The flight landed at Chicago International Airport. Lin Nian and Lin Xian got off the plane and passed through the immigration gate. But before they could pick up their luggage, they were suddenly blocked by a group of people.

A group of fashionably dressed young people came towards us holding red banners and LED signs. They screamed and cheered along the way. This shocked Lin Nian: "What kind of plane is this?"

Lin Xian was just startled for a moment, then pulled Lin Nian away. As expected, these fanatical young people were not coming for them. The blond girl sitting in front of Lin Nian in the first class cabin behind them was now wearing a mask. Surrounded by several black men, the strong man who looked like a bodybuilding coach was clearing the way for the blonde girl, blocking everyone who tried to come over and touch the blonde girl at close range.

"It turns out I'm picking up celebrities." Lin Nian breathed a sigh of relief.

"How about I pick you up? Actually, I quite support your debut." Lin Xian smiled.

In the lobby leaving the airport, many people held signs with names. Some picked up "Jackson", some picked up "Ayase", and some picked up "Jin Taeyan", but I didn't see those picking up Lin Nian and Lin Xian. .

In fact, the sign Lin Nian saw the most while scanning was "Carlisle Cappe" held by the star-chasing fans. He then remembered that the recent popular American TV series "The Hunt" was about a group of young people in Texas who were kidnapped by a madman. I went to a farmland to play a battle royale game. In it, a very heroic female supporting character was this "Carlisle Cape". Her blond hair and beautiful face attracted many fans around the world.

"Celebrities are treated very well. I heard that you can make a lot of money just by accepting any endorsement." Lin Nian stood by the luggage carousel in the center of the hall, waiting for their bags while looking at the people not far away who were wrapped in layers of fans and couldn't move. Blonde girl.

"But it's quite hard." Lin Xian said.

"It's been quite hard for me too." Lin Nian sighed: "Do you think I can sell it to those crazy fans if I squeeze in and grab an autographed photo? Maybe I can eat better for lunch today."

"Don't be so shabby. Your sister and I just settled my salary when I resigned a few days ago. I can afford to treat you to a big dinner." Lin Xian reached out and rubbed Lin Nian's hair vigorously.

"But then again, fans are so crazy now. Look at that man, he rushed in holding a sign." Lin Nian looked at a tall man with a beard in the crowd, holding up his hands and quickly writing "Carlisle" "Cape, the love of my life" was written on the white board, and I couldn't help but laugh when I tried my best to dig into it.

The blonde girl's bodyguard was also startled by this bear-like guy, probably because he was frightened by the physique of this passionate fan. This bearded man might have a better future as a kidnapper than as a fan.

The blonde girl couldn't restrain the guy's enthusiasm, so she could only take the oil-based pen and sign his name on his white shirt. Only then did the bearded man withdraw from the crowd with satisfaction, put down the whiteboard and erased it. I changed the words on it, re-wrote something, shrunk it and held it in the corner.

This bearded man was so eye-catching that Lin Nian couldn't help but take another look, but he glanced at the whiteboard inadvertently and couldn't take his eyes away anymore, because it read: [Welcome to Chicago, Lin Nian Year, Lin Xian]

The names of himself and Lin Xian were specially written in Chinese. Although the fonts looked like turtles crawling, they were at least recognizable.

"No way." Lin Nian couldn't help but take another look at the bearded man nestled in the corner. He was nearly 1.9 meters tall, and his hair looked gray and unwashed. The collar of the plaid shirt was even stained with ketchup.

There is a saying, if this guy squats at the entrance of the airport with this look, he can at least collect enough money to squat at Burger King in one day.

Lin Nian didn't know if this guy was a dog. It had only been a few seconds since his eyes were focused. The other person noticed that someone was looking at him. He turned around and saw Lin Nian and Lin Xian's eyes lit up and they waved the sign, "Grid". Carlisle Cappe's signature on the white T-shirt underneath is particularly eye-catching, and the overall look is particularly joyful.

When the luggage arrived at the carousel, Lin Nian carried the big bag and Lin Xian carried the small bag. They walked over and said hello: "Senior brother?"

"Fingel von Flins, a student of Kassel College. You must be the junior brother that Junior Sister Mandy asked me to pick up, right? Nice to meet you." Bearded Brother Hu put down the whiteboard and came to hold Lin Nian's hand. Hands, speaking fluent Chinese: "You just got off the plane, right? Thank you for your hard work, thank you for your hard work."

Lin Nianxin said it’s not hard work, no matter how hard it is, how could it be as hard as yours? While picking up the plane, he also worked part-time to chase stars.

As if he noticed Lin Nian staring at his T-shirt, Fingel tugged on his T-shirt and said, "I'm not a star chaser. This is an autograph for other juniors in the school. I'm a soft-hearted person, so I'm really recruiting." I can't stand the pleading eyes of the school girls."

Lin Nian looked at the white T-shirt that was wet with the sweat of the macho man, and it was difficult to imagine the junior fellow student's expression after getting the autograph. Should he feel like he had found a treasure or abandon it like a piece of shit.

"Thank you, Brother Fingel, for coming all the way to pick us up. I am Lin Nian's sister." Lin Xian raised her head and said to Fingel. The guy in front of her was 1.88 meters tall and she had to raise her head to speak.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Professor Manstein told me the specific situation. I will take you to the CC1000 Express." This guy came forward to help Lin Xian carry the small bag and shook hands. He hung the small bag on his thick arm and showed a smile that he thought was chic and charming.

"Senior Brother Fingel, thank you for your hard work, but I still want to ask, is there anything I should pay attention to before enrolling?" Lin Nian inadvertently stepped in between Fingel and Lin Xian to separate them.

"No, the entrance training will be completed on the train. It is nothing more than a detailed introduction to our college's customs and customs, and then let you decide whether to enroll." Fingel said: "I heard that you are only 16 years old, right? At this age Very few enroll in school.”

"To be precise, I'll be 17 this year, and I'll be 18 next year."

"Have you two had lunch? Fast food on the plane must be terrible, right? I know there is a Burger King nearby that tastes good." Fingel rubbed his hands.

"It's okay. There's no need to delay. Professor Manstein booked first class. The fast food tastes pretty good." Lin Nian and Lin Xian rejected Fingel's dinner invitation in unison, because they were keenly aware of the two's rich experience. This guy is trying to steal their lunch.

"Then forget it." Fingel was stunned for a moment and had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​taking advantage of the junior students who had not yet entered school.

After leaving the airport, Fingel took Lin Nian and the two of them on the subway for more than ten stops, then walked two blocks to the train station.

Looking at the majestic dome of the Chicago train station, Lin Nian couldn't help but feel much better about this senior brother.

At least the other person was conscientious in leading the way - the key is that Brother Fingel saves money enough. If he can take the subway, he will never take a taxi. If he can walk, he will never take the bus. The travel expenses are perfectly reduced to less than two US dollars per person!

Feeling the approving looks from Lin Nian and Lin Xian, Fingel was moved and said that he would be even more moved if the junior could give the senior a Coke.

Finally, after Lin Nian was willing to spend money to give him a cup of Coke and a free burger, he even took the initiative to take several big bags from Lin Nian and hang them on his body. Compared with Lin Nian who derogated himself as a mule before getting on the plane, the big bags In his small package, he really looks more like a good horse.

Lin Nian and Fingel chatted a lot along the way, mostly about the college. Lin Nian had a lot of doubts about Kassel College. Now that he met another student from Kassel, he was still a veteran, so he must have thought Find out more before enrolling.

"Which mentor does Senior Brother Fingel follow in school?" Lin Nian asked.

"Professor Guderian is an interesting old man. Everyone respects him, but he is a little off-kilter occasionally." Fingel tapped his temple: "I suspect that his old illness has not recovered. He and Manstein Because the professor is a patient."


"They came from the same mental hospital."

Fingel was so speechless that he kept dying. For a moment, Lin Nian wanted to turn around and take a plane back to China.

"Is the school far from the city?" Lin Nian asked, suppressing the fear in his heart. He was mainly worried that Cassel College was actually a famous mental hospital in Chicago. Manstein and Mandy came to interview him. In fact, he was a patient who escaped from inside! .

"It's a bit far. Professor Manstein should have said when he introduced it to you that our school is in the mountains. At the beginning of each semester, you can only take the CC1000 express train to get there. Otherwise, you can only go in by helicopter."

Well, the mental hospital in the mountains feels more like a horror movie.

"You have actually missed the first day of the off-duty semester. This express train was specially sent by Professor Manstein to pick you up. Otherwise, if you are not of high class, you will have to wait for the next train in a few days." Fingel took a sip of Coca-Cola and took out a grease-stained grid from his arms and showed it to Lin Nian.

The start list had the school emblem of the Half-Dead World Tree and a clear start time. It looked quite formal. This made Lin Nian calm down and not drag Lin Xian away, but he still noticed Finger. Some weird words in my speech: "Did you just say class?"

Fingel bit his Coca-Cola straw and said: "Our school is an aristocratic school, so it naturally follows the aristocratic system, just like the fifth-class British knighthood. Some people with higher class will enjoy better special treatment in school. Higher class people Students can ask the kitchen to work overtime in the evening and deliver midnight snacks to you. Of course, there are also some people who are like serfs. They eat whatever is given in the cafeteria and can continue to work in the fields as long as they don’t starve to death.”

"Senior brother, what class are you from?"

"Senior brother, I have also experienced glory before."

"I understand." Lin Nian nodded and asked no more questions.

Without saying a word, Fingel led the three people to swipe their magnetic card tickets and entered the waiting hall. Lin Nian wanted to see the timetable, but Fingel directly pulled him and walked to the VIP channel: "Professor Manstein should wait. It’s too late, the bus should be there as soon as you land, so go this way and get on the bus directly.”

"So convenient." Lin Nian looked back at the crowded crowd in the waiting hall. On the contrary, there were only a few people in the VIP aisle. He couldn't help feeling that it would be so convenient during the Spring Festival.

Fingel led them through the VIP channel. Standing in front of the ticket gate was a man wearing a dark green conductor uniform, holding a card machine in his hand and watching them approach with a smile.

"Mr. Lin Nian, the train has been waiting for a long time." The conductor called out Lin Nian's name. It seemed that Fingel was right. This train was indeed here to pick him up.

"Is this also from Kassel College?" Lin Nian was a little surprised.

"Graduate of Kassel College, Class of 1998, Department of History." The conductor said with a smile.

Lin Nian and Lin Xian looked at each other. It seemed that the Cassel College assignment was true. At least they saw a graduate assignment student in the Chicago train station.

"And me." Fingel was a little dissatisfied that the conductor didn't mention his name: "After finally walking through the VIP channel, can't you enjoy the privilege of being respected?"

"Fingel, can you earn enough points to graduate successfully this year? I heard that the college is considering downgrading your grade again." The conductor watched Fingel swipe the ticket, and the card machine turned on with a green light and beeped. A sound.

"I'm already at 'E' level. Isn't 'E' level the lowest level in the academy? Can I still cut through the floor?" Fingel grimaced.

"The Equipment Department can dig through the Well of Annihilation, but you may not be able to dig through the floor. It is said that they are planning to add a new 'F' level. You should be honored to be the one who refreshes the lower limit of the rating every time." The conductor said.

"It turns out that serfs are not my bottom line yet. Can I still transform into a mule academy and take care of the mules' meals?"

"It depends on whether the staff serving you food in the canteen is Turkish or not," the conductor said.

"Only the Turk named Avanti likes mules! Other Turks only like donkey meat burned!" Fingel shouted dissatisfied, and it seemed that he had successfully transformed himself into a mule.

Lin Nian crossed the ticket across the card machine. The green light turned on and the card machine sounded a rhythmic beep.

"It's actually an 'A' class. Sure enough, Professor Manstein's wait was worth it." The conductor's eyes brightened, he turned around and stopped talking to Fingel.

"'A' level? Junior brother, you are very developed. I have always heard from Mandy that you are very good, but I didn't expect that you are actually an 'A' level." Fingel also looked very surprised.

"Is A level the highest?" Lin Nian asked curiously.

"There is an 'S' grade on it, but only the principal is an 'S' grade," Fingel explained.

"No, not just that, there are more in the 'S' class, but no more than ten." The conductor corrected, raising his finger and shaking his head.

"Could it be those guys on the school board?" Fingel asked doubtfully, "Can those old guys still abuse their power to increase their authority?"

Lin Xian crossed the ticket, and a "ding" sound sounded after the green light turned on.

The conductor glanced at her in surprise and said, "There are actually new employees."

"Employee?" Fingel looked at Lin Xian for a moment, thinking that both of them were freshmen.

"Specially appointed by Professor Manstein." Lin Nian explained to Lin Xian.

"The college has rarely hired external employees in recent years." The conductor nodded.

"I remember the last time we hired external employees, they were from the Navy SEALs," Fingel said.


Lin Nian was stunned for a moment. What kind of school would hire those thugs as employees? Is it used as a security guard? He thought about it but didn't ask, and Fingel and the conductor didn't explain.

The conductor took the three people onto the platform. The dark high-speed train stopped on the rails, with silver-white vine-like lines extending back from the front of the train. Normal trains do not have these lines. This decoration is more like being processed by young people who love street art in the Chicago area. It is just that the CC1000 express trains are decorated with more master-level characters.

In front of the only open door of the gorgeous car, a light dazzled Lin Nian's eyes. After looking at it, he realized that it was Professor Manstein standing in the sun and looking at him.

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