Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 941: God Killer Armor VS Creation God

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The Creation God laughed infinitely and said, "Sure enough, IQ is still not enough. I have told you that it takes a million attacks like this for you to kill me. Do you still do this?"

As soon as his voice fell, thousands of shadows appeared in the surrounding space.

Every shadow quickly condensed into a set of Godkiller armor.

Including the body of the Godkiller armor, there are a thousand sets.

At the same time, Wang Fan's voice came: "In this case, if a thousand suits attack at the same time, each suit only needs a thousand times."

Then, each suit of armor threw out the chains of magma and attacked the **** of creation.


Every time the chain was thrown, the body of the creation **** was opened.

In order not to burn his whole body cleanly, the creation **** had to separate this one.

The attack speed of this thousand suit armor is extremely fast, and the body of the creation **** is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Chuangshi Shen was a little surprised: "Those who dare to challenge me are really capable."

After a few minutes, the body of the creation **** was cut to pieces by the chains of magma.

If this continues, I am afraid that in more than twenty minutes, his body will be completely consumed.

However, at this moment, the creation **** said: "Although you are a little capable, you are nothing more."

With that, his body quickly formed a black vortex.

The black vortex kept spinning, and any particles in the surrounding space were swallowed by the vortex.

Even the armored clones of the Godkillers were swallowed by him.

Lin Yi quickly took control of the armor and those clones, and fled tens of thousands of kilometers away by teleporting, only then did he escape the catastrophe.

They explored with biological tracking and found that 10,000 kilometers away, the huge whirlpool in the creation god's chest was constantly devouring everything around him.

Under this huge pulling force, the star closest to him was also pulled over, and then completely swallowed.

Although everyone knew that he had this ability, when he saw a huge star in person and was swallowed by him, the five of them were still extremely shocked.

After the creation **** swallowed the star, his body soared to a height of hundreds of kilometers.

Inside his huge body, laughed disdainfully: "Hahahaha...As a creation god, I can swallow everything in the universe and turn it into myself, including every planet. You want to rely on that. What hell-breaking fire consumes my body? It's a joke."

While talking, he teleported directly and came to the armor of the Godkiller.

Afterwards, his body gradually condensed into a solid body from a cloud shape-it looked like a body made of rock.

A smirk of disdain appeared in his mouth: "Since you want to use primitive attack methods, then I will play with you."

With that, his huge fist, which was ten kilometers in diameter, blasted towards the armor of the Godkiller.

Its speed is so fast that the armor of the Godslayer has no time to escape, and even no time to teleport.

The only thing Godkiller armor can do is to stretch out his arms and block the punch.


This fist struck the armored arms of the Godkiller.

The armor of the Godslayer flew upside down for hundreds of kilometers.

At the place where the fists and arms intersect, a shock wave spread out quickly, spreading out a full diameter of more than 100,000 kilometers.

Within this range of more than 100,000 kilometers, there happens to be a planet.

After the planet was hit by the shock wave, it exploded directly, like a huge splendid firework.

The armored arms of the Godslayer were also broken by the blast, braving a huge flame.

Fortunately, the armor of the godslayer is in the form of a ghost knight.

Under the burning of hellfire, the broken arms quickly regrouped and recovered.

The creation **** teleported to the front of the armor of the godslayer, and smiled: "Okay, it can be restored? It seems we can have a good time. I am not afraid that you are strong, but you are too fragile. Can't afford to punch me twice. That would be no fun."

As he said, he kicked the armor of the godslayer.

Once again, the armor of the Godslayer had his arms blocked.


Same as before, it was the result of being bombarded again.

His arms were broken again, and then they were reorganized again.

Boom boom boom boom -

The Earth Creation God punched and punched, blasting towards the armor of the Godslayer.

Whether it is the armor body of the Godkiller, but the other clones, under the punch after punch of this creation god, they are constantly being blasted into pieces, but they are constantly being reorganized again.

In the universe, one shock wave after another spread.

As the shock wave spread, the surrounding planets exploded one by one.

Inside the armor of the godslayer, Lin Yi said: "This is not the way to go, we only have to be passively beaten."

Ai Li smiled and said, "Our passivity is not being beaten."

As he said, his blood-colored lightning began to appear, and quickly formed a layer of blood-red armor on his body. On the surface of the armor, blood-red lightning continued to flash.

This is the scarlet lightning armor formed by the condensation of scarlet lightning.

At the same time, a blood-red lightning appeared in the right hand of the armor of the godslayer.

This blood-red lightning quickly enveloped the entire body of the God-killer armor, and finally condensed into a layer of blood-red armor on the body of the God-killer armor.

It was originally armor, but now a suit of armor is worn outside.

On this huge blood-red armor, blood-red lightning lingers from time to time.

When the **** of creation saw it, he sneered twice, and blasted at the armor of the godslayer with another punch.

Now, with the bonus of Scarlet Lightning, the speed of Godkiller's armor has been greatly improved.

Its attack speed is barely able to catch up with the creation god.

It raised its left arm and directly punched Chuangshi Shen - at this time, its left arm did not break.

At the same time it clenched its right fist and blasted towards the **** of creation.


This fist hit the Chuangshi God's chest, and the Chuangshi God was blasted back hundreds of kilometers.

A blood-red shock wave spread, and a nearby planet was directly destroyed in the shock wave.

This blow succeeded, and the armor of the Godkiller was like a chicken blood, and quickly pursued the God of Creation.

The Creation God quickly wanted to escape, but it was too late.


This punch once again slammed Chuangshi Shen back hundreds of kilometers away.

In the process of retreating, he crashed into a planet.

Then, the armor of the Godkiller punched punch after punch, constantly blasting towards the creation god.

The creation **** was blasted back again and again.

At his speed, he can't even dodge the fist of this suit of armor?

"What a weird armor!"

Chuangshi Shen said, carefully observing the suit armor.

In the end, his gaze fell on the blood-red lightning that passed from time to time on the surface of the suit.

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