Level 1 Player

Chapter 27 profiteering

Doo doo doo doo!

At that moment, the sound of the helicopter's rotors could be heard in the distance.

A familiar military transport helicopter caught my eye.



Then someone jumped out of a military transport helicopter.

And surprisingly, he stepped on the air and ran towards Hyunseong at an incredibly high speed.

The character who used the empty dash in the martial arts novel in real life was a familiar face to Hyunseong.

‘Mr. Shin Yoon-ah?’

The person who brought Hyunseong into the Players' Association and his immediate supervisor.


Shin Yoona, who quickly narrowed her distance, hugged Hyunseong tightly.

It was so fast that it was hard for Hyunseong to react.

“You are so alive! What a relief! I am so glad!”

At Shin Yoon-ah's words, Hyunseong smiled faintly.

It was really nice and grateful to have someone who welcomed his life.

But the excitement didn't last long.


Shin Yoon-ah's face turned red.

And in an instant, she distanced herself from Hyunseong.

“Oh, the clothes?”

“It’s all dissolved in Blue Drake’s stomach juice.”

Hyunseong replied with a puzzled expression.

The moving atmosphere was quickly transformed into awkwardness.

After a while.

Among the players who discovered Hyunseong, Park Woo-dae, who went to buy clothes, returned.

“Wear this for now.”

At the words of Park Woo-dae, Hyunseong quickly got dressed in the blanket.

The size didn't fit, but in the current situation, this was just too much.

doo doo doo.

At that time, a transport military helicopter arrived at the scene.

Then a group of people jumped to the ground at once.


Even after jumping from that high distance, everyone landed lightly on the ground.

“Hey, what a touching reunion! By the way, Yoona was really surprised!”


At Yoon In-hwan's fuss, Shin Yoon-a asked with her expressionless face.

“I didn’t know you were the younger type, did you? This is the boyfriend Yoona hid, right?”

“Joke in moderation.”

In response to Yoon In-hwan's words full of playfulness, Shin Yoon-a responded with a cold voice.

"all right!"

Yoon In-hwan took a salute and answered in a loud voice.

But her face was full of playfulness.

“Then why did you come? I told you that you can go back and rest because the operation has been cancelled.”

“I saw a scene like that, how do you go back? I came here because I was curious, to see the face of the hero who defeated Blue Drake alone.”

Kang In-hee answered Shin Yoon-ah's question with a smile.

“Oh, but you are really my type. Do you have any girlfriends?”Kang In-hee narrowed the distance with Hyunseong and asked.

“He is a man who has just crossed the threshold of death. Please stop joking around.”

Shin Yoon-ah spoke in her firm tone and blocked Kang In-hee's front.

“Isn’t that a joke? But why is Yoona angry? Perhaps… … .”

Despite Kang In-hee's full of playfulness, Shin Yoon-ah's expression did not change even a little.

“Everyone, please stop joking around. Choi Hyunseong needs a break now. I also have to go to the hospital in case something unexpected happens. Everyone seems to have flocked to Choi Hyunseong's curiosity about how he took down Blue Drake, but that's a pretty disrespectful thing. Hyunseong, let’s go to the hospital first.”

"all right."

He was fine, but the atmosphere seemed like he had to go to the hospital.

“The helicopter you all came in will be used to evacuate Choi Hyunseong.”

At the end of those words, Shin Yoon-a grabbed Hyunseong's hand.


Then he soared into the sky and lightly boarded the military transport helicopter.


Kang In-hee gave her a sad expression and clicked her tongue.

“Well, we were rude. But I'm curious, how he hunted blue drakes by himself. Seeing Yoona taking care of her like that, I don’t think she’s a typical player.”

Yoon In-hwan said with a curious expression, hoping for a military transport helicopter moving away.

“I’ll ask you later, okay?”

“Still, I was surprised that I was younger than I thought.”

Rankers talked about Hyunseong.

Some even looked for traces of magic in the place where the Blue Drake was supposed to be.

The rankers' faces were full of curiosity about Hyunseong.

* * *

Hyunseong, who was taken to the hospital, was immediately examined.

The result is normal.

Far from being bad anywhere, the doctors diagnosed him that he was too healthy.

Hyunseong briefly explained why he was able to get out of Blue Drake's stomach.

He hid the Vampire Ball and the Book of Immortality.

Instead, hemolysed sword revealed.

Yoona Shin was very surprised that the rare grade item Hyunseong had had grown to the only hero grade.

She congratulated her, and she said it's pretty rare.

After completing the examination and statement at the hospital, Hyunseong went straight to his family.

His mother burst into tears when she saw Hyunseong in person.

* * *

VVIP bulletin board.

This place is currently in turmoil.

McCarvis @$*#%& you bastard!

Posted by Dashat

What's the fuss about you alone?

It's been over a week since the battery I had already stockpiled ran out!

But there are no new products!

It's all because of you!

You guys are in charge!

Sell ​​even the batteries you have stockpiled!

↳ Brow - Make sure you have an ample stockpile. I still have a lot left.

↳ Dashat – Don’t dye it, turn it off.

↳ Brax - Bro, if you have enough stockpile, can you release some? I will buy it at 3 times the original selling price.

↳ Brow - Not for sale. I don't even have enough to write.

↳ Brax - Then I will buy it 4 times.… … aftermath... …

Does anyone know which dimension McCavis is in?

Posted by Vifar

I'm going to go get this kid.

If anyone knows the dimension of McCarvis, please let me know.

↳ Androbit - Did you even boycott a person who had enough points to forcefully open the dimension gate because 30 million points was a waste? ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

↳ Terchin - To me, it seems pretentious.

↳ Puvektu - I agree. Even if you know the location, you can't force open the dimension gate because there are no points.

↳ Okabaiel - Shouldn't we be going to catch a seller named Choi Hyunseong instead of going to get McCarbys?

↳ Mu-young Cheon - Choi Hyunseong less than a year ago. It's a protection period, so even if you know the location, you won't be forced to open it.

↳ Okabaiel – Ah!

Choi Hyunseong, we were wrong.

Posted by So-Pyung Jin

In the future, I will just shut up and buy.

So, please put things up.


↳ Mu-young Cheon - Choi Hyunseong has a low rating, so you won’t be able to see the article here?

↳ Nyaishutu - That's right. I just posted a nonsense.

A boycott of McCavis sale items and complaints are going on!

Posted by Jang Moo-guk

After a lot of thought, it seems that this bastard McCavis did this because Choi Hyunseong was doing well, so he had a stomachache.

Wasn't McCavis' main selling item focused on hobby items rather than necessities?

As a result of my research, Choi Hyunseong appeared and the sales of McCavis' items fell sharply.

In other words, this guy intentionally promoted a boycott to kill Choi Hyunseong. And, although I'm guessing, I doubt that this guy McCarbys made a complaint and gave Choi Hyunseong's business suspension.

Otherwise, there is no way to suddenly sell off items that sell well, right?

If you look at the records of existing sales items, it is not that he died.

I'm sure many of you have seen a post that encourages this guy to make a complaint in the middle.

That was McCarvis' real purpose.

We've been playing around with McCarvis' taunts in fear of his rivals!

Can I leave this guy alone?

Let's start boycott and complaint right now!

↳ Vipar - I will join you. This motherfucker was playing with us.

↳ So-Pyung Jin - I will participate.

↳ Dashat - I will join you.

↳ Brax - I will join you.

… … syncopation… …

↳ McCarvis - I'm so sorry! The boycott of large-capacity batteries for camping started with pure and good intentions. How much would a newbie who just appeared to have stolen my pie? Do you think I'm the type of person to do something like this because I think of that gore as a competitor?

↳ Jang Mu-guk - Yeah, it looks like that. And this guy still hasn't come to his senses. Guess it hasn't been suspended yet?

↳ Vipar - You need a more heated and cold complaint exercise.

↳ So-Pyung Jin - I will participate.

↳ Dashat - I will join you.

↳ Teru - Those who used to be shy because they agree with each other are now fighting amongst themselves.

↳ Brow - From the first time I saw the boycott article, I thought it was going to look like this.

↳ Teru - Those who fight that they can't even win in the first place are fools.

↳ Brow - I think so too.

McCarbes, who led the first boycott, was a total killer.

No, he went beyond that level and he was rather he himself being counterattacked.

McCarvis strongly insisted on his innocence and expressed his position as unfair.But he couldn't find anyone who sympathized with McCarvis' argument, even after washing his eyes.

In the end, McCarvis could not stop the overflowing anger of its customers and was suspended for three months.

* * *

Hyunseong, who unknowingly dropped the main leader of the boycott into hell, started moving to replenish supplies.

Korea suffered a lot of damage.

However, compared to other countries, it prevented the second cataclysm with considerably less damage.

Korea restored the collapsed infrastructure, and began research using the newly acquired monster corpses and manastones.

Society is a bit unstable, but somehow it's starting to come back.

“There are quite a few.”

Hyunseong said with a satisfied expression on her face.

Of course, he was in disguise as usual.

“Yes, fortunately our store was not damaged by the dimensional gate. After the electrical facilities were restored, the first priority was to fully charge the large-capacity camping batteries.”

Hyunseong smiled satisfied with the branch manager's answer.

“I will buy all of them.”

“Thank you, customer!”

A bright smile appeared on the branch manager's lips.

After the Second Cataclysm was over, business resumed, but sales of electronic products were not so good.

There were a lot of broken products, so the purchase rate was likely to rise, but now that internet purchases are active, the sales volume in offline stores is not very high.

In fact, if Hyunseong hadn't made a bulk purchase before, I didn't know when it would close.

Quarterly sales were at the bottom due to the loss of business due to the second cataclysm.

When Hyunseong visited the store again and made bulk purchases, the corner of the branch manager's lips had no choice but to rise.

‘After all, trusting him was the best choice.’

It was the moment that the branch manager's choice of a branch manager who had fully charged the large-capacity camping battery he had ordered in anticipation of Hyunseong's visit shone.

Hyunseong put all of the fully charged large-capacity batteries for camping on the sales window.

The price was higher than before.

He did not need to lower the price again, as he confirmed that the supply of large-capacity batteries for camping was not smooth yet and sold well even if the price was raised.

‘If sales go down later, you can lower it again, okay.’

The moment Hyunseong thought so.

- The registered item has been sold.

- The registered item has been sold.

- The registered item has been sold.

… … aftermath... …

Successive sales completion alarms began to appear.


Hyunseong raised the price a bit more.

But, too, Ollie was sold out.

‘Can I raise it even more?’

A cold capitalist smile appeared on Hyunseong's lips.

“Are there any more?”

At Hyunseong's question, the branch manager opened his mouth with an apologetic expression.

“I order as much as I normally would. I will place an additional order right away. I heard that the factory is operating normally, so there will be no problems with the production of goods. For now, we will arrange the items in other locations immediately.”

I felt sorry, but there was no right way.

“Then let’s go.”

"I… … If you leave your contact information, we will call you as soon as we receive the item.”

"no. I'll just come back tomorrow. Thank you for caring me."

Hyunseong's face as he left the store was full of regret.

‘It’s perfect if you trade directly with the factory.’

I tried to call him once before the Second Cataclysm, but he hung up saying he didn't do private transactions.

I called again and promised to place a large order, but I gave up after receiving the answer that they would not take orders at all unless they were a business or corporation.

‘Should I register as a business and buy a warehouse?’

Then, the problem of electricity bills or large-scale orders will be resolved.

‘No, would you like to open an electronics store altogether?’

That way, you can get the electronics you need right away.

‘It would be okay if I left the operation to my sister.’

Hyunseong's older sister, Choi Hyun-ji, was working as an employee at a clothing store.

Although the types were slightly different, it was the same sales business anyway.

‘Why didn’t I think of this before?’

Hyunseong's eyes twinkled.

This business could not go out of business.

Because the owner, Hyunseong, will be the best customer.

The opening of the electronics store went smoothly.

My older sister Choi Hyun-ji readily agreed.

Choi Hyeon-ji was better at her business skills than expected.

As Hyunseong said that the sooner the better, he chose to take over rather than open the business.

In addition, even before the handover was completed, we agreed with the handover to pre-order the desired items and bring them into the store.

Hyunseong bought the items he had reserved at the store he used to use and did not place any further orders.

Now you can buy things in your own store.

The availability of stock was free.

Hyunseong started sweeping the points.

The property was sold by Oli, and the phenomenon continued for over a week.

'Now it seems to be over.'

Hyunseong looked at the sales window and made a sad expression.

The speed at which things are selling has almost stopped.

‘Now I have to write the points.’

The meager point, which had only 2.9 billion won, was now over 70 billion won.

It was a point that could purchase two hero grade skills.

‘Which one do you buy?’

Originally, of course, it was a wild instinct.

I was continuously attacked by Woo-hyeon Jang and Jung-woo Jung, and I felt my life threatened.

Therefore, I tried to purchase a wild instinct that has excellent crisis detection ability and is useful in person-to-person combat.

However, this Blue Drake incident changed my mind.

Currently, there is no person or organization trying to harm Hyunseong.

Even if you have such a heart, it would be quite difficult to touch Hyunseong, who entered directly under the Players Association.

But monsters are different.

Whether Hyunseong is directly under the Players Association or not, he attacks and sees.

Like Blue Drake, if it was a monster with a far superior specification than Hyunseong, it was difficult to escape no matter how much I noticed in advance.

‘For now, let’s buy the wild instinct later.’

Hyunseong currently has a total of 5 hero-level skills.

These were the Book of Immortality, Survival Instinct, Vampire Ball, Thunder Dragon's Breath, and Thunder Dragon's Scales.

Four were passive skills.

The only active skill was the Breath of the Lightning Dragon.

‘There is only one attack-type skill, Thunder Dragon’s Breath.’

The only attack-type skill, Thunder Dragon's Breath, wasn't actually the type of skill that delivered powerful damage at once.

It was close to a continuous attack skill that strengthens other skills and continuously deals dot damage.

‘I need an active skill that can be freely activated.’

A powerful attack skill that can damage monsters with strong resistance such as Blue Drake.Or a space movement-based skill that can avoid the body at a dangerous moment.

It would have been much easier to deal with Blue Drake if either of them had been there.

‘Buy both.’

The points were enough.

In addition, there was an advantage that the active skill was relatively cheap compared to the passive skill.

Hyunseong opened the purchase window and first looked at the space movement series skills.

‘Rain, it’s expensive.’

Space movement-based skills were quite expensive, unlike active skills.

‘Actually, space was expensive too.’

Space handling skills were quite expensive overall.

‘You have to have a hero level to move living things.’

Rare-grade skills could not move creatures.

‘Let’s choose from among the hero grades.’

Hyunseong looked at the space movement skills one by one.

‘There are a lot of restrictions.’

Space movement-based skills were expensive and the activation conditions were quite difficult.

It was not possible to move to a place where more than a certain amount of magical power was concentrated, as well as the consumed magic and mental power was quite large.

'It's very convenient because you can still read the reviews.'

Previously, you had to choose whether to purchase only by looking at the skill description.

However, now that you can see the reviews, you can choose whether to buy or not after comparing the pros and cons of the product in detail.

‘This would be the best.’

Blink - Hero Rank

-Active skill book

-You can move within the range of the caster's line of sight.

- The amount of magic consumed varies according to the distance traveled.

-'You cannot move to a place where the flow of magic is unstable or excessively concentrated.

-Cool time: 10 seconds

-Seller: Rios

-Sales price: 39,999,999,999 points

-Active Skillbook Blink - Do you want to purchase Hero rank? Once purchased, items cannot be refunded or exchanged.

-[Yes No]

4 million points.

However, the cooldown was short, and there was no distance limit within the range of sight.


Hyunseong chose yes.

-Active Skillbook Blink - Do you want to acquire hero rank?

-[Yes No]

I also chose yes.

‘Let’s test it.’

Hyunseong tried the skill first in the room.



Hyunseong's body moved from end to end in an instant.

‘It’s worth writing. Let’s test the long-distance movement later.’

Now it was time to buy attack skills.

Hyunseong diligently searched the purchase window.

Flame skill, wind skill, ice skill, thunder skill... … .

There were many skills.But there really wasn't anything to do with it.


One skill came into Hyunseong's eyes.

Black Lightning - Heroic Rank

-Active skill

-Sprays powerful black lightning at the target by consuming both stamina and mana at the same time.

- This skill belongs to the dark attribute series.

-Seller: Guest

-Sales price: 29,999,999,999 points

Best purchase review

Bartuk - 3 times more powerful than a skill that consumes only magic power. But be careful. It consumes both stamina and mana at the same time, so if you do it wrong, you may become exhausted without realizing it.

-Active Skillbook Black Lightning - Would you like to purchase a hero rank? Once purchased, items cannot be refunded or exchanged.

-[Yes No]

The explanation was quite short.

But as soon as he saw the best reviews, Hyunseong made a decision.

‘You can make up for the shortcomings of low horsepower with your stamina.’

For Hyunseong, who can recover stamina and magical power with his Dragon Blood Sword and Vampire Ball, the disadvantage of the Black Lightning was not a big penalty.


I chose yes.

-Active Skillbook Black Lightning - Do you want to acquire the hero rank?

-[Yes No]

Learning the skillbook as soon as you buy it is a natural procedure.

-Active skill Black Lightning – Failed to acquire the hero grade.

A familiar phrase appeared.

-Active skill Thunder Dragon's Breath - The only hero grade has absorbed the active skill Black Lightning - Hero grade.

-Active skill Thunder Dragon's Breath - Unique hero rank has grown.


It was as expected.

The Thunder Dragon's breath, which has grown as the only hero-grade skill, grows by absorbing the lightning-related skills and items.

Although it is a dark type, Black Lightning is also a lightning type skill.

absorption was possible.

'I wish it would change as expected... … .'

Hyunseong pressed Thunder Dragon's Breath skill.

Thunder Dragon's Breath - Unique Hero Rank

-Active skill book

- Activates by consuming the caster's stamina and mana at the same time.

- According to the will of the caster, the target is sprayed with powerful black lightning.

-A powerful black lightning shield is formed according to the caster's will.

-All skills and actions are given the power of Black Lightning.

- Temporarily paralyzes the body of enemies hit by the Thunder Dragon's breath.

- This skill has no cooldown.

-You can grow by absorbing lightning-type skills and items.


The Thunder Dragon's Breath has been upgraded as expected.

The lightning shield, which is automatically activated when casting, was like a girdle to Hyunseong.

It was an unconditional plus for warrior players who only engage in close combat, but as Hyunseong, who conducts both close combat and long-distance combat at the same time, it often consumes only magical power.

But now the lightning shield can be freely activated at Hyunseong's will.

‘Let’s go to the dungeon.’I wanted to quickly test the newly learned skills.

* * *


Alligator bats with sharp teeth flew towards Hyunseong in unison.


Hyunseong used the thunder dragon's breath against the flocking crocodile bats.

Alligator bats were killed in an instant.

'It's good.'

The upgraded Thunder Dragon's breath was very compatible with the Vampire Ball.

The stamina and magic consumed by using the Thunder Dragon's Breath is instantly replenished by the Vampire Ball.

If it was used at the same time as the Black Lightning Shield, the consumed health and mana would have been greater than the absorbed health and mana.

However, being able to freely control the black lightning shield, it was possible to reduce the consumption of stamina and mana.

‘It’s worth stealing all the points to use.’

Hyunseong has about 3.1 billion points left.

But he didn't have to worry.

The speed of gathering has dropped a bit, but the points are still accumulating.

Hyunseong was engrossed in hunting all day.

- Unbelievable achievements - Hero ranks

-You have hunted 5,000 high-level monster crocodile bats alone.

-Achievement Reward: Title [Crocodile Bat Slayer - Hero Rank]

‘I’m tired.’

I got the title of Killer in one day.

All of this was the power of an enhanced skill.

‘Now let’s get some rest.’

His physical strength and magical powers were intact, but he felt exhausted.

Hyunseong left the dungeon and headed to the newly opened electronics store.

He was there to replenish the items sold in the meantime.

“Sister, haven’t you gone home yet?”

Hyunseong asked her older sister Choi Hyun-ji with a puzzled expression.

It was late and the store was already closed.

Choi Hyun-ji was alone guarding the empty store.

“Did you come hunting?”


"great job. It's in the warehouse, so let's go."


Hyunseong went into the warehouse to replenish the goods.

And he went out of the warehouse.

“Let’s go home together.”

At Hyunseong's words, Hyunseong Choi shook her head and pointed her finger at her chair.

“Sit down for a second. I have something to tell you."

“So you waited?”

Hyunseong Choi nodded her head at Hyunseong's question.

“What is it?”

Hyunseong asked with a puzzled expression.

When she first said she was opening an electronics store, she was puzzled, but after Hyunseong said it was a must-do, she didn't ask any more questions about it.

Due to the personality of her older sister Choi Hyun-ji, she would not have waited for her to ask the same question again.

“About what happened when you were killed.”

Choi Hyun-ji opened her mouth with a cold voice.

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