King Who Will Cross

Chapter 361: put pressure on your own government

Li Daniu understood one thing a long time ago, that is, with his own strength, even New Tuvalu can become the most powerful country on earth in terms of technology and military. Novel ん But for the overall national strength of a country, the power of a single person is ultimately limited.

The strength of a country is actually closely related to every citizen of the country.

Take GDP as an example. As the new king of Tuvalu, Li Daniu can use all kinds of black technology learned from the movie world to plunder incredible wealth from all over the world in a short period of time. But the amount of these wealth, after all, has a limit.

The annual gdp of the United States exceeds 17 trillion US dollars. Even if Li Daniu takes out all the black technologies, how can he earn 17 trillion US dollars in one year?

Of course, if he prints 17 trillion new coins himself, there must be no problem. But by that time, to what extent will the new currency depreciate?

Moreover, although he can give his nationals 3,000 US dollars a month through living subsidies, the per capita income level of the entire country can reach the forefront of the world.

But this kind of per capita income has no meaning for the gdp of the whole country.

Even, if Li Daniu hadn't set various conditions for citizens receiving living allowances, what kind of existence would the citizens of New Tuvalu become?

What is the difference between pigs and captive pigs?

How can a country where all the people are indistinguishable from pigs except for the king be considered a powerful country?

Therefore, the monthly living allowance is a bait for Li Daniu. When the population of New Tuvalu is seriously insufficient, he is responsible for attracting people from other countries to immigrate to New Tuvalu.

When the population base of New Tuvalu reaches a certain level, it is when Li Daniu starts to increase the per capita consumption expenditure of New Tuvalu.

Just like the same monthly salary, people living in Huaxia Capital are likely to live on their last days. But if you live in a second-tier or third-tier city in China, then your small life can be regarded as happiness.

But before doing this, New Tuvalu must vigorously develop its own country's business, increase domestic employment through business, and increase the income level of the whole people.

"Tourism, entertainment industry, and high-tech companies." Li Daniu said: "We should focus on developing these industries, not only because these industries are very profitable, they can generate income for the people and the government, and they will not harm the environment. Pollution. Most importantly, these industries do not require a large population base."

Compared with the traditional manufacturing industry, New Tuvalu, with its weak population base and superior natural environment, is indeed not suitable for the development of manufacturing industry.

Burns said: "There is definitely no problem with the development of tourism. After the development of our country, the tourism resources will definitely not be weaker than other countries. But the entertainment industry and high-tech companies, the current overall education level of our domestic citizens , still fall short of the requirements for the development of these industries.”

"Our nationals can't do these things. We can let people from other countries who are capable of doing these things come to our new Tuvalu to invest." Li Daniu said: "Investment, naturally, cannot be all domestic investment, even if our new Tuvalu The population of Valu reaches tens of millions, so what is it compared to the total population of the world?"

Burns said with a dazed expression: "If we want to attract foreign investors, then we must provide a superior investment environment."

"Yes, it is superior to the investment environment of any other country in the world." Li Daniu said: "However, this kind of convenience for investors must stick to the bottom line of our new Tuvalu, not just because someone comes to invest. , you can disregard the laws of our new Tuvalu, and even have differential treatment with our citizens!"

After setting the tone for attracting investment, the government led by Burns began to promulgate some preferential policies in the hope of attracting foreign investors and entrepreneurs.

But for Li Daniu, in this matter, he did not have any expectations for the government led by Burns.

How much favorable conditions can we expect a government that is short of money and people to provide? Even all the land in New Tuvalu belongs to Li Daniu, so what can they offer?

Facing the distress of Burns and others, Li Daniu did not sympathize.

"I have lent too much money to the government, and now you have developed the habit of asking me for money when you are short of money. This is not good. The infrastructure I invested in and built has been handed over to you for operation. The income is all in your pockets, and I didn't force you to pay back the money. So, from now on, you have to learn to find money yourself."

After beating away the frowning Burns, Li Daniu started his own efforts to develop new Tuvalu.

"Castro, the progress of the Royal Academy, how is it now?"

Castro was still stunned because of the rejection of Burns' application. After hearing Li Daniu's question, he came back to his senses and replied: "The infrastructure is already very complete. What is lacking now are teachers and related experiments. room equipment."

"The laboratory equipment will not be purchased for the time being. After contacting the relevant faculty members, we will purchase according to their needs." Li Daniu asked, "Are you wondering why I refused Burns' money?" and land application?"

Castro lowered his head and said, "There are indeed doubts about this, but I think your decision, His Majesty the King, must have a deep meaning."

"Profound meaning? In fact, my meaning is already very simple." Li Daniu sighed and said, "Didn't you find out? Now even those government employees are counting on the monthly living allowance to live. In this kind of Under the current state, there is definitely no problem in completing the work assigned to them. But if you want them to build something, it is simply impossible."

Castro thoughtfully said, "You mean, you want to force them to take the initiative?"

"Yes, the purpose of attracting investment is to increase the government's income level." Li Daniu said: "But as far as the current situation is concerned, they have not given full play to the profitability of those fee-charging infrastructures. Even the simplest shopping malls attract domestic investment. So far, a shopping mall has not been fully released to the Under such circumstances, even if someone comes to invest and start a business, how can they increase their income through these things?"

Castro suddenly realized, and said with some shame: "This is our fault. Before, we were too dependent on your financial assistance, so that we ignored our own ability to generate income."

"You can remind Burns that if the government keeps living beyond its means and needs to pay wages with the funds I lent them, then I will be angry."

Li Daniu hadn't thought about this before. He always felt that the government would lend it to the government if it had no money. Anyway, New Tuvalu was his. But after experiencing the life of the president of the last movie world, he discovered the seriousness of this problem.

If you want a government to play its due role, you must put pressure on it!

Castro asked suspiciously: "But, in this way, the progress of investment promotion will become very slow."

Li Daniu laughed and said: "So, I need to help them take the lead. This is why I want to build the Higher Education Department of the New Tuvalu Royal Academy as soon as possible." (To be continued.)

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