

Lin Nian stared at Ange's expression again and again, and after making sure that the other person was not joking, he hesitated and said, "Isn't this inappropriate?"

"Why is it inappropriate?" Ange crossed his legs, his index fingers and thumbs of his hands overlapped and looked at Lin Nian slightly: "Are you uncomfortable being told that you are going to travel far away?"

"I have never been to Japan." Lin Nian said: "My knowledge of that country is only about cherry blossoms, Mount Fuji and Akihabara."

"It's normal to be scared because of unfamiliarity." Angers said: "Then have you thought about what you will gain from going there? You look weird. Do you reject Japan? Do you still have national complex? Bad past events?”

"I don't know why." Lin Nian shook his head: "I always think that place in Japan is weird. I don't feel anything when I see it on TV, but when I talk about going there, I always feel that something is wrong."

"Japan is a beautiful place, with hot springs, cherry blossoms and neon lights that never go out all night long. It is also the only place I know that can improve your control over Setsuna." Angers said: "Aga, who is also the head of the Inuyama family, His control over Setsuna is the most outstanding I have ever seen after Viscount Charlotte, and he is the only one among the current mixed-races who is qualified to teach you. Letting others come is just a mistake."

"But I don't have a passport." Lin Nian said, "I don't even have an ID card. The Internet cafes I went to before were all black Internet cafes. Principal, do you know the black Internet cafes?"

"Black Internet cafe?" Angers didn't quite understand this new term.

"It's the kind of Internet cafe that allows minors to enter and surf the Internet. They let us sit in the back row. When the police came, the network management let us sneak out through the back door." Lin Nian explained.

"It sounds very life-like." Anger nodded: "The school can help you prepare your passport and ID card. I will personally call the Japanese branch and tell them that they will send an exchange student to train for a period of time. "

"How long is a period of time?"

"One month? Two months? Maybe until the first year freshman enrolls in the second half of the year. It all depends on you." Angers smiled.

"Principal, are you in a hurry?" Lin Nian asked after being silent for a while.

"Why do you say that?" Angers' hand holding the bone china cup paused.

“It feels like the atmosphere in the entire school is very anxious now,” Lin Nian said, “It’s like a university that is about to be disbanded and can’t wait to show off its employment rate.”

Angers was quiet for a while, and then burst into laughter: "Can even a 16-year-old child who entered the academy see the current situation?"

Lin Nian said nothing and waited quietly for the next words. Ange shook his head and continued: "You are right. Specifically speaking, it is not that I am in a hurry, but that the entire secret party is in an anxious atmosphere. With Metaphorically speaking, your hometown is: an ant on a hot pot."

"Why? It seems to me now that the secret party has a lot of energy. You can even make the police chief of a big city obey orders, and block a major hospital in a key city with just one phone call. You have almost controlled the top level in the world. With such power, why would a secret party with such capital be an 'ant on the hot pot'?" Lin Nian was puzzled.

"That's because you haven't met our real enemy yet." Ange said softly: "Dangerous hybrids are just 'mixes'. No matter how crazy and ruthless they are, they are still our kind. When you face the real enemy, Only then will you know how fragile the power and strength that the secret party has always been proud of is in the face of real 'power'."

"Are pure-blooded dragons so strong?" Lin Nian couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"When one day you meet one of them, it can be the second generation, or even the third generation. When you face them directly, you will understand what I mean today." Angers said: "We need real Weapon', a 'weapon' capable of resisting dragons. It can be the Sword of Damocles hanging in the air, or it can be Moses walking in the world and controlling divine power. These 'weapons' are bound to give the secret party peace of mind. Let them sleep well at night, otherwise we will be in chaos before the Dragon King really wakes up."

"I am also one of the 'weapons'." Lin Nian raised his head and said.

"Every hybrid that can be rated as 'S' level is a precious 'weapon', but you still lack polishing, like a new knife that has not been sharpened. You have been silent for too long in the past sixteen years. Minions that have not been polished for a long time will become dull, so I suggest you go to Japan, which is the best whetstone for you." Angers nodded.

"I'm afraid I don't have that much awareness," Lin Nian said.

"You will have it." Ange said calmly: "When you have met a Dragon King who truly holds power, you will know that blindly escaping and hiding your ears will not be of any use. They are all vengeful devils, who have been fighting since the cradle. After awakening, there will be fire from the sky, floods, and cracks in the earth, plunging the entire world into hell. No one will be able to live safely, and everything you cherish will turn into ashes."

Lin Nian was slightly startled, looking down at the floating phantom reflected in the tea. The ripples disturbed the blurry figures.

"It's still early." Ange pinched the ring of the bone china cup and said softly: "While you haven't lost anything yet, if you wait until that day comes, you will only regret that you don't have enough strength to take revenge. Things will only give you the motivation to move forward, but they will not restore anything you have already lost."

"It seems that I have a reason to go to Japan." After a long time, Lin Nian nodded: "To be honest, I also have a lot of doubts about the use of 'setsuna', and it would be best to have a teacher to teach me."

"I'm glad you can figure it out." The principal smiled slightly: "Inuyama Ga is my student. I will call him and ask him to take good care of you."

"Our college is called Kassel. What is the name of the school in Japan?" Lin Nian suddenly remembered something.

"The system in Japan is not an academy system. Kassel is the only place that uses the academy as a carrier to educate new mixed-race species." Angers said: "The atmosphere in the Japanese branch is much more rigorous than ours. They are based on The form of 'club' is hidden in society. Specifically, it is like a company with clear upper and lower levels, and each department performs its own duties, just like the equipment department, execution department, etc. of our college."

"Oh, club." Lin Nian nodded in confusion, but he vaguely felt that the name was a bit strange. And the principal's student Inuyama Ga was called the head of the family? Does Japan still practice the family system now?

"During this period of freshman year, you have basically taken the courses. It is considered to be a preparatory class. When school starts in the second half of this year, your age will probably be almost the same as that of the next freshmen. By then, you will It’s not too late to start the class officially.” Angers said: “If I remember correctly, your instructor was Professor Manstein, right?”

"I am the tutor you personally assigned to Manstein, the principal." Lin Nian smiled helplessly.

"It's just a starter." Angre smiled: "He is very satisfied with your performance in this war practice class, but he strongly accuses you of not getting the reward you deserve - after all, you are not officially in the class yet and don't have a transcript. , your grades are of no use to you, so after his appeal, the school board decided to grant you a one-year scholarship in advance to show its optimism and encouragement for you."

"Oh?" Lin Nian was full of energy.

"Anyway, traveling to Japan costs money," Ange said casually while drinking tea. Halfway through, he noticed that Lin Nian's eyesight became strange. He explained in a leisurely manner: "Of course air tickets, accommodation, food and transportation are all at public expense, but you buy souvenirs and so on. , although my official position is that the principal holds some power, it is really difficult to reimburse you, because the bill you receive will be handed over to the school board by me, and you don’t want those old guys to spy on you through the reimbursement. Privacy fetish or something.”

"I don't have any privacy habits." Lin Nian Nian blushed.

"It's okay if you don't have it." The principal took a sip of tea and thought to himself, maybe your browsing history that the vice-principal shows to him every day is fake?

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