Su Xiaoqiang, Lin Nian's classmate and the initiator of tonight's hot pot dinner, was beyond Lin Nian's expectation to meet him here.

"Why didn't you go by car in this weather? It's far away from the hot pot restaurant. Come on, get in the car!" Su Xiaoqiang was stunned for a moment and then came to his senses. He immediately opened the door of the business Benz and stood on the leather seat. Opened the location.

"It's a coincidence. You won't charge me the fare, right?" Lin Nian also looked a little surprised.

"You're so talkative, let's get in the car." Su Xiaoqiang rolled her eyes at him.

Lin Nian smiled and got into the car. The upright little goddess sitting beside him also sat down. The car door closed, leaving only the warmth all over his body and the fragrance of coffee tree flowers beside him.

The air conditioner in the car was turned on at a low level, and the window on Su Xiaoqiang's side was opened a crack, and the cold wind blew in from the outside. Only then did Lin Nian notice how Su Xiaoqiang was dressed today, with a little light makeup on her face and a red velvet covering her body. A woolen coat, lined with a thin white woolen sweater, light blue jeans revealing a section of white ankles, and white sneakers on her feet.

This outfit was very eye-catching but also a little hot. Lin Nian simply opened the windows on his side of the car. Although it was only half-step into spring, turning on the air conditioner still might cover the heat rash. , most girls’ skin nowadays is still quite delicate.

There was silence in the car with the windows opened. The driver of the business Mercedes-Benz was specially hired by Su Xiaoqiang's family and naturally he would not initiate the conversation. Su Xiaoqiang and Lin Nian were sitting side by side in the back seat, with a small gap in between. Without speaking first, the only sound that could be heard was the howling of the cold wind outside the window.

Lin Nian turned his head and looked at the fleeting scenery outside the car, as if he was watching flowers at night.

There was a poet named Meng Jiao in the Tang Dynasty who wrote a poem: "You are so proud of the spring breeze that your horse's hoofs are broken and you see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day." This is actually what he means in the current situation. In ancient times, it was almost worth it to replace a Mercedes-Benz with a sweat-blooded BMW. , Su Xiaoqiang beside her is wearing light makeup today, isn’t it considered a bud blooming in spring?

If it were any other boy sitting here, he would probably feel excited smelling the girl's fragrance, but Lin Nian didn't feel that way. On the contrary, he felt a little embarrassed.

It's not that he hates Su Xiaoqiang, Su Xiaoqiang is a very nice person, and he has no reason to bother her. What he doesn't like is her relationship with Su Xiaoqiang. His relationship with Su Xiaoqiang has been very strange since the beginning of school.

"Thank you." Lin Nian suddenly broke the silence.

"Thank you for what?" Su Xiaoqiang answered quickly.

"Didn't you invite Lu Mingfei to dinner? Let me thank you for him." Lin Nian rubbed the sides of his fingers and said.

"And you, my group said that I will pay for the meal for you two tonight." Su Xiaoqiang said.

"I'm fine. I earned some money from working, and it's enough for a meal." Lin Nian patted the right pocket of his clothes.

"It's okay. I already told you that I'm treating you to a treat. Why don't you pay for it so that people won't laugh at me?" Su Xiaoqiang looked particularly heroic.

Lin Nian was silent for a while and raised his head to take a look at Su Xiaoqiang through the rearview mirror. Unexpectedly, he met her eyes directly in the rearview mirror. The two eyes only crossed each other for a moment and then separated immediately. Lin Nian immediately said with a smile. : "Sometimes I always want to call you brother."

"What?" Su Xiaoqiang didn't react and turned around to look at Lin Nian with some hesitation: "Are you trying to say that I am very manly?"

"No, have you read Water Margin? The Liangshan heroes in it all call the righteous people brother, and you are the most righteous in our class." Lin Nian laughed after finishing speaking.

Su Xiaoqiang was startled for a moment and then smiled. She subconsciously raised her hand to pat Lin Nian's arm, but she put her hand down politely when she raised it halfway and just sat in her seat and smiled.

A moderate joke was able to melt away the embarrassment in the car, and Su Xiaoqiang finally chatted with Lin Nian harmoniously. The topics among high school students were not limited. The topics they talked about were very complicated, and they might be on the list. One moment they were chatting about national affairs in a decent manner, and the next second they suddenly whispered that which teacher was a bitch and had to correct their winter vacation homework one by one.

Su Xiaoqiang likes to talk about her family's affairs most when chatting. Because of her family background, she always has a lot of trivial stories to tell. Just now she said that a worker from a certain mine went to her house to cause trouble because of a work injury, and she still had a knife in her hand, but not yet. Halfway through, he was stopped by his father's bodyguard and sent to the police station. When they caught him, every worker's eyes were red, which was scary to a thief.

Now we are talking about the real estate problem this year. The value of coal mines has depreciated. My father has lost his temper. However, things have taken twists and turns. Due to the international situation, the value of manganese ore and iron ore has increased again. The coal mine has made up for the loss in a short time, and even made more money. three times.

Therefore, there are very few girls in Shilan Middle School who like to chat with Su Xiaoqiang. Everyone is talking about Burberry's windbreakers, Dior's perfumes, and La Prairie's cosmetics. Su Xiaoqiang keeps talking about mines and things in the company, and the topic suddenly stops talking. Went down.

Therefore, the name of Little Heavenly Girl actually has such a meaning in it. A few people secretly scolded her and said that she was a KY. People who have a mine at home are indeed different. Sitting on the mine is like sitting in the sky.

In the car, Su Xiaoqiang talked about herself in detail. Lin Nian did not interrupt her and just listened quietly with a calm and patient smile on his face.

Su Xiaoqiang talked a lot, mostly about herself. Every time she said something, she looked at Lin Nian. Lin Nian could see that she seemed a little worried that she was annoyed, but he kept all her emotions in check. A little bit revealed. He has always been a good listener and does not express opinions, but always acts as if I am listening.

In fact, it stands to reason that the maverick little goddess will not have such emotions. She doesn't like Chen Wenwen, who is sad about spring and autumn. If it were Chen Wenwen, who is delicate and thoughtful, she would probably ask softly now: "Don't you think I'm annoying?" ?

So why would Lin Nian find Su Xiaoqiang troubled? A girl brought a box with toys hidden at home in front of you. It contained the things she was most proud of. She placed the toys in front of you one by one as if to show off. , but the emotion hidden in it is actually more like, look, I have so many fun things, can you play with me?

If it were someone else, they would probably nod heartlessly and say yes, yes, yes, but Lin Nian was different. He couldn't say it. As for the reason, he didn't know why. He just felt that they were not suitable, just not suitable.

Lin Nian thought a lot during the business trip. He always said less than what he thought in his heart. Looking at Su Xiaoqiang, he thought that the friends around her probably thought she was showing off by saying this, right? So he kept a distance from her, who was above her. Few people could see the hidden emotions in her heart. He could see it, so Su Xiaoqiang liked chatting with him the most.

Su Xiaoqiang was one of Lin Nian's few memories of this city. She was the only one in school who was willing to pester Lin Nian to tell her many trivial things. Thinking about it this way, most of the scenes in the two years of high school were actually there. The face of the little goddess appeared on them, running from here to there, shouting her name.

Suddenly, Lin Nian remembered what Mandy said accidentally this morning. She said that once he accepted the olive branch of Kassel College, he would say goodbye to his previous life forever.

Isn’t life made up of the people and things you meet? Saying goodbye to life forever means saying goodbye to Su Xiaoqiang and classmates in Shilanli forever?

But the ticket to Kassel College was to Chicago, not to the crematorium, so how could we say goodbye forever?

"Is there something on my face?" Su Xiaoqiang noticed that Lin Nian was staring at his face intently, and subconsciously turned sideways and took out a small mirror from his bag.

"No, I'm sorry, I was just in a daze." Lin Nian came to his senses and apologized proactively. It was not polite to be in a daze while others were talking.

The business Benz suddenly stopped, and the driver turned around and whispered: "We're here."

Su Xiaoqiang opened the car door and got out of the car, followed by Lin Nian. The car was parked in front of a hot pot restaurant called "Jianghu Flavor". The spicy smell mixed in the night wind made everyone feel energetic.

There were several classmates chatting and waiting at the entrance of the hot pot restaurant. When they saw Lin Nian and Su Xiaoqiang getting out of the car together, they started to boo. Su Xiaoqiang was very generous. He walked over and slapped the backs of the heads of the brats who yelled the loudest. , and immediately started playing with a few girls. The girls gathered her up like flowers, and she peeked at Lin Nian from time to time in the crowd, glowing like a sunflower.

Lin Nian stood there and looked up at the four LED signs of the hot pot restaurant Jianghu Flavor. The red light was bright and dazzling. For some reason, he always felt that there was a murderous smell in the smell of chili peppers. If he went in to eat hot pot later, someone would not throw a cup to him. Will the three hundred axemen rush out and chop him into mincemeat?

Before I thought too much, a group of boys gathered around and squeezed into the hot pot restaurant together with joy. If this was really the Hongmen Banquet, they would have to go now if they didn't want to go.

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