Legendary Mage

Chapter 85: The secret of rosary beads

Moline's injury was healed quickly under the treatment of Gadra Shaman, this is the second magical healing magic that Moline has seen.

The green light, like a stream of water, ran through his wound for a while, so that the wound could be completely healed, even the broken bones were fully grown.

It seems that the civilization of magic is not only for human beings, but also these orcs proud of power exist. Morin does not understand that they can accept the shaman's magic, but why can't they accept other magic?

However, Morin had already said what he was going to say, and what would happen in the future would be beyond his control.

In short, Moline has become a very respectable person of the orcs. He also temporarily settled in Gadra, while continuing to practice, while collecting the information he needed.

Half a year passed in a blink of an eye. After working hard, Mo Lin has lit nine stars in the magic spiral on his abdomen. According to Mo Lin's estimation, there are three more stars, and he can reach the third-level magician. .

Under normal circumstances, the magician is upgraded from a junior to an intermediate level, and after diligent cultivation, it will also take two years. Judging from the speed of Morin's cultivation, he can successfully advance in less than a year and a half.

All this is the effect of the special whirlpool meditation of the Eye of Esfoken.

Today, Morin's speed of cultivation is in terms of talent level, he is already between excellent and excellent.

Seeing that it was almost time for promotion, Moline also began to plan for the preparation of upgrade items for the Eye of Asphoken. First of all, what he has to do is to identify the ranks of those magic crystal nuclei.

Although, when Moline first hunted those fire-tailed red scorpions, he had already checked the map left by Skom and probably knew that the scorpions were second-level Warcraft; however, this vague information Moline could not believe.

Once these magic crystal nuclei are not second-class, and use it to upgrade the eye of Asphoken yourself, it will be a big deal.

Gadra's shaman priests also use magic crystal nuclei, so they have special personnel to identify magic crystal nuclei.

It's really random now that Moline is going in and out of Gadela. He walked on the street, and he would greet him when he met him. After so long, Morin also followed Oklah and learned to speak in orc language.

So when Morin found the shamans in the Valley of Wisdom and asked them to identify those magic crystal nuclei in orc language, the shamans happily agreed.

After the identification of these shaman priests, the magic crystal nucleus obtained by Mo Lin hunting those fire-tailed red scorpions was indeed a second-level fire crystal nucleus, so Mo Lin was relieved. Right now, all he has to collect is the magic crystal nuclei of the water system and the Austrian system.

In addition, the flame **** oil that Mo Lin needs is not available for purchase at the shaman sacrifice, because this kind of thing is the work of the alchemist, and the alchemist is a sub-branch of the magician.

To obtain this kind of **** oil, according to those orcs, only the Blackthorn City in the desert can buy it.

Blackthorn City is a small town near the sea operated by gnomes. They operate orc and human goods. At the auction house there, you can find almost anything you want.

After all these news were gathered together, he began to wonder how to figure out how to use the rosary beads.

Such a good tool for travel and escape, if it can’t be used, it really looks like a table of food is placed in front of you, but you don’t have teeth to enjoy; or a nationally sweet girl is lying in bed waiting for you, but you are not well.

What a shocking thing this will be!

Morin has also been entangled with this rosary for a long time. Since he translated the parchment at the orc at Kokal, he knew that the three items he had obtained came from a dead orc.


Now that he knows this, although he is very popular with Gadra's orcs, he dare not take it out for questioning.

Fortunately, Mo Lin could not ask clearly, but he could slowly penetrate and ask.

First of all, Morin became interested in the special runes on the Ruptured Rosary. He used the excuse of communicating knowledge with the shaman rituals to teach them the runes of human magicians and obtain them from them. Knowledge of the runes on the rosary.

In this mutual learning, Morin met an old shaman. The shaman is called Ginger, and he is also a highly respected figure in the Gadra tribe.

On this day, Maureen went to the Shaman Temple to exchange knowledge with Ginger. Inadvertently, the sky was late. The old man, Ginger, talked with Moline with enthusiasm, and had to let Moline go to his house to sit down.

Mo Lin had no choice but to help the old shaman to his house.

There is only him in Ginger’s family, and all his children died in battle with other tribes. It is no wonder that he likes Moline so much.

Arriving at Ginger's small, messy home, Morin first cleaned up the old shaman's house before chatting with him again. With Mo Lin, this Jinjier seems to be younger.

The two were talking, and Mo Lin looked up at the ornaments on the wall of the old orc's house, but he was suddenly surprised to find the same thing as the hollow rosary.

The rosary string was hanging in the center of the old orc jewelry wall. If it were not for Morin's confirmation that his rosary was still well in the space ring, he almost thought his things had been stolen by the old orc.

The old orc kept talking and talking, and slowly realized that Mo Lin's attention was not on him, and then he saw his jewelry wall with Mo Lin's sight.

"Child, what are you looking at?" the old orc asked curiously.

Morin pointed to the rosary and said, "Grandpa, I am looking at the rosary. It seems to be a magical thing. Why did you hang it there?"

The old orc glanced and suddenly said, "Oh, you said that. That thing was originally a very powerful magical thing. It's not fake, but unfortunately it has been lost for more than a hundred years. This one of mine has no effect. Furnishings."

Mo Lin was shocked when he heard it. It seems that the old orc really knew something about the rosary beads, so he asked carefully: "What did this item do?"

The old orc narrowed his muddy eyes and recalled: "Our tribe can grow as big as it is today, all because of that item. That is a magic item made by a genius shaman, it can open a course lasting thirty The portal in seconds. It is through this portal that our orc soldiers appeared on the battlefield in a haunted way, and they won the present territory. Unfortunately, the genius shaman went to the sea in search of ancient ruins in search of more powerful power, until There is no news today, it is estimated that the guest died."

Mo Lin said in his heart: your estimate is true! However, he said in his mouth: "Open a portal? It's a genius, how can he do it with such a thing?"

The old orc got up and took the rosary down and said to Morin: "No one knows how this thing is done, but I still know how to use it. Boy, look at this rune, should you know it? "

Morin looked at the rune and knew it was a positioning rune, so he nodded.

The old orc went on to say: "To use this thing, you must first use mental power to set a destination on the rune. This destination must be familiar to you, and it can correctly reflect the place in your brain. You Imprint the image of this landform on this positioning rune with mental force, and then inject enough magic power into this rosary, a portal that can reach that destination can be opened. So convenient, so simple, so practical, That's really a genius, what a pity."

He shook his head as he spoke, with a real regret on his face.

Morin did not feel so sorry, he just felt very excited. This is indeed surprisingly simple and practical, so that Mo Lin felt that he did not want to understand the key to it, it is really stupid.

"With such a thing, maybe you can accomplish those seemingly impossible things in the future, right?" Morin thought wistfully.

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