The water flowed through his chest and he felt a slight coolness, but this coolness did not take away the heavy pressure that made him breathless. Lu Mingfei opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was a tree a few centimeters away. The tip of the rusty steel bar inserted into his pupils.

It seems, not dead.

"Cough cough cough -" Lu Mingfei turned his head to avoid the sharp end of the steel bar and coughed twice. The heavy stone slab he was pressing on vibrated and dropped dust, which made his respiratory tract full of dust and discomfort.

He turned around to look at his situation and found that he was stuck in the ditch from the chest up, and the lower part was pressed against the road sill by stone slabs, almost becoming a guillotine.

"Su Xiaoqiang! Su Xiaoqiang?" Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and yelled a few words, but it was dark and no one responded to him.

There was silence in the sewer, except for the sound of running water washing away gravel.

Lu Mingfei wanted to move out slowly, but as soon as he moved, he felt severe pain in his abdomen, which made him stop instantly. He lowered his jaw as low as possible to peek through the gap, and found that there was a steel bar completely penetrated through the stone slab. on his abdomen.

The location of this wound may be that a kidney is missing.

"Ah." Lu Mingfei was quite irritated, looked up and sighed helplessly, and then calmed down.

After a few seconds of silence, he placed his hands on the stone slab in front of his chest, closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing. When he opened it again, his pupils were as hot as fire, and his flat palms instantly clenched his fists and smashed the stone slab with almost zero distance. Cracked and shattered.

Lu Mingfei climbed up from the huge pile of dust and shook off the gravel and water stains on his body. He lowered his head and glanced at the steel bar connected to the stones on his abdomen. He grabbed the middle part of the steel bar, closed his eyes and exhaled, then exerted force suddenly. With a pull, the blood spurted onto the dust on the ground and was sucked dry.

"Hiss-hoo-" Lu Mingfei's face turned pale, and his whole body was shaking with pain. The adrenaline had faded during the period of coma. Without these secretions to numb the pain, it would really be life-threatening.

He covered the wound while urging the blood to heal itself, picked up the lust in the ditch that had not been washed away due to its weight, and looked around at the dark collapsed tunnel. Everything as far as the eye can see is piles of rubble. The sewer is no different from what it was after a major earthquake. Another small earthquake will probably completely collapse the place.

"Su Xiaoqiang! Are you still alive? Just make a sound if you are still alive!" He yelled with all his strength, resisting the pain in his abdomen when he yelled, and his voice echoed in the sewer.

The storm just passed by completely stunned him. At the moment of the disaster, he wanted to catch Su Xiaoqiang, but his hands and feet were still not quick enough and he was a step slower. Later, even when he was involved in the airflow, he tried to catch Su Xiaoqiang. He grabbed the opponent in the air, but now it seems to have failed.

After shouting in pain, there was no response, which made Lu Mingfei a little angry and anxious. Although the accident was too sudden and he was not at fault, but after all, Su Xiaoqiang was lost in his own hands. How could he explain to Lin Nian like this?

"Don't worry, don't worry, she may have just fainted. That girl has always been blessed with great fortune. She can't end up in a place like this for no reason." Lu Mingfei said to himself to comfort himself, and he shook his head He slapped himself several times, forgetting that there was still blood on his hands and abdomen, resulting in bloody fingerprints all over his face, but he also succeeded in calming himself down.

Think about what Lin Nian would do, think about what Lin Nian would do.

After Lu Mingfei pondered for a moment, he knelt down directly - not to pray to gods or anything on the spot, but to put his ears to the ground and listen carefully to all the movements in the sewer where the sound of water echoed.

The wound in the abdomen healed very slowly. Sometimes pain can make people concentrate more. Lu Mingfei slowly filtered the noise coming into his ears, like peeling off cocoons among thousands of strands. Gradually, he captured To a repetitive, monotonous heartbeat.

"Still alive, still alive." Lu Mingfei opened his eyes, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, ignored the injury on his abdomen, and quickly ran towards the source of the heartbeat - the triangular pile of rocks directly above the previous section of the canal. heap.

After clearing away the pile of rubble bit by bit, Lu Mingfei pulled down the two largest stone slabs and saw Su Xiaoqiang lying in the deepest section of the ditch at a glance. He was lying flat on his back in the ditch with only his face above the water. This drainage ditch If the water were deeper, I'm afraid this girl could be drowned here.

"You are blessed with great fortune." Lu Mingfei saw at a glance that these piles of rocks, far from threatening Su Xiaoqiang's safety, actually protected her when the crisis came. She should have fallen directly into it when she was swept by the storm. He fell into the drainage channel and passed out. Two thick stone slabs fell from the left and right sides to form a fairly stable triangular structure. The rest of the piles of rubble buried on top only strengthened the structure to make it more stable and not affected by the aftermath. .

Compared with Lu Mingfei, who is missing a waist directly, Su Xiaoqiang probably has the most bruises on his body. There is something wrong with the shape of his left arm. It should be dislocated, but the possibility of fracture cannot be ruled out, but the dislocation definitely means that he did not run away. , if there is a fracture, it depends on what type of fracture it is and whether it is serious or not.

Lu Mingfei knelt down and patted Su Xiaoqiang's face, but found that it was of no use, so he followed the awakening technique taught by the teacher in the battlefield first aid class and started to pinch Renzhong and pull her eyes and face, and then poured some water on her face. , I tried all kinds of methods to flutter my eyelashes and react to wake up.

Su Xiaoqiang opened his eyes and saw Lu Mingfei's sneaky look. He coughed violently several times before he could speak. He sat up and retched several times.

Lu Mingfei thought to himself, "Isn't it too insulting for you to retching when you open your eyes and see me?" It turned out that Su Xiaoqiang kept retching and gradually vomited out bloody stomach acid, so he knew something was wrong. This meant that his internal organs were injured.

"I should be fine." Su Xiaoqiang predicted what Lu Mingfei wanted to say and blocked his mouth in advance. When he wanted to raise his hand to wipe the corners of his mouth, he realized that he could no longer use his left hand.

"It's okay? You're not dead, right? You're not dead now. It won't be a problem if you keep your head down." Lu Mingfei complained and knelt down to look at the injury on Su Xiaoqiang's arm. He squeezed the bone and found that it seemed to be just an ordinary injury. After being dislocated, he swung calmly and pumped the dislocated bones and the other party's cold sweat into the water of the ditch.

"I didn't expect you to have this hand." Su Xiaoqiang gently moved the restored arm. Although it was still very painful and the dislocated area was obviously swollen due to time, at least she could move freely now. If she wanted to It's really troublesome to recover by yourself, "What's going on now?"

"Who are you asking me?" Lu Mingfei looked around. There was no way to identify the ruins of the sewer. The dead waiters were silent and the entire army was annihilated in the previous turmoil.

Yan Ling·He Tu.

So what kind of power can be so overbearing and unreasonable? Could Zhao Xuansheng be the secret weapon secretly sent by Orthodoxy to the Nibelungen to attack the Dragon King?

Even though Lu Mingfei was full of doubts, he had to wait until he met the other person again to get answers. But to be honest, he really didn't want to meet that guy again. The construction of Lunar Eclipse was also slow enough. Simply building that word spirit The speed is comparable to that of completely constructing someone else's whole body. If he really encounters a move, whether he can hold on until the construction is completed is a question.

"By the way, your phone." Su Xiaoqiang suddenly touched his pocket, but the phone he finally took out was broken. The circuit board and chip were almost soaked in water, not to mention trying to light up the screen again.

"How about you give it a try?" Su Xiaoqiang hesitated and handed the phone to Lu Mingfei.

"Who do you think I am? Professor Utanion or Dr. Ali? No matter who comes, this thing won't work." Lu Mingfei fiddled with the phone and found that it was completely rotten, so he could only throw it into the ditch and sink it. end.

It is true that sometimes he can open some small cheats, but such things must be done according to the basic law. Moreover, things like map hanging do not strictly require hardware as a carrier.

Lu Mingfei looked back at the dilapidated sewer channel where he couldn't tell the front and rear positions. He glanced at Su Xiaoqiang, shook his head and sighed, and then slowly and quietly recited the words that belonged to him under her gaze:


Complex patterns appeared in his golden pupils, constantly changing on the retina, and finally the combination was finalized.

Su Xiaoqiang had never played "StarCraft", so she didn't know that this was a cheat code for the game, but as a word spirit, the chant words were in pure English, which was incredible enough, completely subverting what she had repeatedly chewed on "Word Spirit Science" The obscure content sucks.

Is this why Lin Nian trusts Lu Mingfei so much? So when he was at Shilan High School, Lin Nian had already seen clearly that Lu Mingfei and he were the same kind of people, so the two were so inseparable that she felt uncomfortable.

Su Xiaoqiang patted his cheek and shook his head to wake himself up.

"Does this count as the arrival of Ji Tai?" After Lu Mingfei finished reciting his exclusive words, he suddenly turned to look in the direction of the passage behind them, "The exit is very close to us, so it dragged us to the end. ?”

Su Xiaoqiang climbed up from the ditch, feeling pain all over her body as if she had been beaten severely, but she could only hold on to the discomfort and Lu Mingfei supported each other and walked forward in the direction he pointed.

She could tell that Lu Mingfei was not in a good condition. In addition to missing a waist in his abdomen, this guy also had a lot of trauma to his internal organs and bones. Now he was only supported by violent blood. Violent blood does not burn blood. Features have won too much.

As she walked, she could hear Lu Mingfei muttering, "Just wait. I'll take care of you when Lin Nian comes." or something like that.

Okay, you are more like Lin Nian's girlfriend than me, the kind who has been wronged... I don't want to compare myself to you.

After walking and walking for a while, Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang finally found an entrance to the corridor. Lu Mingfei was afraid of an ambush and carefully stood in the entrance and poked his head inside to observe. He did not dare to take Su Xiaoqiang away until he was sure that there was no danger inside. Got in.

There were no lights or any illumination in the corridor. Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang walked in tandem, putting their hands on their shoulders to avoid getting lost. After walking on a long straight road, they started to go downhill. When they were tired, Su Xiaoqiang patted them. Lu Mingfei's shoulder signaled him to stop and take a rest. When he had rested enough, he patted him twice and stood up and continued walking.

By now they were almost exhausted. They didn't have the energy to discuss the issue about Zhao Xinsheng that had arisen before. Now any more words were squeezing their energy.

Su Xiaoqiang was suffering from all kinds of minor injuries on her body, and aside from the little paradoxical abilities that appeared on her body, the emperor could only give her some protection under the rules of the emperor's game, such as unexpected factors like Zhao Xinsheng. The danger caused could really kill her at any time, so does Zhao Xinsheng's appearance not be part of the emperor's plan? Can she be the key to breaking the situation?

Constantly organizing their thoughts and connecting clues in their heads, Su Xiaoqiang and Lu Mingfei finally saw the light in this endless downhill road. Since they had been trekking in the darkness for too long, they both couldn't help but raise their hands when they walked into the light. I covered my eyes, and after I got used to it, I took a closer look and found a platform outside. It was as old and empty as all the previous platforms. There was a transfer reminder of "Line 7-Line 8" posted on the pillar.

"Wait, is this the platform for Line 8?" Lu Mingfei rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw it correctly. There was indeed a transfer reminder posted on the platform's pillar.

The line for playing Texas Hold'em poker is line 5. The Deadpool wave in the "Left 4 Dead" version is line 6. So logically speaking, those who pass line 6 should go directly to the platform of line 6 and transfer to line 7. , and then took the subway station to Line 7. Why did they suddenly reach the platform for Line 8? Line 7 was just skipped?

Could it be that the storm just now accidentally blew them into some hidden passage? Just like "Super Mario", there is a level skip?

Is Ji Tai really here? Now.

Lu Mingfei was overjoyed and staggered forward two steps.

"This is indeed the platform for Line 8. As for the content of Line 7, I can only say that skipping such a good thing is not in vain. Of course, except for the backdoor players around you, if she walks alone, she might actually be able to find it. Hidden routes and stuff.”

A woman's voice sounded leisurely very close to Lu Mingfei.

Lu Mingfei suddenly waved his hand to protect Su Xiaoqiang behind him, and reached out to touch the lust on the lower back, but found nothing.

He suddenly raised his head and saw a tall, beautiful blond woman wearing a dark blue denim jacket leaning against the wall, playing with the dark golden ribs in her hand, and her golden eyes covered by slightly curly hair on the edge of the corridor exit. He looked at the two disgraced refugee duo, Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang, with interest.

"Why is it you?" Lu Mingfei recognized this guy at a glance, with a strange look in his eyes.

"It's you!" Su Xiaoqiang also recognized this person.

Lu Mingfei glanced at Su Xiaoqiang subconsciously. He really didn't know that she had ever met Mandy Gonzalez, a cheater.

He actually met the legendary "Lin Nian's scandalous senior sister" at the South Railway Station. He was almost tricked to death by this woman that time. He was deeply impressed... The women around Lin Nian were not fuel-efficient. lamp.

But how did Su Xiaoqiang know her? Have you ever picked up gossip on the Night Watch Forum? Shouldn’t those gossips have been blocked by Norma’s precise keywords after Mandy Gonzalez was confirmed to have defected? The rest of the files are probably on the Enforcement Department's global wanted list.

"It's her, it's her, it's her, it's her, that shameless little bastard." Faced with the same reactions and different attitudes of Su Xiaoqiang and Lu Mingfei, Mandy Gonzalez sang quite self-deprecatingly humorously He said, "I really didn't expect you guys to get here so quickly, but why are there just the two of you, my junior brother?"

"Your junior brother?" Su Xiaoqiang suddenly made a questioning voice.

Lu Mingfei suddenly felt something in his heart and realized that something was not right about the situation.

It’s bad, it’s bad, it’s bad, the ex and the current person bumped into each other in private.

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