I’m Making Equipment In Wasteland

Chapter 85: So ugly and deformed

  The basic college is very important to the 0860 underground city. The existence of the basic college represents a steady stream of professionals and represents the foundation of the 0860 future.

   If such a guy is allowed to sneak into the Basic Academy, those students are likely to be brutally killed.

   But more questions follow, and logically speaking, you shouldn’t be the only one responsible for such a task...

   Jiang Liu thought for a long time, but didn't figure out why he would let himself perform this task alone.

   He touched his chin and looked at the mail room thoughtfully, and then asked: "Teacher Alice, you said that the other party sneaked into the Basic Academy. Can you tell me where the other party entered the Basic Academy at that time?"

Alice pointed to a distance and said: "The other party seems to be very familiar with the basic academy, and the speed is very fast. I just passed and rushed into the academy." Alice thought for a moment. NS."

   After listening to Jiang Liu, the brain is running fast. There is a trail at the back door of the Basic College. Generally, students in the Basic College would not know this trail at all.

   It seems that Alice’s statement may not be wrong. The other party is quite familiar with the Basic Academy, but this does not mean that the other party may be a member of the Basic Academy. It may also be an investigation of the Basic Academy beforehand.

   "I know the specifics." Jiang Liu looked around and said in a deep voice, "Everyone is gone. If you need your cooperation in the future, I will notify you as soon as possible."

   Surrounded by teachers from the Elementary School, they scattered after hearing the words, and their faces were very embarrassing.

  The occurrence of such a tragedy in the Basic College is actually a big trouble for the Basic College.

   The crowd gradually dispersed, but Alice and Chen Jianyu did not leave.

   Chen Jianyu looked at Jiang Liu and said: "Jiang Liu, I heard that there have been many tragedies on the 005 floor. It was the same as Uncle Li's death. I heard that the members of Eye of Heaven did it."

   The ruthless iron hand provided a very crucial clue, and at least provided Jiang Liu with a direction for the next case review.

   "Thanks, Teacher Chen." Jiang Liu said with a smile.

   Chen Jianyu waved his hand and said: "Yes, you are my student, I'm leaving."

   Chen Jianyu turned and left. Jiang Liu had a black line on his forehead. He was indeed a ruthless iron hand. No matter what, he was so cold.

   Alice looked at Jiang Liu and stopped talking.

   Damn, this woman even puts on makeup at night?

   Jiang Liu noticed Alice's dress, a black windbreaker wrapped her body, her chest bulged, revealing a faint touch of whiteness, and her lower body was wearing boots and black mesh stockings.

   Jiangliu looks a little weird. In the evening, when I go out in this suit, I always feel strange.

   Alice also felt Jiang Liu's weird gaze, her face turned red, and then she gave Jiang Liu a blank eye.

   "What do you look at! Look again and goug your eyes out."

  Alice was quite screaming, Jiang Liu couldn't help but smile and said: "Teacher Alice, there is a curfew now, and there is no balance in the dungeon. Where are you going? Why don't I find someone to send you there?"

   Alice shook her head and said, "No, I'm leaving now, Diana..."

   Alice's words stopped abruptly, and she seemed to reveal something by accident.


   Jiangyan felt as if he had accidentally heard some great rumors, and then carefully thought about all the things before Alice.

   A series of news were strung together immediately, recalling the cold-eyed look of Teacher Alice to any suitors of the opposite **** before, Diana was so special to Alice.

   These two people are a couple together.

   Jiang Liu's mind has already appeared in the picture of Alice and Diana.

   "What do you think?! Hurry up and go." Alice said with a reddened face and angrily.

   Alice left in a hurry, Jiang Liu stared at the mail room in front of him, and slowly walked into the mail room, Jiang Liu opened the equipment bag he wrote with him.

   Ten minutes later, Jiang Liuzai carefully investigated the entire receiving room. In addition to the corpse information, Jiang Liu found a black notebook in the receiving room.

   This notebook is an old object. The paper inside is extremely yellow, and the surface is wrapped in black leather. This looks like an imitation of the old era.

   Jiang Liu slowly opened the notebook, and he was a little scribbled and messy in the notebook, but he could still see it roughly.

   This is Uncle Li's diary. The diary started two years ago. The previous records are basically the daily life of him and his wife.

   But a few chapters later attracted Jiang Liu's attention.

   April 15

   Shufen's illness has committed again. I wanted to take her to the hospital, but she refused and told me that it was an old problem. But I know that Shufen has been coughing up blood in the past few days, but she still hid it and didn't tell me.

   No, I have to take her to the hospital earlier.

   April 26

   I specifically asked for leave. Shufen has been unable to get out of bed recently, and finally agreed to take her to the hospital.

   Shufen got lung cancer, but fortunately the cancer cells have not metastasized yet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ only one clone lung transplant operation is needed.

   But the operation requires one hundred thousand nuts, and I don’t have that much money at all.

   Damn consortium! A group of garbage! A pair of cloned lungs cost only a few thousand nuts, but they actually want so much! ! !

  May 15

   I borrowed loan sharks, and sold my residence and the weapons I used when I was young. Finally I made up one hundred thousand nuts, Shufen, you will be well soon.

   May 16

  The doctor told me that the cancer cells have metastasized, not only need to change the lungs, but it is also best to perform visceral reconstitution surgery, so that Shufen’s cancer can be completely resolved.

  The operation that can be used for visceral reconstitution requires 10 million yuan.

   I have no money at all...

   The diary stopped abruptly at this point, and it was not without follow-up. The paper after this has been soaked in blood, and it is impossible to continue browsing.

   Jiang Liu looked complicated and closed the notebook.

   There is only one real disease in this world, and that is the disease of poverty.

   The evil of human nature is beyond imagination. Uncle Li should have fallen into the trap that the other party has planned for a long time. The hospital and doctors want to drain the last drop of oil and water on Uncle Li. For them, this is just an extra income.

   But for Uncle Li, it was a break in the sky.

   Uncle Li rest in peace, I will find the murderer for you.

   The dungeon shrouded in the night was chilly, Jiang Liu narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance. This was not the first time he had seen the filth and sordidness of the Federation, nor would it be the first time.

   But at this moment, he really wants to do something to change this federation. This world shouldn't be like this.

   shouldn't be so deformed and ugly.


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