zhiyu with a meaningless roar. The sound was extremely ear-piercing. , with a long drag tone.

Lu Zhiyu felt it for a while, and found that it didn't have any independent personality at all, and its consciousness was extremely chaotic, as if there were more than a dozen consciousnesses fighting in its head. It was extremely chaotic, and didn't know how to control itself at all!

The sound it yelled and imitated actions were only subconscious and did not have any meaning. Lu Zhiyu frowned. It was completely different from what he had imagined, but Lu Zhiyu did create the first avatar biology!

"How did this happen? It should be because of the failure of my previous fusions, the soul body has been polluted!"

"Just call me Sa Kun!"

Since this was the first sound it made, Lu Zhiyu took it as its name. Although it does not have a perfect personality and wisdom, it is an absolutely advanced creature in terms of life.

After Lu Zhiyu has completely deified, he will also start to try to transform his genes, try to make his life template a life template with real supernatural abilities. This kind of high-level life template, Lu Zhiyu is going to call it a mythical creature Template, change a word of deified creature, but it feels quite appropriate, what is the difference between this kind of existence and the creature in mythology!

Lu Zhiyu still doesn't know how to create his own mythical creature template. After all, Lu Zhiyu has never seen such a high-level life form with his own eyes, so he can only try and explore with his imagination.

And the first deified creature created by himself in front of him is an opportunity for him to try to create a life template of a higher life, and use the plasticity of the deified creature to create a truly extraordinary life!

Lu Zhiyu looked at Sakun with a smile on his face. Although this little guy looks quite weak now, he is essentially a chasm from ordinary creatures. As long as he is given the life of a mythical creature Template, you can soar into the sky.

Lu Zhiyu began to think about it: "How should we design it? The life template, the previous one will definitely not work. It's just to develop the instinctive power of the human body."

For ordinary creatures, increasing their strength and speed several times, opening the perspective of God, dynamic abilities, inheriting the powerful swordsmanship of their ancestors, and inheriting various memories may be called powerful, but for deified creatures, these things are too ineffective Well, it can also be said that the plasticity of deified cells is too wasted!

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