Ke Yan People In the World of Ke Xue

Chapter 1360: life is long and short

The latest website: "Wow~ It's really a magnificent villa."

The three children were amazed.

Speaking of which, apart from the previous "Emperor's Resurrected Egg" incident, this was the first time they had seen such a luxurious, magnificent, and palace-like villa.

"Yes, in this situation, going to the villa with the lights on for help is the most ideal solution."

After Conan finished speaking, he quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

...It seems that the last topic has finally been successfully bypassed.

The scapegoat for his persecution of Hui Yuanai is really too big.

Including but not limited to Genichi, Dr. Ayumi, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, Genta.

Conan felt that he really couldn't bear it.

"It feels like there are princesses and princes living in it," Yuan Tai wondered, "If we go over there, will the owner of the villa treat us to a big meal?"

"The architecture is French style, maybe it will be French cuisine." Mitsuhiko looked expectant.

Hey, didn't you guys come to camp... Conan looked helpless.

Having dreams is a good thing, but he felt that if he really came to the door with this attitude, he might not even be able to borrow the phone.

While thinking, the roar of an engine suddenly came from behind.

Ye Gengyi noticed the statuette on the front of the car... Rolls-Royce Phantom V1966.

Dr. Ali hurried over and waved his hands desperately: "Hey! Stop, please stop!"

The Rolls-Royce slowed down slowly, and finally stopped in front of several people. The window was lowered, and a man with short brown hair, inverted triangle eyes and a mustache on the chin protruded from the driver's seat.

He was wearing a white sweater and a black brushed coat, and before he spoke, he brushed his hair coquettishly and said:

"Is there a problem?"

"Excuse me."

Dr. A Li said sincerely: "Can I trouble you to drive us to a nearby gas station?"

"Oh? That's fine, but..."

The man glanced at several people and asked with a smile, "Why are you here?"

"It's like this. We planned to go camping in the camping area earlier, but the car just ran out of gas, and the mobile phone couldn't receive the signal."

Dr. A Li scratched his head embarrassingly, "Just when we were at a loss, you just happened to be driving by here, sir."

"Oh, that's what happened."

The man paused for a moment, and his expression, which was not very gentle, suddenly showed a hint of ferocity and mocking 'haha' and laughed loudly:

"Hahaha...then you just wait here for the rest of your life, old man! Ahhahaha..."


After speaking, he stepped on the accelerator.

The taillights of the Rolls-Royce quickly disappeared at the corner of Huanshan Road.

330·51-41... Ye Gengyi wrote down the other party's license plate number.

"What does this guy mean!"

"That's right, it's too annoying!"

"I don't want to be such an adult in the future!"

The three children are filled with righteous indignation here.

Conan said helplessly: "There is no way, maybe we have to ask that annoying ghost later..."

"Huh?! Why?" Mitsuhiko was surprised.

"Because that Rolls-Royce is the favorite antique model of the rich..."

Conan looked up and looked in the direction of the villa, and explained: "I will drive that kind of scary car with high maintenance costs to come here for a ride. If there is no accident, the other party built a villa in this kind of deep mountain. Rich people."

"I don't want it!" Ayumi was the first to object.

"Don't ask that kind of guy again." Yuan Tai agreed.

"That is to say," Mitsuhiko nodded repeatedly, "Even if you don't go to the gas station below to buy gasoline, if you wait and see, it may not be long before other cars pass by!"

"You guys wait here, I'll go." Ye Geng said without any ups and downs.

"Eh?! Brother Gengyi, are you going?"

The three children had all sorts of weird expressions.

Even Conan showed a slightly astonished expression... Didn't I expect Genichi to choose himself for them, and then face that guy with an obviously bad attitude?

Look, he knew that Brother Gengyi was the kind of guy who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Ye Geng let out a soft 'oh', and added in his heart... When he went to that villa to step on the spot, it just so happened that the little detective had no place to vent his emotions about having put Akai Shuichi in rashly, so now he has a goal.

"Let's go together."

Hui Yuanai suddenly said: "Even if that person is driving a luxury car, he may not necessarily be the owner of that villa. If it's just a drop in, it doesn't matter if we try our luck together."

"Xiao Ai is right, let's go together."

Dr. A Li comforted the children, "Anyway, it will take less than half an hour to walk there. As long as you can borrow a phone, everyone can still go camping happily."

Don't make trouble... Ye Gengyi's mood improved slightly.

He didn't want to be scolded, but instead he was cared by the doctor and Xiao Ai.

"Anyway, just leave the car here and turn on the double flashing lights. It's getting dark soon, and the flashlight is in the pocket behind the driver's seat."

Hui Yuanai didn't give Ye Gengyi a chance to refuse, said, then looked at Mitsuhiko and said, "Can you go and get it?"

"Okay, I'll get it~" Mitsuhiko happily ran into the car.

This child is hopeless... Ye Geng shook his head calmly.


Conan approached Hui Yuanai and said in a low voice, "Why do you have such an attitude, do you really think you are Her Majesty the Queen?"

"Oh, does it look similar?" Hui Yuanai asked coldly.

"Please, if you have always been like this, you will definitely arouse Gengyi's suspicion! At least, let's go camping happily today, why..."


Conan didn't finish his sentence.

The roaring sound suddenly exploded at the top of the quiet Huanshan Road,

The ground shook slightly.

In the direction of the villa at the end of the line of sight, a thick cloud of smoke and dust accompanied by fire, shot straight into the sky!


The little Rolls-Royce fell from the sky and just rolled to Ye Gengyi's feet.

"This...could it be the man just now!"

Conan's expression changed in horror, and he took a sudden step to run along the Huanshan Road to the explosion site.

He was fast, and Ye Gengyi moved even faster.

After a detective grabbed the detective boy by the collar, Ye Gengyi carried him, turned and walked down the mountain, and said, "Some people's life is really short. Let's go, let's go buy gasoline."

"Brother Gengyi! Let me go! Let me go!"

Conan struggled constantly, his two short legs kept pounding back and forth in the air, but it was a pity that he couldn't break free from someone's restraint.

"If you make trouble again, I'll tie you up." Ye Gengyi threatened. UU reading www.uukanshu. com


Conan froze.

For some reason, he instinctively felt that Brother Geng could do it.

"I...I know that person's attitude just now is very annoying, but now an accident happened above!"

Conan paused, and continued to persuasion: "There is still such a possibility. For example, his car was originally carrying a bomb, and he deliberately refused to help us with bad words before. In fact, he didn't want us to be affected by the bomb... Uh…"

When he said this, he thought of the face of that man before, and he couldn't make it up anymore.

"Oh, that's how it is…"

Ye Geng nodded and said, "Since he is such a good person, let's not disappoint his kindness."

Conan: "..."

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